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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Activities Performance Audit Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Activities Performance Audit Committee Agenda







Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive

Steve Ruru


Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for the Activities Performance Audit Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·                Monitor and review Council’s performance against the 10 Year Plan


·                Examine, review and recommend changes relating to Council’s Levels of Services.


·                Monitor and review Council’s financial ability to deliver its plans,


·                Monitor and review Council’s risk management policy,  systems and reporting measures


·                Monitor the return on all Council’s investments


·                Monitor and track Council contracts and compliance with contractual specifications


·                Review and recommend policies on rating, loans, funding and purchasing.


·                Review and recommend policy on and to monitor the performance of any Council Controlled Trading Organisations and Council Controlled Organisations


·                Review arrangements for the annual external audit


·                Review and recommend to Council the completed financial statements be approved


·                Approve contracts for work, services or supplies in excess of $200,000.


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015

Description: sdclogo



ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

Reports for Resolution

7.1       Financial Report to 28 February 2015                                                                       13

7.2       Rural Rating Unit - Rule Rating Valuations Rule 2008                           45

Public Excluded

Procedural motion to exclude the public                                                                              49

C8.1    Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 March 2015                                                                                                              49


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a councillor and any private or other external interest they might have. It is also considered best practice for those members in the Executive Team attending the meeting to also signal any conflicts that they may have with an item before Council.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Council to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     Meeting minutes of Activities Performance Audit Committee, 18 March 2015




Activities Performance Audit Committee






Minutes of a meeting of Activities Performance Audit Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 1.03pm.





Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson






Group Manager Environment and Community Bruce Halligan, Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall, Chief Information Officer Damon Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Anne Robson, Communications & Governance Manager Louise Pagan, Committee Advisor Fiona Dunlop, Management Accountant Susan McNamara (Item 7.1 Financial Report to 31 January 2015), Roading Engineer James McCallum (Item 8.1 Contract Extension - Southland Streetlight Maintenance Contract 09/42), Strategic Transport Manager Joe Bourque (Item C9.3 Road Maintenance Contracts Extensions)



1          Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillors Baird and Paterson.


Moved by Cr Dillon, seconded by Cr Keast and resolved that:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee accept the apologies.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items


There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved by Cr Macpherson, seconded by Cr Ford and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2015 as a true and correct record of that meeting.



Reports for Resolution




Financial Report to 31 January 2015

Record No:         R/15/2/3932


Management Accountant Susan McNamara was in attendance for this report.  She advised that the report outlined the financial results to 31 January 2015 with 58% of the financial year complete. 


There were no significant issues contained in the report identified that raised any concerns for Council relating to the end of year financial position.


As in prior years, all budget managers have been instructed to have a strong focus on their budget and expenditure items that they can control in the current economic climate.  This report shows no significant issues.


The financial commentary centres on the summary sheet which draws the totals from each of the key sections together.  Although you are able to obtain more detailed key variance explanations from senior managers in these sections, these will be summarised below, concentrating on the year-to-date results.




Moved by Cr Dillon, seconded by Cr Keast and resolved recommendation a.

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 31 January 2015”, dated 18 March 2015.


(Councillor Douglas joined the meeting at 1.15pm.)



Moved by Cr Keast, seconded by Cr Harpur and resolved recommendations
b and c.

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

b)        Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.


c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.



Reports for Recommendation




Contract Extension - Southland Streetlight Maintenance Contract 09/42

Record No:         R/15/2/3763


Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall and Roading Engineer James McCallum were in attendance for this item.


They advised that Otago Power Services was awarded the Southland Streetlight Maintenance contract (09/42) on 28 January 2010 with a commencement date of 1 March 2010.  The contract was for an initial period of three years (expiring at midnight,  28 February 2013).  The contract made provision for a two year rollover, which was adopted in March 2013.


The two year rollover expired at midnight 28 February 2015.  As a result, the Strategic Transport Department proposes an extension of a further 12 months.


Throughout the five year period to date, communication between Southland District Council and Otago Power Service has been excellent.  Where service delays were inevitable or on the rare occasion timeframes could not be met, Council was notified accompanied by a valid explanation.


Otago Power Services has adequately delivered on the requirements as set out in the contract and on this basis the Strategic Transport Department recommend the implementation of a 12-month extension.




Moved by Cr Duffy, seconded by Cr Macpherson and resolved recommendation a

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Contract Extension - Southland Streetlight Maintenance Contract 09/42”, dated 10 March 2015.



Moved by Cr Dobson, seconded by Cr Kremer  and resolved recommendations b, c and d.

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

b)        Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)        Approves the extension of the Southland Streetlight Maintenance Contract 09/42 contract to 28th February 2016.


Public Excluded


Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Moved by Cr Harpur, seconded by Cr Douglas  and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

C9.1 Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 February 2015

C9.2 Rating Sale 32A Redan Street, Wyndham

C9.3 Road Maintenance Contracts Extensions

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 February 2015

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.


s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.


s7(2)(f)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the protection of such members, officers, employees and persons from improper pressure or harassment.


s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


s7(2)(j) - The withholding of the information is necessary to prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage.


That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.

Rating Sale 32A Redan Street, Wyndham

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.


s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.

Road Maintenance Contracts Extensions

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.


s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.


Permit the Group Manager Environment and Community, Group Manager Services and Assets, Chief Information Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Communications & Governance Manager, Committee Advisor and Strategic Manager Transport to remain at this meeting, after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of C9.1 Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 February 2015, C9.2 Rating Sale 32A Redan Street, Wyndham and C9.3 Road Maintenance Contracts Extensions.  This knowledge, which will be of assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed, is relevant to that matter because of their specialist knowledge.



The public were excluded at 1.19pm.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available unless released here.


The meeting returned to open session at 1.49pm.



The meeting closed at 1.49pm.                     CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Activities Performance Audit Committee HELD ON WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH 2015.






Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015

Description: sdclogo


Financial Report to 28 February 2015

Record No:        R/15/4/6119

Author:                 Susan McNamara, Management Accountant

Approved by:       Anne  Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information






That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 28 February 2015” dated 13 April 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.



a         Report to Activities Performance Audit Committee (APAC) - 22 April 2015 - Report to 28 February 2015 View     

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




This report outlines the financial results to 28 February 2015.  Within this report, no significant issues have been identified that raise any concerns for Council relating to the end of year financial position.


Percentage of year gone:  67%.





Management Accountant February Finance Overview


As in prior years, all budget managers have been instructed to have a strong focus on their budget and expenditure items. In the commentary received from managers no significant issues have been identified.


The financial commentary centres on the summary sheet which draws the totals from each of the key sections together.  Although you are able to obtain more detailed key variance explanations from senior managers in these sections, these will be summarised below, concentrating on the YTD results.


Roading has updated its projected year-end figures, these are shown on page 23 of this report.




Overall for the YTD, income is 2% ($969K) under budget.  This is primarily due to NZTA funding being $1.1M under budget at the end of February, it is forecast to be $221K over budget at year end (as shown on page 22).


Key variances are as follows:


The Council and Councillors’ activity is 1% ($19K) over budget for the year-to-date.


Other activities income is 11% ($139K) over budget for the year-to-date. 
This is predominantly due to the timing of income received from interest on investments.


Within the Chief Executive section, income received is $228K (9%) under budget due to:


•           Chief Executive - $45K (13%) under budget due to the quarterly application of rates penalties.

•           Stewart Island Visitors Levy - Income is $32K (29%) under budget.  With the cruise ship period completed, income is expected to be well under budget at year end.

•           Around the Mountains Cycle Trail - $217K (16%) under budget due to final invoicing to the Ministry being completed last financial year. 


Within the Environmental and Community Group, year-to-date income is $68K (1%) over budget, this is principally due to increased revenue in Dog and Animal Control from increased numbers of dog registrations $15K and infringement notices $51K.


Within the Financial Services Group, income is $290K (20%) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is a result of reduced expenditure. 


Within the Information Management Group, year-to-date income is $98K (6%) over budget, predominantly due to internal photocopying charges $32K and internal computer hire $27K.

Within the Policy and Community Group, year-to-date income is $54K (5%) under budget. As this activity is internally funded this is a result of reduced expenditure. 


Within the Roading and Transport section, income is 4% ($782K) under budget, which is predominantly due to the timing of planned works and associated New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) funding.


Overall Services and Assets income (excluding roading) is tracking $61K (1%) above
year-to-date budget.  This is due to:


•           Overall Forestry income received is $108K (6%) over budget.  This is expected to be the position at year end.

•           District Reserves is $12K under budget as some reserve transfers for Curio Bay have yet to be actioned.

•           Engineering Consultants is $42K (7%) under budget.  As income is fully recovered and driven by expenditure levels the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 




Overall for the year-to-date, expenditure is 7% ($2.2M) under budget.


The key variances are as follows:


The Council and Councillors’ activity is 1% ($25K) under budget primarily due to Grant Payments yet to be requested and lower Councillor Salary costs due principally to the short-term vacancy in the Mararoa-Waimea Ward.


Other Activities expenditure is 44% ($455K) under budget as the calculation of interest on reserves is calculated as a year-end entry. 


The Chief Executive activity is 1% ($7K) over budget with funding rounds for Stewart Island Visitor Levy yet to occur.


The Environment and Community Group is 6% ($254K) under budget.  This is predominantly due to expenditure on the District Plan being lower than anticipated at this stage of the year, with costs being incurred during April in relation to mediation.


Within Financial Services, expenditure is $329K (22%) under budget, primarily due to the timing of audit services $120K and staff vacancies of $168K.


Within the Information Management Group, overall expenditure is on budget.


Within the Policy and Community Group, expenditure is $88K (8%) under budget due to no expenditure to date for Community Outcomes ($30K) and lower than expected staff costs due to maternity leave.


Roading expenditure is currently 8% ($579K) over budget.  This is due to Network and Maintenance costs which are over budget.  These are to be monitored closely throughout the year but please note that it is forecast that the Repairs, Maintenance and Capital Expenditure will be over budget at year end.  This is primarily driven by underspends in previous years and Council’s key objective of maximising New Zealand Transport Agency approved funding.


The Services and Assets Group is 13% ($1.64M) under budget.  Key variances are as follows: 


•           District Water is $508K (24%) under budget as there has been minimal capital expenditure year-to-date (169K actual v $697K budget).

•           District Sewerage is $920K (28%) under budget. Year to date $2.3M actual versus $3.2M budget has been completed.

•           Water Services is $113K (12%) under budget predominately due to less services of project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Currently the Engineering Consultants business unit is $42K (7%) under budget.


Capital Expenditure


Overall for the year-to-date, capital expenditure is 12% ($1.59M) under budget. 
The key variances are as follows:


•           Capital Expenditure in the Chief Executive activity is over budget by $994K (73%)
due to the beginning of work for stage 2 of the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail.

•           Environment and Community is over budget by 70% ($88K) for the
year-to-date primarily due to an additional vehicle purchase for animal control and the timing of the replacement of a vehicle for environmental health.

•           Information Management capital expenditure is under budget by 62% ($124K) due to minimal costs to date being incurred in the records improvement plan.

•           Roading capital expenditure is under budget by 17% ($1.85M) due to timing on planned road renewal and pavement renewal. However projections by the roading team indicate a reduced capital budget at year end.

•           Services and Assets are under budget by 74% ($700K) with minimal capital expenditure to date on projects planned in public conveniences, district reserves and forestry.


Funding Adjustments


Funding adjustments are significantly under budget as typically ‘balancing’ of business units is not undertaken until the end of the financial year.


Journals are being processed for reserve transfers, predominantly in relation to vehicle movements, and loan draw-downs (ie for project funding), throughout the year at the request of budget managers.


Key Financial Indicators







External Funding:

Non rateable income/Total income

> 39%




Working Capital:

Current Assets/Current Liabilities





Debt Ratio:**

Total Liabilities/Total Assets





Debt To Equity Ratio:

Total Debt/Total Equity






*       All target indicators have been calculated using the 2014/15 Annual Plan figures. 

**     Excludes internal loans.


Financial Ratios Calculations:


Non Rateable Income

Total Income

External Funding:



This ratio indicates the percentage of revenue received outside of rates.  The higher the proportion of revenue that the Council has from these sources the less reliance it has on rates income to fund its costs.



Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Working Capital:         




This ratio indicates the amount by which short-term assets exceed short term obligations.  The higher the ratio the more comfortable the Council can fund its short term liabilities.



Total Liabilities

Total Assets

Debt Ratio:                  




This ratio indicates the capacity of which the Council can borrow funds.  This ratio is generally used by lending institutions to assess entities financial leverage.  Generally the lower the ratio the more capacity to borrow. 



Total Debt

Total Equity

Debt to Equity Ratio:





It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the Council is using to finance its assets.



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




For the year-to-date, income is under budget by $228K (9%).  Expenditure is over budget by $7K (1%), therefore resulting in a net year-to-date position of $235K under budget.


Chief Executive


Income in this business unit is $45K (13%) under budget this is due to the quarterly application of rates penalties which corrects during the month of March.  Expenditure is $24K (7%) under budget, primarily due to staff costs $64K under budget.  This is offset by project consultant fees $31K.


Civil Defence


Income is on budget. Expenditure is $8K (4%) over budget due to the
Emergency Management Southland grant being slightly higher than was budgeted.  It is anticipated to be $10K over budget at year end.


Human Resources


Income is $47K (13%) over budget.  Expenditure year-to-date is $32K (9%) over budget, due to training costs $52K offset by consultant costs $10K.  As this activity is internally funded, the increased expenditure impacts directly on income.


Around the Mountain Cycle Trail


Income is $217K (16%) under budget due to final invoicing to the Ministry being completed last financial year.  Expenditure is $20K over budget and capital expenditure over budget by $969K with work being undertaken on Stage 2.


Rural Fire Control


Income and Expenditure is on budget for the year.


Shared Services Forum


Income is $19K (50%) over budget due to the timing on contributions.  Expenditure for
year-to-date is under budget by $26K (72%), with low activity for the year. 


Stewart Island Visitor Levy


Income is $32K (29%) under budget.  With the cruise ship period completed, income is expected to be will under budget at year end.  Expenditure is $3K under budget as the allocation meeting is set to occur in early May.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015






Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Council and Councillors’ Commentary

For the year-to-date, income is $19K (1%) over budget.  Expenditure is under budget by
$25K (1%), therefore resulting in a net year-to-date position of $44K over budget. 


Council and Councillors


Income is $13K (3%) over budget as a result of unbudgeted income from internal catering.  Expenditure is under budget by $23K (5%) primarily due to Councillors’ salaries of $8K, Councillor Mileage $4K and Youth Council costs $5K.


Council Contributions/Grants


Income is on budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is under budget by $17K (6%) due to grant payments yet to be requested.


Council Elections


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is $7K over budget due to the Mararoa-Waimea Ward Councillor election.  There will be additional expenses during March.


Council Water and Sewerage Loans


Income and expenditure is on budget for the year-to-date.


International Relations Committee


Income is on budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is $3K (41%) under budget due to the timing of committee activities. Additional expenditure will be incurred in March with attendance at the Sister Cities Conference.




Income is on budget.  Expenditure is over budget $30K (10%) due to timing on the Museum Trust Board Levy, it is expected to be on budget at the end of the year.


Regulatory - Non-Recoverable


Income is $8K (12%) over budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is under budget by
$20K (41%) as a result of minimal expenditure to date.


Venture Southland


Income and Expenditure is on budget for the year-to-date.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




Allocations Committee


Income is $12K (8%) over budget due to timing of grants received.  Expenditure is under budget by $45K (23%) due to the timing of grant payments. 


Operating Investments


Currently, the majority of Council’s reserves are internally loaned by Council or its local communities for major projects.  Council has set the interest rate to be charged on these loans as part of its Long Term Plan process and interest is being charged on a monthly basis on all internal loans drawn down at 30 June 2014.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015



Overall February monthly income for the Environment and Community Group was 5% ($27K) below budget ($522K actual v $548K budget).


Key features of this month’s income were that Building Consent and Resource Consent income were below budget by $20K (15%) and $14K (21%) respectively, reflecting reduced levels of activity and values.


Animal Control income was well ahead $5K (91%) ahead of budget due to income from infringements.


Overall February 2015 monthly expenditure for the Environment and Community Group was $50K (9%) below budget ($508K actual v $557K budget).


Most departments were significantly below budgeted expenditure reflecting a close focus on spending.  The Resource Planning/Policy area was significantly underspent by $41K (71%) with less expenditure than anticipated.  Conversely, the Animal Control area was $13K (41%) overspent, due to additional on call and other staff response costs.


Overall YTD Summary


Overall YTD Income is $68K (1%) ahead of budget, at $4.92M actual versus $4.85M budget.


Overall YTD Expenditure is $254K (6%) below budget at $4.20M actual versus $4.46M budget.


It is noted that within the Group there are several large debtors where costs have been invoiced but these are yet to be paid and also two large consents where processing costs are yet to be invoiced.  This could impact on budgetary position in the group in the final quarter of the 14/15 year.


Month by month development activity in the District is still quite up and down, rather than there being any sustained trend.  February 2015 was a less positive month income wise than.


The Resource Planning/Policy area is significantly under budget year to date, but it is likely that further costs will be incurred in the Environment Court appeal/mediation process in April 2015 as the appeals enter the mediation stage.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




Income is $290K (20%) under budget. As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Expenditure is $329K (22%) under budget. This is primarily due to the following:


•           The timing of audit services ($120K).

•           Vacancies in the finance team ($168K) offset by an increase in consultants costs to assist with workload ($25K).

•           Visa/MasterCard charges being incurred quarterly at rate payment time, which will show in next months report ($25K).

•           As a result of the material damage insurance review costs related to insuring water and wastewater above ground assets have now been correctly coded to the water and waste business units. This has resulted in actual costs being less than budgeted by $44K.


At year end it is expected that the business unit will remain under budget by approximately $200K due to the above.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




For the year-to-date, income is $98K (6%) over budget. Overall expenditure is on budget, resulting in a positive variance of $97K.


Information Management


Income is $63K (7%) over budget, predominantly due to internal photocopying charges $32K and internal computer hire relating to additional hardware $27K.  Expenditure is $7K (1%) over budget.  This related mainly to software licences and will come back in line with budget.


Knowledge Management


Income is $30K (7%) over budget.  Expenditure is $26K (6%) over budget, this is due to postage costs $23K and software licence fees $13K.  This is offset by internal computer hire costs $9K under budget.  As this activity is internally funded the increased expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Property and Spatial Services


Income is $4K (2%) over budget.  Expenditure is $33K under budget due to timing on aerial photography costs $45K, this is offset by consultant costs $14K.  As this activity is internally funded the increased expenditure impacts directly on income.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015



Income for the year-to-date is $54K (5%) under budget.  Expenditure for the year-to-date is $88K (8%) under budget. The net result for the year-to-date is a surplus of $37K against a forecasted surplus of $3K, a positive variance of $34K. 


Community Outcomes


Income is on budget. Expenditure is under budget $30K as no projects relating to the Our Way Southland Outcomes have been identified in the current period. 


Corporate Planning


Income is $8K (2%) under budget. Expenditure is $2K (1%) over budget due to Long Term Plan (LTP) costs $30K over budget this is offset by employee costs $34K.  All costs relating to the LTP are being captured in one place and it will exceed budget.  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Secretarial Services


Income is $7K (2%) under budget.  Expenditure is $7K (2%) under budget predominately due to advertising costs $3K and training costs $3K.  As this activity is internally funded, the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.




Income is $39K (9%) under budget.  Expenditure is underspent by $53K (12%) predominately due to staff costs $39K and communication costs $10K below budget. As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 

Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015




Overall Financial Performance


A continued strong focus on making sure we fully utilise NZTA approved funding along with optimising "value for money" remains a challenge. 


-           Council Transport overheads are generally tracking in line with budgets or slightly under with the exception of Professional Services (roading rate review).


-           It is forecasted that our Operations and Maintenance costs will be over budget at year end.  This will be partially offset by underspends in capital expenditure and underspends in the previous two years. The forecasted overspend can be also be contributed to unbudgeted emergency works projects Stewart Island Slips and the Ohai Clifden Slip.


-           Council Transport Capital Expenditure is under budget primarily due to timing.  Physical works expenditure is expected to increase as there has been a significant amount of resealing completed March to date.  It is also expected that the majority of bridging expenditure will be completed this year.  The fluctuating bitumen index is causing some frustrations in forecasting.


Please note that we are forecasting that our Repairs, Maintenance and Capital Expenditure will be over budget at year end.  This is primarily driven by underspends in previous years and our key objective of maximising New Zealand Transport Agency approved funding.




Largely on Track




Action Required


            Maintenance and Operations:






Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved






Maintenance and Operation costs are currently over budget this is due to:


-           Unbudgeted Emergency Works costs due to slip repairs (Ohai Clifden and
Stewart Island Slips).


-           A holistic approach to Maintenance Management has seen Sealed Pavement and Unsealed Pavement Maintenance being over budget but offset with underspends in other activities.  Plus we are bringing forward from 2015/2016 our bi-annual data collection into 2014/2015.


            * Note that Council can only claim 30% of urban drainage.  Unsubsidised work has being excluded from this forecast.


Actions required:


Council intends to shift NZTA funding from our renewal programme to help fund the gap between our 2014/2015 forecast and NZTA approved funding.  We have applied for a cost scope with NZTA, we see no foreseeable issues in this been approved.


Renewals and Minor Improvements:



Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved






Renewals and Minor Improvement Commentary:


The above is highlighted in orange as Transport is monitoring these costs closely driven by the current volatility in the bitumen index.


The forecast is lower than actuals primarily due to the timing of projects.  Council expects that expenditure will increase in the next few months as work is completed.  Some unsealed metalling, drainage work and some rehabilitation work is underway.

Actions required:


No funding action required at this stage.  The forecasted shortfall in NZTA Approved expenditure will help fund the forecasted overspend in maintenance and renewals.


Three Year Programme:



We have had formal approval from NZTA for more funding for the Lower Hollyford Road this will not impact Local share as it is 100% funded by NZTA.


Other Key Projects:   


Local share has been partially funded by previous year underspends in our bridge renewal budgets and other renewal underspends.  There are some slight reconciliation issues which will be rectified if required before the next APAC report.

Of note Transport will be working closely with NZTA to seek additional funding for each of the projects below:



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015






Overall Services and Assets (Excluding Roading) actual income is $61K (1%) over year to date budget ($11.7M).  This is primarily driven by Forestry income $108K over budget.


Key highlights are:

•           District Reserves is $12K under budget as some reserve transfers for Curio Bay have yet to be actioned.

•           Engineering Consultants is $42K (7%) under budget.  As income is fully recovered and driven by expenditure levels the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 

•           Overall Forestry income received is $108K (6%) over budget, this is expected to be the position at the end of the year. This is predominantly due to harvesting in Waikaia $935K over budget.  This is offset by Dipton Forest $460K and Ohai Forest $366K under budget.


Operating Expenditure


Actual operational expenditure for Services and Assets year-to-date is $1.64M (13%) under budget.


Key highlights are:

•           District Water is $508K (24%) under budget as there has been minimal capital expenditure year-to-date (169K actual v $697K budget).

•           District Sewerage is $920K (28%) under budget. Year to date $2.3M actual versus $3.2M budget has been completed.

•           Water Services is $113K (12%) under budget predominately due to less services of project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Currently the Engineering Consultants business unit is $42K (7%) under budget.


Statement of Financial Position




The balance sheet as at 30 June 2014 represents the audited balance sheet for activities of Council (ie excludes SIESA and Venture Southland).  The financial position at
28 February 2015 is before year-end adjustments and only for the activities of Council. 


External borrowings have still not been required, with internal funds being used to meet obligations for the year-to-date. 







Susan McNamara






Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015

Description: sdclogo


Rural Rating Unit - Rule Rating Valuations Rule 2008

Record No:        R/15/4/6419

Author:                 Anne  Robson, Chief Financial Officer

Approved by:       Steve Ruru, Chief Executive


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        Council has received correspondence from the Valuer-General in regards to the application of the rating valuations Rule and in relation to land owned by the Crown, (d).  Both sections relate to the treatment of farming properties owned either by the public or the Crown.  The following discussion is centred on the impact to the public as property owners.  However, changes required will be applied to all properties when completed.

Section Two or more certificates of title

Two or more certificates of title constitute a single rating unit where the land is owned by the same person or persons, is used jointly as a single unit, and is contiguous or separated only by a road, railway, drain, water race, river or stream and:

(a)        A substantial improvement straddles certificate of title boundaries, or

(b)        Certificates of title are legally required to be alienated together, or

(c)        In the case of a large holding such as a reserve, airport, port, or rail yard, it is unreasonable to treat each separate certificate of title as a rating unit, or

(d)        The land is used as one farming operation and it is likely that the certificates of title will be alienated as only one farming operation.

2        In summary the application of means farm land that is in two or more certificates of title and that is owned by the same person or persons and used as one farming operation and is contiguous (ie: side by side or separated only by a road, railway, drain, water race, river or stream) needs to be amalgamated into one rating unit.  The Valuer-General noted in its correspondence, that across the country compliance with this rule is not at an acceptable level and asked councils to work with their valuers to ensure compliance by 30 June 2015. 

3        It is important to note that properties amalgamated under this section will still retain separate certificates of title, it is only for the purposes of the District Valuation Roll (DVR) and the Rating Information Database (RID) that they are amalgamated. 

4        The implications of this change to property owners are

a)         Whereby previously property owners received one valuation notice for each certificate of title, they will now only receive a one combined valuation notice. 
The Valuer-General has noted that he expects that this will not change the overall value of the property as in most cases it will simply be the addition of the separate values, but there may be instances where it results in a minor change.

b)         Property owners will be unable to obtain a separate valuation for each title.  Previously this information may have been used when selling a property, now that valuations will be undertaken as a whole, this information will be un-available.


c)         As part of this process, amalgamated properties will have a single land use classification.  Currently these separate titles may have different land use classifications.  QV has confirmed with Council that where a landowner can prove the property is not used as “one farming operation” ie: it has a separate distinct land use, then that property will only be amalgamated with any other contiguous property of the same land use that complies with the above section of the Rating Valuations Act 2008.  The effect of any change in classification could be an increase or decrease to the roading rate payable. 

d)         Property owners will only receive one rating notice covering all properties that have been amalgamated.

5        In receiving the letter from the Valuer-General, Council staff approached its valuer, QV, to ask what process it was going to undertake to identify the extent of the issue and what it is doing to address the issue.  QV responded by advising that it was in the process of identifying the number of properties involved, but believed that Southland would have the highest number of properties to which this rule would apply, due mainly to the increase in property size as a result of dairying.  QV advised that it was planning to start the amalgamation process by reviewing the sales of properties in the last three years but it would take time and suggested that the 30 June deadline would be hard to meet.  QV noted that Dunedin City Council had asked and been granted an extension to the timeline and suggested Southland District Council do the same.  The extension suggested was to have the process completed for the general revaluation of all properties being undertaken at the end of this year.

6        To fully understand the quantum involved in any potential amalgamations, Council staff undertook its own process.  This identified approximately 3,100 farming properties that appear to be in the common ownership of around 1,500 ratepayers of which 275 have mixed land use classifications.  With this information Council staff wrote back to the Valuer-General asking for an extension on the basis of the number and time to correct the properties affected and the potential financial impact it may have on ratepayers whose properties currently have different land use classifications.

7        In response to this correspondence and that of other councils on the same matter, the Acting Valuer-General has replied and expanded on the reasoning for tightening up on this part of the rules now.  It states that compliance should already be occurring due to a similar rule within the Rating Act and the fact that farms are getting bigger, with increasing numbers of adjoining owner purchases along with diminishing markets for rural subdivisions and lifestyle blocks.  It also noted that if it had been a new rule it would accept a transition period but since this rule has been in place for a long time it was up to councils and their valuers to comply.  This is softened slightly by going on to say that although Council and its valuer should try and achieve compliance as much as possible before 30 June 2015, should Council not do so it needs to demonstrate “proactive measures” and a robust process going into the general revaluation as it may impact on certification. 

8        Taking the comments of the Acting Valuer-General on board, QV is proposing the following programme of works to ensure timely compliance:

1)         Continuation of analysing the last three years of property sales.  Also, before 30 June, where a site visit is required for a building consent, the property will also be assessed for any possible amalgamation at the same time.  Any properties identified will be updated before 30 June 2015.


2)         Analysis and identification of all other properties that require amalgamation.  This will involve desktop review with information from sources such as Environment Southland on water consents, property visits, comparison with Council’s analysis of identified properties etc with changes made in the new financial year, allowing the opportunity for any consultation/notification with property owners if required.

9        Council staff asked council’s contact at QV, Tim Gibson, to confirm this proposed programme of work with the appropriate representative of the Valuer-General to ensure that no certification issues would result from this.  We will provide an update on this at the APAC meeting.  




That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Rural Rating Unit - Rule Rating Valuations Rule 2008” dated 14 April 2015.



There are no attachments for this report. 



Activities Performance Audit Committee

22 April 2015

Description: sdclogo


Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987




That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

C8.1  Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 March 2015

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Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 18 March 2015

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.

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That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.