


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Policy Review Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Council Chambers
15 Forth Street


Policy Review Committee Agenda








Rodney Dobson



Mayor Gary Tong



Lyall Bailey



Stuart Baird



Brian Dillon



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive

Steve Ruru


Committee Advisor

Fiona Dunlop





Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website




Terms of Reference for Policy Review Committee


This committee is a committee of Southland District Council and has responsibility to:


·                    Review Council policies on a regular basis as to their relevancy and appropriateness.


·                    Recommend new policies or changes to existing policies as required.


·                    Ascertain the impact of proposed Government legislation on Council policies or activities and make responses/submissions on regional matters, SOEs, etc.


·                    Review Asset Management Plans (including the renewal policy) for Council's infrastructural assets such as roading, water and sewage schemes and other Council property.


Policy Review Committee

28 September 2016




ITEM                                                                                                                                   PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                           5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                         5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                          5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5


7.1       Venture Southland Projects and Activities Report June/July 2016                       13

7.2       Draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy   29


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)      the reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)     the reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)     that item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)      that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)      the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)     no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1     Meeting minutes of Policy Review Committee, 18 May 2016





Policy Review Committee






Minutes of a meeting of Policy Review Committee held in the Council Chambers, 15 Forth Street, Invercargill on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 10.30am.





Rodney Dobson



Mayor Gary Tong



Lyall Bailey



Brian Dillon



John Douglas



Paul Duffy



Bruce Ford



George Harpur



Julie Keast



Ebel Kremer



Gavin Macpherson



Neil Paterson





Chief Executive - Steve Ruru, Group Manager, Environmental Services – Bruce Halligan, Group Manager, Community and Futures – Rex Capil, Communications Manager – Louise Pagan and Committee Advisor Fiona Dunlop


1          Apologies


There was an apology from Councillor Baird.


Moved Cr Paterson, seconded Cr Dillon and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee accept the apology.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items


There were no Extraordinary/Urgent items.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Cr Duffy, seconded Cr Dillon and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee confirms the minutes of Policy Review Committee, held on 9 March 2016 as a true and correct record of that meeting.






Venture Southland Community Development Update

Record No:         R/16/4/6220


Nicola Wills – Community Development Team Leader, Kathryn Cowie – Community Development Planner and Bobbi Brown – Group Manager – Tourism and Community Development were in attendance for this item.


Nicola Wills updated the Committee on community development activities in the Waiau Aparima Ward.  She referred to a powerpoint presentation contained in the agenda which provided information about various regional projects and local initiatives and also highlighted the Regional strategies and initiatives that are currently being undertaken.

Some of the strategies and initiatives being undertaken are as follows:

       War Memorial Upgrades

       Curio Bay Tuma Toka Vision

       Community Workers in Southland Report

       Southland Cycling Strategy

       Rural Pool Heating

       Wyndham Service Provision Review

       Volunteer Futures Project


Kathryn Cowie updated the Committee on significant projects and local initiatives in the Waiau Aparima Ward.


Local Initiatives in Otautau included:


·               Assisting the Otautau St Johns with funding applications for their new health shuttle. Funding of approximately $45,000 has secured to enable the purchase of the new vehicle.

·               The completion of a report investigating various options to heat the Otautau Community pool has been completed by Ahika Consulting with facilitated by Venture Southland.  The project is estimated to be $120,000 to $200,000.

·               Assisted with planning, flyers, posters for the Otautau Three Churches Flower & Quilt Walk.

·               Assisted with the Otautau Community Board with funding applications for BMX Track and also for restoration work for Isla Bank War memorial.

·               Assisted the Otautau RSA with funding application for a information/photo panel at the second gun shelter at the Otautau war memorial.

·               Assisted the Otautau New Life Church in the early stages but a potential major capital works project with funding advice and planning and will assist with applications as the project progresses.

·               Assisted Otautau Promotions with a funding application for new welcome signs at each end of the town.


Local Initiatives in Riverton included:


·               This restoration project of Kohi Kohi’s Cottage is now in its second stage, and funding is being sought by Venture Southland on behalf of the Southland Heritage & Building Preservation Trust to complete this.

·               Assisting the Riverton Community Board with the process of demolishing the Riverton Sound shell, facilitating the community survey which identified public opinion.  Assisting with funding applications for the subsequent beautification project of Taramea Bay.

·               Assisting Te Hikoi (along with Southland Community Law Centre) with updating trust deed, governance, policies and procedures.

·               Local Initiatives in the Thornbury & Colac Bay areas included:

·               Assisting Thornbury Vintage Tractor & Implement Club with funding and planning for various projects (new display, new building, new acquisition

·               Assisted Colac Bay Progress League with funding application for new kitchen equipment for the hall.


Local Initiatives in the Ohai & Nightcaps areas included:


·               Facilitated Natalie Jackson’s visit and population research.

·               Assisting the Ohai Community Development Area Subcommittee with the planning significant amount of work on the Ohai hall and will work with them over the coming months on funding planning and options.






Moved Cr Duffy, seconded Cr Kremer and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Community Development Update” dated 9 May 2016.




Venture Southland Projects and Activities Report February - March 2016

Record No:         R/16/4/6223


Bobbi Brown – Group Manager – Tourism and Community Development was in attendance for this item.


Mrs Brown advised that the purpose of the report was to update the Committee on the Venture Southland projects and activities for February and March 2016.


The Committee noted that there were many projects highlighted in the report.  The main highlights are as follows:

Southland Regional Development Strategy, Tourism, Waikaia Museum, Curio Bay, Sealing the Catlins Road.  Venture Southland has also been involved with linking people together




Moved Cr Douglas, seconded Cr Harpur and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Projects and Activities Report February - March 2016” dated 10 May 2016.




Tourism Trends and Issues

Record No:         R/16/4/6201


Bobbi Brown – Group Manager – Tourism and Community Development  and Warrick Low – Tourism and Events Manager will be in attendance for this item.


Mr Low advised that the purpose of the report was to provide an update on tourism in Southland including insights on visitor numbers and market trends.  It is also important to acknowledge factors outside of Southland which affect our region, including the increasing numbers of direct international flights.  The report also touched on the impacts of growth and subsequent pressures that are presented for not only Council, but the wider Southland community.  It is currently estimated that over the main tourist season (now commencing in October through to April) the Southland region is accommodating approximately four times its resident population. The increase in visitors brings opportunities but also requires a collaborative approach and understanding between all those involved directly and indirectly in the industry to fully realise the benefits.







Moved Cr Keast, seconded Cr Harpur and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Tourism Trends and Issues” dated 29 April 2016.




Draft Reserves Management Policy

Record No:         R/16/3/4677


Tamara Dytor – Policy Analyst was in attendance for this item.


Ms Dytor advised that the purposed of the report was to seek approval from the Committee to engage with the public on the draft Reserves Management Policy.


(Cr Kremer left the meeting at 11.35am and returned to the meeting at 11.39am.)


The Committee noted that the draft Reserves Management Policy provides general guidance on the administration, use, maintenance and development of reserves across the Southland District and is intended to prevent duplication of policy statements in each Reserve Management Plan.


Ms Dytor also advised that the once the report has been approved by the Committee it will be open for public consultation and engagement with Community Boards and Community Development Area Subcommittees.




Moved Cr Duffy, seconded Cr Bailey and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Draft Reserves Management Policy” dated 9 May 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision-making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Endorses the draft Reserves Management Policy for public consultation and engagement.





Community Futures Project update

Record No:         R/16/4/6192


Tamara Dytor – Policy Analyst was in attendance for this item.


1          Ms Dytor advised that the Community Futures Project is currently focused on the implications of projected demographic change for Ohai and Nightcaps and that both Ohai and Nightcaps are likely to decline in population over the next 30 years.  The Community Futures Project aims to inform Council in preparation for the development of the Long Term Plan 2017-28.

2          The meeting noted that demographic change has implications across a range of Council activities.  Changes in demographics will impact on the demand for services, township resilience, rates affordability and funding equity.

3          Ms Dytor further advised that following workshops for elected members and staff in 2015, a forum for community stakeholders was held in the Southland District Council Otautau office on 24 February 2016 and a further forum for all residents was held in the Nightcaps Community Hall 10 March 2016.

4          Councillors noted that the both sessions were well attended and were effective in gaining community feedback. Around eight community stakeholders attended the meeting held in the Southland District Council Otautau office. Around 75 residents and ratepayers attended the broader session held in the Nightcaps Community Hall. Following the engagement sessions, some written feedback was also received.

5          Sessions were structured to communicate the key information from demographers Dr Natalie Jackson and Rachel MacMillan, in context of other information available to Council. They were also intended to gather community feedback and stimulate discussions.




Moved Mayor Tong, seconded Cr Keast and resolved:

That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Community Futures Project update” dated 6 May 2016.




The meeting concluded at 12.19pm.             CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Policy Review Committee HELD ON WEDNEDSAY 18 MAY 2016.











Policy Review Committee

28 September 2016



Venture Southland Projects and Activities Report June/July 2016

Record No:        R/16/9/14897

Author:                 Hunter Andrews, Communications Manager Venture Southland

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information





1        The purpose of this report is to update the Southland District Council on Venture Southland projects and activities for June and July 2016. The accompanying document provides highlights and a full report.



That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Venture Southland Projects and Activities Report June/July 2016” dated 12 September 2016.




a         Report to Venture Southland - Project and Activities Update June - July 2016    


Policy Review Committee

28 September 2016



To:                           Venture Southland Joint Committee                                                


Date:                       15 August 2016


Subject:                 Projects and Activities Update June – July 2016


Author:                    Hunter Andrews, Communications Manager                                       


Approved:               Paul Casson, Chief Executive







Venture Southland projects and activities update for June – July 2016.










This recommendation is consistent with the Venture Southland Business Plan 2016/17, which has been adopted following public consultation.





Southland Youth Futures – ‘Invest in Youth’

On the 4th and 5th August, 196 students from three rural secondary schools spent time listening to employers talks, after they had attended Career Fest at ILT Stadium Southland.  The Southland Youth Futures ‘Invest in Youth’ programme businesses  Agricentre South Ltd, Ballace Agri-Nutrients, Niagara, Macaulay Ford, McNeill, Farm Right and Digital Stock spoke and provided an insight in to type of careers that they each had to offer. 



New Course: Lean BPI (Business Process Improvement) Programme

We are pleased to announce a new 1-day programme designed specifically for smaller businesses (less than 10-15 staff). The 1-day programme has been trialed in June and August with a total of 22 businesses completing the course. Feedback has been positive and businesses feel they have gain a good introduction to the principles and application of Lean Thinking with specific focus on the way in which they work. The programme does not include any detailed training on 5S, however this is offered as a separate 2-day course which will be combined with other Lean Cluster businesses in Nov/Dec.

Following the survey feedback a decision has been made to extend this course to the 2-day format to pack in more critical learning around root cause analysis/problem solving and spent more time on developing their future state processes. A series of 2nd day workshops will be offered to the pilot groups.


Southland District (Disabled) Accessibility Map

Venture Southland and the Southland District Council (SDC) have partnered together to develop an A3 tear-off map of the Southland District, which identifies all disabled friendly areas including tracks, toilets, eateries, taverns, museums, libraries and information centres.  While there are a number of disabled friendly areas and facilities, it was identified that there was a need to communicate their existence as many people were not aware of where they were.


The end goal was to encourage disabled residents and visitors to get out and about with confidence in and around the district.


This map is available in hard-copy (coloured, landscape, A3 tear-off pad) at i-SITE’s, Council offices and other agencies and in a PDF version for emailing, as well as on the Southland District Council and Venture Southland website.


More information is in the main body of the activity report.


ILT Kidzone Festival

Southland’s most popular family event, the ILT Kidzone Festival took place for the twelfth time over six days in the July school holidays from Wednesday 13 July to Monday 18 July, 2016. ILT Kidzone provided a fun-filled, action-packed few days and it was lots of fun as well, albeit the challenging conditions! Our patron numbers were once again significantly pleasing with close to 11,000 tickets sold for the 2016 festival. We are currently processing the post-event bits and pieces including reporting and financials


Tourism Trade Familiarisations

Southland is hosting two major famils that both reinforce target markets (e.g. Australia Self Drive) and emerging markets (cruise).

·    Preparation for Crystal Cruise Famil in conjunction with TNZ.  1 TNZ representative, 1 Crystal Cruises Operations Manager 3 Representatives from Cruise NZ into Stewart Island/Rakiura in August. Invercargill and Stewart Island.

·    Preparation for Flight Centre Famil in September in conjunction with TNZ.  Participants are product managers and front liners from Flight Centres around Australia (4 x NSW, 3 x QLD, 1 x SA, 1 x VIC).  Through Fiordland into Southland including Invercargill, Bluff and Curio Bay. 


Chinese  Results

The Venture Southland Tourism and Events team has been working on expanding the profile of Southland and Invercargill specifically into the Chinese market, with  efforts starting to show results. Through a combination of working with chiense media, chinese trade, iSITE operations (including China Pay option) and digital media initiatives over 8 media results and 4 trade initiatives have been developed over the last two months.




Southland Youth Futures – ‘Invest in Youth’

On the 4th and 5th August, 196 students from three rural secondary schools spent time listening to employers talks, after they had attended Career Fest at ILT Stadium Southland.


The Southland Youth Futures ‘Invest in Youth’ programme businesses  Agricentre South Ltd, Ballace Agri-Nutrients, Niagara, Macaulay Ford, McNeill, Farm Right and Digital  Stock spoke and provided an insight in to type of careers that they each had to offer. 


Feedback received was very positive.


Regional Business Partner Programme

Venture Southland successfully completed the 2015/2016 funding year of the Regional Business Partner Programme, allocating $180,000 across 214 Southland businesses over the year. The 2016/2017 year has started well, with updated KPIs being negotiated with NZTE and a range of promotional activities to raise awareness of the programme, including advertorials in both the Southland Times and Southland Express in July 2016.


Building on previous new product development workshops, Venture Southland, in partnership with Callaghan Innovation are to run a number of ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Innovation Ready’ workshops in the region across the year, to help prepare businesses for innovation and to make those who are already innovating more aware of the range of programmes and services on offer. This four part innovation series is designed to assist companies to understand the innovation pathway with the intent of driving increased volumes of R & D. The four workshops will include:

·    ‘New Product Development’ (NPD) - getting the basics right (& what not to do - mistakes) – 12 July – 12 representatives from 11 Southland businesses attended. Feedback was extremely positive and numbers registered on the second workshop are up.  The business team is working with three businesses from the first workshop on Callaghan Innovation funding applications

·    ‘The latest thinking in NPD’ - Lean NPD – 18 August – to date, 19 people from 14 business have registered

·    ‘A tool to gain better customer insights’ - D-thinking – 27 September – to date, 19 people from 11 businesses have registered

·    ‘Building smarter innovations’ (10 types of innovations) – 18 October – to date, 21 from 14 businesses have registered

Two workshops aimed at the Tourism sector have also been organised for July and August 2016.


The first workshop, ‘Investment Decisions in Tourism’, focused on investment strategies in tourism. On 22nd of July, Stephen Hamilton, hotel and tourism investment specialist, spoke to an audience of 20 people representing various regional organisation and tourism operators about the importance of understanding the market, challenges and constraints, and provided insight into how to price and cost tourism products, forecast employment requirements and understand critical investment success factors.


The next workshop, ‘Tourism Product Development’, scheduled for 24th of August, will be led by top consultants Maven. This workshop is aimed at tourism operators, business people, policy makers and community groups with an interest in product development or who are looking adding/developing further tourism products.


These build on workshops undertaken last year aimed at the Tourism sector and have been co-promoted with two Tourism marketing workshops being presented by the Venture Southland Tourism team.



Southland Dairy Lean – Farm Tune

Following the continued success of the Southland Lean initiative, DairyNZ are committed to establishing Lean as a core business activity. Venture Southland is continuing to work with DairyNZ to ensure the programme is scalable at the required standard to ensure positive outcomes. To date, 35 Southland farms have been through the programmes.

Lean Manufacturing - 2016 Lean Cluster

The 6 participating companies in the 2016 Lean Manufacturing Programme have nearly completed their 6-month training course, with Workshop #7 delivered on Tuesday, 2 August. All 6 teams are progressing well and busy developing improved ‘Future State’ business processes and starting to transform their physical workspaces in a specific ‘pilot area’ of the business (application of 5S).

The businesses have also been busy developing their 2 year Implementation Plan which will be presented back to the group along with their Lean ‘Journey’, to date, at the programme Review Session to be held on the 15th September. All Committee members are welcome to attend the final Session to hear their stories and celebrate the completion of another successful Lean cluster programme.

Annual Forum; 1-2-1 Lean Check Ups; Lean Accelerator and 5S Training Programmes

Following the full 6-month intensive Lean Programme, businesses are supported by Venture Southland through a range of initiatives and training events, including the Annual Forum which was held in June. Additional to the Annual Forum, Lean Accelerator and 5S Training short courses have been delivered in June and July. These 2-day intensive courses are designed to upskill new staff/managers within businesses that have already completed the Venture Southland Lean Management Programme. Again, feedback from business owners/managers and staff have been overwhelmingly positive, confirming the value of continuing short-course training. 45 people completed the Lean Accelerator and 5S Training courses in June/July.


·    Due to increased demand we will be running an additional 5S Training Programme during Nov/Dec.

·    Cluster Event: Lean Visit to Tiwai with Clinton Yeats in December.

·    Other formal and informal vists to other Lean Businesess

We are pleased to announce a new 1-day programme designed specifically for smaller businesses (less than 10-15 staff). The 1-day programme has been trialed June and August with a total of 22 businesses completing the course.

Small Business Roadshow

On July 4th, Venture Southland assisted MBIE with holding a small business roadshow to highlight the available services provided. Over 100 people attended this session at the Kelvin Hotel.

This national series was organised by MBIE and the Minister of Small Business - Minister Craig Foss. It provided  a general overview of available services and support, and also case studies of local businesses who have utilised the services.


The series incorporated the Regional Business Partner programme and wider government services, including IRD, WorksafeNZ, NZTE, Callaghan Innovation and ACC. It also provided a vehicle for local businesses to provide feedback on services and programmes currently available.




Wood Energy South

The Wood Energy South project team hosted a symposium on Thursday 21 July attended by 45 people. It was an exciting opportunity for commercial and industrial heat plant users, owners, and stakeholders to learn more about biomass boilers and their application in Southland. This event covered case studies on converting existing coal boilers, installing new biomass boilers and co-firing opportunities (combining coal and woodchip).


All presentations have been made available on and have been shared with industry associations and organisations investigating their energy options.


Methane Recovery

Dairy Green hosted a site visit for EECA, Venture Southland on 22 July to see the system in place and is expecting the commissioning to be completed in mid-August. As milking has started and more effluent is being pumped into the pond there has been good gas production. Dairy Green have received a lot of positive feedback on the project and farmers interested in installing the system following articles published in the Southland express and the Fiordland Advocate.


Venture Southland is now developing a monitoring plan and funding proposal with NIWA, EECA and DairyNZ to support the concept of making this a reliable and streamlined process.


Venture Southland has completed a Silica Opportunity profile and this has been peer reviewed and passed on to a number of interested parties. This project is focused on process technology, market trends, infrastructure, electricity demands and the consent related matters, economic impacts and financial viability.


Detailed analysis of the Southland silica gravel samples has been conducted by SINTEF, Norway, confirmed the presence of high quality silica deposits which can be processed to manufacture electronics grade and solar grade silicon. A number of interested parties are currently evaluating the opportunity.


Space Industry – Ground Stations

Robin McNeill attended SpaceOps 2016 conference in May, where he presented a joint McNeill/Canny paper describing the developments at Awarua. At the conference, Robin was able to market Awarua Satellite Ground Station to a number of very interested space agencies. There are a number of promising leads that are being followed up. It also provided an important and necessary opportunity to renew acquaintances with existing colleagues in the space operations sector. Approximately 600 people attended the conference.

Venture Southland continues to lead MBIE and MFAT to renew the NZ Government – European Space Agency Arrangement.





Media Results and Familiarisations

Venture Southland hosts a number of famils with media different platforms including social media, print and digital. Please see list below that includes the areas that were explored along with the journalists name and publications they are associated with. Southland stories from famils (familiarisation) facilitated by Venture Southland have featured in number of national and international magazines, newspapers, international websites and television shows. 

A list of these is appended.



Trade Shows, Famils & Promotion

The utilisation of trade channels such as inbound operators (IBOs) and national tourism organisations (Tourism NZ) is a recognised format for driving sales to commissionable products (businesses that charge and offer commission to distribution channels) and building brand recognition in an affordable manner. Trade activities for the period include:

·    Attended Best of New Zealand Road Show with Tourism NZ on behalf of IMA (Waitaki, Dunedin, and Southland).  Targeted 4 of the largest cities in the US. Presented at 13 events over 4 cities in 5 days.  460 Agents and 50 consumers reached.  South very well received. 

·    Organising Crystal Cruise Famil in conjunction with TNZ.  1 TNZ representative, 1 Crystal Cruises Operations Manager 3 Representatives from Cruise NZ into Stewart Island/Rakiura in August. Invercargill and Stewart Island.

·    Preparation for Flight Centre Famil in September in conjunction with TNZ.  Participants are product managers and front liners from Flight Centres around Australia (4 x NSW, 3 x QLD, 1 x SA, 1 x VIC).  Through Fiordland into Southland including Invercargill, Bluff and Curio Bay. 

·    Preparing to represent Southland at Southern Trade Days event in Auckland August 3 & 4.  Also working with 3 Operators attending from Southland.


Consumer Campaigns, Digital/Social Media and Consumer Shows

Southland tourism team undertakes and participates in a number of consumer focused campaigns. These appeal directly to consumers to create awareness, shape perceptions, influence decision making and act as call to actions through major information sources. Below is a list of consumer activities undertaken by Venture Southland for the past three months:

·    On ya bike campaign preparation. Partnering with NZME this campaign is targeting the North Island domestic tourism shoulder season market of recreational cyclists and mountain bikers. Promoting the amazing cycling and mountain biking opportunities that we have in Southland such as Around the Mountain cycle trail and mountain biking trails in Invercargill and Bluff among others.  To be executed at the beginning of September, 2016.

·    Great NZ Summer Road Trip preparation. Partnering with NZME this campaign is targeting the North Island domestic tourism summer season market of holiday makers and road trippers. Promoting the fantastic recreational activities associated with the Southern Scenic Route, Northern Southland, Gore and Stewart Island. To be executed mid-October.  

·    South Island Journeys preparation. Partnering with Tourism New Zealand this campaign is targeting the Australian market. TNZ along with major partners such as Flight Centre, SOUTH, THL Rentals, AirNZ and Jetstar are contributing a significant investment (around $1 million) towards the campaign which includes outdoor advertising, video placement, content generation, digital rich media, banner advertising etc. The campaign will be promoting five unique South Island Journeys, one of which is the Southern Scenic Route, including all relevant businesses along the way. Venture Southland are providing a large amount of content for the Southland section of this campaign. (mid-September)

·    Our NZ Escape  social media, blog and itinerary promotional campaign (October)

·    Wildboy (social influencer) circumnavigation of Stewart Island (November)



Product Development, Industry Engagement, Business Advice and Projects

The tourism team met with and advised a variety of tourism sector operators and undertaking projects in relation to:

•           Coachman’s Inn – Invercargill

•           New accommodation propositions (x3) – Western Southland, Fiordland, Stewart Island

•           Cycling and Walking product projects – Fiordland, Gore, Invercargill

•           Heritage product projects (x3) – Riverton, Invercargill

•           Farm product projects (x – Northern Southland

•           Investment Decisions in Tourism workshop (held on 22 July with 26 attendees)

•           Tourism Product Development workshop (to be held on 24th August)

•           Tourism Digital Marketing workshop (to be held on 1st September)

•           Tourism Getting Ready for Trade workshop (to be held on 29th September)

•           Visitor Strategy RFP with Southland Regional Development Strategy

•           Southland Regional Development Strategy, representing in working groups for Tourism and Destination Attraction


ILT Kidzone Festival

Southland’s most popular family event, the ILT Kidzone Festival took place for the twelfth time over six days in the July school holidays from Wednesday 13 July to Monday 18 July, 2016. ILT Kidzone provided a fun-filled, action-packed few days and it was lots of fun as well, albeit the challenging conditions! Our patron numbers were once again significantly pleasing with close to 11,000 tickets sold for the 2016 festival. We are currently processing the post-event bits and pieces including reporting and financials.  


Matariki Festival 2016

The annual celebration of Maori New Year took place on the 18 and 19 June at the Southland Museum and Art Gallery delivering a suite of events including a programme of Maori filmmakers' short films from the Wairoa Maori Film Festival, weaving workshops and kapa haka performances.


Lifting Up The Arts--mentoring workshop for youth

Venture Southland and the Murihiku Maori and Pasifika Cultural Trust delivered a two-day, live-in workshop for young people focussed on a potential career in the Arts. Five tutors, from the professional arts industries worked with twenty-one young people. Eight students from Central Southland College, Fiordland College, Northern Southland College, Aparima College and Limehills School attended. The workshops involved acting and music and was supported with funding from the SDC Creative Communities Scheme.





Effectively Engage with Travel Trade & Market Development

·    TEC Conference bid in progress to be submitted by 24th September

·    Sarah attended the Lower South Island Operators Trade Show in Auckland 2-4 August


Domestic and International Marketing

·    Our New Zealand Escape – see above.  This will be aired on NZ TV on TV One and on Air NZ inflight entertainment for 2 years

·    Featured in the Air New Zealand Kia Ora Magazine Events page for the Te Anau Illuminations Festival

·    Planning stages of Lower South Island iSITE visits and training

·    Contributing to the Southern Scenic Route attendance at the Christchurch Show

·    Date set for Fiordland Tourism Expo – 14th October 2016



Via Southern Lakes International Marketing Alliance

·    SL attended Kiwi Link India & Singapore in July (DQ attended)

·    SL will attend Best of US series in September: Boston, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Denver (DF attending)

·    SL will attend Kiwi Link SE Asia (LWT attending)


Appendix 2 - More information of Destination Fiordland Media Engagement in


South Island Road Trips campaign - Via SOUTH marketing alliance

Tourism New Zealand is launching its biggest marketing campaign for 2017 in Australia on the 12th September.  It will run for 6 weeks and will promote travel to the South Island for the period March to May 2017 using Christchurch as the gateway airport.  The campaign incorporates 14 South Island Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) across 5 touring routes and is called the South Island Journeys campaign.   The Southern Scenic Route is one of the 5 featured journeys and we will be providing images and content for the campaign. (Both VS and Destination Fiordland are SOUTH members)





Curio Bay Tumu Toka Vision

The South Catlins Charitable Trust, working alongside their partners SDC, DOC and local iwi, have reached an exciting time as a number of projects they have planned around the Curio Bay camp ground area come together.


Venture Southland is providing overall assistance with coordination of all components associated with achieving the vision and working closely with the Trust in particular.  The project is at a critical stage after many years of preparation.


·    SDC start construction of the wastewater treatment plant at the end of August.

·    DOC have received Resource Consent for the construction of the car park with work to start around November

·    Plans are now completed for the Natural Heritage Visitor Centre. The Trust has decided to delay construction of the Natural Heritage Visitor Centre to March 2017, after the next penguin breeding season.

·    Venture Southland is currently facilitating an Expressions of Interest process on behalf of the Trust for the overall business operation of the Curio Bay reserve. This operation could include the Visitor Centre café, interpretation and retail. It is envisaged the camping ground component being subleased to managers.

·    The Trust’s Ablution and Kitchen building fit out is now well underway and this building should be onsite within the camp ground in November.

·    Successful Governance Group meeting held in June and July.

·    AGM held at Tokanui RSA Hall on 14th July with Fergus Sutherland, Tourism representative on the South East Marine Protection Forum, guest speaker.


With growth in tourism in the region, particularly in the Catlins and along the Southern Scenic Route, there is more and more need for improved visitor management, provision of adequate infrastructure and high quality unique visitor experiences – all which will be provided with this project thanks to a collaborative approach from key stakeholders.


Health and Safety Workshops

With the new Health and Safety at Work Act comming into force on 4 April 2016, Venture Southland identified a need to have information available specifically for not-for-profit organisations, volunteer groups and community organisations to cater for the impact the new Health and Safety Act will have on the running of their organisations and events in the future.


The Venture Southland Community Development team have partnered with the Southland Community Law Centre, and have presented a seven free workshops throughout the Southland region, specifically catering for what the Health and Safety Act will mean for voluntary community organisations.


The workshops were held in the following places –

                                                                            No Attending

-     Invercargill – 23 May 2016                                        45

-     Gore – 2 June 2016                                                   34

-     Lumsden – 7 June 2016                                            22

-     Wyndham – 8 June 2016                                           35

-     Winton – 14 June 2016                                                        46

-     Otautau – 16 June 2016                                            36

-     Te Anau  - 23 June 2016                                           40


Southland District (Disabled) Accessibility Map

Venture Southland and the Southland District Council (SDC) have partnered together to develop an A3 tear-off map of the Southland District, which identifies all disabled friendly areas including tracks, toilets, eateries, taverns, museums, libraries and information centres.  While there are a number of disabled friendly areas and facilities, it was identified that there was a need to communicate their existence as many people were not aware of where they were.


The end goal was to encourage disabled residents and visitors to get out and about with confidence in and around the district.


Venture Southland staff working collaboratively with Janet Thomas (SDC Team Leader Customer Support and Inclusive Communities Liaison) completed the first two stages of the project which required the identification and verification of areas and facilities suitable for the map.  This required a process of contacting a significant number of possible areas and facilities to ascertain whether they could be included on the map or not.  There was also an assessment of public facilities (including toilets) undertaken as well as walking tracks alongside the Department of Conservation.


It is interesting to note that while the focus was to identify facilities suitable for those with disabled access, these facilities are also suitable for those with small children in prams.  There was interest in particular in which walking tracks could be accessed and used by both wheel chairs and prams.


The project relates directly to the Southland District Council Inclusive Communities Strategy and Action Plan which aims to reduce barriers to participation in the community by providing an environment that is equally accessible to all people, physically, socially and culturally.  Venture Southland supports this Strategy and approach as demonstrated with the collaborative partnership undertaken with this project.


This map is available in hard-copy (coloured, landscape, A3 tear-off pad) at i-SITE’s, Council offices and other agencies and in a PDF version for emailing, as well as on the Southland District Council and Venture Southland website.





Southland Cycling Strategy

Status:  UNDERWAY - due to be completed August 2016.

This is a joint strategy undertaken with Southland District Council, Invercargill City Council, Gore District Council and Environment Southland along with cycling groups, to provide direction for planning and investment decisions, identifying feasible projects for inclusion in future works programmes aimed at improving cycling infrastructure and opportunities in the region. The process is tracking according to schedule with the Strategy due to be presented to key stakeholders for feedback and public review shortly.


Catlins Tourism Strategy Review

Status:  COMPLETED – implementation phase

The development of this document was facilitated by Venture Southland at the request of the local community. This strategy is now final after consultation with key stakeholders and forms part of the wider Southland Visitor Strategy and closely links with SoRDS. Venture Southland is currently working alongside Catlins Coast Inc. to develop an implementation plan for the strategy.


Pool Heating Assessments


The Pool Heating assessment reports have identify for each pool various options in regards to making their pool more energy and cost efficient. Monitoring of the pools that have installed new heating systems will continue through the next season as this information will be useful for other pools looking at similar technology.


Pool heating assessments have been completed for the following pools - Tuatapere, Riversdale, Otautau, Manapouri, Fiordland, Hauroko, and Riverton.


The final assessment is currently underway for the Tokanui Pool with the first draft of this report imminent. This assessment was an addition to the original brief.





The Community Development team work alongside a large number of community groups and initiatives throughout the year, providing a range of services.  The following are a brief update of just some of these projects:


Winton Memorial Hall Upgrade

Venture Southland staff have continued to work alongside the Winton Community Board as they complete a major upgrade of their Hall. Funding has successfully been secured for the project from Lottery Community Facility Fund, SDC Community Initiatives Fund, Community Trust of Southland, Lion Foundation and Southern Trust.


Wyndham and Districts Historical Society

Due to seismic issues with the current location of the Wyndham museum it will be closed to the public by January 2018. Venture Southland has been working alongside Southland District Council, Southland Regional Heritage Committee and with the Society to plan for the inventory and packing of their collection. Venture Southland is continuing to work alongside the Society to identify possible options for relocation and requirements for future heritage interpretation opportunities.


Lumsden Heritage Trust

Venture Southland have assisted the Lumsden Heritage Trust with their proposal to the Southland District Council for the lease of Railway Carriages from Wairio. The Heritage Trust was successful in obtaining the lease of passenger carriage A525. Venture Southland will continue to provide ongoing assistance as the Trust progress with this project.


Northern Southland Development Trust

Venture Southland has assisted the Northern Southland Development Trust with funding applications to Southland Regional Heritage Fund, Northern Southland Development Fund and SDC Community Initiatives Fund for the updating and printing of the Northern Southland Heritage Brochure.  Venture Southland also assisted the Trust with their AGM in June.


Manapouri Hall upgrade

Venture Southland staff have worked alongside the Manapouri CDA to secure funding for the next stage of their hall upgrade. Funding has been secured from Community Trust of Southland and Southern Trust and will allow the CDA to commence the next stage of the upgrade.




Appendix 1




Lost of Media Results and Familiarisations


·    Wilderness Magazine, Alina Suchanski, Result, August, Takitimus

·    Wilderness Magazine, Pat Barret, Result, August, Mavora Lakes, Livingstone Mountains

·    Southern Metropolis Weekly, Richard Liu, Result, July, Bluff Oyster Festival, Bluff

·    NZ Herald, David Fisher, Result, Who we are: Country music and ices down south, July, Bluff, Gore

·, Caroline Botting, Result, Lets move to... Riverton, Fairfax Media – July

·    Result - Tourist Times, East and West Southland, Invercargill, Gore, Stewart Island - July 2016

·    Result -, Brittany Mackie, Bill Richardson Transport World to open Classic Motorcycle Mecca, The Southland Times, Fairfax Media - July 2016

·    Result -, Georgia Weaver, Garments fitted for the Gore Hokonui Fashion Design Awards, Southland Times, Gore, Hokonui Fashion Awards - July 2016

·    Result -, 5 things to do in the Catlins, Brittany Pickett, Catlins, Southland - July 2016

·    Result - Six things to do in Southland, Travel, NZ Herald News, Gore Fiordland, Catlins, Invercargill, Stewart Island, Bluff - June 2016

·    Result - Herald On Sunday Travel, 6 of the best things to do in Southland, Gore, Fiordland, Catlins, Invercargill, Stewart Island, Bluff - June 2016

·    Result - Kia Ora Magazine, Air New Zealand, Hokonui Fashion Awards, Te Anau Illumination Festival, Gore, Te Anau - June 2016

·    Result - Australia & New Zealand Magazine, The Open Road, Catlins Coast - May 2016

·    Result - Wilderness Magazine, Hidden Gems of the long pathway, Evelyne De Boeck, Takitimus, Te Araroa Trail - June 2016

·    Result - Sina Weibo, Southland Images, Southern Scenic Route - June 2016

·    Result -, Dave Nicoll, Venture Southland gets insight into Chinese perspective of Southland, Elly Chang - June 2016

·    Result -, Southlanders being asked to open homes for guests of the World Shearing and Wool Handling Championships, Lorneville Lodge & Holiday Park, Karen Bellew, Southland - June 2016

·    Result -, Southland on the money as tourists buy in to the region, Amber-Leigh Woolf, Southland, Bill Richardson Transport World - June 2016

·    Result - Kia Ora Winton - New Zealand Holidays, NZ Herald News, Winton, Southland - June 2016

·    Result - Tourist Times, Northern Southland, Western Southland,  Stewart Island, Invercargill - June 2016

·    Result - New Zealand Gardener, Jo McCarroll, A gardeners road trip to Gore, Northern Southland, Gore - June 2016

·    Result - New Zealand Gardner, Culture Club, Robert Guyton, Riverton, Western Southland - June 2016

·    Result - We Chat, Richard Liu, Director of D&L Travel, Bluff Oyster and Food Festival, Bluff, Chinese Language - June 2016

·    Result - Chinese Travel Forum, Richard Liu, Director of D&L Travel, Stewart Island, Chinese Language - June 2016

·    Result -, Fairfax Media, Hannah McLeod, Bluff boys hit the big-time in 'Crayfishers' - June 2016

·    Result -, Fairfax Media, The Press, Ewan Sargent, 10 cool things about Invercargill - June 2016

·    Result -, Fairfax media, The Press, Hannah McLeod, Bluff Oyster & Food Festival could expand in 2017 - May 2016

·    Result:, Fairfax Media, The Press, Ewan Sargent, Bluff's beautiful oysters are a national treasure, Bluff - June 2016

·    Result - Tourism New Zealand News, Motorcycles add new attraction to Invercargill’s transport heritage, Bill Richardson Transport World - May 2016

·    Result - Wilderness Magazine, Shaun Barnett, Winters Better, Rakiura Track, Stewart Island - June 2016

·    Famil – Asuka Trade Famil, Taiwanese, Southland and Fiordland – June 2016

·    Famil – TV3 The Café, Debbie Griffiths Travel Segment, Invercargill, Catlins, Stewart Island – June 2016

·    Famil – North and South Magazine, Mike White, Invercargill, Riverton – June 2016

·    Famil – Review Publishing, Caitlin Mitchell, Gore, Invercargill – July 2016

·    Famil – House Hunters International (TV), Southland

·    Instagram – Southland NZ following has increased by 23% since the end of May to 15,900 followers

·    Facebook – Southland NZ has 33,501 total followers and achieved a reach over 496,381 from 1 June to 29 July

·    Burt Munro Challenge – event media pitching

·    Southland Weibo account was established on 22 June. So far has 282 followers, has built connections with key NZ tourism operators/RTOs.

Weibo article- Bill Richardson Transport World-over 18000views

Weibo article- Stewart Island-over 6500 views

Weibo article- Queens Park-3550 views

·    Chinese Travel magazine《私家地理Travel+Leisure- Bluff, Bluff Seafood Festival, Stewart Island, Invercargill, Bill Richardson Transport World, Gore, Mataura, Fly Fishing, Hokonui Moonshine Whiskey, Slope Point, Curio Bay


Appendix 2


Destination Fiordland Media and Member Engagement


·    Tabi Salad – Japanese Travel Magazine results (May visit) received – programme aired on the 4th June – 6,073,804 viewers - NZ$1,037,542 Equivalent Advertising Value (EAV) and featured Milford Sound cruise and kayak

·    Hosted 2Tui Productions for the Our NZ Escape TV programme.  JV with Southland Tourism team.  Southland/Fiordland episode to be shown on the 29th October (TBC).  Social media opportunities being communicated now and prize package request has gone out to operators involved.

·    Hosted Taiwan agent ASUKA media team – JV Southland & Fiordland feature for their magazine

·    Working on 2 Tourism New Zealand media files for spring.

·    Working on a SE Asia TV programme through NZ Trade and Industry

·    Represented Fiordland at the PGG Wrightson presentation in Queenstown – 7th August

·    Presentation to the TNZ Media and Content team & hosted for 4 days in Fiordland - 8 - 11 August


Policy Review Committee

28 September 2016



Draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy

Record No:        R/16/8/13713

Author:                 Robyn Rout, Policy Analyst

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information





1        This report presents a draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy for the Committee’s consideration.  If approved, this document will be available for public consultation from the first of October to the 26th of November 2016.

Executive Summary

2        This report outlines the draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy (attached) and seeks the committee’s approval to release the draft policy for public consultation.



That the Policy Review Committee:

a)         Receives the report titled “Draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy” dated 21 September 2016.

b)         Determines that this matter or decision be recognised as not significant in terms of Section 76 of the Local Government Act 2002.

c)         Determines that it has complied with the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 to the extent necessary in relation to this decision; and in accordance with Section 79 of the Act determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter.

d)         Approves the draft Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy for release for public consultation.




3        The last Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy was adopted in May 2015.  Prior to it being adopted, a thorough review and consultation process was undertaken.  The Council is not aware of any major issues that have arisen with the policy since its adoption, and it seems to be operating effectively.



4        Land that has a dwelling on it or that is used for economic benefit will not be eligible for rates remission or postponement.  This policy seeks to recognise and support the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions, with their ancestral land.

5        The draft policy is not significantly different from the current policy.  Amendments have been made to the roles and responsibilities section of the policy to reflect changes in roles within Council, in addition to clarification of some minor matters.  Changes are identified in the draft policy attached, in red text.

Factors to Consider

Legal and Statutory Requirements

6        The Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy is a statutory requirement under Section 102 of the Local Government Act (2002).  The policy acknowledges that some Māori Freehold Land may have particular conditions, ownership structures or other circumstances which make it appropriate to remit or postpone rates.  The policy sets out the criteria and conditions attached to the remission or postponement of rates on Māori Freehold Land.

7        This policy has been reviewed to meet a requirement of the Local Government Act (2002) (Section 108) which states that the policy must be reviewed at least once every six years using a consultation process.  The policy is being reviewed in the lead up to the 10 Year Plan. 

8        The proposal allows the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy to be released for public consultation in compliance with Section 82(A) of the Local Government Act (2002).

Community Views

9        If the Committee endorse the draft policy and approve its release for public consultation, consultation will occur from the first of October until the 26th of November 2016.  The proposal will be available at Area Offices, and on the Southland District Council website.  A notification will also be made in the Ngai Tahu publication, Te Panui Runaka, and in the Southland Times.  Submissions will be able to be made by post or on the Southland District Council website. Due to the minor nature of the proposed amendments, at this stage it is proposed that there will be no provision to make oral submissions on the policy.

10      Consultation will be undertaken in accordance with the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.  Some pre-consultation discussions have already occurred with Te Ao Marama.  The consultation process proposed will allow Council to consider community views regarding this policy.

Costs and Funding

11      There are no costs associated with implementing the draft policy. The financial value of remitted and postponed rates on Māori freehold land is low and the number of ratepayers granted remissions and postponements is small.  The changes proposed to the policy will not change who and what rates are remitted and postponed.

Policy Implications

12      This policy does not need to be included in the 10 Year Plan 2018-2028 and will not be included in the consultation document for the 10 Year Plan.  Consultation will occur through a separate process along with other Council policies which are being reviewed in the lead up to the 10 Year Plan 2018-2028.


Options Considered

13      Committee could choose to:

·           Endorse the draft policy and approve its release for consultation (Option 1); or

·           Offer an alternative or amendment to the draft policy (Option 2).

Analysis of Options

Option 1 – Endorse the draft policy and approve its release for consultation



·      The amendments to the policy will be in line with roles and responsibilities of Council.

·      The changes proposed to the current policy are not significant as it has been effective for a number of years.

·        There are no disadvantages.

Option 2 – Offer an alternative or amendment



·        The Committee can update or change the draft policy.

·        There are no disadvantages.

Assessment of Significance

14      The review of the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy has not been assessed as significant.  The financial impacts of any of the options listed above will be relatively minor and proposed changes are unlikely to have a substantial impact on communities or large numbers of ratepayers.

Recommended Option

15      It is recommended that the Committee endorse the draft policy and approve its release for consultation (Option 1).

Next Steps

16      Once Council has received and considered submissions, the policy will be brought back to Council for adoption. It is planned that the new policy will take effect from 1 July 2017.



a         DRAFT Remission and postponement of Rates on Maori Freehold Land for 10 Year Plan 18-28     

Policy Review Committee

28 September 2016







This policy applies to:  Council and owners of Māori freehold land





Policy owner:

Community and Futures

TRIM reference number:


Effective date:


Approved by:


Date approved:


Next review date:







1.           PURPOSE.. 2


3.           POLICY DETAILS.. 2

3.1         Background. 2

3.2         Objectives. 3

3.3         Conditions and Criteria for the Postponement and Remission of Rates on Maori Freehold Land  3

3.4         Postponement of Rates. 3

3.5         Remission of Penalties. 3

3.6         Remission of Rates. 4

3.7         Existing decisions on Maori Freehold land. 4

3.8         Length of decision. 4



6.           REVISION RECORD.. 5







            Southland District Council has developed the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land Policy (the Policy) to ensure fair and equitable collection of rates from all sectors of the community.  The Policy recognises that certain Māori-owned lands have particular features, ownership structures or other circumstances that make it appropriate to provide rates relief.


            The Policy provides the framework for granting remissions and postponements for the payment of rates and penalties on Māori freehold land, as is adopted under Section 102(2)(e) and Section 108 of the Local Government Act (2002).








Local Government Act (2002)


Local Government (Rating) Act (2002)

Maori freehold land

Land whose beneficial ownership has been determined by the Māori Land Court by freehold order.

Service Rates

Sewerage and water rates, recycling and rubbish bin collection rates

Waahi Tapu

Place sacred to Maori in the traditional, religious, ritual or mythological sense.





3.1     Background


The Southland District Council carries out its rating function in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LGRA) and the LGA.


All Māori freehold land in the Southland District is liable for rates in the same manner as if it were general land (as per section 91 LGRA).


Māori Freehold land is defined in the LGRA as land whose beneficial ownership has been determined by a freehold order issued by the Māori Land Court.  Only land that is the subject of such an order may qualify for remission or postponement under this policy.


Whether rates are remitted in any individual case will depend on the individual circumstances of each application.  Schedule 11 of the LGA identifies the matters which must be taken into account by Council when considering rates relief on Māori freehold land.


When considering the objectives listed below Council must take into account:

•           the desirability and importance of the objectives (3.2) to the District; and.

•           whether remitting the rates would assist attainment of those objectives.


3.2       Objectives


The objectives of rates remission and postponement on Māori freehold land by Council are:

(a)        supporting the use of the land by the owners for traditional purposes;

(b)        recognising and supporting the relationship of Māori and their culture and    traditions with their ancestral lands;

(c)        avoiding further alienation of Māori freehold land;

(d)        facilitating any wish of the owners to develop the land for economic use;

(e)        recognising and taking account of the presence of waahi Waahi tapu Tapu that may affect the use of the land for other purposes;

(f)        recognising and taking account the importance of the land in providing economic and infrastructure support for marae and associated papakainga housing (whether on the land or elsewhere);

(g)        recognising and taking account of the importance of the land for community goals relating to:

i.          the preservation of the natural character of the coastal environment,

ii.          the protection of outstanding natural features,

iii.         the protection of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna;

(h)        recognising the level of community services provided to the land and its occupiers;

(i)         recognising matters related to the physical accessibility of the land.


3.3       Conditions and Criteria for the Postponement and Remission of Rates on Maori Freehold Land


Conditions for the rates to receive rates remission include for defined Maori freehold land to be:

·                Maori freehold land as set out in the definitions

·                not occupied by a dwelling, out-building or commercial building; and

·                not used for economic benefit.


Applications for remission of rates on Māori freehold land must be made in writing, and should include:

•           a description of the size, position and current use of the land,

•           an indication of the ownership and documentation that shows the land which is subject to the application for rates remission is Māori freehold land,

•           outline future plans for the land (if any),

•           sources and level of income generated by the land (if any),

•           financial accounts if requested,

•           outline the reason for the request,

•           describe how the application meets any one or more of the objectives listed in 3.2.


Council may grant a remission of up to 100% of all rates, except Service Rates.


3.4       Postponement of Rates


Council does not postpone rates for Māori freehold land; however, it will remit 100% of rates (excluding Service Rates) on application, if the application meets the criteria set out in 3.3.


3.5       Remission of Penalties


Remission on rates penalties on Māori freehold land will be subject to application meeting the criteria set out in 3.3.  Each application will be considered on its merits and remission will be granted where it is considered just and equitable to do so.


Where significant arrears exist, penalties may be remitted whilst regular payments are made to reduce the arrears balance. 


Decisions on remission of penalties will be made on the same basis as remission of rates, with the delegated authority to remit penalties being given to the Chief Financial Officer, with recommendations from the Finance Manager.


3.6       Remission of Rates


An application for remission of rates must be considered by the Chief Financial Officer.


All rates on Māori freehold land whose owners name or names (or the name of the lessee) appears on the valuation roll (under Section 92 of the LGRA) will be collected in the usual manner of rate collection and follow up.


All rates, rates arrears and penalties on Māori freehold land vested in trustees will be collected from income derived from that land and held by the trustees for the beneficial owners, but limited to the extent of the money derived from the land and held by the trustees on behalf of the beneficial owner or owners (as per Section 93 LGRA).


For Māori freehold land, any person who actually uses the land whether for residing, farming, storage or any other use, whether they have a lease or not, is liable to pay the rates (as per Section 96 LGRA).  The rates invoice will be delivered to that person and the rates will be collected in the usual manner.  Section 97 of the LGRA provides for the person to be treated as having used the whole of the land for the whole financial year, unless they can establish otherwise.


Rates arrears on Māori freehold land shall be reviewed annually and amounts determined by Council as uncollectible shall be written off (for accounting purposes) on such land.


3.7       Existing decisions on Māori Freehold land


Any decisions made by Council regarding rates remissions on Māori freehold land before
1 July 2017 remain recognised by Council.


3.8       Length of decision


Decisions regarding rates remission on Māori freehold land remain in perpetuity, unless the land becomes occupied or used for economic benefit. In this case, it is expected that the landowners would advise Council of the change in land use. If there is evidence of the use of the land for occupation or economic benefit, Council may request financial statements regarding the property in order to review a decision. Reviews of decisions regarding rates remission for Māori freehold land will be made by the Chief Financial Officer.





Roles and Responsibilities

Finance Manager

Receive applications and make recommendations to Chief Financial Officer for remission of rates on Māori freehold land.


May request financial statements regarding the property if there is evidence that the land is occupied or being used for economic benefit.


May write off rates if the application is accepted

Chief Financial Officer

Accept or decline applications for remission of rates on Māori freehold land.


Review applications, if applicable, for remission of rates on Māori freehold land.





·        Local Government Act (2002),

·        Local Government (Rating) Act (2002)







Revision Description


Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori  Freehold Land

R/16/8/13717 – Long Term Plan 2018-2028


Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori  Freehold Land

R/15/6/10846 – Long Term Plan 2015-2025



Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori  Freehold Land

R/13/8/11136 - Long Term Plan 2012-2022



Rates Remission Policy for Māori  Freehold Land


26 June 2003


Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori  Freehold Land


30 January 1997

Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori  Freehold Land