


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee Agenda








Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



Paul Duffy



Ebel Kremer





Group Manager Services and Assets

Ian Marshall

Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop




Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee


This subcommittee is a subcommittee of Activities Performance Audit Committee and has responsibility for:


·                     Project Completion - To ensure the cycle trail project is completed to the standard expected on a no surprises basis, by

(i)    Monitoring progress and making decisions to allow completion to be achieved.


·                     Project Progress - To monitor progress of the project and make necessary decisions to keep the project on track in accordance with the project plan. To ensure the project is completed on time in accordance with the project plan, by

(i)      Receive sufficiently detailed progress reports from the Project Manager to be able to be fully informed of progress towards the completion outcome

(ii)     Making decisions on actions necessary to overcome constraints that put achieving the planned outcome at risk.


·                    Financial Management - To ensure the project is completed to the agreed budget, by

(i)      Receiving sufficiently detailed progress reports from the Project Manager to be able to be fully informed of the likely completion outcome

(ii)      Making decisions on actions necessary to overcome constraints that put achieving the completion within budget at risk

(iii)     Approving Procurement Plans and Let Contracts in accordance with those plans for the purchase of goods and services to complete the cycle trail project.


·                     Risk Management - To monitor Risk Management processes and ensure that risks are being identified, mitigated and managed, by

(i)      Receiving reports on risk management, assessing if all important risks are being managed properly

(ii)     Flagging any unmanaged risks.


·                     Health and Safety Management - To monitor Health and Safety management and ensure it is being carried out appropriately, by

(i)      Receiving reports on Health and Safety management including evidence of proactive management and evidence of safety observations and due diligence.

(ii)     Ensuring unsafe practices are eliminated from the project.


·                     Compliance - To monitor consent compliance to ensure all work is carried out under necessary consents and to ensure all consent conditions are complied with, by

(i)      Receiving confirmation reports of consent compliance

(ii)     Receiving exception reports on issues of non-compliance and proposals to correct non-compliance.

Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee

27 September 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

Reports for Recommendation

7.1       Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Review Action Plan                                           7


8.1       Financial Report to 30 June 2016                                                                               17   

Public Excluded

Procedural motion to exclude the public                                                                              21

C9.1    Legal Advice on Appeal process and Claim for Costs                                           21  


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      the reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     the reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     that item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     There are no minutes to confirm.  

Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee

27 September 2016



Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Review Action Plan

Record No:        R/16/9/15047

Author:                 Steve Ruru, Chief Executive

Approved by:       Steve Ruru, Chief Executive


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information





1        To seek a recommendation from the Subcommittee to recommend adoption of the proposed Action Plan which has been developed in response to the findings from the Deloitte review of the way in which Council has managed the financial aspects of the Around the Mountain Cycle Trail (ATMCT) project.

Executive Summary

2        Deloitte have recently completed their review of the way in which Council has managed the financial aspects of the ATMCT. The report identifies a number of issues with the way in which the project was managed. To ensure that the organisation takes on board the lessons to be learnt from the review it is seen as appropriate for a structured Action Plan to be put in place. 

3        The Action Plan attached to this report outlines the actions proposed to respond to the report’s findings. While a number of these relate specifically to the ATMCT project a number also apply to the organisation as a whole.




That the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Review Action Plan” dated 21 September 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Agrees to recommend to the Activities Performance Audit Committee that it approves the Improvement Action Plans attached to this report.

e)         Recommends to the Activities Performance Audit Committee that it asks officers to report back to the Committee on a six monthly basis with an update on progress in implementing the agreed actions. 




4        At its 9 December 2015 meeting the Activities Performance Audit Committee (APAC) agreed to commission an independent review of the way in which Council has managed the financial aspects of the ATMCT. Deloitte were subsequently appointed to undertake the review. A copy of the draft Deloitte report was considered by Council at its 20 July 2016 meeting at which time they asked officers to report to APAC with a proposed Action Plan to address the actions, including improvement opportunities, which should be taken in response to the report.


5        There is a need for this Subcommittee to consider the draft Action Plan attached and determine whether it addresses all of the actions and improvement opportunities which it considers should be addressed.

6        In developing the Action Plan officers have had regard to the Deloitte Project Quality Assurance Framework which is outlined in section 10 of the Deloitte report. Officers have also split the plan into actions that they believe should be taken in relation to the ATMCT project and those which apply more generically to organisational processes.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

7        The proposal to develop an Action Plan, including identifying improvement options, is consistent with Council’s obligations under the Local Government Act 2002 to manage its business in a prudent and business-like manner.

Community Views

8        The community would expect Council to address the issues arising out of the Deloitte review via a structured action plan. In this way they can be assured that the organisation has learnt from the short-comings identified and that there is an appropriate level of accountability for the short-comings identified.

Costs and Funding

9        The costs associated with implementation of the Action Plan will be funded from within existing budgets.


Policy Implications

10      There are no direct policy implications coming out of approving the proposed Action Plan. Some of the proposed actions may lead to changes being proposed to current policies. These will be identified at that time. 


Options Considered

Option 1 – Implement an Action Plan

11      Under this option the Subcommittee would, subject to any modifications that they wish to see made, recommend to APAC that it approve the Action Plan attached.

12      Officers would then report back to APAC on a regular basis to enable that Committee to monitor the progress being made in implementing the actions identified.

Option 2: Do Nothing

13      Under this option the Subcommittee would determine that no further action is required and recommend to APAC that it not approve the Action Plan attached. A number of the improvement opportunities flowing out of the review could be implemented but on a more ad hoc basis.


Analysis of Options

Option 1 – Implement an Action Plan



·        Council can take the actions, including improvements considered necessary, in response to the Deloitte review via a structured plan.

·        Council can ensure that the lessons which need to be learnt from this review are implemented in a structured way.

·        Risks associated with completing the ATMCT and other projects will be reduced.

·        There will be costs associated with implementing the action plan albeit that these will be absorbed within existing budgets.


Option 2 – Do Nothing



·        Avoids costs of implementing the actions identified.

·        Any improvement actions will be implemented in an ad hoc manner.

·        Risk of similar mistakes being made in the future will be increased.

·        Council will not be seen as having taken an appropriate set of actions in response to the Deloitte review.


Assessment of Significance

14      This report addresses the question of whether Council should put in place a plan to address the short-comings identified through the Deloitte review. While there will be a level of community interest in ensuring that Council takes appropriate actions officers are of the view that a decision to adopt the Action Plan would not be a significant decision.

Recommended Option

15      It is recommended that the Subcommittee adopt Option 1 and recommend to APAC that it approve, subject to any changes the Committee may wish to make, the attached Action Plan. 

Next Steps

16      The recommendation of this Subcommittee will be provided for APAC for that Committee to consider when reviewing the draft Action Plan. 

ATMCT Action Plan


Project Assurance Framework/Improvement Action

Current Status

Improvement Programme



Project Governance

There is a need to have a clearly defined project governance structure in place that has the skills necessary to manage the project.


An ATMCT Project Sub-committee is in place as a sub-committee of APAC to provide governance oversight for the project through to completion.


Confirm establishment of the Project Sub-Committee and the overall Project Management structure to be used for remainder of the project. 

November 2016

All Council committees are, by law, disestablished at the end of each triennium. As a result Council will need to re-establish the committee and approve its terms of reference following completion of the triennial election.

This will provide an opportunity to confirm the overall governance and project management structure that is appropriate for the remainder of the capital development phase of the project.

Resource Management

It is important to ensure that the project has access to the skills and level of resources that it needs.

The project currently has access to a range of internal and external resources to drive the project.

Review the range and quantum of resources allocated to the project as part of the review of project governance and management structure.

Four months after release of Environment Court decision. 


Risk/Issues Management

It is important to identify and appropriately manage project risks.


A number of project risks are being identified but have not been formally reported through to APAC and/or the Project Steering Committee.



Ensure that the Project Risk Register is developed and reported through to the Project Governance Committee.

Each Project Committee Meeting.

Register will be developed in accordance with the Council Risk Management Policy. 

Probity Auditor

A probity auditor has not been appointed to date.

Consider whether a Project Assurance/Probity Auditor should be appointed to provide extra assurance over remaining stages of the project.

Four months after release of the Environment Court decision.

Decision will need to have regard to the procurement approach used for the final stages of the project.

Financial Management

Ensure regular financial reports and financial reforecasts are produced for the project through to completion. 

New financial reforecasts for the project were developed in 2015 given the change in project status.

Ensure financial report is provided to each meeting of the Project Sub-Committee.

Financial reforecasts to be produced twice per year or as required to reflect a significant change in project status.

October and April.

Financial reforecasts will be completed quarterly as per current organisational policy.

Procurement Strategy

Develop procurement strategy and business case for progressing completion of the Trail. 

Projections have been developed for completing trail based on existing resource consent. 

Develop business case addressing costs and benefits of proceeding with development of remainder of the Trail once the Environment Court decision is released.

Develop a procurement strategy detailing the nature of the contract proposed to be used for remaining stages of the contract.

Four months after release of the Environment Court decision.

The projected cost of completing the ATMCT could change significantly following release of the Environment Court decision.

It will also be appropriate to review the procurement approach to be used given that Council now has a significant level of information relating to the likely construction costs and risks.




Operating Model

Council currently has a contract for operation of ATMCT booking system.

Review the proposed Operating Model and financial projections for future operation and maintenance of the ATMCT.

June 2017

Current trail operating model and financial projections were developed in 2009. It is therefore appropriate for them to be updated to reflect current knowledge.



Council Action Plan




Current Status

Improvement Programme Action



Accountability Workstream

Review accountability options



Report to Council on options for ensuring steps are implemented to enforce an appropriate level of accountability for the short-comings identified through the report.

April 2017

Report will cover different parties that have been involved with the project.

Governance Structure

Separate Audit Committee and Services and Assets Committee functions


APAC currently performs the role of being both an Audit Committee and an Operations Committee.


Recommend to Council the establishment of a separate Audit Committee and Services and Assets Committee.  

November 2016

Audit Committee should be established in a manner that is consistent with good practice. Revised terms of reference and work programme would be developed as part of the new approach.

Risk Management

Internal Audit programme



Council is part of a South Island internal audit pilot programme. 

Develop Internal Audit programme based on organisational risk profile.


June 2017

Review of pilot and other options is needed. 

Review operation of risk management policy


Risk Management Policy has been operational for eighteen months.

Review operation of existing risk management policy.

March 2017


Procurement and Contract Management Strategy


Project has been scoped and is currently underway.

Develop Procurement, Project and Contract management Framework.

December 2017

Project scope and current status report will be bought to APAC in November.



There are no attachments for this report. 


Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee

27 September 2016



Financial Report to 30 June 2016

Record No:        R/16/9/14775

Author:                 Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer

Approved by:       Steve Ruru, Chief Executive


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information



1        This report summarises the financial position of the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail to 30 June 2016 for costs incurred/accrued to date against budget.


2        Attached is the full financial reconciliation of costs for the project to the notified budgets of Council.  The below is a summary of this document comparing actual costs to the council budget of 8 December 2015.



Actual Costs to 30 June 2016

Budget Council Workshop 8-12-15

Key Variance (under)/over












Less Expenses





Stage 0





Stage 1 (incl interest on negative reserve)





Stage 2 (sections 6&7 plus retentions)





Stage 2 (Sections 8&9)





Total Costs





Net Deficit





Less Operating Cost net surplus





Balance of Reserve at 30 June 2016







3        Note 1, an analysis of the income variation is as follows:



Key Variance


Lotteries Commission


An extension to apply for the balance of funding has been received from the Lotteries Commission until 31 December 2018.

Walking Access Commission


On completion of registering access rights on titles, this grant will be received.

Grant from Mararoa-Waimea Ward


A contribution towards signage and other costs of the trail was received from the Mararoa Waimea ward. This was unbudgeted.




4        Note 2, of the $139,594 variance, $159,460 relates to the completion of the property deviation that is in progress. To date $34,519 has been spent of a budgeted $193,979.  It is expected that the final cost will come within the budget.  Additionally, fencing has come in $16,407 over budget due to additional fencing being undertaken on Menlove’s property in the area of the deep railway cutting.  When the fencing programme was initially planned it was thought stock would not create a problem in this area.  However, this has proven not to be the case and in order to prevent ongoing maintenance problems and conflict with stock issues it was decided that it was prudent to fence this section.

5        Note 3, Stage 2 (sections 8 & 9) is broken down as follows:



Actual Costs to 30  June 2016

Budget Council Workshop 8-12-16


Variance under/(over)

Consent & Appeal Costs








Construction 8&9









6        The Consent & Appeal costs are over budget by $504,113.  Only one invoice in relation to final legal advice is to be received and will add to the overall actual cost.  All other costs in relation to the Environment Court process have been received.

7        Consultant costs incurred to date are in relation to design work to inform the appeal process.  This work has also been of benefit to further define the scope of works for sections 8 & 9. 

8        Until the Environment Court decision is released and Council has had the time to consider the decision and any conditions and make a decision on the next steps, no work is/will be undertaken in revising the estimated consultants and construction costs of sections 8 & 9.



That the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 30 June 2016” dated 21 September 2016.




a         Around the Mountains Cycle Trail 30 June 2016 Financial Report, Financial Attachment    


Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee

27 September 2016





Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Project Subcommittee

27 September 2016



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987




That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

C9.1  Legal Advice on Appeal process and Claim for Costs

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Legal Advice on Appeal process and Claim for Costs

s7(2)(g) - The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.


That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.