


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Otautau Community Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 2 June 2016


Southland District Council Office

176 Main Street, Otautau


Otautau Community Board Agenda









Andre' Bekhuis


Deputy Chairperson

Tony Vincent



Ken Davidson



Peter Gutsell



Peter Herrick



Amber Joyce



Stuart Baird





Community Engineer

Greg Erskine


Committee Advisor

Alyson Hamilton





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Community Boards


This Community Board is a statutory body with delegated responsibility from Southland District Council. The board members are elected to represent their community and advocate on behalf of their community.


It can make decisions on:


·                     Tenders for leases of land and buildings within its area up to $10,000. For tenders above that value, the board can make a recommendation to either the Group Manager Services and Assets or Council’s Activities Performance Audit Committee.

·                     Managing local halls and cemeteries

·                     Managing reserves, plantings, drainage, footpaths, street lighting, camping grounds, wharves, jetties, lakeshores and slipways, litter control

·                     Stewart Island – governance of the Stewart Island Electrical Supply Authority

·                     Te Anau – management of the Te Anau Airport Manapouri


It can make recommendations to Council on:


·                     Estimates, traffic management, roading, recreation, elderly persons’ housing, noxious plants control, pest destruction control, temporary road closures, local civil defence, local welfare, waste management, economic development, resource consent applications which are referred to the board for feedback, toilets and local assets.


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE



1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Action Sheet                                                                                                                 15

7.2       Works and Finance Report to Otautau Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016                                                                                                                               19

7.3       Alex McKenzie Park - Arboretum                                                                              29

7.4       Tennis Courts - Holt Park                                                                                           31

7.5       Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy                                                                    33

7.6       Remuneration for Chairs and Members of Community Boards                            43

7.7       Venture Southland Update on Community Development Initiatives in Otautau and the Waiau Aparima Ward                                                                                                   45


8.1       Areas of Responsibilities

            The following is a list of portfolios held by each Member;


§ Works

Member Davidson

§ Parks & Reserves

Member Herrick

§ Cemeteries

Member Gutsell

§ Hall

Member Gutsell

§ Community Housing

Member Vincent

§ Emergency Management

Member Vincent

§ Promotions

Member Joyce

§ Alex McKenzie Arboretum Trust

Member Davidson


8.2       Chairman's Report

The Chairman, Member Bekhuis, to report on matters with which he has been involved since the Board’s last meeting.


8.3       Councillor's Report

Councillor Baird to report on matters with which he has been involved since the Board’s last meeting.

1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)         the reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)        the reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)       that item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)       no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Meeting minutes of Otautau Community Board, 21 April 2016




Otautau Community Board






Minutes of a meeting of Otautau Community Board held in the Southland District Council Office, 176 Main Street, Otautau on Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 2pm.





Andre' Bekhuis


Deputy Chairperson

Tony Vincent



Ken Davidson



Peter Gutsell



Peter Herrick



Stuart Baird





Team Leader, Governance

Chris Dolan


Community Engineer

Greg Erskine


Governance Advisor

Alyson Hamilton


Community Partnership Leader

Kelly Tagg





Briar Babington





1          Apologies


            Apology for non-attendance was lodged by Member Joyce.


Moved Member Herrick, seconded Member Vincent and resolved:

That the apology for non-attendance lodged by Member Joyce be sustained.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence received.


3          Conflict of Interest


There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


There were no persons seeking speaking rights in the Public Forum section of the meeting.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items


Moved Member Davidson, seconded Cr Baird and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board consider the following item as a matter of urgent business in order that a decision can be made before the next ordinary meeting, subject to Section 46A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

Item 1:  Otautau Combined Sports Complex Inc - purchase of chairs and tables


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Member Davidson, seconded Member Herrick  and resolved:

That the minutes of Otautau Community Board, held on 10 March 2016 be confirmed as a true and correct record.





Action Sheet

Record No:         R/16/4/5525


1          The Action Sheet from the Board’s last meeting is circulated for Members’ information.

Issues arising from the Action Sheet included:


Holt Park Camping Ground Upgrade


The meeting was informed the Business Plan has been completed and is waiting for the sign-off from Ian Marshall Group Manager, Services & Assets.

The meeting noted this project has been referred to the Community Partnership Leader to pursue.

Transfer Station Open Day


The Community Engineer advised that following consultation with Bond Contracts in regards to disposal of the rubbish for the open day the preferred option is to collect the “rubbish” in a central area within the township, load it and truck directly to AB Lime at Kings Bend, which he added would be cheaper for the Community Board.


Mr Erskine informed of limited space at the Otautau Transfer Station if there was a large turnout of the public.


Member Herrick suggested a central area could be the railway yard, Members concurred with Member Herrick’s suggestion.


Following discussion the Board agreed that the collection area be limited to within the Otautau Township boundary with a note being forwarded to the elderly residents advising arrangements are in hand for their refuse pick-up and that the preferred date being late July or early August 2016.


It was further agreed that staff arrange for appropriate flyers to be distributed around the township with details to be arranged by staff including confirmation of the date.


Holt Park Forestry


The Board request the Community Engineer arrange for the Forestry Consultant IFS, to meet with the Board onsite at Holt Park prior to the next meeting of the Board.




The Community Engineer was requested to supply costings of a proposed gravel pathway extending from the Main Street to the Arboretum at approximately 1.5 metres wide and report on such costs to the Board at its next meeting.


Otautau Town Hall Disposal


The Chair reported on a meeting with the Kevin McNaught, Strategic Property Manager and Member Gutsell on the progress concerning the disposal of the Town Hall.


The Chair advised the tender document has been prepared and tenders are to be called in due course.


The Chair requested the tender documents be circulated to all Members for their interest. Staff to arrange accordingly.


The Chair raised the issue of the materials still to be removed from the town hall which included; cabinets, curtains, stainless steel benches and seating etc.


He added that it is intended to utilize most of these materials at the proposed camping ground.



Member Davidson suggested that the items be placed in storage in the former toilets/changing sheds at Holt Park until required.


The Board in discussing Member Davidson’s suggestion considered whether the items remain in the Hall untill the tender documentation is available or whether they are they are placed in storage.


Members were informed that prior to the tender documents being made public all items that the Board wish to retain are required to be removed from the Hall.


It was agreed that the items the Board wish to retain be placed in storage prior to the tender date.


Members discussed the sale of the “theatre” seating suggesting that the preferred option for disposal of the seats would be as a whole as opposed to splitting the seating, which could be difficult due to the style of the seating.


The Chair advised that in regards to the sale of the seating no results were received from Trade Me.


Member Herrick pointed out that Richardson HW Group Limited has submitted an offer for the purchase of the seats as a whole, at $20.00 per seat, which totalled $2,000.


The meeting agreed that due to no further offers being received the offer from the Richardson HW Group Limited be accepted, with the proviso that the Group arrange removal of the seating and that the Richardson HW Group Limited acknowledge the acquired seating by way a plaque stating its origins.





Moved Member Davidson, seconded Member Vincent  and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board:

a)            Receives the report titled “Action Sheet” dated 14 April 2016.


b)           Accept the offer from the Richardson HW Group Limited for $2,000 for the purchase of the theatre seating from the Town Hall subject to Member Herrick making the necessary inquires to ascertain if the offer from the Richardson HW Group Limited is still current.



Works and Finance Report to Otautau Community Board for the period ended 31 March 2016

Record No:         R/16/4/5247


The Works and Finance Report prepared by Mr Greg Erskine (Community Engineer) for the period ending 31 March 2016, was tabled.


Issues arising included;


    Edge sealing on the Main Street has been attended to.

    During the past month all the streets have had the roadmarking renewed.

    A review of the standards for edgelines by the roading team has indicated that        several lines in Otautau needed to be re-instated to provide continuity and        delineation between the vehicle lane and parking areas.

    At the reshaped BMX track, crusher dust has been laid on the clay track to        provide and all weather surface. 

    Footpath repairs have been completed to the value of $25K across the Township.

    Spraying is to be undertaken around the skatepark area.


    A request has been submitted for as-built-plan at Centennial Park highlighting the sewerage line and power cable situated adjacent the toilets to the cenotaph for future reference for contractors wishing to undertake maintenance work in this area.




Moved Member Gutsell, seconded Member Vincent  and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Otautau Community Board for the period ended 31 March 2016” dated 12 April 2016.



Otautau Bowling Club Lease

Record No:         R/16/3/4398


Report by Virginia Dillon seeking Board approval for the issuing of a lease to the Otautau Bowling Club Incorporated over Council recreation reserve located at 20 Rye Street, Otautau was tabled.

2        Mrs Dillon advised the lease to the Otautau Bowling Club Incorporated over the recreation reserve at 20 Rye Street, Otautau expired on 31 March 2014.

3        Mrs Dillon explained the reason for the delay in entering into a new lease was due to the fact that the Club management was changing.


Members noted the Club has indicated that it wishes to enter into a renewal lease and accepted the draft lease as presented to the committee and circulated for Members information.





Moved Member Gutsell, seconded Member Herrick  and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board:

a)            Receives the report titled “Otautau Bowling Club Lease” dated 14 April 2016.


b)            Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.


c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         i)       Determines that a lease of Council recreation reserve at 20 Rye Street, Otautau being Sections 41 and 42, Block II, Town of Otautau be issued to the Otautau Bowling Club for a term of 25 years from 1 April 2014.

ii)      Approves the draft lease to the Otautau Bowling Club Incorporated as presented to the meeting.

   iii)     Determines that the annual rental payable by the Otautau Bowling Club Incorporated be set at $100 plus GST for the five year term commencing 1 April 2014.



Bylaw Review Process

Record No:         R/16/4/5205


Report by Tamara Dytor, Policy Analyst, advising Council will be reviewing three bylaws in 2016; the Cemetery Bylaw 2006, the Keeping of Animals, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2010 and the Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2008, was tabled.


Members noted the timeline outlining key milestones in the process of the review and details the approach to public engagement.




Moved Member Herrick, seconded Member Vincent  and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Bylaw Review Process” dated 12 April 2016.



Community Partnership Leader - Overview of role

Record No:         R/16/4/5090


Report by Kelly Tagg, Community Partnership Leader, Northern and Western Southland, providing an update on the newly established Community Partnership positions and the role they will have in the community, was tabled.


Mrs Tagg gave an overview of her role highlighting the areas with which she will be involved and clarifying how her role will lead Community Boards and CDA’s into a broader scope of community involvement and align community initiatives to a district and regional approach.




Moved Member Vincent, seconded Member Gutsell  and resolved:

That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Community Partnership Leader - Overview of role” dated 7 April 2016.





Chairman's Report.


The Chairperson, Member Bekhuis, reported on activities with which he has been involved since the Board’s last meeting. These included;


§  Attendance at the Chairperson’s meeting recently held at the Invercargill office.


§  Upgrade of signage situated at the Plunket Rooms.


§  Meeting with Kevin McNaught (Strategic Manager Property) regarding the Town Hall disposal.


Members congratulated Member Davidson on his recently receiving the Queens Service Medal (QSM) for his contribution to the Otautau Community.


Mr Davidson advised it was a great experience and appreciated that all his family attended the ceremony.


Member Bekhuis suggested Member Davidson carry the wreath for Anzac Day in honour of receiving this award.


The Board concurred with this suggestion and Mr Davidson agreed to lay the wreath on behalf of the Board.



Areas of Responsibilities



    Holt Park to be mole ploughed in the spring.


Parks & Reserves

    A request was made to the mowing contractor for one last mow of Holt Park prior to the rugby season commencing.


    The meeting was informed that funds held in the AD McIvor Trust as at 31 March 2016 amounted to $27,500. The amount available for distribution at this point is approximately $4,000 - $5,000.


       The Board was advised that these funds are available for capital projects at Holt        Park and the Trust is administered by the Perpetual Guardian in Dunedin.



    Minor maintenance work has been undertaken to the cemetery and war memorials in preparation for ANZAC Day.


Emergency Management

    Member Vincent reported on a recent training session held in Otautau with representatives of the Emergency Management team being in attendance.



Councillor's Report


Councillor Baird reported on matters from the District Council table. These included;


    Demolition of Taramea Bay Soundshell situated in Riverton.

    Community Conversations meeting to be held at Tuatapere.

    Riverton water supply upgrade.

Extraordinary/Urgent Items



Otautau Combined Sports Complex Inc - purchase of chairs and tables


Communication from the Society enquiring if the Board would consider selling the trestles and chairs that are stored at the complex, was tabled.

Members sought further information from staff prior to making a decision on this issue.



Moved Member Davidson, seconded Cr Baird  and resolved:

That the communication from the Otautau Combined Sports Complex be received and referred to staff for a report to be presented to the Board at its next meeting.



The meeting concluded at 3.30pm.               CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Otautau Community Board HELD ON 21 APRIL 2016











Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Action Sheet

Record No:        R/16/5/7807

Author:                 Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        The Action sheet from the Board’s previous meetings is circulated for Members’ information.




That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet” dated 24 May 2016.




a         Otautau Community Board - InfoCouncil Action Sheet - 2 June 2016 View    


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016



Otautau Community Board Action Sheet - Excluding Public Excluded







Open Action Items








Due Date



Kelly Tagg


Venture Southland Report to Otautau Community Board - Holt Park Camping Ground Upgrade

Business Plan has been completed provisional sign-off from Ian Marshall, Group Manager, Services & Assets. Plans with quantity surveyor for estimate and tender documents.

Greg Erskine


Transfer Station - Open Day

Requests open-day be planned for late July early August. The Community Engineer to arrange;


§ Central collection area being the railway yards – permission to be obtained from the owners

§ Arrange for availability of trucks for transferring refuse to the land-fill

§ Arrange a flyer drop advising the public of the date

§ Arrange for elderly residents being advised of their refuse pick-up

§ Arrange for local group to collect the elderly residents refuse

Greg Erskine



Requests the Community Engineer arrange spraying of the Bowling Club carpark and the walking track.


SouthRoads/Task Force to undertake this work.


Change of Contractor to Booths, spraying to be undertaken in suitable weather.

Greg Erskine


Holt Park Forestry

Community Engineer to obtain quotes for the trimming of the forestry block.


Board requests to meet IFS Consultant onsite prior to the next meeting of the Board.


Forestry Consultant IFS to attend the next meeting of the Community Board.

Greg Erskine



Board requests costings of a proposed gravel pathway 1.5 metres wide extending from the Main Street to the Arboretum.


Community Engineer is undertaking a comparison with a similar project at Riversdale (cost $80k).

Roy Clearwater


Request from Otautau School - Pedestrian Crossing

•Mr McCallum advises the Roading Department has been approached by several schools wanting variable speed limits within the Southland District.


Staff are working towards putting a plan together regarding speed limits for school zones located within the District.


A prioritization chart to compare Southland schools based upon roll count, speed road classification etc has been completed.  From this chart Rimu School ranked highest which was backed up from a site visit and active warning school signs were installed at Rimu School as a 'trial'.   The signs have now been up a couple of months and their effect on traffic and behaviour is being measured.  The Road Department wishes to have some measurable data/statistics to help justify installing additional signs in the future at other schools (eg like Otautau. From the prioritization chart that was prepared Otautau School is actually ranked 3rd on the list however from an engineering point of view it is probably the next highest risk. The current active school signs will be monitored to ensure they are infact effective and not a hazard in their own right.  Once Council has gathered the above evidence to support installing Active Warning School Signs - then the Roading Engineers will be back out to Otautau school to investigate this site further.

Alyson Hamilton


Theatre Seating

The Board resolves to accept the offer of $2,000 from the HW Richardson Group Limited for the purchase of the theatre seating from the Town Hall subject to Member Herrick making the necessary enquires to ascertain if the offer from the Company is still current.


Member Herrick has advised that the offer put forward by the HW Richardson Group is still current.

Virginia Dillon


Otautau Bowling Club Lease

Board approves the draft lease as outlined in the report.



Otautau Combined Sports Complex

Property Manager advises it is a Board decision re the request from the Sports Complex Committee that the Board consider selling the trestles and chairs that are stored at the complex.

Kevin McNaught


Otautau Town Hall disposal

Disposal will commence once the Board confirms all furniture and fittings have been removed from the Hall.


Tender documents circulated to Members for their information.







Recently Closed Action Items








Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Works and Finance Report to Otautau Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016

Record No:        R/16/5/7146

Author:                 Greg Erskine, Community Engineer

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information



Community Engineer’s Report

1.      Recent work on the BMX track and the reserve off Alderly Street is looking very tidy and a vast improvement on the area that contained more than 20 trees of various conditions.

2.      The new town map has been placed in the vicinity of the plunket and toilet carpark.
This provides a quick overview of the town and amenities and will be a good feature for many years to come.  Thanks to Otautau Promotions for their work on this.



3.      The town hall has had several items removed for the camping ground upgrade, prior to the building going out to tender.  This process could start in the next month or two.

4.      Local plantings that start off as small trees in the road reserve don’t take too many years to grow to the size shown in this photo.  ICC Parks is checking the tree register in the town over the next few months to see the current condition and review what should stay or be trimmed or removed.

Water and Waste Engineer’s Report

5.      The monthly operations reports from Downer are provided to the Committee Advisor as they are published.  They include data on Downer’s district-wide operations activities which is presented on a town by town basis.

6.      For the year to date there has been no unplanned expenditure exceeding the $5,000 threshold.

Financial Considerations

Community Engineer Comments

7.      In the income report, business unit 28934 (378%) includes a grant of $7,500 from the local Plunket group towards the new playground.

8.      In the expenditure report, business unit 28934 (359%) includes expenditure on the new playground.

Development and Financial Contributions

9.      The table below outlines the balances of Development and Financial contributions for your community to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage.  Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met.






10.    Please find the Reserves Report attached.



That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Otautau Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016” dated 24 May 2016.



a         Otautau Project List and Financial Reports, 30 April 2016 View    


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016


Project List

The table below shows all of the projects that are currently planned for Otautau in 2015/2016.  Items in bold and italics are carried over from previous financial years:








Officer’s Comments

Council Buildings/Property

Upgrade camping ground - sewerage connection, new ablution block, new kitchen, new huts and chalets





Stage 1, new ablution block out to tender in May.  Delays due to investigation and design.  Construction to commence in the new financial year.  Carry forward $220,000

Library Services

Otautau Library





Completed Feb 2016

Library Services

Otautau Library





Completed Feb 2016

Parks and Reserves

Township Walking Tracks Project





KiwiRail work completed, fence being moved, new signs installed

Roading and Transport

Footpaths Upgrade





Completed April

Roading and Transport

Footpaths Upgrade





Completed March





Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Alex McKenzie Park - Arboretum

Record No:        R/16/5/7409

Author:                 Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        The purpose of the report is to consider a letter from the Alex McKenzie Memorial Arboretum Trust seeking the Otautau Community Board to support the employment of a paid cleaner for the toilet block situated at the Alex McKenzie Memorial Arboretum.



2        The Trust advises maintenance of the toilet block has been undertaken by a Trust member for seven years and Trustees for the past two years. The Trust feels that due to the area being open to Freedom Camping and the increasing number of Freedom Campers utilising the area the toilets require cleaning on a more regular basis.

3        The Trust suggests including the toilet block in the schedule of the current Township cleaner or to be advertised as a separate vacancy.

4        The Trust advises cleaning time varies from once to twice a week depending on the number of visitors and generally takes around half an hour.

5        The Trust acknowledges that funding of a paid Cleaner would have to come out of the Trust’s annual budget.



That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Alex McKenzie Park - Arboretum” dated 24 May 2016.


b)        Considers the request from the Alex McKenzie Memorial Arboretum Trust to       employ a Cleaner for the toilets at the Arboretum and directs accordingly.




a         Alex McKenzie Park - Arboretum View    


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016



Alex McKenzie Memorial Arboretum

Charitable Trust

To Otautau Community Board

Dear Board Members,

Since the inception of the above Trust in 2007 we have maintained the toilet block consisting of two separate toilets at the Arboretum. For nearly seven years I myself did this, for the last two years they have been maintained by Trustees. Due to the huge increase in visitor numbers, and the fact this area is open to freedom camping, which sees up to eight camper units a night, the Trustees feel the position of cleaner needs now to be a paid one, and be on a more regular basis.

What we hope will come of this, is the cleaner who maintains the inner township area could also be employed to clean at the Arboretum.

Failing that, an advertisement for this position could be included in the News & Views, as a separate vacancy.

We are also aware that the money would have to come out of our Annual Budget, the time it takes is around 30 minutes, from October till May twice a week is usually enough, this may need to be increased depending on visitor numbers, May to October once a week is usually all that’s required.

I have spoken to Kelly Tagg who contacted Greg Erskine in regards to this matter, and it is at Greg’s request I approach the Community Board.

Yours Sincerely,

Sandra McKenzie

Chair Arboretum Trust

Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Tennis Courts - Holt Park

Record No:        R/16/5/7748

Author:                 Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is for the Board to consider the comments from the Otautau Tennis Club relating to the state of the lines at the courts at Holt Park.


2        The Otautau Tennis Club has expressed concern at the state of the tennis court lines especially in view of the fact the lines were repainted just over one year ago.

3        The Club enquires of the Board if it (the Board) considers there is a problem.




That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Tennis Courts - Holt Park” dated 24 May 2016.


b)         That the Board consider the letter from the Otautau Tennis Club and direct accordingly.




a         Otautau Tennis and Netball Courts View    


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016


Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy

Record No:        R/16/4/5655

Author:                 Tamara Dytor, Policy Analyst

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        This report presents the draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy. A recommendation is sought from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees regarding local areas that should be considered for restriction or prohibition of unmanned aerial vehicle use.

Executive Summary

2        Under new rules introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Council can grant or decline consent for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) on property that it owns or controls. The draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Policy sets a framework to allow Council to do this.

3        The draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Policy contains broad conditions which would apply throughout the District. Feedback is requested from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees to determine whether Council should consider prohibition or restriction in specific local areas.



That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy” dated 19 April 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Recommend any local areas that should be considered as restricted or prohibited areas for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.





4        Rules introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) came into effect on 1 August 2015.  The rules require people to obtain Council approval to operate UAVs on public land.

5        The draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy broadly allows for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the District, provided that users comply with conditions within the policy. These conditions exist in addition to those already imposed across New Zealand by the CAA. 

6        The majority of UAV use is likely to occur in Council’s parks, reserves and open spaces.

What is an UAV?


The term UAV covers all electric powered remote controlled model aircraft of the type commonly referred to as “drones” that are capable of vertical take-off and landing and small hand-launched gliders less than a 1.5 metre wing span.  It does not cover the following:

·              Fixed wing electric-powered model aircraft greater than 1 metre wing span.

·              All fixed - winged model aircraft that are internal combustion engine (petrol) powered.

·              Gliders greater than a 1.5 metre wing span and bungee-launched gliders.

·              Single rotor helicopters that are electric powered or internal combustion engine (petrol) powered.

·              Jet powered models.


CAA Regulations


CAA rules apply to all UAV operators throughout New Zealand.  CAA rules Part 101 require 12 key things from UAV operators.  Operators must:

1.         Not operate an UAV 25 kg or larger and always ensure that the UAV is safe to operate;

2.         Take all practicable steps to minimise hazards to persons, property and other aircraft;

3.         Fly only in daylight;

4.         Give way to all crewed aircraft;

5.         Be able to see the UAV with their own eyes;

6.         Not fly higher than 120 metres (400 feet) (unless certain conditions are met);

7.         Have knowledge of airspace restrictions;

8.         Not fly closer than four kilometres from any aerodrome (unless certain conditions are met);

9.         Obtain an air traffic control clearance issued by Airways (when flying in controlled airspace);

10.       Not fly in special use airspace without the permission of the controlling authority of the area (eg, military operating areas, low flying zones, danger areas or restricted areas);

11.       Have consent from anyone you want to fly above;

12.       Have the consent of the property owner or person in charge of the area you want to fly above.

7        Rules are enforceable by the CAA and a breach could result in a fine, a written warning, or prosecution.


Approach taken in the draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy

8        The draft policy nominates some circumstances in which UAV use is not permitted without specific approval from Council. These restrictions apply:

·              Over a sports field if in use by others, or within 50 metres of any organised activity taking place in a reserve or Council controlled open space;

·              Over or above Council owned or controlled cemeteries or formed roads;

·              Over or within 50 metres of other users of open spaces;

·              Over or within 50 metres of any building on Council land or any playground equipment, furniture, swimming pool, or track on a reserve;

·              Within 50 metres of livestock, wildlife or sensitive wildlife habitats; and

·              Within 50 metres of a reserve boundary where residential housing or stock farming adjoins.

9        In addition to these conditions, Community Boards and Community Area Subcommittees are being asked whether there are any local areas that should be considered for restriction or prohibition.

10      Council is keen to ensure that UAV use is appropriate to community needs. There is no benefit in allowing use where it is inappropriate or unsafe. Conversely, there is also no benefit in being unnecessarily restrictive in regards to this recreational activity. 

11      Since the definition of an UAV includes model airplanes, it is important to consider the impact of this policy on existing clubs and associations.

Current use and incidents

12      The extent of UAV use in the Southland District is currently unknown.  No complaints to Council regarding the use of UAVs were identified during the development of this report.  However, across New Zealand the number of incidents reported to the CAA has grown significantly in recent years.  The tables below detail the number of incidents across New Zealand by year and by incident type. 

Total incidents annually


Total incidents



















Number of incidents by incident type

Incident type*

Total incidents

Aviation-related concern


Airspace incident






Grand Total


*Incident definitions

Aviation-related concern:  these are ‘concerns’ relating to aviation safety or securing, and include complaints and allegations about suspected rule breaches, etc. 

Airspace incident:  incidents that involve deviations from airspace rules and procedures (minimum distances for aircraft separation, for example). 

Incident:  a general incident category that covers situations where there is a risk of harm occurring but this does not eventuate.

13     There have been four incidents involving UAVs in the Southland region, one of which was in the Southland District.  Three of these were aviation-related concerns, one was an airspace incident.  The details of each are in the table below: 





Concern UAV flying on farms and potentially causing a hazard to other aircraft in the area. 

Otama Hill Road, Gore


Concern about UAV flying near an airliner and a low flying area.  Referred to the Regulatory Investigations Unit.



Concern that a UAV was flown in close proximity to the airport.



Unauthorised UAV operations 100 metres from the airport.  The operators were two foreign nationals.

Milford Sound

14     To date, 10 enforcement actions have been undertaken by the CAA’s Regulatory Investigations Unit in relation to UAV operations.  Five of these have been written warnings, and five have been infringement notices with fines ranging from $500 to $3,500. 

15      At this stage staff have not identified any complaints to Council regarding the use of UAVs in the Southland District.  To balance the fact that there is not a current significant issue with UAVs and the likelihood of risks in the future, a moderate and proportionate response to manage this issue would be appropriate.  Council also needs to be mindful of existing UAV users such as the Fiordland Cloudbusters Model Aircraft Club, who have operated UAVs to date without any issues. 


16      The CAA has the power to regulate UAV use through mechanisms ranging from warnings to prosecution, depending on the nature of incidents. 

17      CAA officers have indicated that if reported issues are of a serious nature involving the endangerment of people or property or reckless use of UAVs, an investigation with a view towards prosecution would be likely to occur.  For less serious breaches, warnings or infringements are more likely to be considered. 

18      In the event of a breach of the policy, Council staff would report any incident to the CAA.  The incident would be recorded so that the CAA can gather a realistic picture of issues relating to drones and of any operators who breach the rules on multiple occasions.  In the opinion of staff in the CAA investigations team, a Council bylaw would be an unnecessary duplication of existing powers under the CAA Regulatory Enforcement Policy. 

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

19      Council is empowered to adopt a position by CAA rules.  The CAA has power to enforce its rules (including permission and conditions of land owners) using mechanisms ranging from warnings and infringements to prosecutions. 

20      Since there is currently insufficient evidence of a serious issue relating to UAV use in the Southland District a bylaw is not a proportionate response.  Also, enforcement powers of a bylaw largely duplicate enforcement that could be undertaken through CAA legislation.  While Council could state its position through guidelines, staff recommend a policy approach to ensure clarity. 

Community Views

21      This report is part of the process of gathering community views and forming a policy that meets local needs.

Costs and Funding

22      There are no costs associated with implementing an Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy, other than those associated with advertising and consultation. This is because any enforcement action would be referred to the CAA.

Policy Implications

23      If an Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy is adopted, it will be referred to in Council’s Reserves Management Policy. 


Options Considered

24      Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees could:

·              Option 1: Nominate local areas that should be considered for inclusion in the policy as restricted or prohibited areas; or

·              Option 2: Not nominate local areas that should be considered for inclusion in the policy as restricted or prohibited areas.

Analysis of Options

Option 1 – Nominate local areas that should be considered for inclusion in the policy as restricted or prohibited areas.



·        Responds to any circumstances or requirements specific to local communities.

·        It is important for recommendations not to be unnecessarily restrictive because Council’s general proposed approach is broadly permissive.


Option 2 – Not nominate local areas that should be considered for inclusion in the policy as restricted or prohibited areas.



·        Provides a clear, fair and consistent approach across the District.

·        The broad approach may or may not meet local needs and match local circumstances.


Assessment of Significance

25      This issue has not been assessed as significant because at this stage it is not affecting a large number of people or stakeholders or a specific community.  Council’s ability to make decisions in relation to UAV use are established by CAA rules and the proposed approach is generally permissive.

Recommended Option

26      It is recommended that Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees only propose restricted or prohibited areas for inclusion in the policy if this reflects community needs and local circumstances and if these areas are not already adequately managed through the existing broad conditions within the draft policy.

Next Steps

27      Following input from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees, this policy will be subject to public consultation.



a         Draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy View    


Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016







This policy applies to: 




Administered by:

Strategic Manager (Property)

TRIM reference number:


Effective date:

«type date»

Approved by:


Date approved:

«type date»

Next review date:

«type date»





1.            PURPOSE.. 1


3             BACKGROUND.. 2

4.            POLICY DETAILS.. 2

4.1         General Criteria. 2

4.2         Restrictions. 2

4.3         Prohibited Areas. 2

4.4         Enforcement 3

5.            ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS.. 3

6.            REVISION RECORD.. 3



Otautau Community Board

02 June 2016







This policy sets out the conditions for use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) on Council owned or controlled land. 







Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

The term UAV covers all electric powered remote controlled model aircraft, including the type commonly referred to as “drones” that are capable of vertical take-off and landing and small hand-launched gliders less than 1.5 metre wing span. 


UAVs are also known as drones, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and Unmanned Aerial Systems.  


The term UAV does not include the following:

·              Fixed wing electric-powered model aircraft greater than 1 metre wing span.

·              All fixed - winged model aircraft that are internal combustion engine (petrol) powered.

·              Gliders greater than 1.5 metre wing span and bungee-launched gliders.

·              Single rotor helicopters that are electric powered or internal combustion engine (petrol) powered.

·              Jet powered models.


Civil Aviation Authority Rules / CAA rules

Civil Aviation Rules are set by the Minister of Transport.  The rules are divided into parts.  The two parts relevant to UAVs are:

·              Part 101: Gyrogliders and Parasails, Unmanned Aircraft (including Balloons), Kites, and Rockets - Operating Rules, and

·              Part 102: Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certification.





Under rules introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on 1 August 2015, Council can grant or decline consent for the use of UAVs on property that it owns or controls.  This policy establishes criteria for UAV use over Council owned and controlled land in the Southland District. 





4.1 General Criteria

In addition to CAA rules, the following criteria apply to the use of UAVs over land or property owned or controlled by Southland District Council.  They do not apply to the use of UAVs by Southland District Council. 


Operators of UAVs must:

·              Comply with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner guidance on preserving peoples’ personal privacy by not flying over other people or adjoining private property without their consent.

·              Be courteous of other park users, who often are there for the quiet enjoyment of Council’s parks, reserves and open spaces.


4.2 Restrictions

Operators must not use UAVs under the following conditions unless specific written approval has been granted by Council:

·              If requested to cease by Council officers. Users must land their UAV immediately if requested by Council officers.

·              Over a sports field if in use by others, or within 50 metres of any organised activity taking place in a reserve or Council controlled open space.

·              Over or above Council owned or controlled cemeteries or formed roads.

·              Over or within 50 metres of other users of open spaces.  If another open space user moves within this range, the UAV user must immediately land their UAV.

·              Over or within 50 metres of any building on Council land or any playground equipment, furniture, swimming pool, or track on a reserve.

·              Within 50 metres of livestock, wildlife or sensitive wildlife habitats. If livestock or wildlife move within this range, the UAV user must immediately land their UAV.

·              Within 50 metres of a reserve boundary where residential housing or stock farming adjoins.


Written Council approval must also be obtained for any organised event involving the use of UAVs. 


Operators of UAVs must comply with any additional conditions of lease holders.


4.3 Prohibited Areas

There are some areas where the use of UAVs is prohibited unless written approval has been granted by Council.  These areas are:

·              Local areas will be determined by Council following feedback from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees. 


4.4 Reporting incidents and near misses

UAV users must report all incidents and near misses to Southland District Council. This obligation also extends to other reserve users involved in any incident or near miss relating to UAV use.


4.5 Enforcement

Any breach of the above conditions could result in termination of your permission to fly unmanned aircraft over Council land.


Council will report breaches to the Civil Aviation Authority, which may result in infringements or prosecution. 





•      Civil Aviation Authority Rules and Guidelines:

•      Southland District Council District Reserves Management Policy







Revision Description

«Type Date»



«Type Date»



«Type Date»



Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Remuneration for Chairs and Members of Community Boards

Record No:        R/16/5/6273

Author:                 Sheree Marrah, Finance Manager

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1          This memorandum sets out rates of remuneration that apply for Community Board chairs and members from 1 July 2016 until 30 June 2017. 

2          The amount payable to Council’s Community Board members and chairs is determined by the Remuneration Authority (the Authority).  This year, the Authority has applied the same approach that was developed in 2013, basing remuneration rates on job size. 

3          Rates specified in by the Remuneration Authority are the maximum amount that can be paid.  The Authority’s approach, consistent with previous years, is that Community Board chairs will be paid at twice the amount of Community Board members.  At the Council meeting on
27 April 2016, Council has approved the Authorities proposed remuneration rates for all elected members, including Community Board chairs and members. 

4          As a result, remuneration levels are proposed to increase by 2.5% for all Southland District Council elected members from 1 July 2016.  A schedule of the current and proposed remuneration levels for Community Board chairs and members is listed below for your information. 

Community Board

2015/2016 Remuneration (Chairperson)

2016/2017 Proposed Remuneration (Chairperson)

2015/2016 Remuneration (Member)

2016/2017 Proposed Remuneration (Member)

Stewart Island/Rakiura



































Te Anau






5          Staff have communicated Council’s approval of the proposed remuneration levels to the Authority so they can prepare the formal Elected Members Remuneration Determination for all local authorities. 

6          The Authority will publish its determination prior to 1 July 2016.



That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Remuneration for Chairs and Members of Community Boards” dated 3 May 2016.



There are no attachments for this report.  


Otautau Community Board

2 June 2016



Venture Southland Update on Community Development Initiatives in Otautau and the Waiau Aparima Ward

Record No:        R/16/5/6979

Author:                 Kathryn Cowie, Community Development Planner

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Community Development Update

1        The purpose of this report is to provide an update on staff changes within the Venture Southland Community Development Team, and to report on community development initiatives and projects regionally, and within the Waiau Aparima ward, and more specifically Otautau.


Staff Changes

2        Nicola Wills has recently been appointed as Community Development Team Leader. She will also be looking after Stewart Island in a Community Development Planner capacity. Other planner’s areas of responsibility are as follows:

Tina Harvey – Waihopai/ToeToes and Winton

Diana Zadravec – Tuatapere, Te Anau and Manapouri

Steven Watson – Mararoa/Waimea

Kathryn Cowie – Waiau/Aparima and Wallacetown


Local Initiatives

3        Venture Southland remains focussed on working alongside diverse local communities in rural Southland and undertakes local community planning to ensure priorities are identified and addressed. This supports the Southland District Council’s approach to community development and most importantly, supports community organisations to achieve their goals for the benefit of their local communities.

Otautau St Johns

4        In recent months Venture Southland has assisted the Otautau St Johns with funding applications to the Ohai Railway Fund, the Ohai & Nightcaps Dr’s House and Surgery Fund, and The Southern Trust to assist with the purchase of a new health shuttle. This is a vital service provided to residents of Otautau, Ohai, Nightcaps, Tuatapere and Riverton – without it many would have the means to attend important medical appointments. All of these applications have been successful, and along with other outside funding secured by the group, they now have enough funds to purchase the new vehicle.

Otautau RSA

5        In 2015 Venture Southland assisted the Otautau RSA to obtain funding for protective covers for the World War One photo/information panels on the first gun shelter at the Otautau War Memorial. Funding has now been secured ($2,943) from the Southland Regional Heritage Committee to assist with the production of the World War Two panels that will be at the second gun shelter.

Otautau Promotions

6        Venture Southland has assisted to obtain funding from the Southland District Council Community Initiatives Fund ($1,500) for new “Welcome to Otautau” signs at either end of the town.

Otautau Community Pool

7        Venture Southland obtained funding in 2015 to facilitate an external contractor, Ahika Consulting to assess heating upgrade options for seven community pools. Otautau Community Pool was one of these pools to have a heating assessment completed and following on from this report, the pool committee have flagged their preferred option (solar + heat pump) for a heating upgrade. Venture Southland are now working with the pool committee regarding funding options for the project. The total cost is thought to be between $120,000 - $200,000.

Otautau New Life Church

8        Venture Southland have been approached by the New Life Church for funding advice regarding a potential major capital works project they are looking to undertake. They would like to expand and upgrade their current building as they are finding that many groups (especially since the closure of the Otautau Hall), schools etc are booking their venue for functions and often it is just not big enough. The project is only in its early stages, if they are to be eligible for community funding they will first need to have a feasibility study completed. Venture Southland will continue to provide assistance as required as the project progresses.

Otautau Three Churches Flower and Quilt Walk

9        Assistance was provided for this group with planning and promotional material for their event that was held at the end of February this year. They had a very successful event with an increase in attendance from last year of approximately 70 people. The organising committee have also asked for some assistance with governance issues, so Venture Southland will attend their next AGM in June and will provide advice as required. 

Funding for BMX Track and Isla Bank War Memorial

10      Venture Southland has recently assisted to secure funding for the Otautau Community Board to assist with the completion of the new BMX track, and also for restoration work that needs to be completed on the Isla Bank War Memorial located at the Calcium Cemetery.


Regional Initiatives

Health & Safety Workshops for Volunteers & Community Groups

11      Venture Southland, in partnership with the Southland Community Law Centre, is holding a series of FREE informational workshops throughout the region on the new Health and Safety at Work law. Presented by Denise Lormans (Southland Community Law Centre Manager), this workshop is designed to enlighten and educate Not-for-Profit organisations and their volunteers, trustees and committees on the new legislation - using plain English - whilst also providing some practical guidelines. This workshop takes you through Hazard Risk Management and provides some ideas on how to write up a safety plan for your organisation. It also covers director / governance duties along with due diligence implications.

12      There will be several workshops held throughout the district:

Invercargill                    Monday 23rd May, at Venture Southland

Gore                    Thursday 2nd June, at James Cumming Wing

Lumsden              Tuesday 7th June, at Lumsden Memorial Hall

Wyndham            Wednesday 8th June, at Wyndham Memorial Hall

Winton                 Tuesday 14th June, at Salvation Army Hall

Otautau                Thursday 16th June, at Old Court House

Te Anau               Thursday 23rd June, venue TBA

To book a place at one of these workshops contact Suzanne McKenzie at Venture Southland on 03 211 1409 or


Volunteers Futures Project (CONA)

13      This will be an integral piece of work that Venture Southland will complete collaboratively with Southland District Council’s Community and Futures team. The brief is still being developed, but will be associated with gaining an insight into the current state of community organisations and the volunteer sector in Southland.  This information would provide baseline data which would then help inform decision making and ensure that the needs are understood from the community’s perspective and resource can be targeted appropriately.  This research follows on/updates from the work that was facilitated by Venture Southland and the Community Trust of Southland on the volunteer sector in 2010.

Southland Cycling Strategy

14      There is a lot of interest in cycling at the moment and Venture Southland is facilitating the development of a joint strategy undertaken with the four Councils and key cycling organisations.  This piece of work which has involved a range of community consultation will ensure that there is ensure there is a regional perspective on cycling and the opportunities and challenges associated with it. The process is tracking according to schedule with the draft report due in August.




That the Otautau Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Update on Community Development Initiatives in Otautau and the Waiau Aparima Ward” dated 24 May 2016.



There are no attachments for this report.