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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Activities Performance Audit Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Activities Performance Audit Committee Agenda








Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel  Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive

Steve Ruru


Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for the Activities Performance Audit Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·                Monitor and review Council’s performance against the 10 Year Plan


·                Examine, review and recommend changes relating to Council’s Levels of Services.


·                Monitor and review Council’s financial ability to deliver its plans,


·                Monitor and review Council’s risk management policy,  systems and reporting measures


·                Monitor the return on all Council’s investments


·                Monitor and track Council contracts and compliance with contractual specifications


·                Review and recommend policies on rating, loans, funding and purchasing.


·                Review and recommend policy on and to monitor the performance of any Council Controlled Trading Organisations and Council Controlled Organisations


·                Review arrangements for the annual external audit


·                Review and recommend to Council the completed financial statements be approved


·                Approve contracts for work, services or supplies in excess of $200,000.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015

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ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Management Report from Audit New Zealand for the Long Term Plan 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2025                                                                                                                      13

7.2       Financial Report to 30 June 2015                                                                               17


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     Meeting minutes of Activities Performance Audit Committee, 5 August 2015


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Activities Performance Audit Committee





Minutes of a meeting of Activities Performance Audit Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Wednesday, 5 August 2015 at 10.30am.





Lyall Bailey



Mayor Gary Tong



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive Steve Ruru, Group Manager Environment and Community Bruce Halligan, Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall, Group Manager Policy and Community Rex Capil, Chief Financial Officer Anne Robson, Communications and Governance Manager Louise Pagan and Committee Advisor Debbie Webster.


1          Apologies


There were no apologies


2          Leave of absence


There was a request for leave of absence from Cr Paterson from 20 August to 2 September 2015, Cr Harpur from 14 August to mid-September and Cr Macpherson from 11 August to 1 September 2015.


Moved Mayor Tong, seconded Cr Douglas and resolved that the Activities Performance Audit Committee accept the request for leave of absence from Crs Paterson, Harpur and Macpherson.


3          Conflict of Interest


            There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum

There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Cr Baird, seconded Cr Duffy and resolved:

That the meeting minutes of Activities Performance Audit Committee, held on 15 July 2015 be confirmed.







Property File Digitisation Business Case

Record No:         R/15/6/11256



Knowledge Manager Gillian Cavanagh and Business Process and Project Analyst Andrew Kinloch were in attendance for this report.



Mrs Cavanagh advised that the purpose of the report was to enable the Committee to review the Property File Digitisation business case and make a decision to approve the undertaking of the project as per the Southland District Council 10 Year Plan 2015-2025.

2        The Committee noted that the in the 10 Year Plan 2015-2025 one of the key budgeted projects for the Corporate Support activity was the Property File Digitisation project.  The project aims to scan all of Council’s property records in order to reduce risk, increase statutory compliance, eliminate physical space demands, provide a platform for future service delivery improvements eg electronic consent lodgement and processing, and improve the publics’ and staffs access to Council’s property files.

3        The Committee also noted that the Southland District Council currently operates a paper based property filing system for the storage of its property records.  This system has increased by approximately 239 linear metres or 58% of its original capacity in the last 10 years and weighs approximately 9 tonnes.  As a result in the increase this has placed increasingly high demands on the storage space available to Council to store these vital records.  With limited options to expand the storage of the property files without reducing the level of service and increasing risk of loss or damage, digitisation has become a vital component of being an effective Council. 

Mrs Cavanagh advised that the digitisation project will enable Council staff to work smarter and have access to any property file, wherever they work and will enable the public to access any public property information online and from any Council office.


Mrs Cavanagh highlighted to the Committee the project was specifically relating to property files, with historical files going back to 1942.  When queried she also noted that with digitisation there was the potential to dispose of hard copy records.


Cr Bailey asked if the digitisation would be completed in incremental blocks?  Mr Campbell responded it would be preferred however would depend on the capacity of the Vendor chosen to undertake the project.


Cr Douglas queried the cost of the project and the value of the efficiencies to be gained from it. It was responded that from other Councils experience in similar projects, digitisation helps significantly with staff efficiency in accessing files and significantly improves records standards.  Cr Keast asked if estimates had been done on the value of the efficiencies gained, being greater than the cost of the project.  Mr Campbell responded that estimates had not been done however based on other Councils experiences the efficiencies gained were worth the project cost.  Mrs Cavanagh also noted that on average 250 - 300 property files were out with staff in the District creating significant risk of loss and damage to files. 


Cr Kremer asked if individuals would be able to access their electronic property files and how would security around this be managed?  Mr Ruru responded there would be a complex process around the managing of records confidentiality.  Mr Campbell commented a part of the project was changing the EMDRS system to support this.


Cr Duffy queried the keeping of hard files that might have heritage value?  Mrs Cavanagh responded they would work with Heritage New Zealand to identify these.





Moved Cr Dobson, seconded Cr Kremer and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Property File Digitisation Business Case” dated 24 July 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Approves the Property File Digitisation Business Case and to undertake the digitisation project using the ‘single year digitisation’ option as outlined in the business case document.





Library Activities

Record No:         R/15/7/12561



Library Manager Lynda Hodge was in attendance for this item.  Mr Halligan introduced Mrs Hodge and noted the positive library activities happening across the District.  He also noted there was an initial service delivery review underway, currently developing the scope of the review, considering what people want from library services in the District.


Mrs Hodge advised that the purpose of the report was to provide the Committee with an update on recent Library Services trends and activities.  She noted the issues at Southland District Council libraries have increased in the past year by 12.58%.  However the figures are captured from the Symphony library computer system and have a margin for error as not all libraries are computerised so the figures are a combination of statistics from the Symphony system and manual counts from the non-computerised libraries.

Cr Bailey queried the inconsistency in rating for library services across the District.  He asked if there might be some form of District wide funding?   Mr Halligan responded some Community Boards are querying the variances in what communities are paying for library services, if there was a District Rate for library services it would need to be in the District Plan and undergo public consultation.  Further work was required around this as there are significant disparities across the District. 

Mr Halligan noted point 24 on Mrs Hodges report where it highlights the positive move of staff member Roslyn Gray stepping into the vacated Team Leader role for Library Services.



Moved Cr Dillon, seconded Cr Macpherson  and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Library Activities” dated 24 July 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.




Public Excluded



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Moved Cr Baird, seconded Cr Douglas  and resolved:

That the Activities Performance Audit Committee exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

C8.1  Recent Building Act Determinations and Other Matters

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Recent Building Act Determinations and Other Matters

s7(2)(g) - The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.


That the Chief Executive Steve Ruru, Group Manager Environment and Community Bruce Halligan, Group Manager Services and Assets Ian Marshall, Group Manager Policy and Community Rex Capil, Chief Financial Officer Anne Robson, Communications and Governance Manager Louise Pagan and Committee Advisor Debbie Webster,  be permitted to remain at this meeting, after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of the items C8.1 Recent Building Act Determinations and Other Matters. This knowledge, which will be of assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed, is relevant to those matters because of their knowledge on the issues discussed and meeting procedure.


The public were excluded at 11.10 am.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available unless released here.





 The meeting concluded at 11.27 am            CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Activities Performance Audit Committee HELD ON WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST 2015.










Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015

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Management Report from Audit New Zealand for the Long Term Plan 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2025

Record No:        R/15/6/11244

Author:                 Sheree Marrah, Finance Manager

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Summary of Report

1        As part of the audit process, Audit New Zealand provides Council with a report at the end of its audit outlining the work that was performed and any recommended areas for improvement.

2        Attached is the management report received from Audit New Zealand in relation to the audit of the 2015-25 Long Term Plan (LTP) (Appendix A).

3        In the Management Report, Audit NZ noted that Council has 9 groups of activities and it reports its performance against 111 performance measures. Audit New Zealand believes there is scope to rationalise the number of measures to better reflect the Council’s key priorities to the communities. For example, Council includes 25 measures for community services compared to 6 measures assessing the performance of its roading activities.  Council responded noting that it is Council’s intention to review its performance framework prior to its 2018 – 2028 LTP.

4        Audit New Zealand issued an unmodified opinion on Councils Long Term Plan document on 24 June 2015. This meant that Council’s LTP “met its statutory purpose and provided an effective basis for public participation in Council’s decisions about the proposed content of the 2015 – 2025 LTP”.  In doing so Audit NZ found the LTP had no “material” misstatements.



That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Management Report from Audit New Zealand for the Long Term Plan 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2025” dated 13 August 2015.



a         Final Management letter - Long Term Plan 2015-2025 View    


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015

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Financial Report to 30 June 2015

Record No:        R/15/6/9979

Author:                 Susan McNamara, Management Accountant

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information






That the Activities Performance Audit Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 30 June 2015” dated 19 August 2015.



a         Report to Activities Performance Audit Committee - 26 August 2015 - Report to 30 June View    


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




This report outlines the interim financial results to 30 June 2015. These reports are based on the financial information as at 10 July 2015, before year end processing was undertaken. Year-end processing primarily involves balancing up business units using either loans or appropriate reserves, calculating interest on internal reserves and loans along with a final depreciation calculation.  The process also brings in accruals for employee benefits and ACC and revaluations relating to infrastructure and forestry for the year. 


This report covers Council’s financial performance for district wide activities only.  Those activities reported to Community Boards, Community Development Areas, Rural Water Supplies are not included. This is consistent with reporting throughout the financial year.

Staff will update the committee at the meeting as to the preliminary year end result.

As part of the year end process staff have also identified a number of projects that are either in progress or not started that still need to occur.  These projects have been identified and included in a separate report to Council titled ‘Projects from 2014/2015 to be carried forward into 2015/2016 Financial Year’.


Percentage of year gone:  100%.





Management Accountant June Finance Overview


As in prior years, all budget managers have been instructed to have a strong focus on their budget and expenditure items. 


The financial commentary centres on the summary sheet which draws the totals from each of the key sections together.  Although you are able to obtain more detailed key variance explanations from senior managers in these sections, the key variances are summarised below, concentrating on the YTD results.




Overall for the YTD, income is $216K under budget. 


Key variances are as follows:


Other activities income is 37% ($564K) over budget for the year-to-date. This is predominantly due to the interest being earned from banks on cash investments ($414K), which was not budgeted for.  This is the result of Council having a higher cash balance than anticipated.


Within the Chief Executive section, income received is 16% ($604K) under budget due to:


•           Stewart Island Visitors Levy - Income is 18% ($29K) under budget. 

•           Around the Mountains Cycle Trail - 30% ($593K) due to the budget including monies invoiced to the Ministry being completed prior to 30 June 2014.

•           Human Resources – 2% ($12K) over budget.  As this business unit is internally funded this is the result of increased expenditure.





Within the Environmental and Community Group, year-to-date income is 3% ($235K) over budget due to:

•           Increased revenue in Dog and Animal Control principally due to higher infringement notices than was budgeted ($73K), higher impounding fess than was budged ($17K) and increased stock recoveries ($8K)

•           Increased internal Resource Consent income ($43K) mainly related to Around the Mountain Cycle Trail consents.

•           Building Regulation ($27K) over budget due to higher than budgeted income from Building Inspections (32K), on charging of third party consultancy costs incurred ($31K) and proceeds from the sale of vehicles ($13K).  This has been offset by lower code of compliance income ($51K) than was budgeted.

•           Area Offices is over budget $27K with unbudgeted income received for advertisements on Otautau News and Views and photocopying recoveries ($10K) and cemetery interment fees ($12K).

•           Environmental Health is also over budget ($26K), due to higher income received from the Gore District Council in relation to the Environmental Health Service Contract ($15K), higher licence fee income ($6K), and the unbudgeted sale of a vehicle ($8K).

•           Alcohol Licencing is over budget ($16K) with higher income from application fees ($12K) and annual fees ($16K). This is offset by lower income from Managers Certificate Fees ($9K).


Within the Financial Services Group, income is 17% ($379K) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is due to reduced expenditure. 


Within the Policy and Community Group, year-to-date income is 5% ($89K) over budget.  As this activity is internally funded this is a result of increased expenditure. 


Within the Roading and Transport section, compared to the Annual Plan total income is 1% ($335K) under budget.  NZTA income is 3% ($463K) under Annual Plan budget. It is under the NZTA approved programme by $1.045M for the three year period.


Overall Services and Assets income (excluding Roading) is tracking 1% ($208K) above
year-to-date budget.  This is due to:


•           Area Engineers being 4% ($42K) over budget and Engineering Consultants 5% ($41K) under budget.  As these business units are internally funded this is a result of increased expenditure.

•           Overall Forestry income received is 5% ($87K) over budget. This is predominantly due to harvesting revenue from Waikaia forest being $935K over budget, offset by Dipton and Ohai forests revenue being lower than expected ($460K and $366K). These variances are as a result of changes to the planned harvesting activities for the year. 

•           District Sewerage is 3% ($85K) over budget, due to the receipt received from Landcorp for the leasing land at the Kepler site ($60K).




Overall for the year-to-date, expenditure is 4% ($1.75M) under budget.


The key variances are as follows:


Council & Councillors Expenditure is 1% ($24K) under budget due to non-recoverable regulatory work required throughout the year being lower than budgeted.


Other activities expenditure is 43% ($675K) under budget as the calculation and allocation of interest on reserves is completed as part of the year-end process. 


The Environment and Community Group is 5% ($335K) under budget.  This is predominantly due to expenditure on the District Plan being lower than anticipated during the year.  With District Plan charges $230K under budget of which $100K is proposed to be carried forward to the 15-16 year.  Other variances are:

•           Alcohol licencing is under budget $35K due to lower Councillor and Board Member salary costs ($30K) than was anticipated when the new structure was set up.

•           District Libraries is $60K under budget predominantly due to lower staff costs ($31K) and slightly lower expenditure across a number in other areas.

•           Area Offices are also under budget $42K due to internal interest costs processed through the Otautau office being completed as part of the year end process.

•           Dog and animal control is $96K over budget predominantly as a result of additional payroll related costs for after-hours work required, these additional costs are offset by the additional revenue generated in this activity in the current year. 


Within Financial Services, expenditure is 17% ($379K) under budget, primarily due to the timing of audit costs ($88K), staff vacancies ($188K) and material damage insurance costs ($44K).  Audit costs will realign to within $10K of budget with the accrual of costs relating to the June 2015 audit being included as part of the year-end process.


Within the Information Management group, overall expenditure is 5% ($124K) under budget, predominantly due to the weather conditions impacting the ability for aerial photography to be undertaken ($84K) as well as lower consultant costs in Property and Spatial Services ($19K).


Within the Policy and Community Group, expenditure is 4% ($58K) over budget due to consultants used for the LTP due to vacancies in staff ($32K) and  unbudgeted costs relating to the new position of Group Manager - Policy and Community ($61K).This is offset by no expenditure to date for community outcomes $45K and also savings from vacancies in Financial Services.


Roading expenditure is currently 8% ($928K) over budget.  Operations and maintenance costs are $887K over budget at year end due to sealed pavement maintenance ($253K), unsealed pavement maintenance ($309K), network and asset management ($219K) and Emergency reinstatement ($336K). This is offset by routine damage maintenance ($254K).


Actual operational expenditure for Services and Assets year-to-date is 7% ($1.20M) under budget. 

Key variances are as follows:

•           District Water is 11% ($349K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($622K actual capital works compared to $1.05M budgeted).  There are two projects at Riverton that are proposed to be carried forward to the 2015-16 financial year where work has been started.  There has also been reticulation renewal two projects at Tuatapere deferred until further testing is completed, likely to be in 2018-19; along with lateral replacements at Ohai/Nightcaps that have been deferred for additional testing in 2016-17.

•           District Sewerage is 22% ($1.07M) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($1.94M actual capital works compared to $2.86M budgeted).  There are six projects that have been proposed to carry forward to the 2015-16 financial year, where work has been started.  A project at Ohai for treatment upgrade has been deferred for additional condition assessment and testing.

•           Water Services is 21% ($211K) under budget predominately due to fewer project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Engineering Consultants business unit is 10% ($76K) under budget due to less expended in consultants this is offset by internal services $8K.

•           Area Engineers is 4% ($42K) over budget primarily due to one budgeted position only filled part way through the year.


Capital Expenditure


Overall for the year-to-date, capital expenditure is 5% ($907K) under budget. 
The key variances are as follows:


•           Capital expenditure in the Chief Executive activity is over budget by 59% ($1.22M)
due to the timing of work completed on Stage Two of the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail compared to the budget prepared.

•           Environment and Community is over budget by 40% ($77K) primarily due to an additional vehicle purchase for Animal Control (funded by a loan to be repaid from external income), and the timing of the replacement of an Environmental Health vehicle.

•           Information Management capital expenditure is under budget by 31% ($93K) due to the deferral of the Records Improvement Plan to be included as part of the Property file Digitisation project. During the year Info Council and Promapp have been purchased and funded from the District Operations Reserve.  A vehicle has been replaced by purchase rather than lease (funded by a loan to be repaid from vehicle lease cost budgeted).

•           Roading capital expenditure is under budget by 8% ($1.2M) primarily due to timing on planned roading, structural component and pavement renewals.

•           Services and Assets are under budget by 63% ($899K) with minimal capital expenditure to date on projects planned in public conveniences and district reserves. A public convenience at Mossburn has been completed with a revised scope ($149K actual versus $423K budget) and one at Garston is still in progress and is proposed to be carried forward.  As part of year end processing the revaluation for forestry will be included in capital, this has a budget of $400K.


Funding Adjustments


Funding adjustments are significantly under budget as typically ‘balancing’ of business units is not undertaken until the end of the financial year.


Journals are being processed for reserve transfers, predominantly in relation to vehicle movements, and loan draw-downs (ie for project funding), throughout the year at the request of budget managers.


Key Financial Indicators







External Funding:

Non rateable income/Total income

> 39%




Working Capital:

Current Assets/Current Liabilities





Debt Ratio:**

Total Liabilities/Total Assets





Debt To Equity Ratio:

Total Debt/Total Equity






*       All target indicators have been calculated using the 2014/15 Annual Plan figures. 

**     Excludes internal loans.



Financial Ratios Calculations:

Non Rateable Income

Total Income

External Funding:



This ratio indicates the percentage of revenue received outside of rates.  The higher the proportion of revenue that the Council has from these sources the less reliance it has on rates income to fund its costs.



Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Working Capital:  




This ratio indicates the amount by which short-term assets exceed short term obligations.  The higher the ratio the more comfortable the Council can fund its short term liabilities.



Total Liabilities

Total Assets

Debt Ratio:           




This ratio indicates the capacity of which the Council can borrow funds.  This ratio is generally used by lending institutions to assess entities financial leverage.  Generally the lower the ratio the more capacity to borrow. 



Debt to Equity Ratio:

Total Debt

Total Equity


It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the Council is using to finance its assets.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




For the year-to-date, income is under budget by 16% ($604K). Expenditure is on budget. The year-to-date position is $597K under budget.


Chief Executive


Income in this business unit is 1% ($6K) over budget, this is due to proceeds on an unbudgeted vehicle sale ($14K).  Expenditure is 8% ($43K) under budget, predominantly due to staff costs being under budget ($61K).  This is offset by project consultant fees being over budget ($31K).


Civil Defence


Income is on budget. Expenditure is 4% ($11K) over budget due to the Emergency Management Southland grant being slightly higher than budgeted. 


Human Resources


Income is 2% ($12K) over budget.  Expenditure year-to-date is 10% ($60K) under budget due to underspends in survey expenses ($22K), consultant costs ($21K), relocation costs ($15K) and staff costs ($9K).  This is offset by training costs ($45K). As this activity is internally funded, the increased expenditure impacts directly on income.


Around the Mountain Cycle Trail


Income is 30% ($593K) under budget due to final invoicing to the Ministry being completed last financial year. Capital expenditure is over budget by 60% ($1.2M) with work being undertaken on Stage 2.


Rural Fire Control


Income and expenditure is on budget for the year.


Shared Services Forum


Income is on budget. Expenditure for year-to-date is under budget by 2% ($1K). 


Stewart Island Visitor Levy


Income is 18% ($29K) under budget. Expenditure is 20% ($46K) under budget with $117K in grants being approved during the period.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Council and Councillors’ Commentary

For the year-to-date, income is on budget. Expenditure is under budget by
1% ($24K).  The year-to-date position is $40K over budget.


Council and Councillors


Income is on budget. Expenditure is under budget by 1% ($10K) primarily due to Councillors’ salaries of $9K and Youth Council costs $6K. This is offset by office consumables ($12K).


Council Contributions/Grants


Income and Expenditure is on budget for the year-to-date. 


Council Elections


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is $15K over budget due to the Mararoa Waimea Ward Councillor election. 


Council Water and Sewerage Loans


Income and expenditure is on budget for the year-to-date.


International Relations Committee


Income is 7% ($1K) under budget for the year-to-date with the calculation of interest on reserves yet to occur.  Expenditure is $2K over budget with attendance at the Sister Cities Conference in March. 




Income is 2% ($9K) over budget. Expenditure is under budget 2% ($9K) due to General Expenses $5K, Staff Costs $2K and Training Costs $1K.


Regulatory - Non-Recoverable


Income is 7% ($7K) over budget for the year-to-date as the result of invoicing for the demolition of a dangerous building. It is likely this will not be recovered.  Expenditure is under budget by 21% ($21K) as a result of minimal non-recoverable costs incurred for the year.


Venture Southland


Income and expenditure are on budget.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




Allocations Committee


Income is 17% ($44K) under budget due to the timing of interest on reserve calculations.  Expenditure is under budget by 18% ($57K) predominantly due to a lower level of grants from the Ohai Railway Fund ($59K) than was budgeted. 


Operating Investments


Currently, the majority of Council’s reserves are internally loaned by Council or its local communities for major projects.  Council has set the interest rate to be charged on these loans as part of its 10 Year Plan process and interest is being charged on a monthly basis on all internal loans drawndown at 30 June 2014.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015



Overall June 2015 monthly income for the Environment and Community Group tracked slightly ahead of budget at $601K actual v $555K budget.


Key features of June’s monthly income were Building Control and Customer Services income ahead of budget by $27K (21%) and $22K (80%) respectively. As Customer Services are internally funded this is a result of increased expenditure for the month. Conversely, Dog and Animal Control income is $14K under budget due to an adjustment for registration income received in advance.


Overall June 2015 monthly expenditure for the Environment and Community Group was $133K (23%) over budget ($700K actual v $567K budget).


All departments were over budget expenditure-wise, with the exception of Resource Planning.

The key features for the month are Customer Services $22K over due to training costs and staff costs. Resource Consent Processing $26K and Building Regulation $36K were also over budget due $26K and $36K respectively due to the timing of staff costs. Staff costs are higher for the month due to an additional pay compared to the budget phasing.


Overall YTD Income at the end of June 2015 for the 14/15 financial year is $235K (3%) ahead of budget, at $7.28M actual versus $7.05M budget.


Animal Control income is $87K (24%) ahead of budget due to infringement fees $73K and impounding fees $17K. Resource Consent processing $43K over budget due to higher internal resource consent charges $97K (mainly relating to Around the Mountain Cycle Trail). Income was also over budget for Building Regulation ($27K), Area Offices ($27K) and Environmental Health ($26K).


Overall YTD Expenditure at the end of June 2015 of the 14/15 financial year is $335K (5%) below budget at $6.35M actual versus $6.69M budget.


The Resource Planning/Policy area was underspent by $352K (51%), with less expenditure than anticipated on the District Plan project over this period.  Mediation processes which were expected to occur in April and May have been delayed at the direction of the Environment Court due to the status of Environment Southland’s Regional Policy Statement content relating to the biodiversity issues, which is relevant to several District Plan appeals. Alcohol licencing is under budget $35K due to lower Councillor & Board Member salary costs ($30K). District Libraries is $60K under budget predominantly due to lower staff costs ($31K) and lower expenditure in other areas. Area Offices are also under budget $42K due to lower internal interest costs for the Otautau and Lumsden offices. Dog and animal control is $96K over budget predominantly as a result of additional payroll related costs for after-hours work, these additional costs are sufficiently offset by the additional revenue generated in this activity in the current year. 

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




Income is 17% ($379K) under budget.  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Expenditure is 17% ($379K) under budget. This is primarily due to the following:


•           The timing of audit costs ($88K); this will align closer to budget after year end processing has occurred.

•           Staff vacancies in the finance team ($188K)

•           Visa/MasterCard charges currently under budget ($15K)

•           Material damage insurance review costs related to insuring water and wastewater above ground assets, have now been correctly coded to the water and waste business units.  This has resulted in actual costs being less than budgeted by $44K.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




For the year-to-date, income is on budget. Overall expenditure is 5% ($124K) under budget. The year-to-date position is $116K over budget.


Information Management


Income is 3% ($38K) over budget, predominantly due to internal computer hire relating to additional hardware of $51K.  Expenditure is 1% ($8K) over budget.  This relates primarily to Software Licence Fees $42K. Additionally, consultants costs are $16K over budget as a result of the Information Strategy Review.  This is offset by photocopy user charges $35K.


Knowledge Management


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is 1% ($5K) under budget, this is due to reduced operational leases ($9K) along with a number of expenses slightly under budget.  This is offset by increases in postage costs ($10K) and staff costs ($6K). As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Property and Spatial Services


Income is 13% ($48K) under budget.  Expenditure is 26% ($111K) under budget predominantly due to timing on aerial photography costs ($84K).  This is as a result of the original vendor going into receivership and by the time a replacement was appointed weather conditions not being suitable for aerial photography and therefore the majority of the work not being completed. This is offset by consultant costs being overspent by $19K.  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015


Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015



Income for the year-to-date is 5% ($89K) over budget.  Expenditure for the year-to-date is 4% ($58K) under budget.  The net result for the year-to-date is a surplus of $55K against a forecasted surplus of $24K, a positive variance of $31K. 


Community Outcomes


Income is on budget.  Expenditure is under budget by $45K as no projects relating to the
Our Way Southland Outcomes have been identified in the current period. 


Corporate Planning


Income is 20% ($95K) over budget. Expenditure is 24% ($110K) over budget due to
increased costs associated with the Long Term Plan ($32K) and unbudgeted costs relating to the Policy and Community business unit ($31K).  This is offset by employee costs ($28K).  As this activity is internally funded the increased expenditure impacts directly on income. 


Secretarial Services


Income is 1% ($3K) under budget.  Expenditure is 1% ($3K) under budget predominately due to Internal Photocopying ($11K). This is offset by Staff Costs ($13K). As this activity is internally funded, the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.




Income is on budget.  Expenditure is underspent by 1% ($4K) predominately due to staff costs ($19K) and first edition costs ($18K) being below budget. This is offset by overspending on radio advertising ($12K) and unbudgeted costs relating to the Policy and Community business unit ($31K).  As this activity is internally funded the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.

Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015



Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015




Overall Financial Performance


A continued strong focus on making sure we fully utilise NZTA approved funding along with optimising "value for money" has been a challenge over the last year.  This has been primarily driven by the significant drop in the bitumen index.


While the roading activity is over the Annual Plan in maintenance and operations expenditure this is offset with being under in capital expenditure.


It is under the NZTA approved programme by $1.045M over three years.  As discussed above it was a primarily objective to spend of the NZTA approved programme.




Largely on Track




Action Required


Maintenance and Operations (excluding Special Purpose Roads):


Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved








-      The majority of overhead expenses are in line with budget; apart from the professional services budget and staff costs.  This was driven by the employment of a Road Safety Engineer and the review of the roading rate model.


-      A holistic approach to maintenance management has seen sealed pavement and unsealed pavement maintenance being over budget but offset with underspends in other activities.  Network and Asset Management costs is over budget primarily driven by bringing forward our high speed data collection from the 2015/2016 year this decision was driven for commercial and availability of resources reasons.



Emergency Works


-      These projects are unbudgeted due to their unforeseeable nature.  These are considered and managed within the Local Share budgets.


2014/2015 Costs



Expenditure 2014/2015

Horseshoe Bay/Leask Bay (Stewart Island)

 $           119,224

Ohai Clifden Slip

 $           169,686

Lower Hollyford Slip (special purpose road)

$             46,704



Renewals and Minor Improvements Commentary



Financial Tracking vs Plans



Annual Plan

NZTA Approved








Renewals and Minor Improvement Commentary


As at the end of the year Transport has achieved expenditure of 92% of the Annual Plan budget.  This is partially offset with maintenance and operations expenditure been over the Annual Plan budget.  A strong push was done to complete as many bridges as possible to optimise the NZTA Funding Assistance Rate.



Preventive Maintenance


Expenditure 2014/2015

Mullet Road

 $          379,019

Golden Bay Road /Thule Road
(Stewart Island)

 $           70,484


-      These projects are unbudgeted due to their unforeseeable nature.  These are considered and managed within the Local Share budgets.


Three Year Programme






Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015





Activities Performance Audit Committee

26 August 2015






Overall Services and Assets (excluding Roading) actual income is 1% ($208K) over budget for the year ($16.97M v $16.76M). 


Key highlights are:

•           Area Engineers is 4% ($42K) over budget.  As income is fully recovered and driven by expenditure levels the increased expenditure impacts directly on income.

•           Engineering Consultants is 5% ($41K) under budget.  As income is fully recovered and driven by expenditure levels the reduced expenditure impacts directly on income.

•           Overall Forestry income received is 5% ($87K) over budget. This is predominantly due to harvesting revenue from Waikaia forest being $935K over budget, offset by Dipton and Ohai forests revenue being lower than expected ($460K and $366K).

•           District Sewerage is 3% ($85K) over budget as a payment was received from Landcorp for leasing land at the Kepler site ($60K).


Operating Expenditure


Actual operational expenditure for Services and Assets year-to-date is 7% ($1.20M) under budget.


Key highlights are:

•           District Water is 11% ($349K) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($622K actual capital works compared to $1.05M budgeted).

•           District Sewerage is 22% ($1.07M) under budget, predominantly as a result of lower than planned capital expenditure for the year-to-date ($1.94M actual capital works compared to $2.86M budgeted).

•           Water Services is 21% ($211K) under budget predominately due to fewer project consultant costs being required than budgeted.

•           Engineering Consultants business unit is 5% ($41K) under budget due to under expenditure in consultants this is offset by internal services $8K.

•           Area Engineers is 4% ($42K) over budget primarily due to staff costs.



Statement of Financial Position





The balance sheet as at 30 June 2014 represents the audited balance sheet for activities of Council (ie excludes SIESA and Venture Southland).  The financial position at
30 June 2015 is before year-end adjustments and only for the activities of Council. 


External borrowings have still not been required, with internal funds being used to meet obligations for the year-to-date. 







Susan McNamara