


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Wyndham Memorial Hall,
Balaclava Street,


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Agenda








Pam Yorke


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Fodie



Lindsay Donald



Dean Rabbidge



Andrew Roy



Nathan Stewart



Councillor Paul Duffy





Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop


Community Engineer

Kushla Tapper





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Community Boards


This Community Board is a statutory body with delegated responsibility from Southland District Council. The board members are elected to represent their community and advocate on behalf of their community.


It can make decisions on:


·                     Tenders for leases of land and buildings within its area up to $10,000. For tenders above that value, the board can make a recommendation to either the Group Manager Services and Assets or Council’s Activities Performance Audit Committee.

·                     Managing local halls and cemeteries

·                     Managing reserves, plantings, drainage, footpaths, street lighting, camping grounds, wharves, jetties, lakeshores and slipways, litter control

·                     Stewart Island – governance of the Stewart Island Electrical Supply Authority

·                     Te Anau – management of the Te Anau Airport Manapouri


It can make recommendations to Council on:


·                     Estimates, traffic management, roading, recreation, elderly persons’ housing, noxious plants control, pest destruction control, temporary road closures, local civil defence, local welfare, waste management, economic development, resource consent applications which are referred to the board for feedback, toilets and local assets.


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Venture Southland Report - Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan 35

7.2       Financial Implications of the Edendale Community Centre Project not proceeding        63

7.3       Disposal Edendale Town Hall Property                                                                    69

7.4       Submissions from the Annual Plan 2016-2017                                                        75

7.5       Letter from Chair to GM Services and Assets - Contractor Issues                       77

7.6       Elected Members' Expense Reimbursements and Allowances                             79

7.7       Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 June 2016                                                                                                     95

7.8       Update on Request for Proposal to Lease Wyndham Camping Ground, 135 Cardigan Road                                                                                                                            105

7.9       Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board                                        127

Committee Reports

8.1       Southland District Council Bylaw and Policy Consultations

8.2       Portfolios

A verbal update will be given for the following items from Community Board Members:


·          Edendale Hall/Memorial Hall Wyndham/Community Centre


·          Resource Management


·          Factory Liaison


·          Emergency Management


·          Reporting to Ensign/Edendale Informer/Wyndham Messenger


·          Edendale Pool


·          Edendale Wyndham Community Health Trust


·          RSA Scholarship


8.3       Chairperson's Update

The Chairperson will give a verbal update.

Councillor's Report

9.1       Councillor's Report

Councillor Paul Duffy will give an update on matters that have been addressed at Council; attendance at various meetings and upcoming events.


9.2       Next Meeting

For the Board to note when the next meeting of the Edendale/Wyndham Community Board is scheduled to be held.  The next meeting of the Board will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 27 September 2016.


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


Community Board Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      the reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     the reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     that item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     Meeting minutes of Edendale-Wyndham Community Board, 24 May 2016





Edendale-Wyndham Community Board






Minutes of a meeting of Edendale-Wyndham Community Board held in The Bistro, Pioneer Tavern, Ferry Road, Edendale on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 7.30pm.





Pam Yorke


Deputy Chairperson

Denise Fodie



Lindsay Donald



Dean Rabbidge



Andrew Roy



Nathan Stewart



Cr Paul Duffy





Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop


Community Engineer

Kushla Tapper



1          Apologies


An apology for absence was received from Andrew Roy.



Moved Member Rabbidge, seconded Cr Duffy and resolved:

That the Edendale/Wyndham Community Board accept the apology.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items


There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Deputy Chairperson Fodie, seconded Member Stewart and resolved:

That the Edendale/Wyndham Community Board minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 22 March 2016 are confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting with the following amendment:


Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 29 February 2016

Record No:         R/16/3/3199

Mrs Tapper asked if there were Board members that would like to work with her to develop a design plan to beautify the flood banks on the approach to Wyndham from Edendale.  The Chair advised that she was willing to assist.






Bylaw Review Process

Record No:         R/16/4/5190


The Board noted that the purpose of the report was to inform  of the review of various Bylaws.  Following the circulation of the agenda, officers have removed the Keeping of Animals, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2010 from the schedule of Bylaws to be reviewed.  The Cemetery Bylaw 2006 and the Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2008 will still be reviewed with a new timetable for the review.


The following are drivers for each review:

·               The Cemetery Bylaw 2006 requires review in 2016 to remain current.

·               A review of the Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2008 is recommended to enable alignment with the District Plan. This will provide clarity for the public and address issues across the District relating to signage. The proposed bylaw review would address the placement of signs in the road reserve, for example sandwich boards on footpaths. Changes to the bylaw are intended to increase the ease of doing business with Council and provide clarity and consistency.

·               A review of the Keeping of Animals, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2010 is recommended to address local issues. This bylaw was reviewed in 2010 however, since this time additional issues have arisen. The keeping of animals in urban areas has become an area of contention in some communities.


The Board were advised of a new timetable for review process of the Cemetery Bylaw 2006 and the Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2008.


The Board also noted that Community views would be considered during the formal consultation and pre-consultation engagement.

Also noted was that Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees are asked to make submissions during the consultation period and individual members can engage during pre-consultation sessions in May.




Moved Deputy Chairperson Fodie, seconded Member Rabbidge recommendation a with a new b and c (as indicated):

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)      Receives the report titled “Bylaw Review Process” dated 12 April 2016.

b)      Notes the new timetable (as follows) for the Bylaw Review process for the Cemetery Bylaw 2006 and the Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2008:



7 April 2016

Develop memo to Community Boards (CBs) and Community Development Area Subcommittees (CDAs) with timeline

23 May - 13 June 2016

Pre-consultation engagement through ‘Community Conversation’ sessions.

29 June 2016

Council meeting to endorse draft bylaws for public consultation.

30 June 2016

Notification given to Area Offices, Knowledge Management and customer services.


Committee Advisors to liaise with CB and CDAs

30 June 2016

Draft bylaws advertised

30 June – 21 July 2016

Submission period

17 August 2016

Council meeting (Submission Hearings)

7 September 2016

Council meeting (Deliberations)

28 September 2016

Council meeting (Adoption of bylaws)

October  2016

Communication of adopted bylaws.

November – December 2016

Present report to CBs and CDAs on new bylaws


c)         Notes that Council is to commence a review of the Keeping of Animals, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2010 and will provide updates when consultation timetable has been confirmed.




Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy

Record No:         R/16/4/5645


The Board noted that this report presents the draft Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy and a recommendation is sought from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees regarding local areas that should be considered for restriction or prohibition of unmanned aerial vehicle use.


Also noted was that under new rules introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority, that Council can grant or decline consent for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on property that it owns or controls. The draft Policy sets a framework to allow Council to do this.


The Board further noted that the draft Policy contains broad conditions which would apply throughout the Southland District. Feedback is requested from Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees to determine whether Council should consider prohibition or restriction in specific local areas.


The Board considered the areas in the Edendale and Wyndham boundaries and confirmed that there are no local areas that should be considered as restricted or prohibited areas for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.




Moved Chairperson Yorke, seconded Deputy Chairperson Fodie recommendations a to c and d with changes (as indicated) and a new e (as indicated) and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy” dated 19 April 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)        Confirms that it has no Recommend any local areas that should be considered as restricted or prohibited areas for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

e)         Requests that the Property Department notify affected lessees in the Edendale and Wyndham Community Board areas of the new policy when approved.




Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016

Record No:         R/16/5/6449



Community Engineer Kushla Tapper was in attendance for this item.


Mrs Tapper advised that:

·                The Edendale Cemetery hedges are tidy for another year and the potholes at the entrance have been filled. 

·                Progress is being made with the information panels and kiosk for Edendale. 

·                The Pine and Redwood plantation has been cleared for noxious plants. 

·                The over expenditure for this business unit will be shared in part by the ward.  Cr’s Keast and Duffy have agreed for the ward to fund the cost of the fence that was required after the hedge was burnt.  Costs related to the forestry plantation will be met by the Edendale Cemetery reserve.

·                Trimming of the trees and hedges at the Edendale Recreation Ground and in Wyndham by Rugby Club/Netball Courts have been completed.  The dangerous limbs from a willow in Nightingale Street have been removed.  Raglan Street (Alma Street end) trees will be lowered by 1-2 m, to let more light into the houses on the south side of the street.  Price options are being compared for the felling and removal of the macrocarpas on Memorial Drive.  The Board requested that Officers confirm the suitability of a preferred person prior to the felling of the trees.

·                Camping  Ground:  Preliminary documentation for a ‘request for tender’ was attached to the Officer’s report. The Board considered the proposal and asked that the decision for awarding the lease be bought to the September 2016 Board meeting.

·                The first annual footpath condition rating exercise has been completed for the entire district, with data collected over April 2016.  The raw data has not yet been processed.  However the Board requested that Officers prepare a summarised report of footpath condition ratings and subsequent renewal programme for Edendale and Wyndham.

·                During discussion on various matters, the issue of painting the traffic islands in Wyndham was mentioned.  Officers were asked to investigate the cost of this.








The following table summarises the key reasons for significant budget variances, as per the financial tables contained in the officer’s report:


Business Unit



Edendale Hall - Same as last report

Income is under


Expense is over

$78,346 is budgeted for Grant income if the project proceeds. Rates income provided the 4% result.

$3,300 was spent on ‘professional services’, which was unbudgeted, thus an over expenditure.

Operating Costs

Expense under but ok

$3,500 general projects budget not fully assigned.  May be required to offset stormwater expenditure.  Approximately $1,000 required for ANZAC banners, invoice to come in May.

Edendale Cemetery

Income and Expenses over

There have been a lot of burials at this cemetery recently, more than the predicted number for the full year.  Additional expenses also incurred with hedge / fence replacement and noxious control within the forest plantation. 

Wyndham Cemetery

Income and Expenses under

There have been fewer burials at this cemetery than the predicted number for the year.  The costs and income are balancing out ok.

Street Works

Expense under but ok.

Footpath maintenance including spraying with “wet & forget” for moss and lichen control is planned for May.



Expense under

Ideally, underspend to help rebuild reserve that was used to fund last year’s work. 


Under, ok

Invoice received from Pool Society, 10 May.  Budget will be fully spent.

Wyndham Camp Ground

Income and Expenses under

Lower turnover than budgeted, however the expense % is lower than the income %, so ok.

Stormwater Drainage

Income is under

Approximately 60% of budgeted income for the year is “interest on reserves”, which is received at the end of financial year. 

Stormwater Drainage

Expense is over by ~ $7,000

‘Blow out’ in Wyndham, culvert collapse, September 2015.











As noted in the table below which shows all of the projects that were planned for Edendale and Wyndham in 2015/2016. 



Project Name





Officer’s Comment

Community Centres

Edendale Community Centre upgrade





Community Board deleted this project.

Community Housing

Exterior and roof repaint of house





Completed March 2016.

Community Housing

Exterior and roof repaint





Quotes collected and awaiting authority to proceed.

Public Conveniences

Edendale Seaward Road Toilets





Completed March


The Board noted the table below which outlines the balance of Development and Financial Contributions for your community to 30 June 2015 plus any amounts invoiced for this financial year to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage.  Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager - Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met.


Edendale Reserves Contributions


Wyndham Reserves Contributions





Moved Member Donald, seconded Member Rabbidge recommendation a, new recommendations b, c, d, and e (as indicated), and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016” dated 17 May 2016.


b)         Requests that officers obtain a quote for the painting of the traffic islands in Wyndham


c)         Requests that officers prepare a summarised report of footpath condition ratings on Edendale and Wyndham and the subsequent renewal programme.


d)         Instruct Officers to proceed with the Wyndham Camping Ground request for proposal and that the decision for awarding the lease be at the September 2016 meeting of the Board.


e)         Request that Officers confirm that Glen Morton meets forestry regulations under the Health and Safety Legislation and then proceed with felling the macrocarpas at Memorial Drive, Wyndham.




Remuneration for Chairs and Members of Community Boards

Record No:         R/16/5/6276


The Board noted that the report advised the rates of remuneration that apply for Community Board chairs and members from 1 July 2016 until 30 June 2017.


The amount payable to Council’s Community Board members and chairs is determined by the Remuneration Authority (the Authority).  This year, the Authority has applied the same approach that was developed in 2013, basing remuneration rates on job size.




Moved Deputy Chairperson Fodie, seconded Cr Duffy and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Remuneration for Chairs and Members of Community Boards” dated 3 May 2016.




Insurance Valuation for Wyndham Community Centre

Record No:         R/16/5/7404


The Board noted for information the recent insurance valuation for the Wyndham Community Centre.




Moved Member Rabbidge, seconded Chairperson Yorke and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Insurance Valuation for Wyndham Community Centre” dated 17 May 2016.



Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Record No:         R/16/5/7385


The Board discussed the action sheet and noted:

·               That the item on the process for the disposal of the Edendale Hall is a work in progress and that Officers are working on access issues with one of the neighbours

·               That quotes for the removal of the hedge at the Wyndham Rugby Club, camping ground, netballs courts and Bowling Club had been obtained and the action “closed off”

·               That the Community Engineer will contact the Property Manager regarding the breach of the lease conditions relating to the safety of the Macrocarpa hedge line at the Wyndham Racecourse

·               Venture Southland (Tina Harvey) is working with the Finance Department and there will be a report for the next meeting of the Board regarding money set aside for a community centre in Edendale.





Moved Deputy Chairperson Fodie, seconded Member Rabbidge and resolved:

That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board” dated 17 May 2016.



Committee Reports



Southland Cycling Strategy

Record No:         R/16/4/5780


Nothing to report.



Edendale Wyndham Cycleway Investigation

Record No:         R/16/4/5781


The Chair advised the Board that Tourism Resource Consultants have been commissioned to investigate the potential route and prepare a report.




Record No:         R/16/4/5784


Updates were given for the following items from Community Board Members.


·        Edendale Hall/Memorial Hall Wyndham/Community Centre

The Chair advised that she had met on site with the Strategic Property Manager regarding the back wall of the Wyndham Hall.  The back wall contains asbestos and needs to be remedied.  While on site a discussion was had on replacing the fluorescent lights with LEDs and the installation of a disabled toilet and that Officers will report to the Board with a proposal and costs to deal with back wall and lights.


·        Resource Management

The Board noted that a new cellphone tower is to installed near the Edendale Cemetery and that some members had recently attended a meeting with Fonterra representatives regarding the resource consents required for the discharge of waste water.


·        Factory Liaison

The Board noted that a meeting is expected soon.


·        Emergency Management

Nothing to report


·        Reporting to Ensign/Edendale Informer/Wyndham Messenger

Denise Fodie advised that she would be submitting on various issues.  Items to be included would be highlighting the request for proposal for the Wyndham Camping ground, a reminder to cut hedges and greenery so that it doesn’t cover footpaths and also that footpaths will be sprayed for moss and lichen.



·        Edendale Pool

Nothing to report


·        Edendale Wyndham Community Health Trust

Nothing to report


·        RSA Scholarship

Nothing to report




Chairperson's Update

Record No:         R/16/4/5785


Pam Yorke as Chair updated the Board on various issues.


The Board noted that there had been correspondence on the issue of the land at 26 Baltic Street, Wyndham.  The information on the matter is appended to the minutes as appendix 1.  The Chair advised that Mr Lee has been asked to respond to her for the July 2016 meeting on what he wants to do in relation to 26 Baltic Street.  Correspondence between the Chair and Mr Lee is appended to the minutes as appendix 2.


She also advised that she and Councillor Duffy had attended three meetings regarding the provision of Southland District Council services in Wyndham.


The Board also noted that there had been a meeting of the John Beange Trust and that there had been grant allocations made to applicants.


During the update from the Chair a discussion was had on the provision of refreshments following the ANZAC Day parades.  Councillor Duffy and Denise Fodie are to have discussions with interested parties on the matter.


The Chair further advised that she and Councillor Duffy had been to a meeting regarding the decision on the building that the Wyndham Museum was housed in.  The Board noted that the Museum has to vacate the building by 2018 because of earthquake issues and there are to be further meetings on the issue.



Councillor's Report



Councillor's Report

Record No:         R/16/4/5783


Councillor Duffy updated the Board on activities that he has been involved with.


He highlighted that:

·               Southland District Council is running Community Conversations around the District in May 2016 and that one is planned for Edendale on Monday 30 May 2016

·               The campaign to build the Haast to Hollyford Road is gearing up

·               The planning for the 2018/2028 starting soon and

·               The Around the Mountain Cycle Trail Environment Court appeal is still in progress.


Next Meeting


The Board noted that the next meeting of the Board would be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 26 July 2016 in the Wyndham Memorial Hall.



The meeting concluded at 9.58pm.               CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Edendale-Wyndham Community Board HELD ON TUESDAY 24 MAY 2016.


















Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Venture Southland Report - Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan

Record No:        R/16/7/10984

Author:                 Tina Harvey, Community Development Planner

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is to present the Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan.  This is in response to a request by the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board from their meeting held in July 2015 and subsequent letter to the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated dated 19 August 2015.

Executive Summary

2        At an Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 28 July 2015, Venture Southland provided a report titled Venture Southland Report – Community Pool Rating Request Update (R/15/7/11719) which was a summary of information supplied by both the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated and the Edendale Community Pool Society.

3        At this meeting a resolution was passed requesting that the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated submit an updated Business Plan in July 2016 following the end of their financial year.  This was required to enable the Board to view two years of pool operation and associated financial information.

4        The Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan is attached to this report.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Report - Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan” dated 26 July 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Considers a one off grant to the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated.

e)         Requests Venture Southland to work alongside Southland District Council staff to investigate possible options for financial support for the Wyndham Community Pool.




5        In October 2013, the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated (Wyndham Pool) was established to rejuvenate and operate the Wyndham Pool in conjunction with Menzies College.

6        In January 2015, the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated attended the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting and requested that a rate be established for their pool.

7        Currently the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board rate is $4582 (excl GST) in the 2015/16 financial year for the Edendale Pool.

8        At an Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 28 July 2015, Venture Southland provided a report with a summary of information supplied by both the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated and the Edendale Community Pool Society.

9        At this meeting a resolution was passed requesting that the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated submit an updated Business Plan in July 2016 following the end of their financial year.  This was required to allow the Board to view two years of pool operation and associated financial information and will allow them to be better placed to assess an application.

10      In early July 2016 the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated presented their Business Plan to Venture Southland as requested by the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board.  This plan is attached to this report.


11      The Wyndham-Edendale Community Board need to now consider whether to financially support the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated and the mechanism to do this i.e. a one off grant allocation versus the establishment of a pool rate.

12      There needs to be consideration of the existing arrangement regarding rating support for the Edendale Pool.

13      Consideration of the level of support to be provided considering the financial operating viability of the facility is also required.

14      Understanding community perspective and usage of swimming pools is important.

15      Consideration of what this money will be tagged to and how this money will be released / accessed i.e. for maintenance only and only on receipt of paid invoices?  NB Edendale Pool have conditions attached for uplifting funds.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

16      There are no legal and statutory requirements associated with this project at this stage.

Community Views

17      Understanding usage and accessibility is important.  Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated undertake a survey on open day each season to get feedback from users about the facility.

18      The community has not been approached specifically for feedback on financial support for the Wyndham Pool.

Costs and Funding

19      There needs to be consideration of the mechanism for how to financially support the pool considering the existing arrangement with the Edendale Pool.

20      Swimming pools are one of the most expensive community facilities to operate and maintain, and there are limited options for operational funding assistance.

21      Consider the real impact of a financial contribution in the bigger picture of truly operating the pool.

Policy Implications

22      There are no policy implications associated with this project at this stage.


Options Considered

23      Considering the issues mentioned above and the request from the Wyndham District Community Pool Incorporated, the following options are suggested for consideration by the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board.

Analysis of Options

Option 1 – One off grant and further investigation into options and processes for financial support for the pool.



·        Wyndham Pool will get immediate financial support to help run the pool this season.

·        Investigations into possible rating will give the pool confidence in a possible regular income stream to assist with maintenance and plan long term.

·        Possible increase in rate take from the community for the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board.

·        Is this the best use of resource? (supporting two pools from a small rating base)

·        Does this ensure both pools are able to be sustainably operated?


Option 2 – Status Quo – Wyndham Pool is not financially supported



·        Could prevent an increase in rates for the ratepayer.

·        Not financially supporting the Wyndham Community Pool


Option 3 – One off grant to the Wyndham Pool



·        Wyndham Pool will get immediate financial support to help run the pool this season. 

·        Depending on the amount of the grant, it may not be the solution to ensure the operation of the pool can be sustainably funded.

·        No long term certainty for the Pool Committee (possibly have to re-apply each year?)


Assessment of Significance

24      This is not considered significant.

Recommended Option

25      The recommended option is Option 1 to approve a one off grant and further investigation into options and processes for financial support for the pool.

Next Steps

26      If the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board agrees to Option 1, Venture Southland staff will work alongside Southland District Council staff to investigate options for financial support.  These will be presented back to the Board for consideration at the next Edendale-Wyndham Community Board.



a         Wyndham District Community Pool Business Plan and Financial Information - Final View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016
























Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Financial Implications of the Edendale Community Centre Project not proceeding

Record No:        R/16/6/9646

Author:                 Susan McNamara, Management Accountant

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        To provide the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board with information on the funds held in the Edendale Community Centre Operating Reserve and Edendale Hall Grant upgrade Reserve.  This includes the processes to advise the Southland District Council Allocations Committee (Financial and Reserve Contribution Fund) that grant funds received are no longer required and how interest and Edendale Hall rates received can be used for other purposes.

Executive Summary

2        Following many years of investigation the decision was made at the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 22 March 2016 that the Board no longer wished to explore the provision of a community centre to be located in Edendale.

3        At 30 June 2015 there was $272,323 held in reserves relating to the Edendale Hall.  These reserves are a combination of grants received towards the capital project ($127,600), along with rates received over the years and interest paid on the reserves (totalling $144,723).

4        In addition to the reserves the Southland District Council Allocations Committee (Financial and Reserve Contribution Fund) has $200,000 tagged for the completion of the community centre project.

5        With the decision to no longer pursue the option of a community centre in Edendale any grants received for the specific completion of this project will need to be returned to the funder.

6        Rates collected must be used for the purpose they were collected.  A resolution of Council is required to use rates for other than what they were collected for.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Implications of the Edendale Community Centre Project not proceeding” dated 26 July 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Agrees to advise the Southland District Council Allocations Committee by way of memorandum that the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board is no longer pursuing the community facility and that the funds held for this purpose are no longer required.

e)         Delegates the Chairperson of the Edendale-Wyndham Community the authority to sign the memorandum to Southland District Council Allocations Committee.




7        Following many years of investigation the decision was made at the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 22 March 2016 that the Board no longer wished to explore the provision of a community centre to be located in Edendale.

8        During the years of investigation for a community centre in Edendale, funds were sourced to complete the project.  These funds have come from two sources; the Southland District Council Allocations Committee (Financial and Reserve Contribution Fund) and the Trusts Charitable Foundation (Transpower).

9        The Trusts Charitable Foundation provided $22,600 in the 2009/10 financial year for equipment within the hall.  Earlier this year the Trust requested the return of the funds as they have not been used, with the option of applying for the funds again once there was certainty with the project.  These funds were returned to Transpower on 18 March 2016.

10      The Southland District Council Allocations Committee has approved three grants for the completion of the community centre in Edendale.  Two grants totalling $105,000 were received by the board and are currently held in the Edendale Grant Hall Upgrade Reserve.  The third grant of $200,000 is still held by the Committee but has been tagged for the project.

11      During the time the project has been investigated rates have also been continued to be collected from the community for the operational costs of the previous community hall.  In addition interest has been applied to the reserve balances in line with the relevant Council policy.

12      At 30 June 2015 there was a total of $272,323 in two reserves where the intended purpose relates to the Edendale Hall.  The funds included in these reserves from the Trusts Charitable Foundation and the Allocations Committee for capital grants total $127,600, leaving $144,723 of rates and interest income.


13      The funds from the Allocations Committee were provided with the intention that they would be used for the Edendale Community Centre.  As this is no longer occurring the funds will need to be returned to the committee. 

14      Formal notification needs to be provided to the Allocations Committee advising that the project is no longer being pursued and the funds paid, along with the funds tagged are no longer required.    A draft memorandum for this process has been provided in Attachment 1 for your consideration.  Once singed this memorandum will form the basis of the funds being paid from the reserve back to the Allocations Committee.

15      Once the funds are received by the Allocations Committee they will reform part of the Financial & Reserve Contribution Fund.  At that stage the committee will consider any applications it receives that meet the criteria of the fund, including any that the board may wish to submit.

16      Rates collected must be used for the purpose they were collected.  A resolution of Council is required to use rates for other than what they were collected for.

17      The remainder of the reserve as at 30 June 2015 is $144,723, made up of rates received for the hall and interest on the reserve.  The accumulated interest of $116,849 can be used for any other purpose by way of a resolution passed by the Community Board.  The remaining funds accumulated from rates collected ($27,874) for the Edendale Hall will require Council to pass a resolution to use these funds elsewhere.  Once the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board has determined the appropriate use of the funds, the Board will need to make a recommendation to Council to that effect.  In the meantime the rates will remain in the Edendale Community Centre operating reserve.  Council will then consider the recommendation and advise the board in due course of its decision.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

18      The Community Board must abide by the conditions imposed by the funders when the grants were provided.  As such the funds received from the Southland District Council Allocations Committee need to be returned to them in due course as they were received for the completion of the Edendale community centre.

19      Rates collected must be used for the purpose they were collected.  A resolution of Council is required to use rates for other than what they were collected for.

Community Views

20      No community views are required for the return of funds received for the completion of the Edendale Community Centre.

21      The communities view should be considered when deciding how the remaining reserve of $144,723 is to be used.

Costs and Funding

22      Funds have been returned to the Trusts Charitable Foundation (Transpower) of $22,600.  Funds of $105,000 will be returned to the Southland District Council Allocation Committee.  Once this payment has been made the Edendale Grant Hall upgrade reserve account will be closed, having no balance remaining.

23      The $200,000 held by the Southland District Council Allocations Committee (Financial and Reserve Contribution Fund) will be returned to their pool of funds available to be allocated on receipt of the memorandum.

24      The Edendale Community Centre Operating Reserve will have $144,723 plus any surplus for the year ended 30 June 2016.  As noted previously, only a board resolution is required to move any interest from this reserve.  To use or move rates funding received, the board is required to resolve a recommendation to Council on the use of the rates.  The Council will consider this recommendation and advise the board in due course of its decision.  Until that time, the rates funding will remain in this reserve. 

Policy Implications

25      There are no policy implications.


Options Considered

26      There are no options in regards to the grant funding received from the Southland District Council Allocations Committee.  The grant funding must be returned to the Allocation Committee as they were allocated for the construction of the Edendale Community Centre.

27      Any decision on the use or return of rates funding received for the hall can be undertaken at a later stage when discussion over possible options has been undertaken.

Assessment of Significance

28      The content of this report is not deemed significant under the criteria within Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Next Steps

29      For the memorandum to be signed by the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Chair to advise the Southland District Council Contribution Committee that the project is not being pursued and grant funds received will be returned.

30      The grant funds will be returned to the Allocations Committee.

31      In due course the Community Board will consider and recommend to Council the most appropriate use of the rates funding.  Additionally the board will consider and resolve the appropriate use of interest received by the reserves.



a         Return of Funds for the Completion of the Edendale Community Centre View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016






From:                          EDENDALE-WYNDHAM COMMUNITY BOARD




File No.:                      240/20/8/3




Following many years of investigation the decision was made at the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board meeting on 22 March 2016 that the Board no longer wished to explore the provision of a community centre to be located in Edendale.


Previously the Allocations Committee approved three grants for this project:

·    One for $35,000, that has been paid to the Community Board

·    One for $70,000, that has been paid to Community Board

·    One for $200,000, that has been committed by the Committee but not paid


As we are no longer providing a community centre in Edendale we will wish to advise you that the funds held as committed for this project are no longer required and we will be returning the $105,000 that has been received.


The Edendale-Wyndham Community Board wishes to thank you for the support that you have shown in providing funding to the Edendale community centre project. 


We are currently investigating other projects in our area and would appreciate your support in relation to these.  Once we are further through the planning process and consultation with our community we expect to be in a position to apply for these funds for use with a project assisting the Edendale-Wyndham area.


Again thank you for your significant support for the Edendale-Wyndham area and we look forward to working with you again in the near future.




Pam Yorke



Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Disposal Edendale Town Hall Property

Record No:        R/16/6/8726

Author:                 Kevin McNaught, Strategic Manager Property

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, Group Manager Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        For the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board to consider whether the Edendale Public Hall property is surplus to requirements and make the relevant recommendation to the
Southland District Council.

Executive Summary

2        The Board at its meeting in August 2014 resolved to close the Edendale Hall for public use.

3        Since that Board’s decision, ongoing discussions have been held within the Community regarding the location and type of facility needed for the future.

4        At its meeting in March 2016 the Board determined that it did not wish to pursue the
Rugby Club option and also resolved that it did not want to explore other sites or options for the provision of a community centre facility located in Edendale.

5        A decision must now be made as a result of this, as to the future of the existing Edendale Hall property including the existing building.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Disposal Edendale Town Hall Property” dated 26 July 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Recommends to the Southland District Council that the existing
Edendale Public Hall property which includes the existing hall building and described as Allotment 53, DP 106 and Lot 2, DP 5626 and contained in CFR’s SL80/37 and SL216/59 are surplus to requirements and should be disposed of.





6        The Edendale Public Hall was constructed in 1909 and has been used as such until it was closed for public use by the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board in August 2014.

7        Given the ongoing investigations within the community regarding a new facility and location, no action was commenced in regard to this property until these investigations were completed.  The Board at its meeting in March 2016 did not want to further explore the Rugby Club or other options within the Community.

8        A decision must now be made on the future of the existing property including the hall building.

9        The hall was built in 1909 however the land the hall was situated on was not transferred to the Edendale Town Board until 1937.  The title prior to that was in the name of local individuals which is not an uncommon situation as they held the title as Trustees for the hall. The land at the rear of the hall was acquired by the Edendale Town Board in 1945 and was subdivided into two lots in 1959.

10      DP 5626 was the subdivision plan of the site with Lot 1 being the old fire station which has subsequently transferred to private ownership and Lot 2 was retained as the hall site.

11      The land to the west of the hall building which is primarily the gravel carpark was transferred to the Edendale Town Board in 1950.

12      All the lands that make up the hall property due to reorganisations have quite rightly had the titles now issued in the name of the Southland District Council.


13      There are numerous issues with this property and building.

14      Firstly, the property is held in two titles which is not unusual.  However investigations reveal that the toilets that were added to the west side of the hall, sometime after 1966 (the date consent was obtained to do internal alterations which did not include or show the toilets) are built across the title boundaries.  See the attached aerial photograph.

15      DP 5626 undertaken in 1959 shows the outline of the building right on the title boundary to the west.  Any additional building to the west would naturally go over the boundary, therefore as this has happened the two titles will need to be amalgamated prior to disposal.  Unfortunately no record can be found of any building consent for the toilets, this is not to say one does not exist, it just cannot be located.

16      Secondly, in 2005 Council had an initial seismic investigation undertaken for the building that showed that with the front parapet remaining insitu its rating was 21.83% and with the parapet issues dealt with, 29.11%.  As this is less than 33% rating then it is considered an earthquake-prone building.  This issue will need to be disclosed as part of any disposal.

17      Thirdly, adjoining neighbours have constructed gates in the boundary fence and use the hall property for access to the rear of their properties.  There is no record of these arrangements and no easements have been created.  The neighbours have been advised in writing of this and that the property may be sold in the future.

18      The letters also advised them that as no legal rights of access exist they will need to negotiate continued access with any subsequent owners.  These letters were sent on
11 April 2016 and no response or queries have been received.

19      Fourthly, the two small sheds at the rear of the property are occupied by locals, which is not causing an issue, however they were also advised in writing of Council plans and that any continued use by them would be with in agreement with any subsequent owners.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

20      Nothing significant, but as set out above the titles will need to be amalgamated prior to disposal and declaration of the seismic ratings and communication with neighbours as part of the disposal process.

21      These investigations, this report and recommendations are part of the process required to dispose of the property, as Council does not delegate the decision to sell Council property.

Community Views

22      The Board’s position will be taken to represent the Community.

Costs and Funding

23      All costs of disposal will be that of the Board, however these will be deducted from any sale proceeds.  The net sale proceeds will be transferred to the funds of the Board as this is a locally funded activity.

Policy Implications

24      None identified at this stage.


Options Considered

25      The two options are disposal or retention

Analysis of Options

Option 1 - Disposal



·        Removes the risk and liabilities to the Board and Council associated with a building and property closed for public use.

·        Allows net sales proceeds to be used for other community activities.

·        None identified.




Option 2 - Retention



·        None identified as no potential future use is anticipated or identified.

·        Ongoing costs and liabilities for a property that is not used currently and is unlikely to be in the future.


Assessment of Significance

26      Not considered significant.

Recommended Option

27      Option 1 Disposal.

Next Steps

28      Report to Council of the Board’s recommendation.



a         Aerial Photo - Edendale Town Hall Property View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Submissions from the Annual Plan 2016-2017

Record No:        R/16/7/10883

Author:                 Shannon Oliver, Planning and Reporting  Analyst

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information



1        As part of the Annual Plan 2016/2017 consultation process, submissions were received that related to various project suggestions and opportunities throughout the District. At the deliberation meetings, Council made a recommendation to forward the submitters project suggestions to the relevant Community Board or Community Development Area subcommittees for their follow up and investigation if considered viable and appropriate.

2        As per their recommendation, we are now forwarding the Submitter’s suggestion to you.


Submitter’s comments

3        In relation to the Wyndham area:




Council Officers’ Comment


One submitter suggested using the old BNZ building in Wyndham.

The BNZ building is on hold pending the outcome of the facilities review that is being undertaken for Wyndham by Venture Southland.




That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Submissions from the Annual Plan 2016-2017” dated 26 July 2016.




a         Submission - Rodney Leitch


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Letter from Chair to GM Services and Assets - Contractor Issues

Record No:        R/16/6/8751

Author:                 Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Purpose of Report

1        A letter from the Chair of the Community Board to the GM Services and Assets regarding the contractor issues in Wyndham is attached for the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board to note.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Letter from Chair to GM Services and Assets - Contractor Issues” dated 17 June 2016.




a         Letter from Community Board Chair to GM Services and Assets View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


Pam Yorke


Edendale Wyndham Community Board

167 Wyndham - Mokoreta Road

R D 2



04th June 2016 


Mr Ian Marshall

GM – Services & Assets


P O Box 903



Dear Ian


I am writing to you to bring to your attention the ridiculous period of time that

it is taking to get some services in our local area performed by Fulton Hogan.


At the beginning of this year ie Jan 2016, or could have even been earlier Dec 2015,

I reminded our local area Engineer that the main big ditch in Wyndham that runs down beside Cardigan Road, needs its annual spray.  I have repeatedly reminded staff of this right through the summer and autumn, especially when it was bone dry.   Still no spraying been done.  This is an extremely important ditch to keep clean.


I find the repeated excuses from the contractor very lame.  Six months is way to long to get this issue dealt with, especially with the great weather conditions we have had.

Time I think to be looking for alternate contractors.  They can’t continue to have the monopoly.  I get really frustrated when community people ask me why it’s not getting looked after.  What am I supposed to say ?????.


The lack of concept to the importance of this issue was brought home over this last ten days, when we had one of our annual floods.  Keeping this ditch weed free is a priority.  So when the sides of the bank were sprayed the other day, great but as the ditch was running with a reasonable amount of water in it, I would seriously question what was achieved.  The weed base at the bottom is still intact.


 I await your reply.






Pam Yorke


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Elected Members' Expense Reimbursements and Allowances

Record No:        R/16/7/10207

Author:                 Sheree Marrah, Finance Manager

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information





1        The purpose of this report is to inform Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees of the recent changes to Council’s Elected Members’ Remuneration and Reimbursements Policy and the associated impact on them.  The revised policy amendments were adopted by Council on 8 June 2016 and are effective from 1 July 2016.

Executive Summary

2        The Remuneration Authority (RA) sets the framework for the remuneration and reimbursement of local government elected members, namely the Mayor, Councillors and Community Board members.  Council recently reviewed its Elected Members’ Remuneration and Reimbursements Policy as a result of some minor changes required by the RA to mileage and travel time allowances. 

3        In undertaking the review, Council staff recommended a number of additional amendments to the policy to allow reimbursement of expenses and the payment of allowances to Community Board members and Council Subcommittee members. 

4        The revised policy includes the provision of mileage and travel time allowances as well as expenditure reimbursements for Community Board and Subcommittee members, in line with Councillors. 


5        The RA sets the framework for the remuneration and reimbursement of local government elected members, namely the Mayor, Councillors and Community Board members.  The RA sets the maximum level of expenses and allowances available to elected members.  Council’s policy is required to be in alignment with the maximum levels set by the RA.

6        The previous Council policy mistakenly excluded Community Board members from receiving allowances.  As Council had no other formal policy on reimbursement and allowances for Council Subcommittee members, it was recommended that Subcommittees also be included in this policy.

7        The specific provisions relevant to Community Boards and Council Subcommittees incorporated into the revised policy are as follows:

·                      Mileage allowance, can be claimed in line with Councillors, where travel exceeds 30 kilometres within a day.  The mileage allowance will be paid to elected members at a rate of 74 cents per kilometre (consistent with the IRD rates) for the first 5,000 kilometres.  The rate for travel in excess of 5,000 kilometres will remain at 37 cents per kilometre.  The 30 kilometre round trip threshold (ie, 15 kilometres each way) applies to visits to Council offices (or other regular meeting venues deemed to be a Council office for the purpose of this policy).  For other Council requested travel by elected members, no threshold will apply.

·                      Travel time allowance, can be claimed in line with Councillors, at a rate of $37.50 per hour, where travel time exceeds 1 hour within a day.

·                      The policy states that where Community Board or Subcommittee meetings are held at a regular venue other than a Council office, this location will be deemed to be a Council office for the purposes of mileage and travel time allowances.

·                      Reimbursement for costs can be claimed for courses, seminars and training associated with the role of an elected member.  Associated travel and accommodation costs may also be reimbursed if in accordance with the policy.

·                      Community Board and Council Subcommittee members will not be eligible to claim the communication allowance stated in the policy.

8        In order to claim an allowance a claim form will need to be completed by the elected member (see sample claim forms attached).  For reimbursements a claim form will need to be completed and supporting invoices/receipts attached.  Completed forms will be submitted to the relevant Committee Advisor to arrange for approval and payment.


9        Although the revised change in mileage and travel time allowances for Community Board and Council Subcommittee members has not specifically been budgeted for in 2016/2017, it is anticipated that this will not be a significant cost to the communities as the majority of elected members live within 15 kilometres of their nearest Council office and travel less than one hour to attend meetings.

10      Payment of allowances and reimbursements will be funded from local operating budgets of the relevant Community Board or sub-committee. 


11      A copy of the revised policy, effective from 1 July 2016, is included as attachment A to this report.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)      Receives the report titled “Elected Members' Expense Reimbursements and Allowances” dated 26 July 2016.




a         FINAL Elected Members' Remuneration and Reimbursements Policy (effective 1 July 2016) View

b         Elected Member Allowance Claim Form View

c         Elected Member Expense Reimbursement Claim Form View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016





GROUP RESPONSIBLE:                 Financial Services



DATE APPROVED:                          25/6/08, 26/5/10, 26/1/11, 6/4/11, 29/6/11, 9/10/13, 16/4/14, 8/6/16



EFFECTIVE DATE:                           1 July 2016



FILE NO:                                            10/4/3/1, 18/1/6/4, 240/10/7/8, 240/10/1/5, 240/10/1/6

                                                            140/20/1/4, 240/10/7/8, R/16/5/7922






1.0     SCOPE


1.1     This policy provides the framework for:


(a)   Remuneration of the Mayor and Councillors;

(b)        Expenditure reimbursement and allowances for the Mayor and Councillors;

(c)        The salary of Community Board members; and

(d)        Expenditure reimbursement and mileage and travel time allowances for Community Board members;

(e)        Expenditure reimbursement and mileage and travel time allowances for the elected members of Council subcommittees.



2.0       BACKGROUND


2.1       Remuneration for the Mayor, Councillors and Community Board members, and also the rules relating to allowances and expenses are determined by the Remuneration Authority and reviewed on an annual basis.  Southland District Council is required to respond to the authority regarding remuneration and its policy for allowances and expenses. 


2.2       The attached schedule (Appendix A) outlines the dollar amounts which will be paid.  This schedule may be updated from time to time to reflect the most recent determination and advice of the Remuneration Authority including inflation adjustments. 


2.3       The Elected Members’ Remuneration and Reimbursements Policy is intended to reflect the relevant period’s Local Government Elected Members Determination.
If inconsistencies arise between this policy and the determination in regards to remuneration and allowance rates, Council will make payments to elected members in accordance with the relevant Local Government Elected Members’ Determination.






Actual means as evidenced by the original receipt attached to the claim form.


Council shall mean the 13 elected members that form the governing body (Council) of the Southland District Council.


Chair shall mean the individual appointed the role of chairperson by formal resolution in the case of Council committees or elected to this role in the case of
community boards. 


Chief Executive shall mean the Chief Executive of Southland District Council.


Community Board Member shall mean any elected member of the eight community boards throughout the Southland District.  These are:  Edendale-Wyndham, Otautau, Riverton/Aparima, Stewart Island/Rakiura, Te Anau, Tuatapere, Wallacetown and Winton.


Subcommittee Member shall mean any elected member of a Council appointed subcommittee, including but not limited to the 9 Community Development Area (CDA) subcommittees throughout the Southland District.  The CDAs are:  Athol, Balfour, Browns, Centre Bush/Limehills, Colac Bay, Dipton, Garston, Gorge Road, Lumsden, Manapouri, Mossburn, Nightcaps, Ohai, Orepuki, Riversdale, Thornbury, Tokanui, Waikaia, Woodlands.


Council Business includes formal Council and community board meetings, committee meetings, workshops, seminars, statutory hearings, training courses, site visits and where required or invited by Council, meetings with staff, meetings with community groups or meetings with members of the public.  It does not include events where the primary focus is on social activity.


Councillor shall mean any of the 12 elected members of Council, including the Deputy Mayor, but excluding the Mayor.


Council office shall mean any of the seven Council offices throughout the Southland District.  These are: Invercargill, Wyndham, Riverton, Stewart Island, Te Anau, Otautau and Winton.  Where Community Board or subcommittee meetings are held at a regular venue other than a Council office, this location will be deemed to be a Council office for the purposes of this policy.


Elected member shall mean any of the Councillors, Community Board members, Community Development Area subcommittee members or other Council appointed subcommittee members.


Expenses means actual and reasonable expenses including but not limited to; accommodation, rental car, air travel, taxis, meals and refreshments, entertainment (hospitality), parking, sundry vehicle costs, alternative travel options and other such costs directly related to the business of Southland District Council.


Mayor shall mean the Mayor of Southland District Council.


Reasonable means that it is within the amount specified by this policy or as deemed reasonable by the Mayor and/or Chief Executive. 


Remuneration Authority is an independent body established by the Remuneration Authority Act 1977, with responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2002 to determine remuneration and expense/allowance rules for local authority members.


Southland District Council means the organisation established to administer Council affairs, conduct operations and bring effect to Council policy and strategies.


Travel includes journeys made by air and sea, travel by taxi and travel by hire vehicle or private vehicle.


Travel arrangements include accommodation, travel and seminar registration. 




4.1     Mayor and Councillors


4.1.1    The Mayor shall receive the full salary allowable by the determination of the Remuneration Authority, outlined in Appendix A.


4.1.2 In addition to the base salary, Councillors can receive extra remuneration for:


(a)        Positions of additional responsibility (including Deputy Mayor and Chair of various committees) and/or

(b)        Taking on significantly extra duties during the District Plan process. 


Additional remuneration will be made at the rates outlined below, which have been approved by the Remuneration Authority. 



Additional amount

Deputy Mayor

+ 40% of a base councillor salary

Policy Review Committee chair

+ 20% of a base councillor salary

Venture Southland director

+ 15% of a base councillor salary

Activities Performance Audit Committee chair

+ 25% of a base councillor salary


4.1.3    In addition, 50% of a base councillor salary will be retained for allocation to members of the Resource Management Committee for District Plan review.  This will be payable to all members of the Resource Management Committee at the rate of $100 per day for District Plan review meetings. 


4.2     Community Board Members


4.2.1    Remuneration for Community Board members and chairs will be made at the full allowable rate determined by the Remuneration Authority, outlined in Appendix A


4.3     Subcommittee Members


4.3.1    No remuneration is payable to those appointed to subcommittees of Council.




5.1       Elected members will perform their roles in a manner that is most cost-effective for households and businesses.  Costs for expenses must have a justifiable business purpose, be moderate and conservative having regard to the circumstances, and be appropriate in all respects. 


5.2       Where possible, reimbursements will be based on actual incurred costs.  Where an allowance is made, this will be based on a fair and reasonable estimate consistent with the guidelines of the Remuneration Authority.


5.3       If applicable, where reimbursements are claimed it must be specified whether amounts are GST exclusive or GST inclusive. 


5.4       All actual reimbursements will be submitted on the appropriate form and supported by relevant invoices and/or documentation.


5.5       Expense claims will be approved as follows


Claim by the:

Approved by


The Chair of the Activities Performance Audit Committee

Deputy Mayor

The Mayor


The Mayor or Deputy Mayor


5.6       Expense claims for Community Board and Subcommittee members will be approved by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Chair of the Activities Performance Audit Committee.


5.7       No costs will be reimbursed where they are chargeable to others, including private companies.


5.8       Expenses for electioneering will not be reimbursed.




6.1       The Mayor will be provided with a vehicle that will also be available for his/her private use.  A deduction will be made from his/her salary as determined by the Remuneration Authority.  The Mayor will not be able to claim for vehicle mileage. 

6.2       A mileage claim can be made where an elected member has been required or invited by Council to a meeting on Council business and is travelling in his/her own vehicle and is taking the most direct route reasonable in the circumstances. 

6.3       Where possible every effort should be made to share transport and reduce costs. 

6.4       Mileage claims are based on travel from the elected member’s normal residence to the meeting place. 

6.5       In accordance with the Remuneration Authority’s determination mileage allowance will be paid as follows:

            (a)        For travel to any Council office, mileage allowance will be paid for kilometres travelled beyond 15 km each way (ie, a 30 km round trip).  This distance is calculated from the elected member’s place of residence to the Council office. 

            (b)        For all other Council related travel, mileage allowance will be paid for the total kilometres travelled from the elected member’s place of residence.

6.6       For travel to any Council office where distance does not exceed 15 km each way (ie, a 30 km round trip), no mileage allowance will be paid.

6.7       The mileage rate will be paid at the full rate determined by the Remuneration Authority, outlined in Appendix A







7.1       Travel time will be paid to all elected members at the full allowable rate in accordance with the conditions outlined in the determination of the Remuneration Authority, outlined in Appendix A.

7.2       In accordance with the Remuneration Authority’s determination this allowance will only be paid where travel time exceeds 1 hour within a day.

7.3       In accordance with the Remuneration Authority’s determination, payment of travel time allowance will not be paid for positions which are considered to be full time.  Therefore, travel time allowance will not be paid to the Mayor. 





8.1       An allowance will be paid to Councillors where they supply their own hardware for use in Council business.  No allowance is payable in respect of items provided by Southland District Council. 


8.2       The allowance for communications and technology will be paid at the full allowable rate determined by the Remuneration Authority, outlined in Appendix A.  The Mayor shall be provided with a mobile phone, laptop or tablet and accessories, and a broadband connection in lieu of the allowance.


8.3       No communications allowance is payable to Community Board members and members of Council subcommittees.




9.1       Conferences, courses, seminars or training events must contribute to the elected members’ ability to carry out council business. 


9.2       All elected members are entitled to payment of actual and reasonable registration, travel, accommodation, meal and related incidental expenses (including travel insurance) incurred in attendance at conferences, courses, seminars or training events, held both within New Zealand and overseas, subject to:


(a)        Related expenditure being accommodated within existing budgets, and

(b)        The appropriate approvals as outlined in this policy.


9.3       In respect of the Mayor, prior approval of the Deputy Mayor or Chair of Activities Performance Audit Committee is required for travel within New Zealand for Council business; attendance at conferences, courses, training events, seminars or other purposes associated with the position of Mayor. 


9.4       In respect of Councillors; attendance at these events when held in New Zealand must be approved by the Mayor and either the Deputy Mayor or Chair of Activities Performance Audit Committee.


9.5       In respect of Community Board and Community Development Area Subcommittee members; attendance at these events when held in New Zealand, prior approval must be obtained from the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Chair of Activities Performance Audit Committee.


9.6       Attendance at conferences, courses, seminars or training events held overseas must be approved by the Council.




10.1     Where possible all travel arrangements will be made through the Executive Assistant to the Mayor. 


10.2     Where possible costs will be charged to Council; otherwise all fair and reasonable costs will be reimbursed.


10.3     Travel will be arranged in a manner that represents public value in consideration of location, timing and cost.  As appropriate, Council may choose to arrange air travel, travel by hire vehicle, travel by sea, travel by taxi or travel by bus. 


10.4     Taxi chits issued for travel to approved meetings or conferences will be used only for business purposes of Council.  Where a taxi chit has been obtained for purposes other than travel to approved meetings and conferences, any claim must be accompanied by appropriate documentation and reasons for the claim.


10.5     Unless otherwise approved, all international air travel will be economy class.  Stopovers during international air travel will be approved on a case-by-case basis.


10.6     Frequent flyer points earned by elected members on Council business may be used for private travel.


10.7     Due to the significant amount of air travel undertaken by the Mayor, Council will pay for membership of an Airline Club (such as the Koru Club).


10.8     Private accommodation may be used on occasions where it is considered appropriate and is approved by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Chair of Activities Performance Audit Committee.  If private accommodation is used, reimbursement will be fair and reasonable and will not exceed the cost of obtaining accommodation or meals from another source such as a motel or hotel.


10.9     Where Council approves the attendance of the spouse/partner of the Mayor or any Councillor at conferences or meetings, fair and reasonable actual costs will be reimbursed.






Remuneration of the Mayor and Councillors

Mayor                                                                                    $104,301[1]

Deputy Mayor                                                                         $36,019

Policy Review Committee Chair                                             $30,874

Venture Southland Director                                                     $29,587

Activities Performance Audit Committee Chair                      $32,160

Councillor                                                                                $25,728


Available to Resource Management Committee during the District Plan, 50% of a Councillor salary, paid $100 per day.


Expenditure Reimbursement for the Mayor and Councillors

Mileage Rate (first 5,000 km per annum)                           0.74 per km

Mileage Rate (above 5,000 km per annum)                       0.37 per km


Personal Computer                                                       $150 per annum

Electronic Tablet                                                           $150 per annum

Printer                                                                             $40 per annum

Telephone                                                                       $60 per annum

Internet Connection (maximum)                                  $250 per annum

Telephone/Mobile Phone Calls (maximum)                 $400 per annum


Salary of Community Boards




Edendale/Wyndham Community Board



Otautau Community Board



Riverton/Aparima Community Board



Stewart Island/Rakiura Community Board



Te Anau Community Board



Tuatapere Community Board



Wallacetown Community Board



Winton Community Board




Travel time allowance is paid at a rate of $37.50 per hour for travel that exceeds one hour per day.  Travel time is payable to elected members who are not considered to be full time and is only payable for travel relating to Southland District Council business.  Travel time allowance is payable in respect of the quickest form of transport reasonable in the circumstances.


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016



Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016



Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 June 2016

Record No:        R/16/5/7858

Author:                 Kushla Tapper, Community Engineer

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, Group Manager Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Community Engineer’s Report

1        Tree felling of the old Macrocarpas commenced on Memorial Drive, outside the Golf Club, Monday 18 July.  The work was done by Town and Country Wood Supplies, as decided by the Board at the previous meeting.  A short section of hedge along Raglan Street, opposite the police station was also removed as part of this job.  The hedge was unable to be topped this season due to wet ground, and was causing ongoing icing and shading issues.

2        Stormwater is an ongoing issue for the two townships.  The “Three Waters” team at Council is working with the Community Engineer to devise a long term strategy to improve the outfall issues at Wyndham.  In the short term, this involves further CCTV, water blasting more lines and some root cutting of infiltrated lines near the intersection of Cardigan Road and Balaclava Street.  Hopefully this will resolve the repeated flooding issues occurring on Nightingale Street, particularly near 31.  Stormwater Reserves will be used to fund this necessary work.

3        There has not been a repeat flooding event at “Little Ones” on Ferry Road, Edendale since the soak hole was installed at the back of their property.  The soak hole was dug by Caldwell Contracting, to handle the overflow coming from their gravel yard, into to other low lying properties.  Council has obtained prices to install a concrete lined soak hole at the road edge of the day care centre, if necessary.  The cost for this work in full is approximately $5,000.  It is believed that a new soak hole would clog up with silt within 3 years, requiring extensive cleaning / re-drilling.  Alternative ideas are being evaluated, such as a planted soakage field into the reserve across the road.  There are obvious concerns regarding water quality when working close to an old rubbish dump, which are being carefully considered.

4        Traffic Island / Kerb Painting, Wyndham: as per action sheet item, prices have been obtained from three different contractors, to paint the traffic islands in Wyndham township. Each contractor was asked to provide two price options, with different extent of works.
Option 1 = sites A-D.  Option 2 = sites A – E (E being three large traffic islands along Florence Street)

5        All three contractors allowed for appropriate traffic management and brushing the kerb prior to paint application.  The areas have all been sprayed with “Wet and Forget” in June, so that any lichen / moss currently growing on the kerb will have time to die before painting in mid-late spring.  Works Scheme had also specifically allowed for trimming of vegetation where plants were overgrown.

6        Prices received are as follows:


Option 1

Option 2

Fulton Hogan



Work Scheme






7        The Board is requested to decide if they wish to proceed with this work, and who should be awarded it.  It is recommend proceeding with Option 2, to Fulton Hogan, after arranging for vegetation to be cut back by another contractor (eg Work Scheme or Raewyn Leitch).

8        Footpaths.  At the previous meeting, a verbal report was presented regarding the condition rating of the footpaths in the entire Southland District Council network.  All hard surface
(ie not gravel) footpaths were rated from 1 (near new condition) to 5 (poor, unsafe condition).  The rating applied to a street length of path, on each side.  Other comments such as overgrown trees, potholes etc were noted, where these resulted in a significant disruption to the use of the path.

9        As a summary, the following applies for Edendale and Wyndham combined:

Total m2  of path rated


m2 Grade 4



m2 Grade 3



m2 Grade 2



m2 Grade 1




10      There were no paths rated as a Grade 5.  The following sites were noted as Grade 4:







Total Area






















































11      Legend / Comment description:


Trip hazard > 20 mm


Slabbing of concrete footpath section


Overgrown vegetation on path


Overhead vegetation blocking use of path


Cracking / severe cracking

12      From this report, there is approximately 600 m2 of significantly cracked concrete path, over four sites.  When a 98 m2 section of Scutari Street footpath was replaced with 100 mm thick reinforced concrete two years ago, the approximate rate equated to $140/m2.  If a 600 m2 package was issued, a rough expectation of cost would be around $120/m2 for concrete replacement (75 mm).  This would equate to approximately $72,000.  With current budgets of $20K/year for issue in biannual packages, this would have to be split into two contracts over 4 years.

13      It is worth considering that we replace existing concrete paths with a chip seal footpath in most residential streets, as we are not getting the full life expectancy of concrete due to street trees causing tripping hazards, and the original base and concrete layers were not thick enough.  This would significantly reduce the replacement cost per m2

14      Ideally, this report should be used for establishing a maintenance programme initially dealing with the worst hazards such as trip hazards and slabbing.  By dealing with these hazards, the condition rating may well improve at the next assessment round.  Then a long term renewal plan can be developed. 

15      It is my recommendation that we focus on significant repairs first, before wholesale renewal, still utilising the renewal funding that has been rated for.

Community Engineer’s Financial Report

16     The following table summarises the key reasons for significant budget variances, as per the financial tables on the following pages:

Business Unit




Income under

Expense over

Interest on reserve is added at the end of the financial year, not shown in these figures.  Salaries were higher than the budgeted value. This will reoccur for 2016/2017 also.

Operating Costs

Expense under

Approximately $3K underspend available to offset overspend in Beautification.

Street Works

Expense under but ok.

Slight underspend on general maintenance and rubbish collection.  Remaining budget can be added to capital reserve for footpath renewals and maintenance.


Expense is over

Overspent by $2.6K on spraying and hedge work.  Offset by underspend in Operating Costs.

Recreation Reserves

Income over

$4K of “general recoveries” received, not budgeted for. 


Expense under

Underspend will help rebuild reserve that was used to fund last year’s work. 

Edendale Cemetery

Income and Expenses over

There have been a lot of burials at this cemetery recently, more than the predicted number for the full year.  Additional expenses also incurred with hedge / fence replacement and noxious control within the forest plantation. 

Overall deficit  = $4,750, which will be 50% ward funded.

Wyndham Cemetery

Income and Expenses under

There have been fewer burials at this cemetery than the predicted number for the year.  Overall deficit of $980.

Edendale Hall -

Income is under

Expense is over

$78,346 was budgeted for Grant income, however the project was cancelled.   $3.3K was spent on ‘professional services’, before project was officially cancelled..

Wyndham Camp Ground

Income and Expenses under

Lower turnover than budgeted.  Overall surplus of $1.1K.

Stormwater Drainage

Income is under and Expense is over

~60% of income is “interest on reserves”, which is received at the end of financial year.  The interest had been budgeted to roll into general reserve.  Due to culvert collapse in Wyndham, September 2015, this allocation has been used.

Project List

17     The table below shows all of the projects that were planned for Edendale and Wyndham in 2015/2016.  (Items in Bold and Italics are carried over from previous financial years.)


Project Name





Officer’s Comment

Community Centres

Edendale Community Centre upgrade





Community Board deleted this project.

Community Housing

Exterior and roof repaint of house





Completed March 2016.

Community Housing

Exterior and roof repaint





Quotes collected and awaiting authority to proceed.

Public Conveniences

Edendale Seaward Road Toilets





Completed March

Financial Considerations

Development and Financial Contributions

18     The table below outlines the balance of Development and Financial Contributions for your community to 30 June 2015 plus any amounts invoiced for this financial year to date.  Spending of these funds is considered by Council staff when projects are in the planning stage.  Once identified as a potential funding source for a project, confirmation from the Group Manager - Services and Assets is sought before undertaking the project to ensure that the relevant policy and legislative requirements are met.

Edendale Reserves Contributions


Wyndham Reserves Contributions



19     Please find the reserves report attached.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 June 2016” dated 26 July 2016.

b)         Resolves to proceed with Kerb Painting in Wyndham, Option 2, to Fulton Hogan, after vegetation is trimmed back by another contractor.

c)         Resolves to proceed with high priority footpath repairs (eg significant tripping hazards), utilising the renewals budget.



a         Edendale/Wyndham Financial reports, 30 June 2016 View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016





Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Update on Request for Proposal to Lease Wyndham Camping Ground, 135 Cardigan Road

Record No:        R/16/7/10821

Author:                 Kushla Tapper, Community Engineer

Approved by:       Ian Marshall, Group Manager Services and Assets


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




1        To inform the Board of the process that has been undertaken regarding the potential to lease the Wyndham Camping Ground to a private entity. 

2        To seek the Board’s direction or approval for the next step in the process.

Executive Summary

3        The Wyndham Camping Ground has been operated by the Wyndham Community Board (and now the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board) for many years.  The grounds have been managed in a very simple manner, with a paid custodian to arrange bookings, accept payments and clean the facilities.  Advertising and promotion as a business has been minimal, as this is not a core activity for a Community Board. 

4        Historically, the Camping Ground required significant subsidy from the Wyndham township rate.  For the past three years, the Camping Ground has essentially broken even, following some significant improvement work to the ablutions block, and a reduced cost for the mowing maintenance contract.

5        The Board requested that the Camping Ground be offered publicly for lease as a business, to gauge interest and reduce the rate burden for local ratepayers.  A Request for Proposal (RFP) was prepared and advertised in June 2016.  Six people requested copies of the RFP.  Five individuals are based in Wyndham, one is based in Australia.  Only one proposal was submitted by an interested party.

6        Copies of the RFP (version 2) and the proposal from James Garthwaite are attached.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)      Receives the report titled “Update on Request for Proposal to Lease Wyndham Camping Ground, 135 Cardigan Road” dated 26 July 2016.

b)      Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)      Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)      Initiate negotiations with James Garthwaite, for the lease of the Wyndham Camping Ground (via the Community Engineer and the Property Team).

e)      Request that officers report back to the Board for final approval of the lease agreement, once negotiated.




7        The Council wished to see the Wyndham Camping Ground utilised to its full potential, for the betterment of the surrounding area.  Currently, the Camping Ground is managed by way of a paid custodian, through the local Community Board.  The Community Board acknowledged that its core business was elsewhere and would like to lease the Grounds to an appropriate party or person as identified through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

8        The Request for Proposal (RFP) was for leasing of the Wyndham Camping Ground, at
135 Cardigan Road, Wyndham.  It included powered and non-powered sites, an ablution and amenities block, a small toilet block and a pre-fab unit with three cabins.

9        Advertising of the RFP (as follows) was done via Southland District Council’s website, Facebook page, Wyndham Messenger and Edendale Informer in May and June with a closing date of Monday, 11 July 2016.


“Southland District Council is calling for a Request for Proposal (RFP) to lease Wyndham Camping Ground at 135 Cardigan Road, Wyndham.  It includes powered and non-powered sites, an ablution and amenities block, a small toilet block and a pre-fab unit with three cabins.


The Lessee will be responsible for:

·        Power charges

·        Cleaning and consumables

·        Minor maintenance - potholes, tap-ware, stove, electrical, spot painting etc.

·        Spraying - insect control, weeds

·        Advertising

·        Toilet requisites.


The Lessee’s income will include:

·        Rentals / site hire

·        Money from coin operated showers, washing machines etc.

·        Waste station donations.


For a copy of the RFP and further information please contact:


Kushla Tapper

Southland District Council

15 Forth Street

P O Box 903

Invercargill 9840

Tel:  0800 732 732

Fax: 0800 732 329


10     One submission was received by James Garthwaite on behalf of Southern Style Adventures (attached).


11      The Property Team will be fully consulted with and involved with the process of establishing a formal lease agreement for Council Property. 

12      The proposal received from James Garthwaite suggests a monthly lease value of $500, which would equate to $6K per annum.  Approximate values for Council’s anticipated annual costs are $5.5K.  Council will continue to be responsible for payment of rates, insurance, hedges and significant (eg, building) maintenance items.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

13      There are no known legal or statutory requirements that affect this decision.

Community Views

14      The views of the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board are considered representative of the area currently affected by the existing rate to support the Camping Ground.  During the advertising period, there was no negative feedback received from anyone objecting to the RFP, or the Board’s wishes to reduce the rating burden to local ratepayers.

Costs and Funding

15      Currently, a small value is being rated for, to support the upkeep of the Wyndham Camping Ground.  If a lease agreement is reached for a private party to lease the Grounds, it is anticipated that the existing rate burden will lessen. 

16      The proposal from James Garthwaite also suggests that he will be attracting additional complimentary business to the area, which could benefit local businesses in the short and long term.

Policy Implications

17      There are no known policy implications.


Options Considered

18      Option 1 - Status quo.  Do not lease the Wyndham Camping Ground.  Continue to pay for a custodian and general upkeep, requiring local rates.

19      Option 2 - Negotiate a lease arrangement with James Garthwaite. 

20      Option 3 - Re-advertise the RFP, with a larger catchment audience and longer submission period available, to see if other parties may be interested in leasing the grounds.

Analysis of Options

Option 1 - Status Quo



·        Budgets set for 16/17 year account for current set up, with paid custodian

·        No improvement in marketing and promotion, combined with the cessation of Burt Munro event in Wyndham could result in fewer bookings and therefore increased rate burden to local ratepayers.

·        Current custodian lacks interest.


·        Staff time required to establish new agreement for Custodian, as current agreement is out of date.

·        Potential cost for advertising for new custodian arrangement.


Option 2 - Negotiate a lease arrangement with James Garthwaite



·        James has passion for the area and activity, and could significantly improve turnover for the Camping Ground, attracting more visitors and business to Wyndham and surrounds.

·        Edendale-Wyndham Community Board can focus on core activities and know that this business opportunity is being utilised.

·        Lower rate burden on local ratepayers.

·        Staff time required to establish appropriate lease agreement.



Option 3 - Re advertise the RFP



·        Potential that another party may be interested and willing to offer a greater value to the Board in exchange for lease of the Camping Ground.

·        Time delay for readvertising and submission preparation - opportunity cost.

·        May discourage James from leasing the Grounds and could end up with no one interested.

·        Staff time required to establish appropriate lease agreement.


Assessment of Significance

21      The decision required is not deemed significant.

Recommended Option

22      Option 2 - Negotiate a lease agreement with James Garthwaite.

Next Steps

23      Community Engineer to liaise with Property Team to ensure that any agreements are appropriate to protect Council’s interests in the long term.



a         Request for Proposal - Submission by James Garthwaite on behalf of Southern Style Adventures View

b         RFP for Lease Wyndham Camping Ground, V2 with additional information View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


Wyndham Camping Ground RFP

Submission by James Garthwaite on behalf of “Southern Style Adventures”



A bit about me:

I am a 34 year old male locally born/bred and did most of my schooling at Wyndham, before attending University in Dunedin.  I got my Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Accounting.  I have worked in a number of big businesses including Fonterra, Downers and Cadbury’s as well as building up a number of rental houses and completing renovations over the years.  I decided to take a break from this to work on my own business in something I am passionate about - Otago/Southland.  This change started 3 years ago when made the decision to leave Fonterra in Taranaki and I moved back to Dunedin.  Currently I have a place of residence in Dunedin where I rent out accomodation/have my own space and also storage to support the Southern Style Adventures Business.  My current second “Depot” for Southern Style Adventures is a local farmlet near Edendale.   I have completed my gold Duke of Edinburgh, possibly the start of my love for the outdoors which include tramping, hunting, fishing and exploring.


Southern Style Adventures:

Southern Style Adventures is a recent start up business focusing on the development and growth of Tourism in Otago/Southland. 

Currently the company has four self contained campers set up to be rented out to domestic and international tourists, with the aim of building these numbers to 12-15 in the next 24 months.

Further growth/marketing will also go into the growing potential of the bike trails.

A camping ground located on the edge of the Catlins with trunklines further around the coast and up through the central of the island is a key thing I have been looking for.  Prior to this RFP coming up I had been looking into setting up something small on a local farm.

Differentiation from other tourism businesses will be through offering localised knowledge and support.  This will include (but not be limited to) recommended routes around Catlins, Bluff, Tuatapere, Te Anau, Queenstown, etc. with recommended things to do and places to see ensuring the traveller gets to see lots whilst exploring this beautiful area.








                From current research conducted the Wyndham Camping ground has very little online presence.  The main one being on the NZCMA website for members, the description of Wyndham/Surrounding Areas and things to do was basically non-existent which I believe is a big opportunity to correct and market the area for the positives it has:


                Local Amenitites – Tennis Courts, Golf Course, Race Course, local to some great rivers

                Only campground for many of kms in any direction, however even a lot of Southland locals are not aware it exists, operates, has all the required amenities and has huts.

                Quite Peaceful Lifestyle/Atmosphere

                Handy to large grass areas, kids playgrounds etc.

A facebook page has been built and is in finishing off stages before launch.  I envisage a separate page for the camping ground and an overall Southern Style Adventures webpage which would include the camping ground is currently being scoped.

I would be looking at getting close with other local business/tourism operators to ensure we work closely and help each other.  I have also been in contact with Venture Southland to discuss opportunities/ideas and to get into some of the training they have on offer.

Phone Apps such as officialcampingnz, campingnz, campermate will all have good details of the camping ground including a good description of facilities, local things to do and exact location to make it easy to find and stay.


People behind Southern Style Adventures:

James Garthwaite (Me) – Managing Director

Christine & Randall Garthwaite – Directors

Matt Bowie – Mentor/Owner of Pavlova Palace (Dunedin Backpackers)

Andrew Lloyd – ANZ Business Banking Manager


I will be ultimately running, marketing and keeping a good overview of the business with some

help and support from my parents Christine and Randall whom both have strong links to the Wyndham area through the local School (Menzies College), Golf Club and Horse Racing,



Improve signage (both at the front of the camping ground and for instructional purpose),

lighting and to make the payment system clearer and easier for tourists to understand, process differs from Doc Sites so needs to be somewhat aligned.

Build a group bbq area for tourists/holiday makers to gather, cook and dine during the finer


Opportunity to have further small cabins, further RV Parking, further plantings/gardens to

help with privacy and shelter.

It should be noted that there is no debt related to Southern Style Adventures nor on its current

assets, further investment will actually be coming into the business from current shareholders

over the next 3-6 months.



My passion to get out and create my own business in something I love doing, started many of

years ago when I was on one of the two Outward Bound excursions I have completed.  I love

the oudoors, what it has to offer and the greatness of “Being out of the Rat Race”.  I want to

grow the Wyndham Camping ground as part of my main Southern Style Adventure Business,

thus being the building blocks in helping the business to grow exponentilally which not only

helps the Wyndham area but ultimately the wider Otago/Southland Region.



                 3 x 3 year lease with option to extend.

                Major R&M to be paid by council – in addition to what was in the RFP this needs to include water proofing the buildings, any plumbing/drainage/lines below ground level. ( I would expect that before takeover the current gutter issues on two of the buildings will be corrected). 

                Leaser will pay for all other R&M as stated in the RFP document.

                Leaser will organise lawnmowing/gardening at own cost (providing current council contract can be easily cancelled), lawns and gardens would be kept at the same condition they have if not to a better level.  This is not a cost saving measure, more of a way to ensure myself/Dad will be at the camp frequently.

                Unless otherwise required, Leaser will pay a monthly cost of $500, payable on the 20th of the following month, this will be setup as an automatic payment.




Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016









Southland District Council

Request for Proposal


Lease Wyndham Camping Ground

135 Cardigan Road


Version 2 – with additional information



Closing date:  Monday, 11 July 2016

Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


1......... INTRODUCTION.. 1

1.1.        Definitions. 1

1.2.        Dates. 1

1.3.        Ownership. 1

1.4.        Introduction to the RFP.. 1

1.5.        Aims and Objectives. 1

1.6.        Legalities. 2

1.6.1.      Confidentiality and Limitations upon Use. 2

1.6.2.      Legal Effect of Request for Proposal 2

1.6.3.      Liability for Information. 2

1.6.4.      Instructions to Respondents. 2

2......... RFP PROCESS.. 4

2.1.         Purpose. 4

2.2.         Objectives. 4

2.3.        Proposal Inclusions. 4

3......... RFP TIMETABLE.. 5

3.1.         Submission of proposals. 5

3.2.         Communication between Council and participants. 5

3.3.         Additional information and clarification. 5

3.4.         Proposal tags. 6

3.5.         GST. 6

3.6.         Canvassing. 6

3.7.         Information Required. 6

3.8.         Evaluation Criteria. 6

3.9.         Financial and Visitor information. 7

3.10.      Location Maps. 8

3.10.1.     Close up of Wyndam Camping Ground. 8

3.10.2.     Location of camping ground in relation to Wyndham.. 9

3.11.      Additional Information, for Version 2. 10

3.11.1.     Income received in camp fees / rentals at the Wyndham Camping Ground: 10

3.11.2.     Example costs incurred for the 2014/2015 financial year. 10

3.11.3.     Current fees for the Wyndham Camping Ground. 10

Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016




1.1.      Definitions


This document is divided into three sections:


Section 1 - Introduction

This is an introduction to the proposal process, providing instructions on the Request for Proposal (RFP) and response process, and an overview of Southland District Council ("Council").


Section 2 - Proposal Process

This section provides an explanation of the process and rules for submitting a proposal for this request. 


Section 3 - Business Requirements and Functional Specification

This section outlines the Business Requirements and represents the requirements of Council.  This section includes the response table.


1.2.      Dates


The release date for this RFP is Wednesday, 1 June 2016.


The close date for this RFP is 2:00 pm, Monday, 11 July 2016.


A full timeline is contained on page 5.


1.3.      Ownership


Council shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits and other attachments, in original form in an archival copy.  This document and all supplementary information provided prior to and subsequent to this RFP is commercial in confidence and all copies (produced with or without approval) will remain the property of Council and must be returned to Council upon request.


This document, or any part thereof, may only be reproduced, photocopied or transmitted with the prior approval of Council.


1.4.      Introduction to the RFP


This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the leasing of the Wyndham Camping Ground, at
135 Cardigan Road, Wyndham.  It includes powered and non-powered sites, an ablution and amenities block, a small toilet block and a pre-fab unit with three cabins.


1.5.      Aims and Objectives


The Council wishes to see the Wyndham Camping Ground utilised to its full potential, for the betterment of the surrounding area.  Currently, the Camping Ground is managed by way of a paid custodian, through the local Community Board.  The Community Board acknowledges that their core business is elsewhere and would like to lease the Grounds to an appropriate party or person as identified through this RFP process.


1.6.      Legalities


1.6.1.   Confidentiality and Limitations upon Use

The information contained within this RFP is in the public domain by virtue of the RFP process.  This information is provided solely for the purposes of enabling prospective service providers to prepare a proposal and is not to be used for any other purpose without the express permission of Southland District Council.


All information provided by Council in response to questions arising from this RFP, or in further discussions deriving from this RFP shall be considered confidential and should not be disclosed to outside parties, except to the extent that it is already publicly available.


1.6.2.   Legal Effect of Request for Proposal

Neither the issue of this RFP or your response to it will oblige either party to enter into any agreement.


1.6.3.   Liability for Information

All information provided within this document is provided only as a guide. 
We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the details.


1.6.4.   Instructions to Respondents


Respondents Information

Southland District Council understands that responses to the RFP may contain commercially sensitive information.  All information included in responses will be treated in confidence and will not be discussed with or made available to any third party.


Reference to Council or this RFP in any literature, promotional material, brochure or sales presentation is prohibited without the prior written consent of Council.  Acceptance in whole or in part of a Respondent’s proposal does not void this requirement.

OSH Certification

Council has a standard Vendor Certification process.  This entails completion of a certification form by the Respondent that includes compliance to standard OSH regulations.  This will form part of the final Contract negotiations.

Contract Conditions

Standard contract terms and conditions will be negotiated at the time of the contract award.

Clarification of RFP

Any questions relating to this RFP must be submitted to the forum attached to this notice.  Under no circumstances must Respondents contact or communicate directly with personnel other than those named in the Section 3.2.  Failure, to comply with this process may disqualify the Respondent submission.

Information Integrity

All information supplied is believed to be accurate but Council accepts no liability for incorrect or incomplete information or misinterpretation by the Respondent or any alleged misrepresentation.

Preparation Costs

Council will not be liable for costs incurred by Respondents in the preparation of their proposal.  Furthermore, any costs in relation to the answering of additional questions, or demonstration of services are entirely at the Respondent’s own expense.

Checks and Privacy Act

The Respondent confirms on its own behalf and on behalf of any key personnel referred to in its tender, that Council is authorised to verify any information included in the response or disclosed to in connection with the responder (whether that information relates to such personnel or not).


The Respondent shall at all times indemnify Council in respect of any direct loss, damage, cost (including costs incurred on a solicitor/client basis) or expense, as a direct result of services provided.


The Respondent shall maintain at its own cost, at all times during any agreement with Council, insurances relevant to any contract agreement which are within reasonable scope of the services and/or products provided. 

Validity Period

Respondents are required to agree a validity period of 120 days for their proposal, which should commence from the tender closing date.


Council reserves the right not to accept any response.

Contract Negotiation

If a response is accepted, all statements made in the response (and/or the entire body of the response) will be expected to form part of the final contract/s between Council and the successful Respondent/s.  Council expects to negotiate a contract for which the price will be fixed for all services being provided. 

New Zealand Law

Any agreement that arises from the RFP will be made under, and shall be interpreted by, the laws of New Zealand.

Successful Respondent

The successful Respondent will be notified in writing of the acceptance of their response in full or in part.  This will take the form of a formal Letter of Acceptance.

Unsuccessful Respondent

Unsuccessful Respondents will be notified in writing that their response has not been accepted.  Council makes no commitment to debrief unsuccessful responders on the evaluation and selection process.


Preparation of the response is to be made without any obligation on Council to purchase any products or services included in the proposal.


Council reserves the right to discontinue the evaluation and selection process implied by the release of this RFP, at any time and at its sole discretion.

Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016



2.1.      Purpose

The purpose of this RFP is to seek proposals from suitably qualified and experienced persons to lease the Wyndham Camping Ground.  The Council is looking for competent people to take charge of the assets, use them and take pride in them.  The Council will retain ownership of all the assets.


2.2.      Objectives

The Council wishes the Camping Ground to be operated in a commercially beneficial manner. 

The Grounds have been operating for many years and have a few ‘permanent residents’ who provide regular income.  Financial records for the previous three years can be provided upon request.

Council would prefer to lease the Grounds for a minimum term of three years.  The Contract can be terminated by mutual agreement, with three months notice.  Council also reserves the right to terminate the contract if facilities are not being maintained appropriately and not brought up to standard within one month’s written notice.


2.3.      Proposal Inclusions

Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to lease the Grounds, in the form of a business plan outlining how the Camping Ground will be run and what value Council will be paid for the lease.

As a basis, the following assumptions can be made:

The Southland District Council will arrange and pay for the following items:

·              Annual SDC and ES Rates

·              Mowing - until further notice - unless otherwise requested within the RFP.

·              Annual Camping Ground Registration

·              Insurance for buildings

·              Wheelie bins (rated) x 3

·              Renewal of assets as required

·              Hedge cutting.


The Lessee will be responsible for:

·              Power charges

·              Cleaning and consumables

·              Minor maintenance - potholes, tap-ware, stove, electrical, spot painting etc.

·              Spraying - insect control, weeds

·              Advertising

·              Toilet requisites.


The Lessee’s income will include:

·              Rentals / site hire

·              Money from coin operated showers, washing machines etc.

·              Waste station donations.


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016



The anticipated timetable for this RFP is:



1 June 2016

Issue of request for proposals

11 July 2016

Proposals due

28 July 2016

Participants notified of decision

Please note this timetable is indicative only and may be subject to change at the sole discretion of Council.  Participants will be notified of changes by the Council contact person.


3.1.      Submission of proposals

Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope and placed in the tender box, addressed to:

Kushla Tapper

Southland District Council

15 Forth Street

PO Box 903

Invercargill  9840


Alternatively, you may email your proposal to:

Proposals must be received by 2.00 pm on 11 July 2016.

You should ensure that your proposal is delivered before the closing date and time.  Council’s policy is not to consider late proposals.  However, Council does retain the right to consider late proposals where there is no material prejudice to other participants.


3.2.      Communication between Council and participants

All communications with Council concerning this RFP or requests for clarification or further information should be directed to Kushla Tapper (Council contact person), who is authorised to represent Council in all matters regarding this RFP.  The Council contact person’s contact details are:

Kushla Tapper

Southland District Council

15 Forth Street

PO Box 903

Invercargill  9840


Tel:      0800 732 732

Fax:     0800 732 329


Council will not be bound by any statement, written or verbal, made by any person other than the Council contact person.  The Council contact person (or any other person specifically authorised by the Council contact person) is the only person authorised to make representations or explanations as to this RFP.


3.3.       Additional information and clarification

Requests for clarification or additional information should be submitted to the Council contact person in writing or by email.  Any requests must be made prior to 2.00 pm on 6 July 2016.

Any requests that detail information that should be shared by all parties, will be passed on by the Council contact person, by 2pm on 7 July 2016.  This should allow all parties to adjust their proposal if required.

The Council will issue any clarification or change to the RFP by way of written amendment notice.  A copy of each amendment notice will be mailed, faxed, emailed or delivered to each person receiving this RFP.  All amendment notices issued will become part of this RFP.

Requests for information or clarification that relate solely to a proposer’s proposal will be provided to the proposer requesting the information or clarification only.

The Council will not be bound by any statement, written or verbal, made by any person other than the Council contact person.  The Council contact person and any other person authorised by the Council contact person are the only persons authorised to make representations or explanations to proposers as to this RFP.


3.4.      Proposal tags

Any tags or qualifications to the RFP documentation must be outlined in a covering letter or memorandum and included in your proposal submission.  Any tags or qualifications not included in a covering letter or memorandum will not be considered to be a part of the proposal submission and will not bind the Council.


3.5.       GST

Prices quoted should be exclusive of goods and services tax and in New Zealand dollars.


3.6.      Canvassing

Participants should not indirectly or directly lobby or canvass any elected member, officer, employee or advisor of the Council other than the Council contact person concerning any aspect of this RFP process.  Non-compliance with this requirement may lead to disqualification of the participant’s proposal.


3.7.      Information Required

Please provide the following information:

(a)        Full contact details of the key person who will be available to respond to questions.

(b)        A statement of your relevant skills that describes the competence and qualifications of all personnel that would be involved, including names, position and relevant experience.

(c)        A business plan, outlining how the Camping Ground will be run and what value Council will be paid for the lease.

(d)        Preferred duration and terms of extent of lease arrangement, including initial takeover date and any capital investments that you would like to make in the first twelve months of holding the lease.


3.8.      Evaluation Criteria

The proposals will be evaluated on the criteria below:

(a)        Experience in similar activities

(b)        Vision for how the camping ground will be run, to enhance Wyndham and surrounds.

(c)        Value of the proposed lease arrangement.

(d)        Timeframe for initial takeover.

3.9.      Financial and Visitor information

The following information is provided with the best intention.  Figures were supplied by the custodian, so accuracy cannot be guaranteed.  Note that $ figures below are exclusive of any payments made directly into the SDC bank account. 


# of guests


Accom. sites used


Money collected



Short term

 Long term







Washer /Dryer

Cash payment






















































































































































































































































information missing






















































































































































































































































































Information missing 





























































































































3.10.    Location Maps


3.10.1.   Close up of Wyndam Camping Ground







3.10.2.   Location of camping ground in relation to Wyndham





3.11.    Additional Information, for Version 2


3.11.1.   Income received in camp fees / rentals at the Wyndham Camping Ground:


Financial year

Value (excl GST)






 $12,433.25 YTD


3.11.2.   Example costs incurred for the 2014/2015 financial year


This table shows which costs are likely to be incurred by Council vs the Lease holder:



3.11.3.   Current fees for the Wyndham Camping Ground.


These were last reviewed in February 2011, effective 1 July 2011. 


Site Type

Charge from 1 July 2011

Power / Caravan Site

$12 per adult

$6 child under 13

Tent Site (non-power)

$8 per adult

$6 child under 13


$40 two people

$12 extra adult

$6 child under 13

Long term power sites

$65 single per week

$85 double per week

$110 family rate (maximum four people)

Non occupied site charge

$5 per week


If you were to become the lease holder, you would have control over the fees set / received.

Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

2 August 2016



Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Record No:        R/16/7/11718

Author:                 Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Fiona Dunlop, Committee Advisor


  Decision                             Recommendation                        Information




Action Sheet

1        Action Item list for the Community Board’s information.



That the Edendale-Wyndham Community Board:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board” dated 26 July 2016.




a         Action Sheet 2 August 2016 View    


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

02 August 2016


Edendale-Wyndham Community Board Action Sheet


Open Action Items



Due Date



Kevin McNaught


Action Sheet - Edendale-Wyndham Community Board

Report to the 22 March 2016 meeting on the process for the disposal of the Edendale Hall and Edendale Reserve Holder leases.

•     Due to issues with hall building over internal title boundary and neighbour access points onto hall property

•     This has been delayed until resolved. Discussed onsite with Community Board Chair

Kevin McNaught


Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 31 December 2015

Note the direction from the Community Board in recommendation c.

•     The Board needs to be more specific of what is in breach of the lease conditions to be enforced. Please advise details.

Tamara Dytor


Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy

Note that the Community Board approved the recommendations in the report and confirms that there are no local areas that should be considered as restricted or prohibited areas for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Kushla Tapper


Works and Finance Report to Edendale/Wyndham Community Board for the period ended 30 April 2016

Please action recommendations b, c, d and e.

•     Action point b) Requested prices from three contractors.  Prices range from $1200 to $2000.  This item will be included in the Works and Finance Report.

•     Action point c) Summarised report attached in separate document.

•     Action point d) Wyndham Camping Ground RFP was advertised in late May for closing 11 July in time for next meeting.  This item will be included in the Works and Finance Report.

•     Action Point e) Contractor approved by Council's Health and Safety process.  Felling project well underway.  Likely to be completed by the time of the next meeting.

•     Footpath summary is included in the Works and Finance Report.

•     Wyndham Camping Ground RFP (action item d) is included in a separate report for the 2 August meeting.

Virginia Dillon


Sports clubs paying rent for use of Edendale recreation reserve

Note that the Community Board received the report and added a new recommendation b.

Please action recommendation b.


Recently Closed Action Items



Completion Date



Kevin McNaught


Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy

Note that the Community Board considered the Draft Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy.  Notify the affected lessees in the Edendale and Wyndham Community Board areas Once the policy has been approved.

•     Action completed by: Kevin McNaught  Noted

•     This policy and others like the reserves and open spaces policy will be sent to all relevant parties when approved

Tina Harvey


Venture Southland - Update Report on the Proposed Edendale Community Centre Project

Note that the Board approved recommendations in the report with changes.  Action recommendations g to j as outlined above.

•     Working alongside the Finance department to investigate options moving forward with funds currently allocated.

•     Finance team preparing report for next Edendale Wyndham Community Board meeting.

•     Action completed by: Tina Harvey  Finance team preparing report for next meeting


Action Items Being Monitored



Completion Date



Anne Robson


Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Draft Estimates Report

Note that the Community Board requested that Council investigate the District funding of library services.

•      Action completed by: Anne Robson Library and finance staff have noted the community board request to review the funding of libraries. A discussion paper incorporating community views will be prepared in due course for Council to discuss the issue. Any decision would be incorporated into the draft 2018-2028 long term plan.



[1]       Before adjustment for private use of motor vehicle of $4,247.