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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Policy Review Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Policy Review Committee Agenda









Rodney Dobson



Mayor Gary Tong



Lyall Bailey



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel  Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive

Steve Ruru


Committee Advisor

Debbie Webster





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Policy Review Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·       Review Council policies on a regular basis as to their relevancy and appropriateness.


·       Recommend new policies or changes to existing policies as required.


·       Ascertain the impact of proposed Government legislation on Council policies or activities and make responses/submissions on regional matters, SOEs, etc.


·         Review Asset Management Plans (including the renewal policy) for Council's infrastructural assets such as roading, water and sewage schemes and other Council property.


Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015

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ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

Reports for Resolution

7.1       Venture Southland Projects and Activities Update February - March 2015         15

Reports for Recommendation

8.1       Venture Southland Projects and Activities April - May 2015 Report                    27

8.2       Venture Southland - Community Development Update                                          49   

1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a councillor and any private or other external interest they might have. It is also considered best practice for those members in the Executive Team attending the meeting to also signal any conflicts that they may have with an item before Council.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Council to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)    The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)  The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)   That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the                   local authority; and

(ii)   The presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at   the meeting; but

(b)   No resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Meeting minutes of Policy Review Committee, 01 April 2015

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Policy Review Committee






Minutes of a meeting of Policy Review Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 10.30am.





Rodney Dobson



Lyall Bailey



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson



Mayor Gary Tong






Chief Executive Steve Ruru,  Group Manager Environment and Community Bruce Halligan, Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall, Chief Information Office Damon Campbell, Human Resources Manager Janet Ellis, Communications and Governance Manager Louise Pagan, Committee Advisor Debbie Webster.


Animal Control Office Julie Gillan (Item 4 Public Forum), Policy Analyst Tamara Dytor (Item 7.1 Alfresco Type Dining Policy), Venture Southland Community Development Team Leader Bobbi Brown (Item 8.1 Venture Southland Community Development Update), Venture Southland Community Development Planner Tina Harvey (Item 8.2 Venture Southland Update on World War One Commemoration Projects), Roading Engineer James McCallum (Item 8.3 Continuation of Southland District Council Roading Bylaw 2008 and Roading Policy 2008 Submissions), Environmental Health Manager Michael Sarfaiti (Item 8.4 Public Places Liquor Control Bylaw 2005 and Item 8.5 Camping Control Bylaw 2012).



1          Apologies


An apology for absence was received from Cr Kremer.


Moved by Cr Keast, seconded by Cr Dillon and resolved that the apology be received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


4          Public Forum

Public Forum commenced at 10.39 am.  Mrs Dorothy Willis of Riverton spoke on the dog attack she experienced in October 2014.  Mrs Willis noted her thanks and appreciation for the support she received from the Councils Dog Control Team in particular Julie Gillan.  She also acknowledged Cr Dobson. 

Mrs Willis tabled two photographs (APPENDIX 1), the first showed the length of the teeth of the dog that attacked and killed her own dog.  The second showed the wound on her leg which had still not healed several months later.  Mrs Willis noted she had twenty one wounds in total with the dogs tooth almost going the entire way through her palm.  And she also suffered a broken arm.  She said three large dogs jumped a fence and attacked her dog breaking its neck then they turned on her.  The attack happened in a matter of minutes.  Mrs Willis continues to suffer from nightmares from the attack and she is frightened to go out to her gate.  

Mrs Willis asked Council to put greater effort into education for the community in particular schools around dangerous dogs showing examples of what dogs are considered dangerous. 

Mayor Tong thanked Mrs Willis for coming to speak to the Policy Review Committee and gave his appreciation of her sharing her personal story.

Public Forum concluded at 10.50 am.



5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes


Moved by Cr Bailey, seconded by Cr Macpherson  and resolved:

That that the Meeting minutes of Policy Review Committee, 18 February 2015 be confirmed subject to the following change on page 8, the fourth paragraph the wording ‘ flax replanting’ should be ‘flax removal’.







Reports for Resolution




Alfresco Type Dining Policy

Record No:         R/15/3/4480


1.       Ms Dytor spoke to her report and noted the Alfresco Type Dining Policy had been reviewed and updated to reflect the practise of Council, and the new fees that are proposed in the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2015-2025 (currently under consultation in parallel to the LTP).  The draft Alfresco Type Dining Policy had been developed based on a review of the Alfresco Type Dining Policy 2003, to more accurately reflect the practise of Council.  To ensure that the Alfresco Type Dining Policy package was ready to be put in place prior to the Schedule of Fees and Charges being implemented on 1 July 2015, a licence, application and internal procedure have also been developed. 


Ms Dytor asked the Committee for guidance on whether the Alfresco Type Dining Policy should apply to the whole District or just Winton and Te Anau.  Following discussion it was agreed that for the purpose of uniformity across the District the Policy should be applied District wide.  It was agreed to change recommendation d) by removing the words ‘or just Winton/Te Anau’.




Moved by Cr Duffy, seconded by Cr Baird  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Alfresco Type Dining Policy” dated 19 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Provides guidance as to whether the Alfresco Type Dining Policy should apply to the whole District.

e)         Recommends the draft Alfresco Type Dining Policy to Council for adoption.

f)          Recommends to Council to delegate the approval and revocation of Alfresco Type Dining licences to Area Engineers, with advice from the relevant Community Board/Community Development Area Subcommittee.








Reports for Recommendation




Venture Southland - Community Development Update

Record No:         R/15/3/5235


Mrs Bobbi Brown spoke to the Community Development Update, apologizing for Ms Diana Zadravec who was not able to be at the meeting.   A video clip was shown of a new Katmandu Store television advertisement that had been filmed mostly in the Fiordland area.


Mrs Brown highlighted the support Venture Southland could provide community groups with community funding applications particularly with many funders moving to online applications as the Community Trust of Southland recently had.  She also highlighted local initiatives such as the Tuatapere Community Pool funding that had been secured in full; the Tuatapere Summer Day held in February; the Blackmount School property; the Fiordland RSA ANZAC Day plans and the Te Anau and environs cycling opportunities study.



Moved by Cr Macpherson, seconded by Cr Keast  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland - Community Development Update” dated 24 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.





Venture Southland Update on World War One Commemoration Projects

Record No:         R/15/3/5317


Mrs Tina Harvey spoke to her report updating the Committee on the various projects relating to World War One commemorations, which Venture Southland had been involved with.  Noting that while communities had their individual initiatives there had been an aim for a regional approach.  This was demonstrated with projects such as the development of the Southland Online War Memorial Inventory, Southland Commemoration Flag Project, “Dawn to Dusk Train Journey” and the war memorial condition assessment project.  The most recent project was the “Keeping the Home Fires Burning” initiative which looks to have a lantern (with a burning candle) situated on each war memorial in Southland or at each RSA facility, along with a poem or text commemorating the soldiers who went to war and the people who were left behind.  Mrs Harvey also noted Venture Southland had been successful in securing or working along other organisations to secure approximately $435,625 in external funding to support a range of projects. 


Mrs Harvey and Mrs Brown showed the Committee the three ANZAC flags that are to be distributed for display around the District in preparation for ANZAC commemorations.



Moved by Cr Duffy, seconded by Cr Harpur  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Update on World War One Commemoration Projects” dated 23 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.




Continuation of Southland District Council Roading Bylaw 2008 and Roading Policy 2008 - Submissions

Record No:         R/15/3/5328


Mr McCallum spoke to his report noting that at the submission closing date of 20 March 2015 there were no submissions received from the public and one submission received from an affected stakeholder.  As part of the consultation process the Strategic Transport Department single submission of support was received from Environment Southland  for the continuation of the current Bylaw and Policy.



Moved by Cr Keast, seconded by Cr Dillon  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Continuation of Southland District Council Roading Bylaw 2008 and Roading Policy 2008 - Submissions” dated 23 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         That the continuation of the Southland District Council Roading Bylaw 2008 and the Roading Policy 2008 be confirmed at the Council meeting dated 22 April 2015.







Public Places Liquor Control Bylaw 2005

Record No:         R/15/3/5086


Mr Sarfaiti spoke to his report noting the Council was required to review the Public Places Liquor Control Bylaw 2005 by 28 September 2015, if it wishes to continue to have an alcohol ban bylaw.  Due to a legislative amendment in 2012, the criteria for review for the bylaw had become more onerous.  The Committee was invited to give staff feedback concerning the proposed review process. 


Mr Sarfaiti commented that while the Bylaw  was District wide, its practical effect had been limited to Te Anau only.  He said he had consulted with the police in Te Anau who would like to continue with the current Bylaw. 




Moved by Mayor Tong, seconded by Cr Douglas  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Public Places Liquor Control Bylaw 2005 ” dated 24 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Gives feedback to staff concerning the proposed review of the “Public Places Liquor Control Bylaw 2005 ”.




Camping Control Bylaw 2012

Record No:         R/15/3/5244


Mr Sarfaiti commented an issue in Waikawa was the use of the site causing rubbish and effluent disposal problems due to large volumes and associated costs were increasing as a result of higher usage.  He also noted the cell tower at Slope Point was ‘opening’ up the area resulting in more traffic and possibly exacerbating the issues.  Mr Sarfaiti mentioned the only town south of Waimate to have Motor Home Friendly status is Gore.  He commented that the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association (NZMCA) prepared a Model Freedom Camping Bylaw which is available on the LGNZ website.   The NZMCA have said until the SDC levels the SDC Bylaw with their Bylaw the Southland District  will not get Motor Home Friendly status.


There are a number of Councils that prohibit non-self-contained camping, including Clutha and Queenstown Lakes who have an instant fine.  Cr Ford noted the camping patrol in Te Anau worked as a good deterrent to rubbish and effluent issues.


There was discussion on the need to provide rubbish bins or whether freedom campers would take their rubbish away.  It was noted there are transfer stations in towns campers can use, however these are not always open seven days a week.  It was commented that there are few transfer stations in the Catlins, one in Owaka but no other towns.  One suggestion was to trial placing fee based wheelie bins around the District.  Cr Duffy noted consistency with other Councils was needed, for example with Clutha District Council as the Catlins runs through both Districts.  Cr Ford commented if there was not a District wide Bylaw that perhaps reviews are made of each area analysing site by site.  It was agreed to amend the recommendations in Mr Sarfaiti’s report to encompass the discussion.


The changes were made to recommendation d, which included:


The initiation of further work by staff on the Camping Control Bylaw 2012, as follows:


            i)     To create greater alignment with the New Zealand Motor Caravan        Association (NZMCA) Model Freedom Camping Bylaw, and staff to        undertake further dialogue with NZMCA in this regard with a view to        enabling SDC towns to achieve NZMCA “Motor Home Friendly”        status.

            ii)    That a District-wide prohibition on non-self-contained vehicles is not        considered necessary at this time.

            iii)    That staff shall assess each existing identified camping site in the        Bylaw on a case by case basis to determine whether the current        authorised activity in appropriate, with particular emphasis on the        Catlins area to address current reported problems in that area.

            iv)   That staff shall liaise with adjoining Councils to seek to create a   consistent        cross-boundary approach, to the extent that this is     appropriate.

            v)    That staff will report back to the Policy Review Committee at a later     date        with suggested options in accordance with the general direction   provided by this resolution.




Moved by Cr Macpherson, seconded by Cr Dillon  and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Camping Control Bylaw 2012” dated 24 March 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Recommends the initiation of further work by staff on the Camping Control Bylaw 2012, as follows:

            i)     To create greater alignment with the New Zealand Motor Caravan        Association (NZMCA) Model Freedom Camping Bylaw, and staff to        undertake further dialogue with NZMCA in this regard with a view to        enabling SDC towns to achieve NZMCA “Motor Home Friendly”        status.

            ii)    That a District-wide prohibition on non-self-contained vehicles is not        considered necessary at this time.

            iii)   That staff shall assess each existing identified camping site in the        Bylaw on a case by case basis to determine whether the current        authorised activity in appropriate, with particular emphasis on the        Catlins area to address current reported problems in that area.

            iv)   That staff shall liaise with adjoining Councils to seek to create a        consistent cross-boundary approach, to the extent that this is        appropriate.

            v)    That staff will report back to the Policy Review Committee at a later        date with suggested options in accordance with the general direction        provided by this resolution.





 The meeting was closed at 12.40 pm.


                                                           CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Policy Review Committee HELD ON 1 APRIL 2015.











Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015

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Venture Southland Projects and Activities Update February - March 2015

Record No:        R/15/4/7421

Author:                 Paul Casson, Chief Executive

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager, Policy and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Venture Southland Report

1        Please refer to attached document.




That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Projects and Activities Update February - March 2015” dated 10 June 2015.



a         Venture Southland Activities and Projects Update - Feb-Mar 2015 View    


Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015


Venture Southland Projects and Activities

Update February – March 2015


1.   Business Team

Awarua Satellite Ground Station

The global navigation satellite service monitoring equipment at Awarua Satellite Ground Station is now operating well and is providing 15 minute updates to the European Space Operations Centre Navigation Support Office in Darmstadt. The equipment provides data with which to calibrate navigation satellites for the GPS, GONASS and Galileo services. The School of Surveying at the University of Otago accepted Venture Southland’s invitation to collaborate with the project and they now obtain very accurate geodetic data from Darmstadt as a result.


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The first Planet Labs antenna is now fully operational. Planet Labs currently has some 80 satellites in orbit and is photographing the whole of the Earth surface and is aiming to repeat this every 24 hours. The construction of their second antenna at Awarua SGS is well advanced and a commissioning team from San Francisco will be on site in May. The skills of the local contractors have impressed Planet Labs and their contractors during the construction of the first antenna and as a result much more work has been devolved to locals for the second antenna build.


The land on which the station sits was purchased by the Venture Southland Trust on 13 February 2015 from the local farmer. This provides the much needed certainty, allowing other satellite operators to establish themselves in Southland.


Business Training - Regional Business Partners

The Venture Southland-delivered Regional Business Partner programme has again been recognised as having the highest client satisfaction in New Zealand according to the latest quarterly survey undertaken by NZTE. Business that had accessed support services through Venture Southland, including mentorship, training funding, business advisory services and R&D support were surveyed on the quality of the support received. 100% of clients rated the service excellent or very good, making Venture Southland the best delivery agency in the country. With one quarter remaining in the 2014/15 contract period, Venture Southland is on target to deliver training support totalling $200,000.




Canterbury Rebuild – Canterbury South Project

Four years on from the Christchurch earthquakes, the Canterbury rebuild continues to advance through different stages of redevelopment. The Initial focus on infrastructure and residential housing is now well advanced although it remains challenging to assess realistic timeframes for completion. While the anchor projects within the Christchurch CBD and other health and education projects appear to be on target for completion, there is currently robust debate within central and local government about who should pay for what in the redevelopment in the inner city.


The Canterbury South programme has remained focused on allowing a significant number of local businesses to develop Christchurch based opportunities while maintaining a local workforce in Southland which has enabled these businesses to also service the recent growth in the local commercial sector and growth in the Central Otago construction sector.


From the initial database of over 210 southern companies which registered interest in the Canterbury South initiative in 2011, a core of  25 Southland businesses have established credible relationships within Canterbury and continue to secure ongoing business opportunities in Christchurch. The business environment has become increasingly competitive for southern companies during the past six months and along with recruitment and retention of skilled labour, accommodation and higher overhead costs continue to provide constant challenges.


Opportunities for involvement in the rebuild still exist for Southland businesses but the emphasis has noticeably shifted in recent times from ‘supply of products and services’ to ‘supply and install’.


Southland Digital Strategy Review – Regional Broadband and Mobile Phone Coverage Survey

Venture Southland surveyed Southland residents and businesses to gather vital information associated with the performance of broadband services and mobile network coverage in the region. The survey was distributed via the Venture Southland Business e-Newsletter on Monday 9 February 2015, and it has received 605 responses. All survey responses have been geo-coded and are currently being mapped to determine the service quality and coverage.


Key findings from the survey will be presented to the Joint Committee meeting on 20 April 2015. These highlight that there are significant disparities between urban and rural service levels, and that existing services are struggling to meet the requirements of businesses and residents. The final survey analysis and mapping of the survey responses is expected to be completed by the 2nd of May 2015. The analysis will provide a vital input for the review of the Southland Digital Strategy and will help Southland to advocate for improved services and coverage.


Stewart Island Renewable Energy Investigation

The Stewart Island solar installation was completed in January 2015 and electricity is being generated. The performance of the system is monitored remotely and the data is being analysed by the University of Canterbury.


The wind monitoring station has been fully operational since November 2014 and it continues to provide good quality data on wind speed, acceleration and direction. This too is remotely monitored by the University of Canterbury project team.   


The hydro flow monitoring equipment is now providing good quality data. This part of the project has been particularly demanding due to the site’s remoteness and the extremely difficult terrain. The associated hydro-station meteorological equipment is also providing good quality data relating to the catchment, which will form the basis for calculating the overall catchment storage and discharge potential. Further updates will be provided as longitudinal data becomes available.


Aerial Magnetic Survey of Southland - New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals

Andy Sommerville from New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals (which is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment) visited Southland on Wednesday 18 February to discuss the planned work and the opportunities to advance a more expansive survey as part of the Aeromag Survey. A total of 13 representatives from New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals, Southland District Council, Invercargill City Council, Gore District Council, Clutha District Council, Environment Southland and Venture Southland attended this meeting.


Venture Southland is currently working with New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals to finalise the costing of the Aerial Magnetic Survey in the region. The pricing of the work is expected to be completed by mid-May 2015. This information will be reported to regional stakeholders.


Silica Documentation Update

Venture Southland is the process of updating the Southland Silica Documentation. This project is focusing on ensuring the information presented in the opportunity profiles is contemporary. This may involve contemporising existing information or adding new relevant information as required, to reflect changes in the resource knowledge or situation, market prices or players, technology, mineral ownership, the environmental consent processes, availability of electricity and current and projected poly silica pricing. The work will commence the week beginning 20 April 2015.


Park and Ride

The work for the Park and Ride project is well underway to formulate a proposal for the ‘Milford Sound Park and Ride’ concept. This is expected to be complete by early June 2015. A working group has also been established to participate in this process.


Lean Dairy

A total of four sessions, 3 classroom and 1 on-farm, have been held as part of the 2015 Dairy Lean Project. The programme involves 50 people over 10 farms. Work to-date has involved mapping the milking processes and identifying problems or frustrations around this process. From this mapping process root cause analysis is undertaken allowing participants to address the issue at its source rather. DairyNZ have funded this extension programme to develop the required resources to enable Lean Dairy to be delivered around the country. Feedback to-date has been very positive, with a particular focus on staff engagement. The programme will be delivered every three weeks until the end of July.


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Lean Manufacturing

The 2015 Lean Manufacturing Programme began on 10 April with seven new companies (Yunca, Powernet, Lochiel Trailers, Awarua Synergies, BJ Carters, Windsor Brass and Beatties Auto). The programme has grown in participant numbers each year, since beginning in 2012.


As part of the ongoing commitment to the Lean cluster, support training has been offered to previous programme participants in May, with all taking the opportunity to undergo a ‘Lean health check’. An advanced session will also be held in June for previous participants.


Regional Labour Market Strategy 2015-2031

The Regional Labour Market Strategy will be presented to the Venture Southland Joint Committee on 20 April 2015. This document outlines structures and areas of action to be undertaken in response to the current and future deficits highlighted in the Regional Workforce Demand Assessment, completed in December 2014. This work demonstrates the demographic challenges that Southland will face over the next 15 years. This information, which highlighted potential labour market shortages of up to 12,000 people, was presented to businesses and key stakeholders through various sessions.


A presentation of the region’s future labour market challenges was made to the Minister for Immigration, Michael Woodhouse. The response to the information presented was positive; the minister commented that no other region he had visited was able to articulate the challenges faced so clearly and had focused areas of action. Follow-up will be made with the minister around critical areas of focus including Youth and Migration.


Southland Youth Futures

Jo Barnsdale has been appointed as the Southland Youth Futures Co-ordinator and will begin work on the 5th May. This appointment allows the project to begin its operational phase. Work is continuing on the 2015 Schools Careers Survey and a public campaign to encourage employers to invest in youth training and career development. 


The Taskforce includes new representatives from the Southland Principals’ Association, Waihopai Runanga and Fonterra. Funding applications have been made to Lotteries and to Community Trust of Southland. Funding proposals are being completed for Dairy NZ and MBIE and an application will also be made to the ILT Foundation.  Discussions have been held with some service providers interested in supporting the needs in the Eastern Southland area.


2015 Southland Business Survey

Venture Southland is currently undertaking the 2015 Southland Business Survey. This survey builds on the previously completed survey in 2014 and will allow comparisons to be made around confidence levels within businesses, sectors and geographical location. The work also maps the strategic issues faced by businesses and monitors any changes year-on-year. Collection of the data will be completed by the end of April, with analysis being undertaken in early May.


Wood Energy South

Hon Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources will be visiting Southland on 1 May to meet with the Wood Energy South project team and project stakeholders. As part of the visit the Minister will be visiting potential users, fuel suppliers and current users.


The project team is currently working with industry on the development of Specifier Competence paper, a study of the Current and Projected Timber Resource in Southland, and are supporting an SIT student with an emissions monitoring study. 


There are three feasibility studies for large industrial users expected to be commissioned in the next two months, and two boiler installations are underway. Grants for new and existing boilers, assessments and technology feasibility studies are available under the programme. Resources are continually being developed and available on the wood energy south website.  Enquiries can be directed to Venture Southland’s Wood Energy Co-ordinator -



2.   Conference and Events Team


Southland Festival of the Arts

The seventh annual Southland Arts Festival will take place from 22 April to 21 May 2015. Venture Southland programmes content, promotes the festival and manages specific events, providing a major focus for arts promotion and audience development in the creative sector.


This year’s festival comprises thirty-two events showcasing seventeen performances, including a range of theatre, music, literary events and dance. Visual arts exhibitions in Southland galleries are also highlighted in the festival programme.


This year’s community event is a “yarn-bombing” experience, which will see Esk Street “clothed” in knitted and crocheted items. Individuals can attend a “Knit In” workshop as well as making items at home.  Dozens of enthusiasts, including school groups have registered for the event. 


10,000 festival programmes have been distributed throughout the region, and beyond, while a comprehensive marketing campaign utilising all media is underway.

While most “imported” events, mainly due to their complexity, will take place in Invercargill, there are events scheduled for Southland District towns and Gore, ensuring that the festival retains its regional focus.


The festival is strongly supported by funding organisations: ILT Foundation, Community Trust of Southland, Creative NZ, Southland District Council and Invercargill City Council. 


ILT Kidzone

2014 was another successful year for the ILT Kidzone Festival so planning is underway to make it bigger and better in 2015.


The 2015 ILT Kidzone Festival will be held at James Hargest College Senior Campus from Wednesday 8 July to Monday 13 July. The Invercargill Licensing Trust is once again our naming right sponsor for the festival – to be known as ILT Kidzone. Funding applications have been lodged with five having been successful thus far and three still to be decided.


The cost of tickets will remain at $14.00 per person, per day. Tickets will be on sale from Monday May 18. Tickets will be available online through the event website (; the Invercargill i-Site and all SDC Area Offices.


The ILT Kidzone booklet is currently with the designers and will go to print at the end of the month. The booklet is our main marketing tool for the event in which 15,000 are printed and distributed around schools in Southland. Other advertising avenues for the event include but are not limited to print (local newspapers); radio (both NZ Media and Entertainment and Media Works); and our ILT Kidzone Facebook page.


We are currently in the process of recruiting the zone managers, sub-managers and other paid staff for this year’s festival. At this point in time there is a high return rate of those who were employed for the 2014 ILT Kidzone Festival which is a fantastic legacy for the event. Volunteer applications will open on Monday, 18 May with visits to the respective high schools prior to this date to discuss this fantastic opportunity to be arranged.


The entertainment for the festival is all but confirmed. The interest around this has been fantastic, with past performers eager to come back again as well as expressions of interest from new acts. There will be a great range of performers from singers to jugglers, and drummers to a super hero.


In terms of the activities at the festival, it will be jam-packed with hundreds of hands-on activities for kids of all kinds – creators, constructors, computer whizzes and sports stars! The old favourites will be back again as well as some new and exciting craft creations and a 7m high spider web.


Conference Attraction

We continue to work closely with the Invercargill Licensing Trust on attracting conference to the region, and the joint incentive fund is working well and being utilised by Conference organisers.


Venture Southland on behalf of the three territorial authority Mayors and the Chair of Environment Southland have put in a comprehensive bid to host the 2016 Local Government New Zealand Conference in the region.  The conference attracts over 500 delegates and around 100 partners accompanying them.  We worked with the Motel Association, the ILT, Transport World and ILT Stadium Southland to pull together a hosting document that we believe ticks off all the requirements for the conference itself and also offers the partners a wide variety of things to do in the region.  The bid also focussed on opportunities for delegates pre and post conference in the hopes that delegates may stay in the region post conference or arrive early to take advantage of some of the great things we have to offer in the region.


The conference is scheduled to be in the South Island and we are competing against other centres such as Dunedin and Queenstown, it was pleasing to get letters of support from the Mayors of the Clutha and Central Otago District Councils.


Trustpower Community Awards

Conference and Events Team Leader, Liz Williams along with Laura Russell the ILT Kidzone 2104 Festival Director accompanied Deputy Mayor Darren Ludlow and Mayor Gary Tong to the National Trustpower Community Awards held recently in Wellington.


ILT Kidzone won the regional award last year and so was a finalist in the National Awards.  The event was held over a weekend with presentations from over 50 groups taking place on the Saturday with the winner being announced that evening.  Whilst ILT Kidzone did not win the national award we had many people come to us asking about the event and how we manage to run such an event in our community, and how we can get 300 odd teenagers volunteering their school holidays to help.   


There were groups ranging from looking at Cyber bullying; to community gardens; to lending a helping hand in the community in whatever way is needed; to a garden weekend in Marlborough that has grown to be a major event on their calendar.  The awards were won by a group from Pahaia that removed 32 car parks from the harbour area and created a green space for the community, this could not have happened without the whole community agreeing to do it and so they certainly took their community with them on their journey.


We all came back from the weekend inspired about possibilities in our own communities.



3.   Community Development Team


Southland WW1 Commemorations

Venture Southland’s Community Development team continue to provide overall coordination of several WW1 commemorative projects:


Street Banners and Flags:

The commemorative street banners and flags have been distributed and are currently being erected in townships throughout Southland.  The banners and flags have been very popular so far and a second order has been placed.


Keeping the Home Fires Burning:

The lighting of beacons has long been a tradition, particularly within the British Empire, to mark significant national events and with the upcoming commemoration of 100 years since our New Zealand Troops landed at Gallipoli, Southland is reigniting the fire with beacons being gifted to the communities in Southland.  The sentiment behind the beacon is three-fold:

1.  At the outbreak of WW1, those left at home were asked to ‘keep the home fires burning’ until the soldiers returned from war to give a beacon of hope for their safe return.

2.  It also commemorates those who stayed at home and continued to run farms, work and manage home life – and quite literally kept the home fires burning.

3.  And most importantly in today’s context – it symbolises the need to keep the memory of our soldiers alive, and commemorate their sacrifice.  By lighting a beacon this year, we are ‘handing the torch’ onto the next generation.


The beacons will be lit at Anzac Day services across the district and then they will be stored in key locations to ensure the fires are kept burning throughout the remainder of the WW1 Commemorations.  The project was initiated in Stewart Island, and development by Venture Southland’s Community Development Team with the support of the Southland District Council.


Southland Remembers’ ANZAC Day Publication

Venture Southland staff are working alongside the Invercargill RSA to develop a programme showing various ANZAC Day services in Invercargill and Southland.


Around the Mountains Cycle Trail

The Interpretation Strategy for Stage One is now complete.  The strategy consists of approximately 22 sites with an interpretation / information panel at each site. Each panel has a map of where you are on the trail as well as information about historical and environmental aspects along the way.


The Interpretation Strategy also includes detail on existing infrastructure, cycle trail safety and directional signage, cyclist services in towns and the interpretation plan alongside the content of the panels / information boards.


Recent Funding Round Closes

Venture Southland staff have been working alongside a number of community groups and organisations to prepare and assist in the preparation of funding applications for the various Southland District Council administered funds which closed at the end of March.  Once applications are submitted Venture Southland assists with overall collation, assessment and consideration before recommendations are submitted to SDC Allocations Committee in May 2015.



Financial Reporting Workshops

In February the Department of Internal Affairs Charities Services held a series of workshops on the new financial reporting standards compulsory for all Charities.  Community Development Planners attended these workshops to gain a better understanding of these new requirements so as to provide assistance for community groups as and when they arise.  The next step is to investigate a series of workshops around Southland to update local communities. 


Blackmount School Facilities

Venture Southland Community Development staff have been heavily involved in this key project for the Blackmount community.  The school closed in July because of a dwindling roll.  The Blackmount community with support from the Southland District Council have secured the old Blackmount School property.  The purchase included the school building, swimming pool, playground and an old hall.


The old school building will be used as a community centre for the Blackmount community.   Venture Southland’s role was to facilitate the stakeholder group and identify the feasibility of the project, as well as general liaison with various parties. 


Cruise Strategy

Venture Southland are continuing to work with the Stewart Island community on developing the Cruise industry.  This includes the distribution of an annual fridge magnet showing the cruise ship schedule, liaising with operators and with other key stakeholders during the season. Venture Southland is currently working with Environment Southland and the Southland District Council on a potential Southland Cruise Strategy, which will have a primary focus on Stewart Island. 


Working alongside Southland District Council – Long Term Plan Community Meetings

The Community Development team have been attending various community drop-in meetings for the Southland District Council Long Term Plan as part of the consultation process.  Community Development Planners have been available to support SDC staff and Councillors because of the range of projects we are involved with at both a community and Council level.



4.   Southland Tourism Team


Media Results

Southland stories from famils (familiarisation) facilitated by Venture Southland have featured in number of national and international magazines, newspapers, international websites and television shows.

·    Travelling Scope (Cheng Meng) - From Auckland to South Island and Beyond – January 2015

·    The Sun (Craig Woodhouse) – South Island Self Drive – February 2015

·    Avenues (Daisy Seely) – Hump Ridge Track – March 2015

·    Stuff (Daisy Seely) – Hump Ridge Track – March 2015

·    The Western Australian (Richard Pennick) – Best of both Isles (Touring NZ) – March 2015

·    Sunday Star Times (Anna Tait-Jamieson) – Hooked on the Island – March 2015

·    Stuff (Anna Tait-Jamieson) – Hooked on the Island – March 2015



Media Familiarisation

During spring and early summer Venture Southland hosted a number of media famils to Southland. Along with our domestic media famils, Venture Southland works with Tourism New Zealand on an International Media Programme. 


Below is a list of the areas that were explored along with the journalists name and publications they are associated with.


·    Wilderness Magazine (Alastair Hall) -  Stewart Island

·    KiaOra Magazine (James Borrowdale) - The Catlins, Invercargill, Western Southland, Gore and the Southern Scenic Route

·    Taste Magazine (Nick Russell) – NZ food & culture

·    Daniel Carruthers, from Hangzhou, China

·    International Media Programme by Tourism New Zealand (Rob McFarland - Australia)

·    Herald on Sunday (Helen Van Birken) – Northern and Western Southland – adventure/active

·    NZ Gardener/Fairfax (Jo McCarroll) – Gardening, Riverton, Harvest Festival, Around the Mountains Cycle Trail, The Catlins


Trade Shows and Famils

The utilisation of trade channels such as inbound operators (IBOs) is a recognised format for driving sales to commissionable products (businesses that charge and offer commission to distribution channels) and building brand recognition in an affordable manner. Trade activities for the period include:

·    Market Insights – Sydney

·    Covi Motorhome Show in collaboration with GDC (Auckland)

·    TNZ Indian Market Update – ICC CWC Hamilton (IMA)

·    TNZ South East Asia Market Update – Christchurch (IMA)

·    Julia Kanzo from Pacific Destinations


Southland Trade, Conference and Incentive Guide

Working with the events team, the inaugural Trade, Conference and Incentive Guide has been compiled to share with trade and events distribution channel. This combined approach has grown to now feature 60 regional trade listings (up by over 20% on 2014).


Description: Description: U:\Users\lindsayb\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\AIYR7WAI\CaptureOYD.PNGOn Your Doorstep Campaign Development

Targeting the local Southland resident market, the is a sales promotion website offers locals over 40 deals with discounts up to 50% for local activities, hospitality accommodation. Promotion is via a number of mediums, including social media, radio, print and public relations (Cue TV).




South Island Road Trip Campaign Execution

Working in collaboration with SOUTH and Tourism New Zealand, this campaign is targeting high yield “silver surfers” and “independent professionals” in major Australian populations through a variety of promotions including billboards, newspaper pull-outs, and social media. Southland content in this campaign includes editorial and imagery of activities, attractions, and accommodation on the Southern Scenic Route.


Southern Scenic Route (SSR)

The SSR committee met in Balclutha to review the initiatives of the Southern Scenic Route. While the Route continues to be a key selling proposition for the Southern region, focus was applied to expanding its awareness and exploring opportunities to further leverage it in the marketplace (such as new media supplies, e-books/travel apps, & content review).

Product Development, Operator Engagement and Business Advice

The tourism team meet and advise a variety of tourism sector operators (including the Southland Museum & Art Gallery, Awarua Communications Museum, Gore Events and Promotions Officer, Bill Richardson Transport Museum, Highview B&B, B&B by the Sea, Invercargill Brewery, Welcome Rock Trails, Seriously Good Chocolate Company)


TRENZ 2015

The Tourism team has secured 51 appointments with international inbound operators from Australia, China, UK, Continental Europe, Japan & the USA. TRENZ 2015 is in Rotorua in May 2015 and Venture Southland (and Destination Fiordland) are attending as well as a number of local businesses such as Real Journeys and the Invercargill Licensing Trust.  It is positive to have a growing amount of product to promote at these events.


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Southern Region i-SITE Meeting

i-SITE operators from the lower South Island met in Queenstown to discuss challenges and opportunities within the sector. Generally very positive performance in the sector, with some strong opportunities around emerging markets (e.g. China), new technologies (e.g. Consumer Radar, Bookit, Google Business) and performance indicators.


Tourism Liaison Committee

In February the Tourism Liaison Committee met for the fourth time. This meeting was held at Invercargill Kiwi Holiday Park and had a focus on discussed the training needs of the industry (and proposed annual tourism summit), strategic projects and deliverables of the committee.  The next meeting is scheduled for the end of May.



Mini-Event Promotion and Content Marketing

Promotion execution (social media, signage), content gathering (imagery/video) and promotion development has been conducted for the following events:

·    Wild Food Festival Invercargill

·    Mountain Biking Promotion Video

·    Ascot Park Hotel Promotion Video

·    WhiteHills Classic

·    CBD Extravaganza



Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015

Description: sdclogo


Venture Southland Projects and Activities April - May 2015 Report

Record No:        R/15/5/9382

Author:                 Paul Casson, Chief Executive

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager, Policy and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Purpose of Report

1        The report provides a snapshot of projects and activities being undertaken by Venture Southland during April and May 2015.  If you require any further information regarding any of the projects and activities reported on please contact Paul Casson, Stephen Canny or Bobbi Brown.



That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Projects and Activities April - May 2015 Report” dated 10 June 2015.



a         Report to Southland District Council Policy Review - Venture Southland Projects and Activites April - May 2015 Report View    


Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015




TO:                                         SOUTHLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL

                                                POLICY REVIEW MEETING


FROM:                                   PAUL CASSON


MEETING DATE:                24 JUNE 2015



APRIL - MAY 2015



Recommendation: That the report be received.







2015 Southland Business Survey

During the first quarter of 2015, Venture Southland surveyed 380 Southland businesses to better understand their opportunities and challenges. The survey builds on the previously completed survey in 2014 and allows comparisons to be made around confidence levels within businesses, sectors and geographical location.


The survey revealed that business confidence is strong in the Southland region although businesses are reporting that attracting the right people is becoming more challenging than in 2014. 51% of businesses are reporting having challenges finding the right people, compared to 38% in 2014. To address this, 46% are planning pay rises, up from 34% in 2014, and 64% are planning to invest in staff training and up skilling, up 14% on 2014.


Southland is a key exporting region within New Zealand the Business Survey indicated that exporters are doing well. 12% of businesses are exporting, up 3% on 2014 and those businesses are more likely to be exporting to more regions. A quarter of exporters are exporting to 5 or more regions globally.


Business confidence remains steady.  75% are positive about the Southland Business environment (2% down from 2014) and 87% are positive about their own business (up 4%). Business performance in sales is strong with 86% of businesses reporting increased or steady sales, although 5% fewer are experiencing increased sales compared to 2014.


The survey also revealed that more businesses are online. 77% of Southland businesses have a website and 63% are now promoting their business using social media (up from just under half in 2014). Planned investment across a whole range of areas is up on 2014, notably investment in plant and machinery (up 10% to 38%), investment in premises (31% up from 22%) and IT (27% up from 19%).


The key findings of the Business Survey will be presented to the Joint Committee meeting on 25 May 2015. 


Wood Energy South

Hon Simon Bridges, Minister of Energy and Resources visited Southland on 1 May to meet with the Wood Energy South project team and project stakeholders. As part of the visit the Minister will be attended a lunch with project stakeholders and site visits to Niagara Sawmill and Alliance Lorneville. Feedback from the Minister included:


“Southland is home to some exciting energy efficiency projects, it’s great to see local industry is adopting a progressive approach to developing sustainable and economic energy options,” he said.
 “Wood energy is a renewable fuel that in many situations can be used instead of coal or gas. Every Southland business that makes the switch is supporting the local economy as well as making a more environmentally friendly choice, which can only have a positive impact on the region.”


Description: C:\Users\andrewsh\Desktop\stuff\Ministerial Visit Images 20150501\IMG_2304.JPG

    1 Hon Simon Bridges with EECA Chief Executive, Mike Underhill and Lloyd McGinty

The project team is currently working with leading industry partners considering switching to biomass boilers and a number of conversions are currently underway. Emissions measurement on converted boiler systems is also showing major improvement in emission standards and heat recovery systems are also demonstrating that boiler sizes in many cases can be reduced and still achieve optimal performance.


As part of technical capacity building   element of the project industry stakeholders are part of the development of a Specifier Competence paper which is being facilitated by an international consultancy.


A study of the Current and Projected Timber Resource in Southland is now well advanced and will demonstrate the long term availability of woody biomass.

Venture Southland has involved a SIT student with an emissions monitoring study and has work alongside specialist consultants measuring emissions and boiler performance. 


There are three feasibility studies for large industrial users expected to be commissioned in the next two months, and two boiler installations are underway.


Grants for new and existing boilers, assessments and technology feasibility studies are available under the programme. Resources are continually being developed and available on the wood energy south website.  Enquiries can be directed to Venture Southland’s Wood Energy Co-ordinator -



Dairy Farm Methane Recovery Project

As part of the implementation of the Southland Energy Strategy, Venture Southland has been working with EECA, NIWA and agricultural consultants and local farmers to trial the capture of methane emissions from dairy farm covered anaerobic effluent ponds. The fundamental principle behind the trial is to demonstrate the viability of methane as an energy source to significantly reduce electricity use on farms as well as demonstrating the environmental benefits in a Southland context.


NIWA monitoring trail was established at a site in Dacre in 2012 to measure the methane production from dairy farm effluent storage ponds in relation to climate, season and the organic loading of the pond to improve the estimation of methane and potential beneficial use as an energy source.


A demonstration project (950 cow dairy farm located on Limestone Plains Road in Southland) has been established to provide farmers with the confidence to embrace this type of system. The aim is to encourage farmers that are seen as dairy industry leaders as early adopters of this system.


About the farm:

·    Farmer recognized for environmental leadership.

·    Traditional, predominately grass based system, with little supplement feed used. The effluent management system at the farm is based on a low application sprinkler system (K-line), applying cow shed effluent over up to 200ha of pasture land. Prior to land application, effluent is stored in a clay lined, 60 day capacity storage pond, which is located approximately 100m form the cow shed. Other than a sand trap there is currently no effluent pre-treatment

·    Early adopter of Dairy Lean Program

·    Low Water use 20,000 litres per day with 15,000 litres of reuse

·    Annual Electricity savings are expected to be in the order of $35,000pa

·    The anaerobic digestate (waste pond sludge) will also be a quality fertiliser


Venture Southland was invited to present the project to Dairy NZ at a national planning workshop in Hamilton on the 22 of April and there is a plan to support a national research program to monitor the system performance with a view towards a rolling out the systems throughout the country.  


















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Southland Digital Strategy Review – Regional Broadband and Mobile Phone Coverage

Venture Southland surveyed Southland residents and businesses to gather vital information associated with the performance of broadband services and mobile network coverage in the region. The survey received 720 responses.

Key findings from the survey highlight that there are significant disparities between urban and rural service levels, and that existing services are struggling to meet the requirements of businesses and residents. The survey is a vital input for the review of the Southland Digital Strategy and will help Southland to advocate for improved services and coverage.


Venture Southland will coordinate a response to the Government’s Registration of Interest for the second stage of Ultra-fast Broadband (UFB2), the second stage of the Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI2) and the new Mobile Blackspot Fund, to be submitted 3 July 2015.


2 covered effluent pond1 Covered effluent pond




Awarua Satellite Ground Station

Venture Southland has coordinated local resources to facilitate the establishment of a second Planet Lab ground station at Awarua. A new 5 metre dish and associated antennas are now in place and commissioned. The antennas and associate equipment were constructed utilising Southland building and telecommunications contractors.


Venture Southland has entered into a formal agreement to build and maintain a 4.5 metre antenna and radome for another satellite operator. In addition, Venture Southland is now well advanced with negotiations with three further contracts involving a launch operator and two satellite operators with a view towards expanding the range of space a satellite services operating at Awarua. It is expected that the Awarua site will have reached capacity by December 2015 and some of the new operations are thus planned to be based at the south end of the ICC industrial estate at Awarua and preliminary discussions are underway at present.


Stewart Island Renewable Energy Investigation

The solar, hydro and wind monitoring stations are operational and providing good data. A website has been developed at the request of the Southland District Council to display the data and this is updated weekly as the data is uploaded from the station data-loggers. The website is currently functional and once some cosmetic details have been attended to, it can be expected to be publicly accessible by the end of May.


Business Training - Regional Business Partners

The May quarterly Regional Business survey has again ranked the Venture Southland delivered Regional Business Partner programme, as having the highest client satisfaction in New Zealand.  All those surveyed “valued the relationship” with Venture Southland. Venture Southland was the only Regional Business Partner in NZ to have a 100% of people valuing the relationship. Business that had accessed support services through Venture Southland, including mentorship, training funding, business advisory services and R&D support were surveyed on the quality of the support received. 100% of clients rated the service excellent or very good, making Venture Southland the best delivery agency in the country. Uptake of the training funding has been exceeded expectation, with limited funds remaining until the new funding year starts in July. Venture Southland is working with NZTE to try and access additional funding.


Dairy Lean

A total of six sessions, 4 classroom and 2 on-farm, have been held as part of the 2015 Dairy Lean Project. The programme involves 50 people over 10 farms. Work to-date has involved mapping the milking processes and identifying problems or frustrations around this process.


DairyNZ have funded this extension programme to develop the required resources to enable Dairy Lean to be delivered around the country. Planning sessions have been held with DairyNZ about the future delivery mechanism for the programme and challenges associated with wider roll-out.


Feedback around the programme has been very positive, with a particular focus on staff engagement. The programme will be delivered every three weeks until the end of July.


Lean Manufacturing

As part of Venture Southland’s ongoing commitment to the Lean cluster, ‘health checks’ have been undertaken with previous participants of the 2012-14 programmes. This support training is part of the ‘sustain’ element of the cluster and was well received by all companies.


The 2015 Lean Manufacturing Programme participants (Yunca, PowerNet, Lochiel Trailers, Awarua Synergies, BJ Carters, Windsor Brass and Beatties Auto) have also undertaken initial site visits, and have begun the Value Stream Mapping process (which outlines the value they add to their customers and critical check points).


Canterbury Rebuild – Canterbury South Project

Four years on from the Christchurch earthquakes, the Canterbury rebuild continues to advance through different stages of redevelopment. The Initial focus on infrastructure and residential housing is now well advanced although it remains challenging to assess realistic timeframes for completion. While the anchor projects within the Christchurch CBD and other health and education projects appear to be on target for completion, there is currently robust debate within central and local government about who should pay for what in the redevelopment in the inner city.


The Canterbury South programme has remained focused on allowing a significant number of local businesses to develop Christchurch based opportunities while maintaining a local workforce in Southland which has enabled these businesses to also service the recent growth in the local commercial sector and growth in the Central Otago construction sector.


From the initial database of over 210 southern companies which registered interest in the Canterbury South initiative in 2011, a core of  25 Southland businesses have established credible relationships within Canterbury and continue to secure ongoing business opportunities in Christchurch. The business environment has become increasingly competitive for southern companies during the past six months and along with recruitment and retention of skilled labour, accommodation and higher overhead costs continue to provide constant challenges.


Opportunities for involvement in the rebuild still exist for Southland businesses but the emphasis has noticeably shifted in recent times from ‘supply of products and services’ to ‘supply and install’.


An assessment of the programme is currently underway and this is expected to be completed by the end of June.


Aerial Magnetic Survey of Southland - New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals

Andy Sommerville from New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals (which is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment) visited Southland on Wednesday 18 February to discuss the planned work and the opportunities to advance a more expansive survey as part of the Aeromag Survey. A total of 13 representatives from New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals, Southland District Council, Invercargill City Council, Gore District Council, Clutha District Council, Environment Southland and Venture Southland attended this meeting.


Venture Southland been working with New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals (NZPM) to expand the Aeromagnetic survey to include the Southern Southland Area and finalise the costs. This has now been completed and will be reported to regional stakeholders during the coming week. It is expected that the proposed survey will provide important information relating to the geological structures that confine aquifer systems and will provide insights into areas that may suitable for more detailed electromagnetic survey. Minister Bridges has set aside $8 million for survey work 60% to 70% of the funds are to be spent in the Southern South Island.   





Silica Documentation Update

Venture Southland is the process of updating the Southland Silica Assessment work. The work involves the preparation of a Prefeasibility Study for the establishment of a silica plant for the production of polysilica used in the manufacture of solar panels and electronics grade silicon. This project is focusing on process technology, market trends, infrastructure, electricity demands and the consent related matters, economic impacts and financial viability. This work builds on the mineral assessment work undertaken in 2012 and is expected to be completed in September 2015.


Milford Transport Options

Venture Southland has been requested to prepare concepts and a work plan for the evaluation of transport options including Park and Ride proposal. This work is well advanced. This preliminary work is expected to be complete by 22 May 2015. A working group has also been established to evaluate the proposal.


Regional Labour Market Strategy 2015-2031

Following the release of the Regional Labour Market Strategy, work is currently being undertaken to further develop key actions associated with the 4 focus areas. The recently completed Southland business survey has reconfirmed the challenges businesses currently face around skills shortages. Labour and skill shortages were ranked as the number one strategic challenge for Southland businesses.


Filipino Migrant Survey

Venture Southland is currently working with the Filipino community to survey Filipino migrants in Southland, with the intent of getting a better understanding of the numbers of migrants currently in the region and the challenges they are facing. Questions were raised about the total number of Filipino migrants identified by the 2013 census. There is a general belief that the number is under represented. This survey will enable Venture Southland and the Filipino community to better understand the true numbers of Filipino migrants in the region.


The survey also asks a number of questions focused on the ability of migrants to move through the residency process. The survey will identify the numbers of Filipino migrants who have been unable to proceed through to residency status, the reasons why, and the amount of money spent try to achieve this.


Southland Youth Futures

Jo Barnsdale has started in the role as Southland Youth Futures Co-ordinator. She is currently assessing the work that has been completed to-date, meeting key stakeholders and developing a work plan.


Lotteries have agreed to contribute $10,000 toward the project. The application to Community Trust of Southland was unsuccessful. Funding proposals are being completed for Dairy NZ and MBIE and an application will also be made to the ILT Foundation.  Discussions have been held with some service providers interested in supporting the needs in the Eastern Southland area.





Media Results

Southland stories from famils (familiarisation) facilitated by Venture Southland have featured in number of national and international magazines, newspapers, international websites and television shows.

·   IMP German TV Production – NZ From above – January 2015

·   Wilderness Magazine (Matthew Pike) – Welcome Rock Trails – April 2015

·   Taste Magazine (Nick Russell) – Where to eat in Southland - May 2015

·   NZ Herald (Jane Jeffries) – The Catlins – May 2015

·   Regional News (Wellington Tabloid) – May 2015

·   Taste Magazine (Nick Russell) – Southern Farmers Market - May 2015

·   NZ Gardener (Jo McCarroll) –  A Gardener’s Road Trip to Southland – May 2015

·   LeBackpacker Instagram (Johan Lolos) - May 2015

·   RV Travel Lifestyle (Derryn Hinch) – Southern Road Trip – May/June 2015

·   Taste Magazine (Nick Russell) – Garden to Table - May 2015

·   Wilderness Magazine (Alastair Hall) -  Stewart Island, Southern Circuit – June Edition (Out now)


Media Familiarisation

During Autumn Venture Southland hosted a number of media famils to Southland. Along with our domestic media famils, Venture Southland works with Tourism New Zealand on an International Media Programme. 

Below is a list of the areas that were explored along with the journalists name and publications they are associated with.

·   Gone Fishin (Graeme Sinclair) – Bluff, Stewart Island,  Riverton & Invercargill

·   IMP Japanese Media – Southland Autumn Feature - Bluff oyster, Blue River Cheese & Mutton birds.

·   Frommers Travel Guide (Kate Fraser) – Invercargill, Bluff and Stewart Island

·   LeBackpacker (Johan Lolos) May 2015 – Southern Scenic Route, Invercargill, Stewart Island & Western Southland

·   Tourism New Zealand (Shona Cobham) – Stewart Island (Prince Harry Visit) and Invercargill

·   Outdoors with Geoff (Geoff Thomas) – Northern Southland and Bluff Oyster Festival


Trade Shows and Famils

The utilisation of trade channels such as inbound operators (IBOs) is a recognised format for driving sales to commissionable products (businesses that charge and offer commission to distribution channels) and building brand recognition in an affordable manner. Trade activities for the period include:

·   RTO IBO Training – Auckland

     Attended the Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) Training Day and the Regional Tourism Organisation Inbound Bound Operator (IBO) Training Event in Auckland. Event was held over three days and provided an excellent opportunity to update TNZ and IBO of Southland’s latest information, new product and new product rates for the 2015-2016 season. 

·   TRENZ (Tourism Rendezvous NZ) - Rotorua

     Event was held from 18-20 May in Rotorua. Southland had 51 appointments with agents from United Kingdom, USA, Europe, Japan, China and Australia. Provides excellent opportunity to update agents directly from our long haul markets of Southland’s latest information, new product and new product rates for the 2015-2016 season.    

·   Pre-TRENZ Famil – Bastiaan Brunning

     Bastiaan Brunning attended TRENZ for the first year in 2015 - New wholesale business, based in the Netherlands and working in the luxury market. Bastiaan spent time in Western Southland, Invercargill, The Catlins and Stewart Island and was positive about his time in the region and felt there were opportunities to work with Southland product moving forward. 

·   TNZ North America Market Update – Queenstown (IMA)

     Excellent event and opportunity to provide training to 60 experienced and well established USA / Canadian agents. Southland training and the event was well-received by agents- Established solid database and contacts for future regional marketing and updates. 

·   North America Agent Famil - Southland

     Region hosted ten USA and Canadian agents, 1 TNZ staff member and 1 Air NZ host. Excellent famil and time in the region was very well received - Spent time in Invercargill, Stewart Island and The Catlins. Good opportunity to provide on the ground training with a key international market. 


Tunes & Tries Campaign

Targeting referrals youth market in Queenstown (those who influence others to visit), this campaign promotes Invercargill as a destination for events (Queens Birthday Six60 Concert and Super15 Highlanders vs Chiefs). This campaign used a combination of radio (the Edge), print (Lakes Bulletin) and website to encourage the consideration of Invercargill as a weekend escape.


Strategic Development

With the completion of 2005 – 15 Southland tourism strategy, the tourism team has been working on the review and redevelopment of this strategy, for public consultation later in 2015. Resources have also been directed towards maintenance and development of the regional tourism website strategy, to remain consistent with other modern websites.


CycleSouth and Around the Mountains Ltd and Cycling

The tourism team has been working with ATM Ltd and other regional cycling initiatives to elevate cycling in the South. This includes outputs such as digital content for Whitehills Classic, Welcome Rock Trails, Stewart Mountain bike trail, collaboration on the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail Ltd marketing plan and Official partner programme.


Invercargill iSITE

The iSITE team has continued usual service in regards to information provision, familarisation support and sales of merchandise and commissionable product (transport, events, accommodation and activities). Further to this the iSITE team has collaborated on a bid for 2016 iSITE conference, which if successful would result in the visit from approximately 150 iSITE operators from throughout NZ.


Other Projects

Promotion execution, content gathering and promotion development has been conducted for the following activities:

·   Bluff Oyster & Food Festival

·   Tourist Times Otago/Southland Monthly Tabloid

·   Prince Harry’s visit to Stewart Island

·   Hokonui Fashion Awards

·   Invercargill Licensing Trust Content

·   AirNZ Grabaseat promotions







The team has been very busy lately with a couple of years of work culminating in the recent Anzac Day commemorations.  In total, $436,000 of external funding was secured for a range of projects and initiatives and Venture Southland coordinated a number of regional projects.  Some other significant projects have received impetus with the latest round of major grants approved by the Community Trust of Southland.  Work also continues to now plan out and implement projects listed in the 2015/16 Business Plan, including a number of strategies relating to cruise and cycling in particular and key projects alongside the Southland District Council.  Some other key projects and outcomes are listed below.


Southland Cruise Strategy

Venture Southland staff have worked alongside Environment Southland and the Southland District Council on the project brief for the Southland Cruise Strategy.  The project brief has been finalised and the request for proposal is currently out.  The aim is for the strategy to be completed within the next two months.


Regional Cycleway Strategy

A new project listed in the 2015/16 Business Plan, Venture Southland staff has had initial discussions with a key stakeholder with regards to this project. 


Review of Community Planning approach

Venture Southland staff have been working closely with the Southland District Council to review the current approaches to community planning in the Southland District to better align with SDC’s plans.  A report summarising the agreed approach will be presented and ratified by Council in the near future.


Rakiura Heritage Centre

The Rakiura Heritage Centre Trust, with assistance from Venture Southland, submitted an application to the Community Trust of Southland’s one-off major grants round earlier this year.  They requested a funding contribution towards the development and construction of the proposed new museum development on Stewart Island. They were successful in securing a grant of $300,000 and work now continues to source the remainder of funds and finalise details of the project.


Fiordland Trails Trust

This Trust is working on the development of the Te Anau – Manapouri Cycleway. Venture Southland assisted previously by helping to set up the Trust, with the initial investigation work and more recently with the preparation of the Te Anau and Environs Cycling Opportunities study funded through the Impetus Fund.


The first stage of the project (Te Anau to Rainbow Reach) is estimated to cost $475,800.   SDC and the Te Anau Community Board have contributed $100,000 in total, with an additional $150,000 recently secured from the Community Trust of Southland and $50,000 from Meridian Community Fund. The first 3.7km leg to the Control Gates is now fully funded and work is expected to start in the not too distant future. Other stakeholders such as the Te Anau Community Board and Te Anau Cycling Inc are also implementing elements of the strategy that are relevant to them.

Switzers Museum Waikaia

Venture Southland has worked alongside the Switzers Museum Waikaia for a number of years with regard to this significant museum redevelopment.  An application was submitted to the Community Trust of Southland’s major grants round earlier this year and $150,000 was recently granted towards this development.  This project is now fully funded with the total $1.1million secured and work has begun to finalise plans, attain building consents and begin building.


Description: C:\Users\andrewsh\Desktop\stuff\images\switzers 3.JPG

   3 Switzers Museum


Around the Mountains Cycle Trail

Staff are continuing to work alongside SDC on a range of initiatives associated with this project.  Of late, assistance has been provided (with input from the Tourism Team Leader) to develop a Business and Marketing Strategy for the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail. This will guide how the trail is promoted and the benefit of this is realised.


Work continues to finalise the membership criteria and contracts for the Official Partner Programme and it is hoped to launch in mid-2015.  Venture staff will assist SDC to sign operators up to the Programme. 


The interpretation plan continues to be implemented with priority begin given to safety and information signage, panels and kiosks at this stage.  


The Community Trust of Southland recently granted $200,000 towards the second stage of the trail and $20,000 was awarded towards legal costs from the Walking Access Commission.  Venture Southland staff prepared both applications on behalf of SDC.


Southland WW1 Commemorations

The Community Development Team successfully implemented a number of WW1 Commemorations projects leading up to Anzac Day.  Over 300 street banners and flags were distributed throughout Southland.  Lanterns and panels for the ‘Keeping the Home Fire Burning’ project were presented and displayed at 40 Anzac Day services.  Venture Southland also worked alongside the Invercargill RSA to develop and distribute 5000 copies of the ‘Southland Remembers’ ANZAC Day publication.


Holt Park Camping Ground Upgrade 

Venture Southland staff have been working alongside the Otautau Community Board and the Southland District Council to development a scoping document for the proposed Holt Park Camping ground upgrade and redevelopment.  A report will be presented to the Community Board for consideration in late May.





Southland Festival of the Arts

We are nearing the end of the seventh annual Southland Arts Festival.  Venture Southland programmes content, promotes the festival and manages specific events, providing a major focus for arts promotion and audience development in the creative sector.

This year’s festival comprised thirty-two events showcasing seventeen performances, including a range of theatre, music, literary events and dance. Visual arts exhibitions in Southland galleries are also highlighted in the festival programme. The events held so far have been received very well with capacity houses at Java Dance and near capacity houses at Centrestage Theatre for shows such as The Pianist and Meeting Karpovsky.


This year’s free concert on Sunday 10 May received about 70 people at each of the two shows which was great to see.


This year’s community event “yarn-bombing” has been very successful with contributions coming in from schools; rest homes and the general public form across the region.  A short video on Facebook has had reached over 9,000 people and a number of shares.


At the time of writing the festival heads off to the Southland District area with shows in Te Anau, Tokanui, Lumsden, Tuatapere and Stewart Island.



Description: C:\Users\andrewsh\Desktop\20140510092706.MTS.00_00_08_03.Still001.bmp

4 Yarn bombing in Esk Street, Invercargill


Description: C:\Users\andrewsh\Desktop\20140510092706.MTS.00_00_34_15.Still001.bmp


Description: C:\Users\andrewsh\Desktop\20140510100519.MTS.00_00_06_12.Still001.bmp

5 More Yarn Bombing in Esk Street, Invercargill











ILT Kidzone

The 2015 ILT Kidzone Festival will again be held at James Hargest College Senior Campus from Wednesday 8 July to Monday 13 July. The Invercargill Licensing Trust is once again our naming right sponsor for the festival – to be known as ILT Kidzone.


The ILT Kidzone booklet is out and has been distributed to all the Southland schools and pre-schools ahead of tickets going on sale on Monday, 18 May.  


Description: G:\Kidzone\Kidzone 2015\Marketing\Facebook\500x700 Monday 18-5-15.jpgWe are currently in the process of recruiting the zone managers, sub-managers and other paid staff for this year’s festival. At this point in time there is a high return rate of those who were employed for the 2014 ILT Kidzone Festival which is a fantastic legacy for the event. Volunteer applications will open on Monday, 18 May with visits to the respective high schools prior to this date to discuss this fantastic opportunity to be arranged.


The entertainment for the festival is confirmed. There will be a great range of performers from singers to jugglers, and drummers to a super hero.


In terms of the activities at the festival, it will be jam-packed with hundreds of hands-on activities for kids of all kinds – creators, constructors, computer whizzes and sports stars! The old favourites will be back again as well as some new and exciting craft creations and a 7m high spider web.


Conference Attraction

Venture Southland on behalf of the three territorial authority Mayors and the Chair of Environment Southland have put in a comprehensive bid to host the 2016 Local Government New Zealand Conference in the region.  The conference attracts over 500 delegates and around 100 partners accompanying them.  We recently had a site visit from the conference organiser and a representative from Local Government New Zealand.  They were very impressed with the facilities we had to offer and also commented that the bid was extremely professional and they were taken with the fact that it was a regional bid and that we also had letters of support from neighbouring territorial authorities.  The decision is made by the National Council of Local Government New Zealand at the end of May and announced at this year’s conference in July.


We are currently working with the i-SITE to put forward a bid for the 2016 i-SITE National Conference, this attracts approximately 140 delegates form the i-SITES around New Zealand.  The conference involves workshop sessions along with a large emphasis on famils and so would be a great one for the region to host.  The bid is due by June and a decision will be made at their board meeting in late June and announced at the conference in September.






Effectively Engage with Travel Trade

·    Autumn Trade Newsletter was sent out 1st April 2015

·    Attended IBO/TNZ Trade training days in Auckland in April -

·    Attending TRENZ in May – 52 appointments with Inbound Tour Operators plus networking opportunities

·    Attended Training Day for TNZ USA Megafamil May 12 in Queenstown – 60 North American agents

·    Attended Japan Kiwi Link & sent report (attached)


Trade Famils

·    PDNZ – joint famil with Venture Southland

·    Green Spot – inbound agent based in Taupo

·    Pre TRENZ famils x 5

·    Post TRENZ famils x 3

·    TNZ China Famil – 20 agents attending in June - Milford, Te Anau


Media Engagement

·    Korean TNZ IMP file for end of May – Motorhome and driving holiday focus

·    Backpacker Magazine USA 6-14 March (TNZ IMP) – 2 journalists for 10 days (Dusky Track, Kepler Track, Roscos Kayaking)

·    German Outdoor Magazine (TNZ IMP) – 2 journalists for 13 days (Dusky Track, Hollyford Track, Milford Track)

·    Japanese TV crew early March (TNZ IMP) – Milford Track (TNZ photoshoot at Key Summit

·    Decouvrir le Monde (TNZ IMP) – Overnight Doubtful Sound

·    Kathmandu Easter Sale promotion – Doubtful Sound & Te Anau

·    Daniel & Jennifer Carruthers in collaboration with Venture Southland (end of Feb)

·    TNZ photo shoot at Key Summit


Domestic Marketing

·    Field Days in Hamilton in June together with Venture Southland

·    On Your Doorstep campaign

·    Taste Magazine  - Redcliff

·    Wilderness Magazine – March – Hollyford Track article

·    Kathmandu Easter Sale Advertising campaign


Develop & Communicate the DF brand

·    Visitor Guide 2016.

·    Friday radio slot continues

·    Ongoing liaison with TNZ re media stories & promotion of Destination Fiordland

·    Article in the Advocate continues through 2015

·    Open Day 25th June

·    Planning Operator Expo for October


Use local events to promote the region

·    Te Anau Tartan Festival

·    New Event website LIVE

·    Big 3 at Queen’s Birthday weekend

·    Other events in the planning phase including a new Enduro event for Autumn next year

Effectively engage with, promote and support DF members

·    Networking function – 31st March – 40 attended

·    Fast Facts is distributed to 412 recipients and has an average open rate of 40%

·    Membership meetings to commence in June


Develop & Maintain Key Relationships

·    SL IMA meetings

·    Attending Kiwi Link India & Singapore Frontline Training on behalf of Southern Lakes IMA

·    Southern Scenic Route

·    SOUTH


Develop & Nurture Relationship with Venture Southland

·    Attending 2015 Field Days in Hamilton – joint booth with Southland

·    Regular discussions re opportunities between Philippa Murrell and Warrick Low

·    On Your Doorstep Campaign

·    Worked together on conference bid for TEC Conference for Te Anau – not successful this time

·    Looking at potential joint media opportunities together with DOC

·    Daniel & Jennifer Carruthers Itinerary – both regions


Other DF Activity

·    Photo Competition – 11 to 13 September 2015


Recent International Media Results

Go Travel New Zealand Magazine (NZ & AUS) – Autumn 2015 – Fiordland

Lonely Planet Magazine – Routeburn Track (published Oct 2014)

Trek Magazine – Fiordland’s Great Walks (published Oct 2014)


Domestic Media Results

Air New Zealand Kia Ora Magazine – Feb 2015 – Doubtful Sound

Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015

Description: sdclogo


Venture Southland - Community Development Update

Record No:        R/15/4/7216

Author:                 Kathryn Cowie, Community Development Planner

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager, Policy and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is to provide an update for the Southland District Council on Venture Southland community development activities. The attached power point presentation provides information about key projects such as the RBI, UFB and Mobile Black Spot cell bid and process as well as local initiatives from the Waiau Aparima Ward. 

2        This report also details some funding highlights from the previous year.  Staff have assisted a number of groups to secure $1.6m in funding and have worked alongside around 80 groups to prepare other funding applications.  It is important to remember that this aspect is only one service and function of the team, albeit an important one requiring significant skill, time and resource.

3        The community development team will look at options moving forward on how to best present and report to this Committee.




That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland - Community Development Update ” dated 10 June 2015.



a         Community Development Update 24 June 2015 to SDC Policy Review PDF version View    


Policy Review Committee

24 June 2015