


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 26 January 2016


The Bistro,
Pioneer Tavern,
Ferry Road,


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Agenda








Pam Yorke


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Fodie



Lindsay Donald



Dean Rabbidge



Andrew Roy



Nathan Stewart



Councillor Paul Duffy





Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop


Area Engineer

Kushla Tapper





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Community Boards


This Community Board is a statutory body with delegated responsibility from Southland District Council. The board members are elected to represent their community and advocate on behalf of their community.


It can make decisions on:


·                Tenders for leases of land and buildings within its area up to $10,000. For tenders above that value, the board can make a recommendation to either the Group Manager Services and Assets or Council’s Activities Performance Audit Committee.

·                Managing local halls and cemeteries

·                Managing reserves, plantings, drainage, footpaths, street lighting, camping grounds, wharves, jetties, lakeshores and slipways, litter control

·                Stewart Island – governance of the Stewart Island Electrical Supply Authority

·                Te Anau – management of the Te Anau Airport Manapouri


It can make recommendations to Council on:


·                Estimates, traffic management, roading, recreation, elderly persons’ housing, noxious plants control, pest destruction control, temporary road closures, local civil defence, local welfare, waste management, economic development, resource consent applications which are referred to the board for feedback, toilets and local assets.


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board                                          17

7.2       Fonterra Edendale - Wastewater Irrigation Invitation for Consultation                21

7.3       Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015                                                                                            27

Areas of responsibility

8.1       Edendale Hall/Community Centre


8.2       Resource Management


8.3       Factory Liaison


8.4       Civil Defence


8.5       Reporting to the Ensign, Edendale Informer and Wyndham Messenger

Councillor’s Report

chair’s report

Future meetings

Tuesday 22 March 2016 (Wyndham)

Tuesday 24 May 2016 (Edendale)

Tuesday 26 July 2016 (Wyndham)

Tuesday 27 September 2016 (Edendale)

1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Community Board Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     Meeting minutes of Edendale-Wyndham Community Board, 24 November 2015





Edendale-Wyndham Community Board






Minutes of a meeting of Edendale-Wyndham Community Board held in the Memorial Hall, Wyndham on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 7.30pm.





Pam Yorke


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Fodie



Lindsay Donald



Dean Rabbidge



Nathan Stewart



Councillor Paul Duffy





Andrew Roy




Committee Advisor Fiona Dunlop and Area Engineer Kushla Tapper



1          Apologies


There was an apology for absence from Nathan Stewart.


Moved Deputy Chairperson Fodie, seconded Member Rabbidge and resolved:

That the  Edendale-Wyndham Community Board accept the apology.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


            Denise Fodie declared a conflict of interest in relation to item 7.1 - Venture Southland Report - Proposed Edendale Community Centre Update.  She would not take part in discussion or voting on the matter.


4          Public Forum

There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Cr Duffy, seconded Member Rabbidge 

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2015 are confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.



Reports for Recommendation


(Denise Fodie withdrew from the table due to a conflict of interest.)



Venture Southland Report - Proposed Edendale Community Centre Update

Record No:         R/15/11/20202


Community Development Planner Juanita Thornton was in attendance for this item.



Mrs Thornton advised that the purpose of the report was to provide an update on the process undertaken; the outcomes to date; and to seek the direction of the Board as to the next stage in the project.  This further update is following direction received from the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board at their meeting held on 29 July 2014.  Venture Southland has been assisting with exploring the option of an Edendale Community Centre at the Recreation Reserve.  The proposal would involve the redevelopment of the existing Edendale Rugby Club building, to become a multi-purpose facility.


2        The Board noted that the current Community Board (and previous Edendale Community Board) and Venture Southland have spent a considerable amount of time and resources on exploring the option of a new Community Centre at Edendale.

4        After exploring all options, the current proposal under consideration is the redevelopment of the existing Edendale Rugby Club building, to become a multi-purpose facility.

5        The Board also noted that two versions of possible options have been explored, and a review of funding secured has been undertaken.  The project is now at a final decision stage; to continue with the proposed redevelopment plans or to abandon the project.



Moved Cr Duffy, seconded Member Donald  and resolved recommendations a to c and an amended d (as indicated)

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Report - Proposed Edendale Community Centre Update” dated 16 November 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Agree to proceed with plans to develop a new Edendale Community facility at a cost of $800,000 to $850,000 (with a shortfall of $300,000 to $350,000).

d)         Decide on proceeding with plans to develop a new community facility at Edendale or to no longer explore the options of a new community facility at Edendale.


(Denise Fodie returned to the table.)



Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report

Record No:         R/15/10/19206


Management Accountant Susan McNamara was in attendance for this item.


Miss McNamara advised that the purpose of the report was to provide an overview of the forecasted services for the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board in 2016/2017.  It includes any variations from what was forecasted in year two of the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2015-2025. 


Miss McNamara advised that in Appendix 1 of the report, the business unit table was incorrect. 

The correct version is as follows:

The Edendale-Wyndham CB Rate is comprised of the following business units:

23200 Administration

23202 Operating Costs

23207 Streetworks

23213 Stormwater

23228 Beautification

23232 Recreation Reserve

23246 Playground

23325 Edendale Cemetery

29901 Wyndham Library

29925 Wyndham Cemetery

29949 Wyndham Camping Ground

29982 Wyndham Museum

2        The Board noted that the Council has streamlined its 2016/2017 Annual Plan process and as a result the Board is only required to review your estimates for significant changes.  In addition, consideration should be given to funding any significant changes from reserves where appropriate.

The Board also noted that the draft estimates will be incorporated into the Council’s Draft Annual Plan which will be released for consultation in February 2016.  Once the plan is finalised (and subject to any changes resulting from submissions), the estimates shown for 2016/2017 will be used to set rates for the year beginning 1 July 2016.




Moved Chairperson Yorke, seconded Member Donald  and resolved recommendations a – c, d to change “Hall” to “Edendale Hall” (as indicated), e with additions (as indicated), f (as amended) g and h (as amended) and a new i and j (as indicated).

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report” dated 12 November 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Approves variations in the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board estimates from year two of the Long Term Plan with a change of Hall to Edendale Hall as indicated below:

Other Variances

Business Unit


Annual Plan


LTP 2016/2017




General recoveries




Income and expense relating to Burt Munro Challenge that is no longer required.


Maint general





Work Scheme




Reduce budget to reflect actual work.






Budget required omitted in LTP.






Actual cost covered in the district budget.






Cost of new machine at office.

Edendale Hall

Operating Costs




Budget not required as hall not operational.  Removed lines to reduce rates to only cover operational costs.

Edendale Hall






e)         Approve the estimates for the year commencing 1 July 2016 for inclusion in the Council’s Draft Annual Plan (subject to any amendments made at the meeting) with the following changes:

i)       Inclusion of a Capital Expenditure item of $850,000 (GST exclusive) for building acquisition to be funded from:

·                Edendale Community Centre Reserve $100,000

·                Edendale Hall Grant Upgrade $172,054

·                Ex Allocations Committee Reserve $200,000 and the remainder to be funded by General Grants of $377,676


ii)      Inclusion of an additional Operational Expenditure item for streetworks maintenance of $4864 to be funded 25% ($1216) from the ward and the remainder from rates.


iii)     Inclusion of a miscellaneous grant of $1000 (GST exclusive)


f)          Requests the levy of the following rates and charges (including GST) for the year commencing 1 July 2016 based on the approved estimates in (e) above.

Rate Description                                                              Rate (GST Incl)

Edendale-Wyndham CB Rate                                    $158,604 $163,949

Edendale Hall Rate                                                                          $4,390

Wyndham Hall Rate                                                                       $12,587

Edendale Pool Rate                                                                         $5,200





g)         Requests the setting of the hall fees and charges (including GST) for the year commencing 1 July 2016 as attached in Appendix 4 (as follows), for inclusion in the 2016/2017 Annual Plan:

h)         Agree to identify stormwater operational expenditure and the proposed Edendale Community Centre as key highlights for the local area.

h)         Identifies the key highlights for the local area (to be agreed at the meeting).


i)          Include the fees and charges for the Wyndham Camping ground into the 2016/2017 Annual Plan.


j)          Request that Council investigate District funding of library services.








Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Record No:         R/15/11/20837



Leases of Reserves in Wyndham


The Chair updated the Board that she had met with Strategic Property Manager Kevin McNaught and the Wyndham and Menzies College Rugby Clubs regarding leases of reserves in Wyndham to develop a plan to go forward and will report back to the Board in due course with a lease for the grounds and buildings.  The Rugby clubs are going to work out a proposal and come back to the Board with it.


Wyndham Wildlife Refuge


The Chair also updated the Board that she had had a walkover the Refuge with Bob Rance of the Department of Conservation, Councillor Duffy and Area Engineer Moira Tinnock.  Mr Rance is to provide a report back to the Area Engineer which will enable with any further planning.


Edendale Hall


The Chair advised that she had requested officers to report to the Board on the process for the disposal of the Hall.



Edendale Reserve Holder Leases


The Chair also advised that she had also requested officers to report to the Board on the lease/right to occupy aspect of the reserve holder leases.




Moved Chairperson Yorke, seconded Member Rabbidge and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board” dated 17 November 2015.


b)       Note the update notes for the Leases of Reserves in Wyndham and the Wyndham Wildlife Refuge.


c)         Request that Officers report to the Board on the process for the disposal of the Edendale Hall and also on Edendale Reserve Holder Leases.





Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 September 2015

Record No:         R/15/11/20020


Area Engineer Kushla Tapper was present for this item.  Mrs Tapper advised that the burnt hedge at Edendale Cemetery has been removed and that the replacement post and rail fence was scheduled to be constructed in December 2015.

The Board noted that all business units are on track at year to date with the tree removal and new fence at the Edendale Cemetery to be funded from reserves.

Also noted in the table below shows the project that is planned for the Edendale and Wyndham area.


Project Name



AP Budget


Officer’s Comment

Community Centres

Edendale Community Centre upgrade





Still in the planning stage.

The Board also noted the table below outlines the balance of Development and Financial Contributions for your community to 30 June 2015 plus any amounts invoiced for this financial year to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage.  Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager - Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met.

Edendale Reserves Contributions


Wyndham Reserves Contributions



The Board discussed the information board at the Edendale Cemetery.  Denise Fodie advised that she would liaise with Council Officers to progress the matter.





Moved Member Rabbidge, seconded Deputy Chairperson Fodie and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 September 2015” dated 10 November 2015.




Schedule of Meetings Up To October 2016

Record No:         R/15/11/20128


Committee Advisor Fiona Dunlop was in attendance for this item.  She advised that the purpose of the report was to approve a schedule of meeting dates up to October 2016 so that meetings can be publicly notified in accordance with the requirements set by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

The Board noted that the adoption of a meeting schedule allows for reasonable public notice preparation and planning for meeting agendas.  The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which has requirements for Local Authorities to follow for public notification of meetings.

Also noted was that the meeting schedule for the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board is being set until the beginning of October 2016 as there is the Triennial Elections on Saturday 8 October 2016.  A schedule of meetings for the remainder of 2016 and all of 2017 will be brought to the Board later in 2016.



Moved Chairperson Yorke, seconded Deputy Chairperson Fodie and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Schedule of Meetings Up To October 2016” dated 6 November 2015.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Agree to meet at 7.30pm in either the Wyndham or Edendale communities on the following dates in 2016:

·        Tuesday 26 January 2016 (Edendale)

·        Tuesday 22 March 2016 (Wyndham)

·        Tuesday 24 May 2016 (Edendale)

·        Tuesday 26 July 2016 (Wyndham)

·        Tuesday 27 September 2016 (Edendale)



Committee Reports

8.1       Edendale Hall/Community Centre


An update on the Edendale Hall/Community Centre was cover in item 7.1 - Venture Southland Report - Proposed Edendale Community Centre Update


8.2       Resource Management


There was nothing to report on resource management issues.


8.3       Factory Liaison


The Chair reported that Steve Ruru Chief Executive Officer had advised that discussions around this issue are to take place directly with the Chair and the Edendale General Manager Richard Gray.



8.4       Civil Defence


There was nothing to report on civil defence.


8.5       Reporting to the Ensign, Edendale Informer and Wyndham Messenger


Denise Fodie advised that a Christmas message had been inserted in the Edendale Informer and the Wyndham Messenger.


Councillor's Report


Cr Duffy advised that been involved in various Council activities.  A couple of highlights were that the Regional Development Strategy had been released.  He had attended workshops on the Organisational Review of Southland District Council and also about Declining Communities.  He also reported that Council had heard oral submissions on the proposed Freedom Camping bylaw.


 Chair's Report


Pam Yorke advised that the issue of the unpaid electricity bill for the Edendale Rugby Club had been sorted.


Mrs Yorke also reported on the Wyndham/Edendale Walkway.  She advised that she had received an email from the Group Manager Services and Assets who advised that the potential walkway project needs a small planning team to undertake a preliminary feasibility study and the  team needs to consist of planning, funding and engineering skills.  Mr Marshall also advised that he would undertake to get a small team setup to develop a brief preliminary feasibility report for the Boards consideration.  This is likely to be in the new year before it will be done.   Mrs Yorke advised that further communication will come from Mr Marshall when he has considered who will do the work and then there should be an idea of when it will be done.





The meeting concluded at 9.50pm.               CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Edendale-Wyndham Community Board HELD ON TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2015.











Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016



Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Record No:        R/16/1/815

Author:                 Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Action Sheet

1        Action Item list for the Community Board’s information.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board” dated 19 January 2016.




a         Edendale-Wyndham Action Sheet January 2016 Meeting View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Action Sheet


Open Action Items



Due Date



Kevin McNaught


Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Report to the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 26 January 2016 on the process for the disposal of the Edendale Hall and also on Edendale Reserve Holder Leases.
•Reports will be available for meeting on 22 March 2016.

Juanita Thornton


Venture Southland Report - Proposed Edendale Community Centre Update

Note that the Community Board approved the recommendations in the report with an amendment to recommendation d.

Juanita Thornton


Venture Southland Report - Community Pool Rating Request Update



Recently Closed Action Items




Completion Date



Fiona Dunlop


Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Update the action sheet.
•Action Sheet updated
•Action completed by: Fiona Dunlop Action sheet updated.


Fiona Dunlop


Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report

Note that the Community Board agreed to identify stormwater operational expenditure and the proposed Edendale Community Centre as key highlights for the local area.
•Action reassigned to Fiona Dunlop by: Fiona Dunlop
•Action completed by: Fiona Dunlop Item included in Draft 2016/2017 Annual Plan.


Anne Robson


Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report

Note that the Community Board requested that Council investigate the District funding of library services.
•Action completed by: Anne Robson Library and finance staff have noted the community board request to review the funding of libraries.  A discussion paper incorporating community views will be prepared in due course for Council to discuss the issue.  Any decision would be incorporated into the draft 2018-2028 long term plan.


Shelley Dela Llana


Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report

Note that the Community Board approved the recommendations in the report with amendments to recommendations d, e, f, g and h.    Note that recommendations i and j were added by the Community Board.
•Action completed by: Shelley Dela Llana  complete


Fiona Dunlop


Schedule of Meetings Up To October 2016

Note that the Community Board approved the recommendations in the report.    Notify the Board of the dates for the 2016 meetings.
•Community Board notified of 2016 meetings.
•Action completed by: Fiona Dunlop Board notified of 2016 meetings.


Fiona Dunlop


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Action Sheet

Note that the Community Board considered the action sheet and agreed to delete numerous items from the action sheet and add Leases of the Reserves update and Wyndham Wildlife Refuge.
•Action Sheet updated for the November 2015 meeting.
•Action completed by: Fiona Dunlop Action Sheet updated for November 2015 meeting.



Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016



Fonterra Edendale - Wastewater Irrigation Invitation for Consultation

Record No:        R/16/1/798

Author:                 Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager, Policy and Community


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Purpose of Report

1        The purpose of the report is to enable the Community Board to have a discussion on the letter received from Fonterra on their proposed application for renewal of wastewater irrigation consents.




That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Fonterra Edendale - Wastewater Irrigation Invitation for Consultation” dated 19 January 2016.




a         Fonterra Edendale - Wastewater irrigation invitation for consultation View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016




Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016



Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015

Record No:        R/16/1/236

Author:                 Kushla Tapper, Area Engineer

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, GM - Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Area Engineer’s Report

1        The post and rail fence at Edendale Cemetery has been installed and looks good. 

2        In Wyndham, the large hedge between the rugby club, camping ground, netball courts and bowling club is likely to cost $1,700 + GST.  This includes having the power lines turned off while working in the area.  Clean-up is far more expensive, so I will approach the rugby club to see if they are interested in doing the clean up as a fundraiser.  Alternatively,
Works Scheme can be used.  There is sufficient budget available in “trees and hedges” to have this trimming done.

3        Macrocarpas along Memorial Drive, Wyndham:  These are getting too close to the road again and hitting tall vehicles.  Large branches are also being blown down, or dying and being held up high by other branches.  I have approached a contractor who is able to fell the trees as a ‘cost neutral’ exercise, whereby the only cost to Council is the temporary closure of the road for the duration of the work, to be done in winter. 

Area Engineer’s Financial Report

4       The following table summarises the key reasons for significant budget variances, as per the financial tables on the following pages:

Business Unit



Edendale Hall -

Income is under


Expense is over

$78,346 is budgeted for Grant income if the project proceeds. Rates income provided the 4% result.

$3.3K was spent on ‘professional services’, which was unbudgeted, thus an over expenditure.

Wyndham Hall

Expense is over but ok

Expenses appear to be tracking over, however rates and insurances are paid early in the financial year. 


Expense is over but ok

Timing of salary payments versus internal income to offset expenditure is skewed.

Operating Costs

Expense under

$3.5K general projects budget not assigned.  May be required to offset stormwater expenditure.

Street Works

Expense under

$5K budgeted for Works Scheme - can be used to clean up hedge clippings or other labour intensive jobs.


Expense under

Very little work required after overhaul in Edendale last year.  Ideally this underspend should return to the general reserve to offset last financial year’s overspend.

Edendale Pool

Expense under

No claims made yet.

Recreation Reserves

Slightly over but ok

Environment Southland rates value paid was 34% higher than budgeted.  These rates are not currently on-charged.  To date, electricity is 50% higher than budgeted, however this will be on-charged. 


Over by ~$7K

‘Blow out’ in Wyndham, culvert collapse, September 2015.


Project List

5       The table below shows all of the projects that were planned for Edendale and Wyndham in 2015/2016.  Items in Bold and Italics are carried over from previous financial years.


Project Name



AP Budget


Officer’s Comment

Community Centres

Edendale Community Centre upgrade




Not started

Awaiting decision of the community board to proceed or defer.

Financial Considerations

Development and Financial Contributions

6       The table below outlines the balance of Development and Financial Contributions for your community to 30 June 2015 plus any amounts invoiced for this financial year to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage.  Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager - Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met.

Edendale Reserves Contributions


Wyndham Reserves Contributions



7       Please find the reserves report attached.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015” dated 13 January 2016.



a         Edendale-Wyndham Financial Reports, 31 December 2015 View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

26 January 2016