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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Activities Performance Audit Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Activities Performance Audit Committee Agenda








Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive

Steve Ruru


Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for the Activities Performance Audit Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·                     Monitor and review Council’s performance against the 10 Year Plan


·                     Examine, review and recommend changes relating to Council’s Levels of Services.


·                     Monitor and review Council’s financial ability to deliver its plans,


·                     Monitor and review Council’s risk management policy,  systems and reporting measures


·                     Monitor the return on all Council’s investments


·                     Monitor and track Council contracts and compliance with contractual specifications


·                     Review and recommend policies on rating, loans, funding and purchasing.


·                     Review and recommend policy on and to monitor the performance of any Council Controlled Trading Organisations and Council Controlled Organisations


·                     Review arrangements for the annual external audit


·                     Review and recommend to Council the completed financial statements be approved


·                     Approve contracts for work, services or supplies in excess of $200,000.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015

Description: sdclogo



ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Annual Report 2014/2015 Timetable                                                                          13

7.2       Financial Report to 31 May 2015                                                                                21


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)          no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Meeting minutes of Activities Performance Audit Committee, 24 June 2015


Description: sdclogo



Activities Performance Audit Committee






Minutes of a meeting of Activities Performance Audit Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 10.39am.





Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive Steve Ruru, Group Manager Environment and Community Bruce Halligan, Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall, Group Manager Policy and Community Rex Capil, Chief Information Officer Damon Campbell, Chief Financial Officer Anne Robson, Communications and Governance Manager Louise Pagan and Committee Advisor Fiona Dunlop.


1          Apologies


Apologies for absence were received from Cr Dobson.



Moved Cr Dillon, seconded Cr Kremer  and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee accept the apology.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum

There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Cr Macpherson, seconded Cr Dillon and resolved:

That the Meeting minutes of Activities Performance Audit Committee, 3 June 2015 be confirmed.


(Cr Duffy joined the meeting at 10.41am.)


Reports for Resolution




Southern Rural Fire Authority - Draft Statement of Intent 2015-2018

Record No:         R/15/5/7953


Group Manager Bruce Halligan was in attendance for this item.  He advised that the Southern Rural Fire Authority had provided its draft Statement of Intent 2015-2018 to Southland District Council for consideration and feedback.


The draft Statement of Intent was approved for circulation by the Southern Rural Fire Authority Board (SRFA) at its meeting on 10 April 2015.  It outlines key SRFA objectives, key performance areas and goals and future funding expectations from participant stakeholders/members.




Moved Cr Kremer, seconded Cr Dillon  and resolved recommendation a:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Southern Rural Fire Authority - Draft Statement of Intent 2015-2018” dated 6 May 2015.



Moved Cr Baird, seconded Cr Duffy and resolved recommendations b – d:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Provides any feedback it may have to the Southern Rural Fire Authority Chief Executive.




Finance Report to 30 April 2015

Record No:         R/15/6/9839


Management Accountant Susan McNamara was in attendance for this item.  She advised that the report outlines the financial results to 30 April 2015 with 83% of the financial year gone.  There were no significant issues contained in the report identified that raised any concerns for Council relating to the end of year financial position.  Overall for the year to date, income is $272,000 under budget. 


As in prior years, all budget managers have been instructed to have a strong focus on their budget and expenditure items that they can control in the current economic climate.


The financial commentary centres on the summary sheet which draws the totals from each of the key sections together.  Although you are able to obtain more detailed key variance explanations from senior managers in these sections, these will be summarised below, concentrating on the YTD results.



Moved Cr Macpherson, seconded Cr Douglas  and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Finance Report to 30 April 2015” dated 9 June 2015.




Audit Arrangements Letter for the Year Ended 30 June 2015

Record No:         R/15/5/8609


1        Finance Manager Sheree Marrah was in attendance for this item.  She advised that the report was to provide an overall summary of the audit arrangements letter for the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2015 recently received from Audit New Zealand and seek approval for the Mayor to sign this letter on Council’s behalf.

2        Audit New Zealand requires Council to confirm the arrangements it makes for the audit of the 2014/2015 annual report of Council.  As part of this confirmation, Audit New Zealand has provided Council with an audit arrangements letter for the year ended 30 June 2015.

3        The letter is required to be signed by the Mayor and returned to Audit New Zealand to confirm Council’s acceptance of the proposed arrangements.  The report provides a summary of the letter for the Committee’s information.  A copy of this letter is attached to the officers report.




Moved Cr Harpur, seconded Cr Keast and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Audit Arrangements Letter for the Year Ended 30 June 2015” dated 24 June 2015.



Moved Cr Ford, seconded Cr Dillon 

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Authorises the Mayor to sign the audit arrangements letter for the year ended 30 June 2015 on Council’s behalf.




Changes to the Accounting Standards for Public Benefit Entities

Record No:         R/15/6/9638


Finance Manager Sheree Marrah was in attendance for this item.  She advised that the report was to update Council on the changes to the accounting standards that form the basis of the financial statements included in the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2015.  In the 2015 financial year Council transitioned from using standards that are used by all reporting entities to those that are specifically designed for Public Benefit Entities.

2        The report also outlined the process Audit New Zealand has identified that will enable a smooth transition between the standards and the areas of the standards Council staff have identified as impacting on our financial statements.





Moved Cr Macpherson, seconded Cr Keast and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Changes to the Accounting Standards for Public Benefit Entities” dated 11 June 2015.



Public Excluded


Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Moved Cr Douglas, seconded Cr Baird and resolved

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

C8.1 Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 3 June 2015

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 3 June 2015

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

s7(2)(f)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the protection of such members, officers, employees and persons from improper pressure or harassment.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

s7(2)(j) - The withholding of the information is necessary to prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage.

That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.


Permit the Chief Executive, Group Manager Environment and Community, Group Manager Services and Assets, Group Manager, Policy and Community, Chief Information Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Communications & Governance Manager and Committee Advisor to remain at this meeting, after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of C8.1 Public Excluded Minutes of the Activities Performance Audit Committee Meeting dated 3 June 2015This knowledge, which will be of assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed, is relevant to that matter because of their specialist knowledge.



The meeting went into public excluded at 11.36am and returned to open session at 11.37am.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available unless released here.


 The meeting concluded at 11.37am.            CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Activities Performance Audit Committee HELD ON 24 JUNE 2015.











Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015

Description: sdclogo


Annual Report 2014/2015 Timetable

Record No:        R/15/6/10985

Author:                 Shannon Oliver, Planning and Reporting  Analyst

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager, Policy and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of the report is to provide the key dates for Annual Report 2014/2015 timetable for information.

Executive Summary

2        The Annual Report is the key document for Council.  This Annual Report reports on Council’s performance against the 2014/2015 Annual Plan (which is based on the third year of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2012-2022). 



That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Annual Report 2014/2015 Timetable” dated 2 July 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.





3        The Annual Report is the key reporting document for Council.  This Annual Report reports on Council’s performance against the 2014/2015 Annual Plan (which is based on the third year of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2012-2022). 

4        The Annual Report is a means for Council to account and report to the community on its performance of the preceding financial year - in this case from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.  It reports on outcomes, performance measures (both financial and non-financial) and provides information on the result achieved against budgeted results. 

5        The Annual Report is audited by Audit New Zealand which provides the reader with a level of assurance of the consistency and accuracy of the information reported. 

6       The purposes of an Annual Report are:

(a)        To compare the actual activities and the actual performance of the local authority in the year with the intended activities and the intended level of performance as set out in respect of the year in the Long Term Plan and the Annual Plan; and

(b)        To promote the local authority's accountability to the community for the decisions made throughout the year by the local authority.

7        As with previous years both an Annual Report and a Summary Document are produced.  Similarly, as previously done, the Summary Document will be distributed to all Council’s offices and made available on request.  Both the Summary Document and full Annual Report will be made available on the Council’s website.  The report availability will be advertised on the Saturday edition of The Southland Times on 24 October 2015 (the delay is to allow for the printers to produce the printed versions). 

8        Key dates for Council in relation to the timetable are:

·                      Council workshop of the unaudited draft Annual Report – 16 September 2015

·                      Audit visit - Monday, 7 September to Friday, 18 September 2015

·                      Adoption of the Annual Report - Wednesday, 7 October 2015

·                      Annual Report available on Council’s website - Monday, 12 October 2015

·                      Public notice on the availability of the Annual Report - Saturday, 24 October 2015 (printed version available).

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

9        Section 98 of the Local Government Act 2002 states that:

(1)        A local authority must prepare and adopt in respect of each financial year an Annual Report containing in respect of that year the information required by Part 3 of Schedule 10.

(2)        The purposes of an Annual Report are—

(a)        to compare the actual activities and the actual performance of the local authority in the year with the intended activities and the intended level of performance as set out in respect of the year in the Long Term Plan and the Annual Plan; and

(b)        to promote the local authority's accountability to the community for the decisions made throughout the year by the local authority.

(3)        Each Annual Report must be completed and adopted, by resolution, within four months after the end of the financial year to which it relates.

(4)        A local authority must, within one month after the adoption of its Annual Report, make publicly available—

(a)        its Annual Report; and

(b)        a summary of the information contained in its Annual Report.

(5)        The summary must represent, fairly and consistently, the information regarding the major matters dealt with in the Annual Report.

(6)        A local authority must, within one month after the adoption of its Annual Report, send copies of that report and of the summary prepared under subsection (4)(b) to—

(a)        the Secretary; and

(b)        the Auditor-General; and

(c)        the Parliamentary Library.

10      Information that must be included can be found in Schedule 10 Part 3 of the Act, and includes:

·                      groups of activities

·                      capital expenditure for groups of activities

·                      statement of service provision, funding impact statement for groups of activities, internal borrowing

·                      council-controlled organisations

·                      financial statements

·                      rating base information

·                      reserve funds

·                      remuneration issues

·                      employee staffing levels and remuneration

·                      severance payments

·                      statement of compliance

·                      the activities that the local authority has undertaken in the year to establish and maintain processes to provide opportunities for Māori to contribute to the
decision-making processes of the local authority.

11      The Annual Report and Summary Document reports on Council’s performance against the Annual Plan (which is based on the third year of the Council’s Long Term Plan 2012-2022) under the Act.

12      As each Annual Report must be completed and adopted, by resolution, within four months after the end of the financial year to which it relates, this makes 31 October the last day available to meet this timeframe. 

Community Views

13      As the Annual Report is a report on activities undertaken during the year, no consultation is required as the consultation has already occurred as part of the Annual Plan process.

Costs and Funding

14      There is a fee provided to Audit New Zealand to audit the Annual Report.

Policy Implications

15     There are no policy implications.

Assessment of Significance

16      Whilst the Annual Report is an important accountability document for Council this report merely sets out the associated timetable key dates and is therefore of low significance.

Next Steps

17      The project team will provide a draft document to Council at a workshop on 16 September 2015. 



a         Annual Report 2014/2015 timetable  View    


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015





Due date




Executive Leadership team (ELT) approve timetable.


Monday 25 May




Meet to discuss approach to summary and content and review content of previous Annual Report (AR).

Project Team

Tuesday 30 June




Book in project team dates and project updates to general staff.


Wednesday 1 July

Communication plan/key dates circulated at

Team Leader Forum to all Activity Managers with key deadlines entered into their diaries


Friday 3 July

Finalise AR template. Split into sections for editing.


Friday 3 July

Debtors and creditors cut-off (invoices to be paid and invoices to be issued with Linda/Colin).


Friday 10 July

Activity Managers to provide audit file of all base KPI data to Strategy and Policy.

Activity Managers and associated Group Manager signoff

Wednesday 15 July

Timetable report to APAC.


Wednesday 15 July

Circulate spreadsheet of 2014/2015 projects to Finance to complete actual cost figures.


Thursday 16 July

All businesses unit managers meet with Finance rep and balanced up all business units.


Tuesday 28 July

Collate performance results for each activity and draft up activity sections (narrative, projects tables, and performance tables).


By Friday 31 July

Draft narrative for Key Highlights, CCOs, Community Outcomes, Summary Activity Report and Opportunities for Māori to Contribute to Decision-Making.


By Friday 31 July




Complete actual costs for 2014/2015 projects.

Finance with
Group Manager signoff

Monday 3 August


Issue draft activity sections to staff to complete.


Monday 3 - 6 August

All activity sections from Activity Managers due.

Activity Managers and associated Group Manager signoff

Friday 7 August

Activity sections completed and incorporated and link sent to activity managers.


Monday 10 August

Reports due for ELT - review of year end business unit reports and rough draft of AR.


Wednesday 12 August

ELT meeting - review year end business unit reports and rough draft of AR.


Monday 17 August

Draft financial statements, FIS etc.


Friday 21 August

Significant variances explanations and Financial Overview completed.


Friday 21 August

Assemble Annual Report incorporating any changes.


Monday 17 - 24 August

Proofreading – Editing and Grammar


Monday 24 - 26 August

Initial proofread of document – Flow check.


Thurs 27 - Fri 28 August

Document locked down and merged into one document.


Monday 31 August

Unaudited AR to ELT to discuss unaudited full AR including KPI results.


Monday 31 August




ELT feedback.


Thursday 3 September

Complete “Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive”.


Friday 4 September

Put on Hub - APAC - unaudited AR First Cut


Wednesday 9 September

APAC workshop 9.00 -10.30 am

Note - draft form only not with audit changes.


Wednesday 16 September

Audit arrives.


Monday 7 - 18 September

Send summary text to Auditors.


Monday 14 September

Final proofing and quality check of highlighted changes.


Week starting 14 - 23 September

Audit leaves - incorporate changes into AR.


Friday 18 & 21 September

Give final audit changes on summary to Communications.


Friday 18 September

Send final summary text to graphics designer.


Monday 21 September

Graphics cover page completed.


Monday 21 September

Report and AR due for ELT agenda.


Monday 21 September - noon

ELT agenda check + any changes from audit tabled.


Thursday 24 September

Agenda finalised and put on the hub.


Monday 28 September




Send copy of Council report and outline any final audit changes to ELT and Audit that are to be tabled.


Monday 5 October

Adoption of Annual Report, Summary document and Audit opinion.


Wednesday 7 October

AR master completed and added to website, including Audit disclosure.


Friday 9 October

Summary and AR documents to be completed and printed.


Tuesday 20 October

Print AR and Summary and circulate to area offices.


Tuesday 20 October

Advertise availability of report (public notice).


Saturday 24 October

Circulate summary and report to relevant persons on corporate mailing list.


Monday 26 October

Debrief/lessons learned session.


Friday 30 October


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015

Description: sdclogo


Financial Report to 31 May 2015

Record No:        R/15/6/9971

Author:                 Susan McNamara, Management Accountant

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information






That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 31 May 2015” dated 6 July 2015.



a         Report to Activities Performance Committee (APAC) - 15 July 2015 - Report to 31 May 2015.


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




This report outlines the financial results to 31 May 2015. 


Percentage of year gone:  92%.





Management Accountant May Finance Overview


As in prior years, all budget managers have been instructed to have a strong focus on their budget and expenditure items. 


The financial commentary centres on the summary sheet which draws the totals from each of the key sections together.  Although you are able to obtain more detailed key variance explanations from senior managers in these sections, these will be summarised below, concentrating on the YTD results.




Overall for the YTD, income is 1% ($896K) under budget. 


Key variances are as follows:


The Council and Councillors’ revenue is 1% ($26K) over budget for the year-to-date, primarily due to unbudgeted internal catering income of $15K.


Other activities income is 10% ($176K) over budget for the year-to-date. This is predominantly due to the timing of income received from interest on investments.


Within the Chief Executive section, income received is 20% ($671K) under budget due to:


•           Chief Executive - 9% ($40K) over budget due to an unbudgeted vehicle sale and the quarterly application of rates penalties.

•           Stewart Island Visitors Levy - Income is 11% ($16K) under budget.  With the cruise ship period completed, income is expected to be approximately $27K under budget at year end.

•           Around the Mountains Cycle Trail - 39% ($717K) under budget due to final invoicing to the Ministry being completed last financial year.  This is expected to be $840K under budget at year end.


Within the Environmental and Community Group, year-to-date income is 3% ($189K) over budget, this is principally due to increased revenue in Dog and Animal Control from infringement notices ($68K) and increased numbers of dog registrations ($20K), as well as increased resource consent fees ($53K) as a result of the invoicing of two significant notified consents.


Within the Financial Services Group, income is 22% ($430K) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is due to reduced expenditure. 


Within the Information Management Group, year-to-date income is $3K over budget, predominantly due to internal computer hire income of $43K from additional items of hardware and software being provided.  This is offset by lower income in the Knowledge Management and Property and Spatial Services due to lower expenditure as these activities are internally funded.


Within the Policy and Community Group, year-to-date income is $5K over budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is a result of increased expenditure. 


Within the Roading and Transport section, compared to the Annual Plan total income is 4% ($324K) under budget.  NZTA income is currently 6% ($826K) under Annual Plan budget and is offset by the timing of $555K of internal interest income (the internal interest income will realign at year end).  Roading are forecasting NZTA income to be 1% ($151K) under the Annual Plan budget at the end of year.  We are currently finalising the income relating to the NZTA three year programme of works but it is anticipated to be slightly under the three year approved budget.


Overall Services and Assets income (excluding Roading) is tracking 1% ($131K) above
year-to-date budget.  This is due to:


•           Engineering Consultants being 10% ($76K) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is a result of reduced levels of expenditure. 

•           Overall Forestry income received is 6% ($108K) over budget, this is expected to be the position at the end of the year.  This is predominantly due to harvesting revenues from Waikaia forest being $935K over budget, offset by Dipton and Ohai forest revenues being under budget ($460K and $366K respectively).   No harvesting was included in the Annual Plan for Waikaia, Dipton is lower than the amount in the Annual Plan whereas no harvesting occurred at Ohai.  

            The tonnes harvested per hectare were higher at Waikaia than was estimated at the time harvesting began (559.88 actual versus 556 estimate); at Dipton the tonnes harvested per hectare was lower than was estimated (476.73 actual versus 495 estimate).

•           District Sewerage is 3% ($92K) over budget as income was received from Landcorp for leasing land at the Kepler site ($60K).




Overall for the year-to-date, expenditure is 7% ($3.09M) under budget.


The key variances are as follows:


Other activities expenditure is 46% ($645K) under budget as the calculation and allocation of interest on reserves is completed as part of the year-end process. 


The Chief Executive activity is 5% ($88K) under budget due to timing of Stewart Island Visitors Levy Grants with $117K being paid in June, as well as lower payroll costs of $71K, as a result of the CEO position being vacant for three months.  These underspends are offset principally by internal consenting costs relating to the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail of $128K. 


The Environment and Community Group is 8% ($468K) under budget.  This is predominantly due to expenditure on the District Plan being lower than anticipated at this stage of the year.  The expenditure on the District Plan is currently $346K under budget and is expected to be $400K under budget at the end of the year.  It is anticipated that additional costs will be incurred in the Environment Court appeal/mediation process in the 2015/16 financial year.  Dog and animal control is $76K over budget predominantly as a result of additional payroll related costs for after-hours work, these additional costs are sufficiently offset by the additional revenue generated in this activity in the current year. 


Within Financial Services, expenditure is 22% ($440K) under budget, primarily due to the timing of audit costs ($138K) and staff vacancies ($211K).  Although some costs will be incurred before the end of the year, Financial Services is expected to be $300K under budget at the end of the year after the accrual of audit fees to the end of the year.


Within the Information Management group, overall expenditure is 5% ($105K) under budget, predominantly due to the weather conditions impacting the ability for aerial photography to be undertaken ($79K).


Within the Policy and Community Group, expenditure is 2% ($27K) under budget due to no expenditure to date for community outcomes ($41K) and lower than expected staff costs due to maternity leave, these have been offset by additional costs relating to the 10 Year Plan.


Roading expenditure is currently 7% ($679K) over Annual Plan budget.  Operations and maintenance costs are forecast to be $904K over Annual Plan budget at year end.  This will be partially offset by underspends in capital expenditure (estimated at $451K) and underspends in the previous two years.  The forecast three year programme table which details total expenditure (both capital and maintenance) is shown in the roading section of this report.  This outlines a forecasted underspend of $1.02M compared to the programme approved by NZTA.


Actual operational expenditure for Services and Assets year-to-date is 12% ($1.97M) under budget. 


Key variances are as follows:

•           District Water is 17% ($472K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($414K actual capital works compared to $959K budgeted).

•           District Sewerage is 21% ($936K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($1.82M actual capital works compared to $2.62M budgeted).

•           Water Services is 14% ($180K) under budget predominately due to fewer services of project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Engineering Consultants is 10% ($76K) under budget due to a lower level of expenditure in consultants and internal services.

•           Forestry expenditure is 38% ($344K) under budget as a result of lower expenditure across all operations.


Capital Expenditure


Overall for the year-to-date, capital expenditure is 14% ($2.52M) under budget. 
The key variances are as follows:


•           Capital expenditure in the Chief Executive activity is over budget by 12% ($225K)
due to the progress on Stage Two of the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail.

•           Environment and Community is over budget by 39% ($69K) primarily due to an additional vehicle purchase for Animal Control funded by a loan to be repaid from external income and the timing of the replacement of an Environmental Health vehicle.

•           Information Management capital expenditure is under budget by 36% ($99K) due to minimal costs to date being incurred on the Records Improvement Plan. During the year Info Council and Promapp have been purchased.  A vehicle has also been purchased that has been funded by a loan that is to be repaid from funds budgeted to lease a vehicle.

•           Roading capital expenditure is under Annual Plan budget by 12% ($1.78M) due to timing on planned road and pavement renewals.  The capital budget at year end is forecast to be $451K below Annual Plan budget.

•           Services and Assets are under budget by 72% ($942K) with minimal capital expenditure to date on projects planned in public conveniences, district reserves and forestry.


Funding Adjustments


Funding adjustments are significantly under budget as typically ‘balancing’ of business units is not undertaken until the end of the financial year.


Journals are being processed for reserve transfers, predominantly in relation to vehicle movements, and loan draw-downs (ie for project funding), throughout the year at the request of budget managers.


Key Financial Indicators







External Funding:

Non rateable income/Total income

> 39%




Working Capital:

Current Assets/Current Liabilities





Debt Ratio:**

Total Liabilities/Total Assets





Debt To Equity Ratio:

Total Debt/Total Equity






*       All target indicators have been calculated using the 2014/15 Annual Plan figures. 

**     Excludes internal loans.



Financial Ratios Calculations:

Non Rateable Income

Total Income

External Funding:



This ratio indicates the percentage of revenue received outside of rates.  The higher the proportion of revenue that the Council has from these sources the less reliance it has on rates income to fund its costs.



Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Working Capital:  




This ratio indicates the amount by which short-term assets exceed short term obligations.  The higher the ratio the more comfortable the Council can fund its short term liabilities.




Total Liabilities

Total Assets

Debt Ratio:           




This ratio indicates the capacity of which the Council can borrow funds.  This ratio is generally used by lending institutions to assess entities financial leverage.  Generally the lower the ratio the more capacity to borrow. 



Debt to Equity Ratio:

Total Debt

Total Equity


It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the Council is using to finance its assets.


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




For the year-to-date, income is under budget by 20% ($671K).  Expenditure is under budget by 5% ($88K), therefore resulting in a net year-to-date position of $583K under budget.


Chief Executive


Income in this business unit is 9% ($40K) over budget, this is due to proceeds on an unbudgeted vehicle sale ($14K) and rates penalties income ($14K).  Expenditure is 10% ($47K) under budget, predominantly due to staff costs being under budget ($71K).  This is offset by project consultant fees being over budget ($31K).


Civil Defence


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is 4% ($10K) over budget due to the Emergency Management Southland grant being slightly higher than budgeted.  It is anticipated to be $10K over budget at year end.


Human Resources


Income is 4% ($18K) over budget.  Expenditure year-to-date is $2K over budget, due to training costs ($50K) offset by underspends in survey expenses ($19K), consultant costs ($18K) and staff costs ($17K).  As this activity is internally funded, the increased expenditure impacts directly on income.


Around the Mountain Cycle Trail


Income is 39% ($717K) under budget due to final invoicing to the Ministry being completed last financial year.  It is expected to be $590K under budget at year end.  Capital expenditure is over budget by $340K with work being undertaken on Stage 2.


Rural Fire Control


Income and expenditure is on budget for the year.


Shared Services Forum


Income is 9% ($5K) over budget due to the timing of contributions.  Expenditure for
year-to-date is under budget by 30% ($15K), with low activity for the year. 


Stewart Island Visitor Levy


Income is 11% ($16K) under budget.  With the cruise ship period completed, income is expected to be under budget at year end.  Expenditure is $162K under budget with grant allocations having been approved but not yet paid out.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Council and Councillors’ Commentary

For the year-to-date, income is 1% ($26K) over budget.  Expenditure is under budget by
1% ($21K).  This resulted in a net year-to-date position of $47K over budget. 


Council and Councillors


Income is 3% ($20K) over budget as a result of unbudgeted income from internal catering $15K and funding for Leadlab project from Ministry of Youth Development. Expenditure is under budget by 4% ($27K) primarily due to Councillors’ salaries of $20K and Youth Council costs $6K, however we are anticipating higher year-end costs as a result of the Leadlab project.


Council Contributions/Grants


Income is on budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is under budget by 50% ($16K) due to grant payments yet to be requested and paid and two grants being deferred until next year.


Council Elections


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is $15K over budget due to the Mararoa Waimea Ward Councillor election.  No additional costs are expected this year relating to elections.


Council Water and Sewerage Loans


Income and expenditure is on budget for the year-to-date.


International Relations Committee


Income is on budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is $3K over budget with attendance at the Sister Cities Conference in March.  It is expected to be $2K over budget at year end.




Income is on budget. Expenditure is over budget 6% ($26K) due to timing of the Museum Trust Board Levy, it is expected to be on budget at the end of the year.


Regulatory - Non-Recoverable


Income is 7% ($7K) over budget for the year-to-date.  Expenditure is under budget by
29% ($21K) as a result of minimal non-recoverable costs incurred for the year to date.


Venture Southland


Income and expenditure are on budget. This will be on budget at the end of the year.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




Allocations Committee


Income is 7% ($14K) over budget due to timing of grants received.  Expenditure is under budget by 29% ($78K) due to the timing of grant payments. 


Operating Investments


Currently, the majority of Council’s reserves are internally loaned by Council or its local communities for major projects.  Council has set the interest rate to be charged on these loans as part of its 10 Year Plan process and interest is being charged on a monthly basis on all internal loans drawndown at 30 June 2014.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015



Overall May 2015 monthly income for the Environment and Community Group tracked almost exactly to budget at $547K actual v $548K budget.


Key features of this month’s income were that Alcohol Licensing and Animal Control income were well ahead of budget by 121% ($14K) and 99% ($6K) respectively.  The Alcohol Licensing result was due to a correction around ordinary time payments, so is a one-off adjustment.  The Animal Control result was due to income from infringements and the courts being ahead of budget.


Conversely, Building Control income was 10% ($13K) below budget, and Resource Consent income was 12% ($8K) below budget, both reflecting reduced levels of activity.


Overall May 2015 monthly expenditure for the Environment and Community Group was 13% ($72K) below budget ($477K actual v $549 budget).


Most departments were below budget in expenditure, reflecting a close focus on spending, with the exception of Animal Control which incurred some significant additional salary costs for after-hours work.


The Resource Planning/Policy area was underspent by 68% ($39K), with less expenditure than anticipated on the District Plan project over this period.  Mediation processes which were expected to occur in April to June 2015 have been delayed at the direction of the
Environment Court due to the status of Environment Southland’s Regional Policy Statement content relating to the biodiversity issues, which is relevant to several District Plan appeals.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




Income is 22% ($430K) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Expenditure is 22% ($440K) under budget. This is primarily due to the following:


•           The timing of audit costs ($138K)

•           Staff vacancies in the finance team ($211K)

•           Visa/MasterCard charges currently under budget ($19K)

•           Material damage insurance review costs related to insuring water and wastewater above ground assets, has now been correctly coded to the water and waste business units.  This has resulted in actual costs being less than budgeted by $45K.


At year end it is expected that the business unit will remain under budget by approximately $300K due to the above.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




For the year-to-date, income is $3K over budget. Overall expenditure is 5% ($105K) under budget, resulting in a positive variance of $108K.


Information Management


Income is 4% ($47K) over budget, predominantly due to internal computer hire relating to additional hardware of $43K.  Expenditure is 1% ($10K) over budget.  This relates primarily to Software Licence Fees $41K, which are estimated to be around $45K over budget at year end.  Additionally, consultants costs are $15K over budget as a result of the IM Strategy Review.  This is offset by photocopy user charges $31K.


Knowledge Management


Income is 2% ($13K) under budget.  Expenditure is 3% ($19K) under budget, this is due to reduced internal computer hire costs ($13K) and staff costs ($7K).  This is offset by increases in postage costs ($7K) and software licence fees ($3K).  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Property and Spatial Services


Income is 9% ($31K) under budget.  Expenditure is 20% ($77K) under budget predominantly due to timing on aerial photography costs ($79K).  This is as a result of weather conditions not being suitable for aerial photography and therefore the majority of the work not being completed.  Additionally software licence fees ($9K) and staff costs ($10K) are under budget.  This is offset by consultant costs being overspent by $9K.  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015



Income for the year-to-date is $5K over budget.  Expenditure for the year-to-date is 2% ($27K) under budget.  The net result for the year-to-date is a surplus of $50K against a forecasted surplus of $19K, a positive variance of $32K. 


Community Outcomes


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is under budget by $41K as no projects relating to the
Our Way Southland Outcomes have been identified in the current period. 


Corporate Planning


Income is 12% ($52K) over budget.  Expenditure is 16% ($65K) over budget due to
increased costs associated with the Long Term Plan ($40K) and unbudgeted costs relating to the Policy and Community business unit $41K.  This is offset by increased employee costs ($6K).  As this activity is internally funded the increased expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Secretarial Services


Income is 4% ($17K) under budget.  Expenditure is 4% ($17K) under budget predominately due to training costs ($5K) and Internal Photocopying ($7K).  As this activity is internally funded, the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.




Income is 5% ($30K) under budget.  Expenditure is underspent by 6% ($34K) predominately due to staff costs ($15K) and first edition costs ($11K) being below budget. This is offset by overspending on radio advertising ($12K).  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 

Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015




Overall Financial Performance


A continued strong focus on making sure we fully utilise NZTA approved funding along with optimising "value for money" remains a challenge. 


It is forecasted that our operations and maintenance costs will be over budget at year end.  This will be partially offset by underspends in capital expenditure and underspends in the previous two years.  The forecasted overspend can also be attributed to unbudgeted emergency works projects for the Stewart Island Slips and the Ohai Clifden Slip, as well as forecasted overspends in sealed, unsealed road maintenance and Network and Asset Management.


Transport capital expenditure is under budget and is forecasted to be under budget at year end.  As we are coming to the end of the construction season some projects will be deferred into the new financial year.  This is primarily due to weather restrictions.
The significant reduction in the bitumen index over the construction period has also contributed to the forecasted underspend.  This is illustrated below:





Largely on Track




Action Required


Maintenance and Operations (excluding Special Purpose Roads):


Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved






-           A holistic approach to maintenance management has seen sealed pavement and unsealed pavement maintenance being over budget but offset with underspends in other activities.  Network and Asset Management costs will be over budget primarily driven by bringing forward our high speed data collection from the 2015/2016 year.


-           It is expected that we will be well within NZTA’s approved maintenance budgets.


            * Note that Council can only claim 30% of urban drainage.  Unsubsidised work has being excluded from this forecast.


Renewals and Minor Improvements:



Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved






Renewals and Minor Improvement Commentary:


As we are coming to the end of the construction season, work is starting to be finalised before year end.  This will have an impact on completing some of our rehabilitation projects.  It is expected that most of the bridging work will be completed this year, as Transport are pushing to get this work done to maximise the NZTA Funding Assistance Rate for this category before it drops next year.  Recent weather events will likely impact on where these projects finish at year end.


Three Year Programme:



Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015





Activities Performance Audit Committee

15 July 2015






Overall Services and Assets (excluding Roading) actual income is 1% ($131K) over year to date budget ($15.47M).  This is primarily driven by Forestry income $108K over budget.


Key highlights are:

•           Engineering Consultants is 10% ($76K) under budget.  As income is fully recovered and driven by expenditure levels the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.

•           Overall Forestry income received is 6% ($108K) over budget, this is expected to be the position at the end of the year.  This is predominantly due to harvesting revenue from Waikaia forest being $935K over budget, offset by Dipton and Ohai forests revenue being lower than expected ($460K and $366K).

•           District Sewerage is 3% ($92K) over budget as a payment was received from Landcorp for leasing land at the Kepler site ($60K).


Operating Expenditure


Actual operational expenditure for Services and Assets year-to-date is 12% ($1.97M) under budget.


Key highlights are:

•           District Water is 17% ($472K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($414K actual capital works compared to $959K budgeted).

•           District Sewerage is 21% ($936K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($1.82M actual capital works compared to $2.62M budgeted).

•           Water Services is 14% ($180K) under budget predominately due to fewer project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Engineering Consultants business unit is 10% ($76K) under budget due to under expenditure in consultants and internal services.

•           Forestry expenditure is 38% ($344K) under budget as a result of lower expenditure across all forests and associated operations.



Statement of Financial Position





The balance sheet as at 30 June 2014 represents the audited balance sheet for activities of Council (ie excludes SIESA and Venture Southland).  The financial position at
31 May 2015 is before year-end adjustments and only for the activities of Council. 


External borrowings have still not been required, with internal funds being used to meet obligations for the year-to-date. 







Susan McNamara