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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Resource Management Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Friday, 23 October 2015


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Resource Management Committee Agenda









Paul Duffy



Lyall Bailey



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Julie Keast



Gavin Macpherson





Manager, Resource Management

Simon Moran


Senior Planner, Policy Resource Management

Courtney Ellison


Committee Advisor

Alyson Hamilton





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for the Resource Management Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·     Monitor the consent process and make decisions on all notified hearings, excluding those being heard by a commissioner


·     Monitor non-notified consents and review decisions where objections are received.


·     Develop a District Plan, and/or District Plan changes, hear submissions on those and deliberate on those before making recommendations to Council


·     Participate in joint hearings


·     Decide on designations


Resource Management Committee

23 October 2015

Description: sdclogo



ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

Reports for Resolution

7.1       Draft Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 - Rural Settlement Areas      11   

1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)    The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)   The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)   That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)   no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Minutes of Resource Management Committee dated 26 June 2015

    Description: sdclogo



Resource Management Committee






Minutes of a meeting of Resource Management Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Friday, 26 June 2015 at 10.08 am.





Paul Duffy



Lyall Bailey



Rodney Dobson



John Douglas



Julie Keast



Gavin Macpherson





Manager Resource Management Simon Moran, Senior Resource Management Planner Courtney Ellison and Committee Advisor Debbie Webster.


1        Apologies


            An apology for absence was received from Crs Dobson and Douglas.


Moved Cr Keast, seconded Cr Bailey and resolved:

That the Resource Management Committee accept the apologies.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


            There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


            There was no public forum


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Cr Macpherson, seconded Cr Keast  and resolved:

That the meeting minutes of Resource Management Committee, 12 June 2015 be confirmed.



Reports for Recommendation




Potential Variations to Proposed District Plan 2012 - Implementation matters

Record No:         R/15/5/8828


Senior Resource Management Planner Courtney Ellison was in attendance for this item.  She said the purpose of the report was to outline some potential changes to be made to the Proposed District Plan, in particular around some implementation matters which had arisen since the plan has had legal effect and been implemented by the Resource Management team.

2        With the implementation of the Proposed District Plan, some potential improvements that could be made to the plan have been identified.

3        To make the changes suggested in the report, a variation would have to be undertaken in accordance with the process outlined in the Resource Management Act 1991.  The process included public notification with two opportunities for the public to make submissions, and holding hearings for the submitters to speak on their submission.

Mrs Ellison outlined the background and noted some small changes could be made to the plan to improve the clarity and efficiency of the rules in achieving the outcomes intended with the plan.

There was discussion over issues around height and boundary of above ground effluent pools.  It was agreed that consistency with Environment Southland rules on this would be beneficial. 

It was noted that point 14 in the report incorrectly stated Option 1 was endorsed, however it should read “It is recommended that Option 2 is endorsed and that a draft variation is prepared to address those issues outlined in this report”.





Moved Cr Bailey, seconded Cr Keast  and resolved:

That the Resource Management Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Potential Variations to Proposed District Plan 2012 - Implementation matters” dated 19 June 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Endorse staff continuing with the preparation of a draft variation to the Proposed District Plan.





Potential Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 - Rural Settlement Areas

Record No:         R/15/6/10262


Senior Resource Management Planner Courtney Ellison was in attendance for this item.  She noted the purpose of the report was to outline a potential change to be made to the Proposed District Plan, to create a new ‘Rural Settlement Area’ providing for townships that are currently within the Rural Zone.

2       Decisions on the Proposed Southland District Plan 2012 were released in October 2014 and identified that a future piece of work was required to address how townships which are currently zoned Rural, such as Orepuki, could be better provided for.

3       The new plan imposes some constraints for these townships in terms of setbacks from other dwellings and some boundaries as well as other activities in the Rural Zone.  It was suggested that a variation could be progressed to establish a Rural Settlement Area overlay for the Rural Zone to provide for townships such as Orepuki.

4       Matters that would need to be considered include the boundaries of any settlement areas, effluent disposal, servicing, setbacks from other dwellings or property boundaries, hazards, and provision for the continuation of rural activities.

5       The different options available to the Resource Management Committee are outlined in the report along with the process that would need to be followed, including requirements under the Resource Management Act (RMA), should a variation be progressed. 

Mrs Ellison said she had spoken with the Orepuki CDA in May and they were in support of the variation.  She had also spoken with the Lumsden CDA who said that if it were to be progressed they wanted it to be done in consultation with the community.  Mrs Ellison noted that Orepuki had mostly rainwater tanks making it easier whereas Lumsden have a number of ground water bores which created greater difficulty.

Cr Duffy asked if the rural settlement rules were new to the Southland District Council.  Mrs Ellison replied yes they were, however they are in other districts but with differing factors to be considered. 

There was discussion on where the responsibility for services should be placed, on developers or owners of a section.  It was noted with smaller sections power should be to the boundary however this raises the question if copper lines should be at the boundary, owners may choose to use cell phone cover only.  It was suggested it could be included on the LIM that Council does not guarantee power/phone to a section. 

Cr Keast queried towns like Niagara and Dipton that aren’t likely to be built on.  Cr Duffy asked what was the reason for going with Option 2 and why not Option 3 to include more areas?  Mrs Ellison responded it was mostly from demand.  She said Option 2 did not preclude Council from rolling this out to other areas.  Mr Moran suggested there could be a selection of towns the Committee could consider.  Orepuki is currently driving it however it could be used as a pilot for other areas.   Mr Moran commented that Council staff could look at what consents are in other areas, consider the constraints in each area and comment accordingly, which would create a bigger picture of current growth in those areas for the Committee to consider.  

It was agreed for Option 2 to proceed with variation for Orepuki and to add in to the recommendation to investigate Gorge Road.

Mr Moran updated the Committee on the proposed Forestry submission led by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) for the National Environmental Standard.  He commented there was a meeting several months ago with MPI and other territorial organisations and Councils.  The meeting covered a series of rules, categorizing regions into low, medium and high risk, looking at erosion in most part, noting Southland was considered mostly low risk.  He mentioned Council needed to make sure conditions in our District Plan connect clearly with this.  Mr Moran said he would send the electronic link of the National Environmental Standard Document to the Committee and would endeavour to get back to the Committee with the completed submission.




Moved Cr Bailey, seconded Cr Keast  and resolved recommendations a, b and c and d with the new words as underlined:

That the Resource Management Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Potential Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 - Rural Settlement Areas” dated 16 June 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Recommends to Council the scoping and drafting of a variation to the Proposed District Plan to create a new Rural Settlement Area for Orepuki and to investigate a new Rural Settlement Area for Gorge Road.






The meeting closed at 11.11 am       CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Resource Management Committee HELD ON

26 JUNE 2015










Resource Management Committee

23 October 2015

Description: sdclogo


Draft Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 - Rural Settlement Areas

Record No:        R/15/9/16641

Author:                 Courtney Ellison, Senior Resource Management Planner - Policy

Approved by:       Bruce Halligan, GM - Environment and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is to seek the Resource Management Committee’s approval of the draft variation for the Rural Settlement Areas, for consultation with the relevant communities.

Executive Summary

2        On 5 August, Council gave approval for staff to draft a variation to create new Rural Settlement Areas for Orepuki and Gorge Road.  Staff have prepared a draft variation which shows the proposed changes to the text of the Proposed District Plan 2012, and establishes the potential boundaries which would be shown on the Proposed District Plan Maps.

3        It is proposed to consult with the communities on the proposed changes prior to starting the formal process under the Resource Management Act (RMA) to provide more flexibility for the communities to shape the rules that will affect them.



That the Resource Management Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Draft Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 - Rural Settlement Areas” dated 9 October 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Approve the draft Variation to the Proposed District Plan 2012 to create
Rural Settlement Areas at Orepuki and Gorge Road for informal consultation.





4        On 5 August Council approved staff starting the preparation of a variation to the Proposed District Plan to create Rural Settlement Areas at Orepuki and Gorge Road.

5        Since that meeting, staff have undertaken site visits, discussed the proposal with other departments of Council including water and waste, and drafted the potential changes to the Proposed District Plan.  The draft Variation is attached as Attachment A and shows the suggested changes to the rules, in particular the rules around dwellings and accessory buildings within the Rural Zone.


6        Wastewater disposal

7        Gorge Road has a reticulated wastewater system and staff have discussed the existing capacity of the system and the potential for future connections to be made with
Water and Waste staff.  A preliminary assessment indicates that development within the boundary suggested for the Rural Settlement Area (refer to Attachment B) could be accommodated by the existing wastewater system.

8        There is no reticulated system in Orepuki.  A report has been prepared by Veena Boon in her capacity as an Environmental Consultant on the potential constraints or requirements for disposing wastewater within the Orepuki township.  This report indicates that a house could be constructed on a quarter acre section if a secondary treatment system is used, and if the section is larger, then there could be more flexibility around the type of treatment system used.

9        The New Zealand Standard 1547:2012 “On-site Domestic Wastewater Management” in conjunction with the Building Code already ensures that any new development will meet those legal requirements and the wastewater is disposed of on the site correctly.

10      Therefore no rules relating to wastewater requirement are considered necessary within the District Plan.  However, given the information Council holds on the likely section size and treatment options suitable for Orepuki, it is recommended that there is some guidance material developed specific to the Orepuki township to assist anyone thinking of building a dwelling in that area.

11      Landscape values

12      Part of Orepuki township is covered by the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay.  This overlay was based on the Southland Coastal Landscape Study 2006 prepared by Boffa Miskell. This report recognised the village character of the area and that the existing settlement was capable of accommodating further growth.

13      Therefore it is considered appropriate that some modifications are made to the rules applying to the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay, but the boundary of the overlay is not recommended to change.  The rules would be tweaked so that buildings would still have to meet the more restrictive height requirements for the VAL, and the building materials however the additional setbacks from roads that apply within the VAL would not apply within the Rural Settlement Overlay.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

14      The process for doing a variation to the proposed District Plan is outlined in the RMA. Following the informal consultation outlined in this report, approval to notify the Variation will be sought from Council.

Community Views

15      The purpose of this report is to seek approval to take the draft Variation out for community feedback.  Following this, the views of the community and any recommended changes to the variation will be reported back to the Resource Management Committee and Council.

Costs and Funding

16      The costs associated with the informal consultation will primarily be staff time.  The variation work will be undertaken within current District Plan budgets.

Policy Implications

17      The review of the Rural Zone rules in relation to rural settlements was identified as a future piece of work required in the decisions on the proposed District Plan.  It is likely that any amendments to the District plan would result in less restrictive plan rules for these areas than the rules that apply at present.


Options Considered

18      The Committee can decide to progress the variation for the Rural Settlements with or without the preliminary consultation with communities.

Analysis of Options

Option 1 – Approve the draft Variation for informal consultation



·        The community would have the opportunity to contribute to the drafting of the variation ensuring the proposed amendments are practical and reflect the intended outcomes.

·        Pre-consultation may reduce the time and likelihood of opposition to the proposal through the formal RMA process.

·        The consultation will take time to enable communities to provide feedback and contributions (however this has been factored into the project timeframes).


Option 2 – Recommend the Variation be progressed without informal consultation, and proceed with the formal process under the RMA



·        The Variation could be notified sooner, reducing the overall timeframe for the project.

·        The community would not have the opportunity to contribute towards the development of the variation.

·        Issues may arise through the formal submission process under the RMA, that would have been better resolved outside of that formal process where there may be less flexibility to achieve the desired outcomes.


Assessment of Significance

19      It is not considered that these potential changes to the Proposed District Plan are significant in terms of Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy because they will reduce the restrictions that already apply under the Proposed District Plan.  The proposed changes will also be subject to a public consultation process under the RMA, giving the communities and the wider public the opportunity to have their say and affect the overall outcome of the variation. 

Recommended Option

20      Option 1 to approve the draft variation on the Rural Settlement Areas for informal consultation is recommended as it allows the communities affected by the rules to be involved in developing them.  The formal consultation process under the RMA is also likely to attract less opposition if people have already had the chance to share their views and contribute to the proposed changes.

Next Steps

21      Meetings will be held with the communities in Orepuki and Gorge Road to discuss the background to the proposed changes and what they could look like.  Following these meetings, there will be the opportunity for people to review the proposal and provide their comments back to Council over a period of 3 weeks.

22      The draft variation will also be discussed with staff at Te Ao Mārama Incorporated, Environment Southland, and any other relevant agencies such as the New Zealand Transport Agency.

23      The feedback will be collated and any potential amendments included into a revised draft Variation which will be reported to the Resource Management Committee and Council for approval to notify the Variation in accordance with the RMA.



a         Draft Variation - Rural Settlement Areas - Proposed Text Amendments View

b         Proposed Rural Settlement Area Boundaries View    


Resource Management Committee

23 October 2015


Proposed Southland District Plan 2012

Variation 3: Rural Settlement Areas




In November 2012, Council notified the Proposed Southland District Plan and following a submission and hearings process decisions were released on October 2014.  The plan retained a similar boundary to the Operative Plan 2001 for the Rural Zone which included townships such as Orepuki and Gorge Road but other amendments to the plan affect development in those townships. One notable change is that the ability to construct one dwelling per existing certificate of title is now subject to the other criteria of the permitted activity rule being met including the need to provide a 150 m separation between dwellings. 


There are other restrictions on townships such as the ability to dispose of wastewater on site, and part of the Orepuki township to the west of the State Highway is also covered by the Visual Amenity Landscape overlay. This overlay sets out additional criteria for dwellings and accessory buildings around setbacks from roads and building materials. 


Council received a submission on the Proposed Southland District Plan from the Orepuki CDA requesting a more permissive regime and greater provision for the development of existing rural residential settlement areas.  The Hearing Committee’s decision did not make any changes to those rules as a result of this submission but recognised that a specific piece of work was required to look at how rural residential areas could be better provided for within the plan, to facilitate the future growth of these areas based around these existing settlements.


While some aspects of the Proposed District Plan are still subject to appeal, the provisions relevant to the establishment of Rural Settlement Areas are being treated as operative. Staff have therefore investigated options for how these townships could be better provided for within the plan.


A section 32 report has also been prepared which outlines the options, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed variation.



Plan text amendments

The variation proposes amendments to the Planning Maps, introduction, and rules of the Rural Zone. These proposed changes are outlined below.


There are some aspects of the Rural Zone rules which are highlighted yellow. These reflect the aspects of the Proposed District Plan which are still subject to appeal. Most of the appealed provisions will not be affected by this Variation, however some amendments to the Visual Amenity Landscape overlay rules are proposed in relation to the Rural Settlement Areas specifically. 


It should also be noted that another variation is also proposed which may result in some changes to the wording of the rules below, however these are addressed within that Variation document and not in the wording shown below.



AMENDMENT 1 Planning Maps 55 and 64


It is proposed to amend Map 55 for Gorge Road and Map 64 for Orepuki to show a new Rural Settlement Area Overlay for the townships. Currently the Visual Amenity Landscape overlay extends to Stafford Street however it is proposed to shift this to the Western boundary of Surrey Street.


Appendix 1 provides an indication of the proposed boundaries of the Rural Settlement Overlays.


AMENDMENT 2 Introduction – Rural Zone


 “…Many areas within the Rural Zone are valued for their rural character and amenity and the Rural Zone can be an attractive location for residential activities. The Rural Settlement Areas provide for the consolidation or clustering of development around those existing established areas. …”



AMENDMENT 3 Rules  – Rural Zone


“Rule RURAL.1 - Permitted Activities

The following activities are Permitted Activities in the Rural Zone provided they meet the General Rural Standards: 



2.         (1) Dwellings outside of Rural Settlement Areas are permitted provided that:

(a)        Maximum number is one Principal dwelling per Computer Freehold Register, with Additional Staff Dwellings as follows:

(i)         one dwelling per 50 hectare - 100 hectare property

(ii)        two dwellings per 101 hectare - 150 hectare property

(iii)       three dwellings per 151 hectare - 300 hectare property

(iv)       four dwellings per 301 hectare - 1000 hectare property

(v)       five dwellings per 1001 hectare property

(b)        Setbacks

            Any dwelling complies with the following setbacks:

(i)         150 metres from any existing dwelling, or consented dwelling or building platform, not in the same ownership.  For the avoidance of doubt dwellings on the same property can be closer to each other than 150 metres;

(ii)        20 metres from the boundary of a State Highway where the speed limit exceeds 80 km/hr;

(iii)       4.5 metres from a boundary with any other road;

(iv)       30 metres from a wetland or bed of a river or lake;

(v)       300 metres from the property boundary of an intensive farming activity in separate ownership;

(vi)      300 metres from a consented milking shed or wintering shed in separate ownership;

(vii)      150 metres from a wastewater treatment facility property boundary (excluding waste disposal areas associated with domestic on-site wastewater disposal system);

(viii)     200 metres from a gravel or mineral extraction activity where the consented volume to be extracted is more than 50,000 m3;

(ix)      Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay 20 metres from the boundary of any formed road; and 4.5 metres from the boundary of an unformed road.

(x)       Complies with RURAL.7(7) National Grid Yards

(c)        Height

(i)         the maximum height of the principal dwelling or staff dwelling is 9 metres above natural ground level;

(ii)        the height of the building in relation to the external property boundaries complies with Height in Relation to Boundaries and the Height Recession Diagram in Rural Zone General Standards Rule RURAL.7(6).

(iii)       Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay the maximum height of the dwelling is 6.5 metres above natural ground level;

            (d)        The Building Platform and access to that platform are not identified as being seaward of the Coastal Hazard Line as shown on the District Plan Maps.

(e)        The site is not identified as being within an area of Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes as shown on the District Plan Maps.

(f)        Materials - Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay external building materials (except glazing) and colours are to be recessive with a maximum reflectance value of 40%.



(2) Dwellings within a Rural Settlement Area are permitted provided that:


(a)        Any dwelling is setback 4.5 metres from a boundary with any road;

(b)        Within 80 metres of the seal edge of a State Highway that has a speed limit of 70km/hr and greater, or within 40 metres of the seal edge of a State Highway that has a speed limit of less than 70km/hr, the dwelling shall be designed, sited and constructed, to ensure that the internal noise levels for dwellings do not exceed 35 dB LAeq (1hr) inside bedrooms or 40 dB LAeq (1hr) inside other habitable spaces.

(c)        Height

(i)         The maximum height of the dwelling is 9 metres above natural ground level;

(ii)        Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay the maximum height of the dwelling is 6.5 metres above natural ground level;

(iii)       The height of the building in relation to the external property boundaries complies with Height in Relation to Boundaries and the Height Recession Diagram in Rural Zone General Standards Rule RURAL.7(6)

(d)        Materials – Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay external building materials (except glazing) and colours are to be recessive with a maximum reflectance value of 40%.


Note: Dwellings will need to ensure they can meet the on-site wastewater requirements of the Regional Council rules and AS/NZS 1547:2012 On-Site Domestic Wastewater Management. Further guidance on on-site wastewater requirements in the Orepuki Rural Settlement Area is available from Council.


3.         Accessory Buildings are permitted provided that:

(a)       The accessory building complies with the following setbacks:

(i)         1.5 metre from the side property boundaries;

(ii)        the height of the building in relation to the external property boundaries complies with Height in Relation to Boundaries and the Height Recession Diagram in Rural Zone General Standards Rule RURAL.7(6).

(iii)       4.5 metres from the boundary of a road or State Highway.

(iv)       Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay (except within the Rural Settlement Overlay) is set back at least 20 metres from the boundary of a formed road or State Highway, and 4.5 metres from the boundary of an unformed road.

(v)        Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay the maximum height of the Accessory Building is 6.5 metres above natural ground level.

(vi)       Within the Visual Amenity Landscape Overlay external building materials (except glazing) and colours are to be recessive with a maximum reflectance value of 40%.

(vii)      Compliance with RURAL.7(7) National Grid Yards

(b)        The maximum height of the accessory building is 9 metres above natural ground level.

(c)        The site is not identified as being within an area of Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes as shown on the District Plan Maps.



15.       Forestry Activities are permitted provided that:

(a)        Trees shall be set back a minimum of:

(i)         10 metres from the northern, eastern or western property boundary

(ii)        20 metres from the southern boundary

(iii)       30 metres from any Urban Zone or Rural Settlement Area boundary;

(iv)       10 metres from either side of the banks of any water body whose bed has an average width of 3 metres or more.

(v)        Shall not be allowed to grow in a position that will shade, an existing dwelling, consented dwelling or building platform or building between the hours of 10.00 am and 2.00 pm on the shortest day of the year;

(b)        No forestry activity shall affect any archaeological site identified on the District Plan Maps, except where an Archaeological Authority has been granted by Heritage New Zealand pursuant to the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014, or confirmation is provided that no archaeological authority is required.  

(c)        Clearance of indigenous vegetation is limited to amenity plantings and indigenous vegetation that has grown up under production planting.

(d)        The activity is not undertaken in an area identified as being an area of Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes.

(e)        That at least 12 months prior to harvesting occurring written notice of intention to harvest is given to the relevant Road Controlling Authority.

(f)   The following species are not planted within the Mountains Overlay:

·        Scots Pine,

·        Corsican Pine,

·        Douglas Fir,

·        All larches. …”


Resource Management Committee

23 October 2015



Gorge Road – Proposed Rural Settlement Area Boundary

Orepuki – Proposed Rural Settlement Boundary