


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Riverton/Aparima Community Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 21 March 2016


Southland District Council Office

117 Palmerston Street, Riverton


Riverton/Aparima Community Board Agenda









Blair Stewart


Deputy Chairperson

Jan Breayley



Timothy Anderson



Neil Linscott



Bruce Shields



Andrew Wilson



Rodney Dobson





Community Engineer

Greg Erskine


Area Officer

Alyson Hamilton





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Community Boards


This Community Board is a statutory body with delegated responsibility from Southland District Council. The board members are elected to represent their community and advocate on behalf of their community.


It can make decisions on:


·                     Tenders for leases of land and buildings within its area up to $10,000. For tenders above that value, the board can make a recommendation to either the Group Manager Services and Assets or Council’s Activities Performance Audit Committee.

·                     Managing local halls and cemeteries

·                     Managing reserves, plantings, drainage, footpaths, street lighting, camping grounds, wharves, jetties, lakeshores and slipways, litter control

·                     Stewart Island – governance of the Stewart Island Electrical Supply Authority

·                     Te Anau – management of the Te Anau Airport Manapouri


It can make recommendations to Council on:


·                     Estimates, traffic management, roading, recreation, elderly persons’ housing, noxious plants control, pest destruction control, temporary road closures, local civil defence, local welfare, waste management, economic development, resource consent applications which are referred to the board for feedback, toilets and local assets.


Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Action Sheet                                                                                                                 15

7.2       Works and Finance Report to Riverton Community Board for the period ended 29 February 2016                                                                                                               19

7.3       Issue of Licence - Riverton Endowment Land, 164 Richard Street, Riverton      29  


8.1       Local Liaison Persons Report

The following is a list portfolios by each Member;


Community Housing                                        Member Breayley

Community Pool                                              Member Shields

Emergency Management                                Member Linscott

Parks & Reserves                                            Member Breayley

Resource Consents                                          Member Shields

Riverton Harbour Subcommittee                     Member Stewart

Riverton Heritage & Tourist Centre Trust        Member Linscott

Venture Southland                                            Kathryn Cowie

Works                                                               Member Wilson

Water & Waste                                                 Member Anderson


8.2       Chairman's Report

The Chairman, Member Stewart, to report on matters with which he has been involved since the Board’s last meeting.


8.3     Councillor's Report

Councillor Dobson to report on matters from the Council table.


Public Excluded

Procedural motion to exclude the public                                                                              37

C10.1  Riverton Skate Park Shelter update                                                                          37  


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest

Community Board Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)            The reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)        The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)       That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)       no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1       Meeting minutes of Riverton/Aparima Community Board, 09 February 2016




Riverton/Aparima Community Board






Minutes of a meeting of Riverton/Aparima Community Board held in the SDC Office, Riverton on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 at 5.30pm.





Blair Stewart



Timothy Anderson



Neil Linscott



Bruce Shields



Andrew Wilson



Rodney Dobson





Area Engineer

Greg Erskine


Committee Advisor

Customer Support Person

Alyson Hamilton


Community Development Planner

Kathryn Cowie



1          Apologies


            Apology for non-attendance was lodged by Member Breayley.


Moved Member Anderson, seconded Member Linscott  and resolved:

That the apology for non-attendance lodged by Member Breayley be accepted.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence received.


3          Conflict of Interest


            There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum

There were no members of the public seeking speaking rights in the Public Forum section of the meeting.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Member Linscott, seconded Member Stewart  and resolved:

That the minutes of Riverton/Aparima Community Board meeting held on 14 December 2015 be confirmed as a true and correct record.


7          Reports



Action Sheet

Record No:         R/16/2/1638


Action Sheet from the Board’s previous meetings, was tabled.


Issues reported to the Board included;


Riverton Signage


The meeting was advised the signage is due to be installed prior to the next meeting of the Board. Members requested the Area Engineer liaise with the Chair on progress of this project.


Railway Esplanade


The meeting was advised staff has yet to receive a response from Rose Quirke regarding her approach to Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) to raise the Board’s concerns of the renewal of the licence/lease agreement with D T Kings Transport Ltd of the Railway Esplanade area.

The meeting requested staff follow-up with Ms Quirke with a response to be presented to the next meeting of the Board.


Riverton Skate Park Shelter


Mr Erskine reported to the meeting that the Structural Engineers report relating to the skate park shelter has been received and has been forwarded to Riverton Engineering and Aparima Engineering to provide quotes to be presented to the Board in due course.


Mr Erskine advised a copy of the report has been forwarded to Corey Ward Boat Builders to provide a quote to fibreglass the structure and is to be presented to the Board in conjunction with the above quotes.


Taramea Bay Barbeque (BBQ)


The Area Engineer advised the BBQ has been ordered and confirmation of siting will be undertaken on its arrival.


Mrs Cowie confirmed applications have been lodged with appropriate funding agencies toward this project.


Riverton Dump Station site


Member Anderson raised the issue of the proposed siting of the dump station at the Railway Esplanade area, which is currently on hold whilst awaiting clarification of licencing issues with LINZ suggesting that the original site at the Taramea Bay soundshell area would be more appropriate given that the soundshell is scheduled for demolition.


Mr Erskine pointed out resource consent issues with adjoining neighbours had resulted in the Board opting for another site.


Following discussion it was agreed that the Area Engineer pursue the option of the Soundshell area being the preferred site for the dump station and that application be made for the necessary resource consent.




Moved Member Linscott, seconded Member Anderson  and resolved:

That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet” dated 3 February 2016.


b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Requests the Area Engineer liaise with the Chair, Member Stewart, on progress of the Riverton Signage to be placed in the traffic island situated at the corner of Downing and High Streets.

e)         Requests staff follow-up with Ms Quirke to ascertain the response from LINZ regarding the renewal of the licence/lease agreement to D.T Kings of the Railway Esplanade area.


f)         Requests the Area Engineer pursue the option of the Soundshell area             being the preferred site for the dump station and that application be             made for the necessary resource consent.



Works and Finance Report to Riverton Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015

Record No:         R/16/1/790


Works and Finance report for the period ended 31 December 2016, was tabled.


Issues reported to the Board included;


1          The new flying fox at Taramea Bay is complete with the exception of some minor ground works.

2          The major drainage work on Palmerston Street and Bay Road will be started in February.  There will be temporary traffic disruptions due to the location of the pipelines.

3          The Walker Street upgrade is close to going out to tender, some minor alterations are being looked into to keep within budget.

4          An estimate of $18,000 plus GST has been received from Euan Shearing Contractor for the demolition of the Soundshell.  Mr Erskine advised this work is to be undertaken within the next 3-6 weeks.

5          Havelock Street kerb and channel work is on hold whilst the Area Engineer investigates further funding options.  Mr Erskine informed the $130,000 set aside in the budget is not sufficient to complete this project in its entirety.  Mr Erskine advised he is in discussion with New Zealand Transport Association (NZTA) for a subsidy.

6          Mr Erskine advised staffing of Council’s Task Force has decreased causing delays in township works being undertaken.  It was agreed a meeting be held with the Chair, Member Stewart, Strategic Manager Property, Kevin McNaught and the Area Engineer to discuss the option of utilizing local contractors for lawn mowing and garden maintenance.




Moved Member Linscott, seconded Member Anderson  and resolved:

That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)            Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Riverton Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015” dated 29 January 2016.


b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)        Requests staff arrange a meeting to include the Chair, Member Stewart, Strategic Manager Property, Kevin McNaught and the Area Engineer to discuss the option of utilizing local contractors for lawn mowing and garden maintenance within the Riverton Township.



Riverton and District Baths Society

Record No:         R/16/1/1118


1        Report by Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor/Community Support Person, regarding the Annual Report and Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 March 2015 of the Riverton and District Baths Society, was tabled.

2        Mrs Hamilton advised that in a covering letter accompanying the annual report the Society has requested the Board’s continual support to the Riverton Pool.

3        Mrs Hamilton informed that when considering the 2016/2017 estimates meeting (held on 16 November 2015) the Board recommended that the pool rate to collect be set at $34,037 (GST incl) or $20.68 per unit which is the same amount as that allocated for the previous year 2015/2016.


Mrs Hamilton explained that when considering the pool rate for 2016/2017 the Board resolved that the status quo prevail and the rate remain the same as in 2015/2016.


Members noted the covering letter from the Society also outlines the main areas in the restructuring programme for the Pool these being;


§  Operational Costs

§  Increasing Utilization

§  Capital Upgrading


Following discussion the Board confirmed its support to the Riverton and District Baths Society for 2016/2017 being set at $34,037.00 (GST incl).





Moved Member Stewart, seconded Councillor Dobson  and resolved:

That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Riverton and District Baths Society” dated 26 January 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.


c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Confirms its support to the Riverton and District Baths Society by recommending the Pool rate for 2016/2017 be set at $34,037.00 (GST incl).



Local Elections Timetable 2016

Record No:         R/15/12/22741


1        Report by Virginia Dillon outlining the local elections timetable for the Board’s information, was tabled.

2       Members noted the timetable was prepared by the Council’s Electoral Officer, Mr Dale Ofsoske of Election Services Limited.





Moved Member Stewart, seconded Member Anderson  and resolved:

That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Local Elections Timetable 2016” dated 26 January 2016.


8          Updates



Chairperson's Report

Record No:         R/16/1/1126


Chairperson, Member Stewart, reported on activities with which he has been involved since the Board’s last meeting. These included:


§  Guest Speaker at the recent Riverton Probus Club meeting


§  Meeting with Cole Engineering to discuss plans and options for the construction of the Riverton Grandstand to be situated at the Riverton Recreation Reserve




Local Liaison Persons Reports

Record No:         R/16/1/1133


Community Housing


Members noted there are vacancies at two community housing units.


Community Pool


Member Shields advised a meeting of the Riverton and Districts Pool Committee is scheduled early February 2016.


Emergency Management


Member Linscott reported to the meeting that the Emergency Management team is scheduled to meet toward the end of April 2016.


Parks and Reserves


The Area Engineer reported to the meeting that arrangements have been made for the memorial panels recently installed at the Riverton Cemetery to be cleaned on a monthly basis by the Riverton Township Amenities Cleaner.




Member Wilson expressed concern at the lack of beautification work being undertaking adjacent the Bupa Retirement Village.


Member Wilson pointed out to the Board that the area concerned is the entrance to the Riverton Township and is not a good look for the town.


Following discussion on this issue it was agreed that Member Wilson liaise with the Chair, Member Stewart, and the Area Engineer to undertake a site visit with the view of sending a letter to the Bupa Retirement Village expressing concern at the standard of the township entrance in regards to the fencing and stormwater issues.



Councillor's Report

Record No:         R/16/1/1135


Councillor Dobson reported on matters from the District Council table as follows;


§  Adoption of Draft Annual Plan 2016/2017. The consultation document is now out for public consultation.


§  Formation of Governance Group for the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail project.


§  Approval given of unbudgeted expenditure for the demolition of the Taramea Bay Soundshell in the 2015/2016 financial year.


§  Update on date scheduled for the environment court hearing on the Around the Mountain Cycle Trail.


Councillor Dobson advised of a successful 2015 Riverton Township Christmas Parade expressing appreciation to staff for presenting the Book Bus in the parade and encouraging the Community Board and local organisations to participate in the parade for 2017.



The Meeting concluded at 6.35pm    CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Riverton/Aparima Community Board HELD ON TUESDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2016.















Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016



Action Sheet

Record No:        R/16/3/4033

Author:                 Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor/Customer Support Partner

Approved by:       Alyson Hamilton, Committee Advisor/Customer Support Partner


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        The Action sheet from the Board’s previous meeting is circulated for Members’ information.




That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet” dated 15 March 2016.





a         Riverton/Aparima Community Board InfoCouncil Action Sheet - 21 March 2016 View    


Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016



Riverton/Aparima Community Board Action Sheet - Excluding Public Excluded







Open Action Items








Due Date



Kevin McNaught


Railway Esplanade


Requests staff follow-up with Ms Quirke to ascertain the response from LINZ regarding the renewal of the licence/lease agreement to D.T Kings of the Railway Esplanade area.

Response received that decision still with LINZ in Wellington.

Greg Erskine


Dump Station Site


Requests the Area Engineer pursue the option of the Soundshell area being the preferred site for the dump station and that application be made for the necessary resource consent.

Community Engineer working with Mr Roy in the planning team to outline the required procedure.



Greg Erskine


Riverton Signage


Requests the Community Engineer liaise with the Chair Member Stewart on progress of the Riverton Signage to be placed in the traffic island situated at the corner of Downing and High Streets.


Greg Erskine


Township maintenance


Requests staff arrange a meeting to include the Chair, Member Stewart, Strategic Manager Property, Kevin McNaught and the community Engineer to discuss the option of utilizing local contractors for lawn mowing and garden maintenance within the Riverton Township.

A meeting has not been held at time of the action sheet update but is planned for the week prior to the meeting.

Alyson Hamilton


Riverton and District Baths Society

The Board confirms its support to the Riverton and District Baths Society by recommending the Pool rate for 2016/2017 be set at $34,037.00 (GST incl).

Alyson Hamilton


Township Entrance Beautification.

Byron Dodge, Highways South Network Engineer confirms the area of land that the Board are referring to is Government owned.



Mr Dodge advises he will now undertake an onsite meeting which will include photos, evaluate the fencing and report back to the Board.

Greg Erskine


Public BBQ

Board resolves to contribute $11,436.00 excluding GST for the proposed installation of a BBQ and shelter for community use at Taramea Bay such expenditure to be funded from the Board's Taramea Bay Rocks Reserve.


Board resolves to commit funds for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the BBQ.

Greg Erskine


Soundshell Demolition


Timing and funding for the demolition of the Taramea Bay Soundshell

Report to Council approved for demolition of Soundshell, BBQ and landscaping at a cost of $47k

Kathryn Cowie


Funding Applications


Requests funding application be made to appropriate funding agencies for the purchase of an electric BBQ approximate costing being $11,436.00 exclusive GST.

Funding applications have been lodged with funding agencies for the March Funding round.







Recently Closed Action Items









Completion Date





Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016



Works and Finance Report to Riverton Community Board for the period ended 29 February 2016

Record No:        R/16/3/3193

Author:                 Greg Erskine, Community Engineer

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, GM - Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Community Engineer’s Report

1       The new flying fox at Taramea Bay has had a great response from the local and visiting children.

2       The major drainage work on Palmerston Street will be completed in early April and Bay Road will follow on from that.  There will be temporary traffic disruptions due to the location of the pipelines.

3        The Walker Street upgrade is awaiting confirmation of NZTA funding prior to going out to tender.

4        The Community Engineer has been on two weeks sick leave since the last meeting and this has delayed the response to some projects.

5        Final details for the Sound Shell demolition are being confirmed.  This is programmed to be completed prior to Easter.

6        Several Requests for Service (RFS) have been received during the period for items including trees, signage, drainage, toilets and minor road repairs.

Water and Waste Engineer’s Report

7       The monthly operations reports from Downer are provided to the Board secretary as they are published.  They include data on Downer’s district-wide operations activities which is presented on a town by town basis. 

8       For the year to date there has been no unplanned expenditure exceeding the $5,000 threshold.

Financial Considerations

Community Engineer’s Comments

9       Expenditure is on target for this time of the year with some minor over expenditure.  Footpath expenditure has included the carry-over from last year with the total being in excess of $95K.

Development and Financial Contributions

10     The table below outlines the balances of Development and Financial contributions for your Board to 30 June 2015 plus any amounts invoiced for this financial year to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage. 
Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met. 

Reserves Contributions


Sewerage Contributions


Water Contributions



11     Please find the reserves report attached.


12     The table below outlines the community loans as at 30 June 2015.  The interest rate applicable on this loan for the 2015/2016 year is 6.25%.


Business Unit

June 2015

Years Remaining

Focal Point (1015)











That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Riverton Community Board for the period ended 29 February 2016” dated 14 March 2016.



a         Riverton Projects List and Financial Reports, 29 February 2016 View    


Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016


Project List


The table below shows all of the projects that are currently planned for Riverton in 2015/2016.  Items in Bold and Italics are carried over from previous financial years.









Officer’s Comments

Parks and Reserves

Widen track




Not started


Parks and Reserves

Replacement Grandstand Facility






Parks and Reserves

New Flying Fox






Roading and Transport






Bay Road, Verdun Street and Rocks Highway.

Roading and Transport

Streetlight Renewal






Roading and Transport

Kerb work on Havelock Street




Not started


Roading and Transport

Palmerston Street Beautification





Planter boxes in place.


Urgent stabilising work to pump station opposite 77 Towack Street





Project completed


Replace main -  Bay Street







RPZ Project





Work required ensuring compliance of RPZ installation with code requirements.


Dropper Renewals





This work to proceed to sewer manholes with faulty droppers - Multiyear project.


Palmerston and Jetty Streets early renewal




Tender let

To be commenced following the Christmas period.

Roading and Transport

Road and kerbing





Delay with design and documentation.

Library Services

Furniture and Fittings





Bean bags and chairs supplied.

Roading and Transport






Orepuki Riverton Highway, Havelock Street.

Water Supply






Continuation of work in progress (at BU 26362).

Water Supply

Scheme Improvements





Continuation of work in progress
(at BU 26362).


Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016



Issue of Licence - Riverton Endowment Land, 164 Richard Street, Riverton

Record No:        R/16/3/3416

Author:                 Virginia Dillon, Property Officer

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, GM - Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is to approve of the issue of a licence to graze endowment land at 164 Richard Street to Mr Malcolm John Sellars.

Executive Summary

2        Mr Allan Goble has indicated verbally that he does not wish to enter into a new licence to graze land at 164 Richard Street, Riverton.

Due to access issues to the land, an adjoining landowner is the ideal person to graze stock on the site - Mr Sellars leases the adjoining land owned by Mr Goble and has expressed an interest in grazing stock on the Council land.



That the Riverton/Aparima Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Issue of Licence - Riverton Endowment Land, 164 Richard Street, Riverton” dated 16 March 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Determines that a licence over the Council land at 164 Richard Street, Riverton described as Sections 22-27, Part of Sections 25-27 and Section 39, Block II, and Part of Section 81, Block I, Jacobs River Hundred to Matthew John Sellars for a term of two years from 1 April 2016 at an annual rental of $2,500 plus GST.

e)         Approves of the draft licence attached.





3        Council is the owner of freehold endowment land at 164 Richard Street, Riverton.

4        The current licence issued to Mr Allan Goble expires on 31 March 2016 and Mr Goble has indicated that he does not wish to enter into another licence.

5        The land is described as Sections 22-27, Part of Sections 25-27 and Section 39, Block II, and Part of Section 81, Block I, Jacobs River Hundred.  The land is comprised in part of Certificate of Title 52/76 and contains 78.55 hectares approximately.

6        The licence permits grazing of sheep only.

7        Mr Malcolm Sellars of Riverton grazes stock on Mr Goble’s land which adjoins the endowment land and has indicated that he wishes to enter into a licence to graze stock on the Council land.

8        The rental payable under the current licence is $2,500 plus GST per annum.

9        Access to the site is either through Mr Goble’s property or through the Council Pound site.



Factors to Consider


Legal and Statutory Requirements


10      A draft licence is attached for the Board’s consideration.


Clauses to note are:

Term                    Two years

Annual rental       Suggested $2,500 plus GST

1 b)   The Licensee shall be limited to grazing 300 breeding ewes and lambs at foot only while he leases the adjoining land owners land.

7.       Licensee to keep fences, gates, enclosures in good repair.

16.     THE public shall at all times have access on foot to the said land.


20.     THE LICENSOR shall retain the absolute right at any time or times during the term of this Licence to take back part or parts of the land for flora protection.

Community Views

11      The views of the Board are deemed to represent those of the community.

Costs and Funding

12      There are no direct costs to the Board in dealing with the issue of a licence.

13      If the land is not grazed there would be potential costs to the Board for ongoing maintenance issues like noxious weeds and plants.

14      There is also the potential for long and untidy grass to become a fire hazard.

Policy Implications

15      None identified.


Options Considered

16      Option 1 - issue a licence to graze stock on the land to Malcolm Sellars.

17      Option 2 - Don’t issue a licence to graze stock.

Analysis of Options

Option 1 - Issue a licence to graze stock



·        No maintenance costs to the Board.

·        None identified


Option 2 - Don’t issue a licence to graze stock



·        None identified.

·        Alternative arrangements would have to be organised.

·        Potential costs to the Board in maintaining the land.

Assessment of Significance

18      Not a significant activity.

Recommended Option

19      The Officer recommends Option 1.

Next Steps

20      Mr Sellars will be advised of the Board’s decision and if approved licence agreements will be sent for signing.



a         DRAFT Licence to Graze Richard Street Land between Southland District Council and Malcolm John Sellars View    


Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016









AGREEMENT made this                  day of                                        2016


BETWEEN the Southland District Council a body corporate under the Local Government Act 2002 (hereafter called “the Licensor”) of the one part.


AND Malcolm John Sellars of Riverton (hereafter called “the Licensee”) of the other part.


WHEREBY the Licensor in exercise of its powers under the Local Government Act 2002 agrees to licence and the Licensee agrees to take a licence of the land described in the Schedule hereto for the purposes of grazing sheep UPON AND SUBJECT to the following covenants conditions and provisions as set out herein PROVIDED HOWEVER that if any provisions set out in the said Schedule shall be in conflict with any of the following covenants conditions powers and provisions the provisions of the Schedule shall prevail.






LOCATION:                           164 Richard Street, Riverton.


LAND:                                     Sections 22-24 and Part of Sections 25-27 and 39, Block II and Part of Section 81, Block I, Jacobs River Hundred as shown marked with bold black lines on the plan attached hereto.


AREA:                                    78.55 hectares more or less.


TITLE REFERENCE:            Part Certificate of Title 52/76.


TERM:                                    Two years commencing on 1 April 2016.


RENTAL:                                $______________ plus GST, per annum payable half yearly on 1st day of April and the 1st day of October in each year.


USE OF LAND:                      The Licensee shall be permitted to use the land, the subject of this licence, for the grazing of sheep only.

Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016


AND SUBJECT ALSO to the following conditions, viz:


1.         (a)        The Licensee shall use the land solely for grazing of sheep.


            (b)        The Licensee shall be limited to grazing 300 breeding ewes and lambs at foot.


2.         (a)        The Licensee will use and manage the said land in accordance with recognised sound farm management practice.


            (b)        The Licensee will pay to the Licensor at Invercargill the rent hereby reserved at the time and in the manner provided herein.


3.         THE LICENSEE will to the satisfaction of the Licensor control the said land from gorse, broom, and all noxious plants, and keep clear rabbits and other vermin to a state no worse than at the date of commencement of this licence.


4.         THE LICENSEE shall not at any time during the said time assign, sublet, mortgage or otherwise dispose of his interest or any part thereof in the lease without the consent of the Licensor.


5.         THE LICENSEE will not break up or crop any part of the said land, nor cut down any trees or brush, without the prior consent of the Licensor.


6.         THE LICENSEE will not erect any buildings, structures or subdivisional fencing on the said land without the prior consent of the Licensor.


7.         THE LICENSEE will at all times during the term keep all fences, gates, enclosures now erected or made or which may hereinafter be erected or made on the land or on the boundaries thereof in good repair order and condition and yield up the same at the expiration or sooner determination of the said term and shall assume all the obligations that may be imposed on the Licensor by operation of law in regard to the land or along the boundaries thereof.


8.         THAT in the event of the Licensee wishing to surrender this Licence during the currency of the term such surrender may be accepted by the Licensor on such condition as the Licensor may deem appropriate.


9.         THE LICENSEE shall permit any person or persons appointed by the Licensor to inspect the land and all buildings, erections and installations and the Licensee will immediately comply with all directions from the Licensor in regard to any matter whatsoever.


10.       THE LICENSEE shall not damage or destroy any natural scenic historic cultural archaeological biological geological or other scientific feature or indigenous flora and fauna on the said land.


11.       NOTHING contained or implied in this Licence shall be deemed to confer on the Licensee the right to acquire the fee simple of the said land.


12.       ALL or any of the powers and functions exercisable by the Licensor under these presents may from time to time be exercised by the Chief Executive of the Licensor or by any person authorised in that behalf by the Chief Executive.


13.       IN the event of a breach of any of the conditions of this licence, this licence may be determined at any time by the Licensor in respect of the whole or any portion of the land upon the Licensor giving to the Licensee one calendar month’s notice in writing of his intention so as to determine this lease.


14.       UPON the expiration or sooner determination of this Lease either as to the whole or any part of the said land the Licensee shall not be entitled to compensation for any improvements effected by him but he may within such time as the Licensor shall determine remove all buildings, enclosures, fencing, or other improvements effected or purchased by him and should this lease be determined as to part of the said land then the Licensor shall make such adjustment to the rent payable as he shall in his discretion deem fit and proper.


15.       THE LICENSEE will not do or permit or suffer anything to be done in or upon the land and any buildings thereon or any part or parts thereof which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or cause damage or inconvenience to the Licensor or to the owners or occupiers of any neighbouring land or premises.


16.       THE public shall at all times have access on foot to the said land.


17.       THE LICENSEE will allow the Licensor together with its officers, workmen and Contractors the right to enter upon with vehicle and by foot to pass over the said land at any time.


18.       THE LICENSEE shall ensure at all times that stock grazing on the said land are kept off and prevented from entering onto the adjoining land.


19.       FOR the avoidance of any doubt the term of this licence shall be at all times at the discretion of the Licensor.


20.       THE LICENSOR shall retain the absolute right at any time or times during the term of this Licence to take back part or parts of the land for flora protection.


21.       THE LICENSOR on giving 30 days’ written notice to the Licensee of its intention to take back a further specified part of the land shall on the date 30 days after the posting of that notice to the Licensee be entitled to retake that part of the designated land and to commence its development work on the same.


22.       ON or before the date 30 days after the notice mentioned in clause (21) hereof was posted by the Licensor to the Licensee, the Licensee shall remove his stock from the specified part of the land and shall immediately thereafter erect a stock proof fence so as to exclude his stock from grazing on that specified part of the land taken by the Council.


23.       AFTER any taking of part of the land by the Licensor, the rental payable under the Licence shall be reduced pro rata having regard to the area taken for development and the total original area under this Licence and the reduced rental shall commence from the date of the land was taken for the protection of flora.


24.       THE notice referred to in clauses (21) and (22) hereof shall be deemed to have been given to the Licensee from the date the same was posted to the Licensee’s last known place of residence.


25.       THE Licensee will allow the public access to the existing walking tracks on the said land which are included in the Riverton section of the Te Araroa National Walking Track.


26.       The licensee if grazing any stock near any water body as defined by the Resource Management Act 1991 shall fully comply with the relevant provisions of that Act, the District Plan and any regional plan.








THE COMMON SEAL OF THE                    }


as Licensor was hereunto                               }

affixed in the presence of                               }





                                                                                 CHIEF EXECUTIVE






SIGNED by the abovenamed                        }

MALCOLM JOHN SELLARS                        }                                                                   

as Licensee in the                                           }                              Licensee

presence of:                                                    }











Riverton/Aparima Community Board

21 March 2016



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987




That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:


C10.1  Riverton Skate Park Shelter update

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Riverton Skate Park Shelter update

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.


That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists.