Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Milford Community Trust will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 7 December 2016


Milford Sound Tourism Limited Board Room


Milford Community Trust Agenda









Mike Schuck



Rosco Gaudin



Tim Holland



Brad Johnstone



Mike McConachie



Jason Steele



Ebel  Kremer





Trust Manager

Chris Dolan


Trust Secretary

Jenny Labruyère


Community Partnership Leader

Simon Moran


Community Engineer

Nick Lewis




Contact Telephone: 0800 732 732

Postal Address: PO Box 903, Invercargill 9840




Full agendas are available on Council’s Website



Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016



ITEM                                                                                                                           PAGE


1          Apologies                                                                                                              5

2          Leave of absence                                                                                                  5

3          Conflict of Interest                                                                                                5

4          Public Forum                                                                                                         5

5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items                                                                                 5

6          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                      5


7.1       Milford Community Trust  Action Sheet- December 2016           15

7.2       Financial Report to 31 October 2016                                             19

7.3       Milford Community Trust - Draft Statement of Intent 2017-2020 23   



8.1       Milford Community  Association Report

8.2       Department of Conservation Report

1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Leave of absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


3          Conflict of Interest


Committee Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Public Forum

Notification to speak is required by 5pm at least two days before the meeting. Further information is available on or phoning 0800 732 732.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the committee to consider any further items which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Chairperson must advise:

(i)    the reason why the item was not on the Agenda, and

(ii)        the reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a) that item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)          no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1         Meeting minutes of Milford Community Trust, held on 19 August 2016



Milford Community Trust






Minutes of a meeting of Milford Community Trust held in the Real Journeys Fiordland Community Events Centre on Friday, 19 August 2016 at 9.30am.





Mike Schuck



Jason Steele



Brad Johnstone



Rosco Gaudin



Mike McConachie



Tim Holland



Ebel  Kremer





Trust Manager

Chris Dolan


Trust Secretary

Jenny Labruyère


Department of Conservation

Abby Wangeman











Kevin Thompson

Milford Road Alliance Manager NZTA)



1          Apologies


There were no apologies received.


2          Leave of absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


3          Conflict of Interest


There were no conflicts of interest declared.


4          Public Forum


Moved Trustee Johnstone, seconded Trustee Steele and resolved that the Milford Community Trust go into public forum to allow members of the public to speak.


Kevin Thompson – Milford Road Alliance Manager (NZTA)


Mr Thompson appeared before the Trustees outlining his role as the local NZTA representative which will allow him to be the contact person for Milford roading, signage and parking type issues in Milford.


5          Extraordinary/Urgent Items


Moved Trustee Johnstone, seconded Trustee Steele and resolved:

That the Milford Community Trust consider the following item as a matter of urgent business in order that a decision can be made before the next ordinary meeting, subject to Section 46A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Item 1:  Deepwater Basin Sewerage Network Extension.


6          Confirmation of Minutes



Moved Trustee McConachie, seconded Trustee Johnstone 

That the minutes of Milford Community Trust meeting, held on 3 June 2016 be confirmed as a true and correct record.






Appointment of New Trustee

Record No:         R/16/8/12193


1       Report by Mr C Dolan (Trust Manager) informing of the appointment of Mr Tim Holland as a new Trustee to the Milford Community Trust, was tabled.


The Trust Manager advised that former Trustee Andrew Welsh resigned as a Trustee in June 2016 and has been replaced by Mr Tim Holland will take up his role as a Trustee effective from 19 August 2016.

Mr Dolan advised that Mr Holland’s term on the Trust is for a period of four years, and in line with the Trust Deed will retire by rotation in August 2020.






Moved Cr Kremer, seconded Trustee McConachie 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Appointment of New Trustee” dated 11 August 2016.

b)         Confirms the appointment of Mr Tim Holland as a Trustee to the Milford Community Trust effective from 19 August 2016 for a period of four years, and retire by rotation in August 2020




Action Sheet - August 2016

Record No:         R/16/8/12684


Action Points arising from previous meetings were tabled.


Issues discussed included;


Recreation Pad


Trustees noted that the contract for the recreational pad has been let to South Roads in the sum of $50,111 plus GST and that construction will be carried out during spring time.


The Trustees noted that the Community Engineer is to facilitate this project and liaise with the Milford Community Association representative  Trustee Johnstone, in relation to the provision of suitable outdoor equipment.


Strategic Workshop


Trust Manager reported that the Strategic Workshop is currently work in progress due to other work commitments.




Councillor Kremer reported on a meeting with Mike Grant (SRFA) and S Moran (Council’s Community Partnership Leader) where discussions were held relating to applicants for the medical support roles for the next season.  Councillor Kremer advised he is pursuing investigations into the possibility of a permanent medical service provider for the Milford area and will report back when these investigations are complete.






Trust Manager advised that he has investigated the setting up of a facebook page on the Trust activities and reports that there is insufficient activities to warrant a facebook page.


Following discussion on this issue it was agreed that the setting up of the face book page be left to the Milford Community Association representative, to facilitate.




Moved Trustee Steele, seconded Trustee Johnstone 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Action Sheet - August 2016” dated 8 August 2016.




Management Report to 30 June 2016

Record No:         R/16/8/12794


Report by Mr Ben du Mez (Graduate Accountant) advising that as part of the audit process, Audit New Zealand provides Milford Community Trust with a report at the conclusion of the audit, outlining the work that was performed and any recommended areas for improvement.


The management report received from Audit New Zealand (Audit NZ) in relation to the performance report audit for the year ended 30 June 2016 was circulated to Trustees prior to the meeting.

1             Mr du Mez advised that the management report from Audit New Zealand will identify any significant issues in the systems and process that support the activities of Milford Community Trust.  Furthermore recommendations made by Audit NZ in this report will be considered and implemented where necessary by Trust management over the coming year.




Moved Chairperson Schuck, seconded Trustee Steele 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Management Report to 30 June 2016” dated 9 August 2016.




Agreement on Trustee Fees and Expense Claims

Record No:         R/16/7/11877


2             Report by Mrs S Marrah (Finance Manager) advising that during the preparation of the Trust annual report, Council staff noted that no resolution was minuted in relation to a decision taken at the Trust meeting held on 20 November 2015.  The resolution related to the agreement by Trustees that any claim made for Trustee meeting fees and associated expenses would need to be submitted to the Trust accountant on or before the next Trust meeting, otherwise the fees and expense claim is forfeited.

3             Mrs Marrah stated that whilst preparing the annual report, Council staff accrued outstanding meeting fees totalling $900, which were in relation to the final Trust meeting based on the agreement reached at the 20 November 2015 meeting.   Mrs Marrah added the agreement at the 20 November 2015 meeting was that claims for Trustee meeting fees and associated expenses must be submitted to the Trust accountant on or before the next Trust meeting, otherwise the fees and expense claim is forfeited.

4             Upon reviewing the Trust minutes it was identified that the agreement of the trustees at the meeting was not minuted.

5             Mrs Marrah informed that as part of the audit of the annual accounts, the auditors enquired of staff as to why unpaid meeting fees of $4,800 was not included in the accounts.  Staff advised the auditors of the agreement but found that it had not been included in the minutes. 

6             In the absence of a formal resolution, the Auditors are of the opinion that the Trust should be accruing all unpaid meeting fees for all Trustees for the 2015/2016 financial year.  This equates to $4,800.

7             Furthermore an informal resolution by email in July 2016 was made by Chairman Schuck and Trustee Gaudin to confirm the inclusion of only $980 of Trustee fees, in line with the agreement and therefore in support of the year end accrual.

The Trustees were advised Council staff are now seeking to obtain a formal resolution for the agreement and for it then to be minuted accordingly.




Moved Trustee Johnstone, seconded Trustee McConachie 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Agreement on Trustee Fees and expense claims,” relating to the accrual of meeting fees, dated 9 August 2016.


b)        Confirms that all Trustees meeting fees and associated reimbursement of expenses (such as mileage) claims, must be forwarded to the Trust accountant on or before the subsequent Trust meeting and the failure to comply will result in the meeting fees and/or expense reimbursement being forfeited.




Status of the Provision of the Recreational Pad at Milford Sound Cleddau Village

Record No:         R/16/8/12563


Report by Mr N Lewis (Community Engineer) providing an update on the provision of a recreational pad at Cleddau Village, was tabled.


Mr Lewis advised the following;


·        The location of the recreational pad is to be sited on Area K which is at the end of Sinbad Drive within the Cleddau Village.  This site had been “earmarked” by the Trust and DOC for the recreational pad and in association with the neighbouring lease area L which is allocated for the future community centre.

·        The recreational pad itself is a 32m long by 18m wide asphaltic concrete multi-use court with markings for basketball, netball, volleyball and tennis.  This was initially proposed to be of concrete construction but due to higher costs involved for concrete the alternate option of asphalt was accepted.

·        Based on the received quotes, the Trust agreed to accept SouthRoads Ltd quotation of $50,113.10 plus GST.

·        Due to the seasonal temperatures and conditions, it has been recommended by the contractor to delay the construction until spring time at the earliest to ensure that the longest life and optimal quality can be achieved due to the below details:

·        The Trust had previously budgeted $20,000.00 for the Cleddau Village Recreation Reserve with reserves of $96,283.00 and further $70,000.00 in a term deposit (as at the start of July 2016).  The Trust agreed to fund any shortfall through these reserves.

·        This project scope was for the construction of a recreational multi-use pad and the Trust agreed that the associated equipment to be sourced through the Milford Community Association, (i.e. nets, poles, hoops, etc).  It has been indicated that future development could include the installation of outdoor exercise equipment.


It was agreed that the Milford Community Association representative Trustee Johnstone and the Community Engineer liaise insofar as the provision of suitable recreational equipment to be available for users of the recreational pad.




Moved Trustee Holland, seconded Trustee Steele 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Status of the Provision of the Recreational Pad at Milford Sound Cleddau Village” dated 9 August 2016.




Performance Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2016.

Record No:         R/16/8/12987


Report prepared by Mrs Jenny Labruyère (Trust Secretary) advising that the Performance Report for the year ended 30 June 2016 reports against the objectives and finance budget set in the Statement of Intent for the same year, was tabled.

The Trustees were advised that under the Local Government Act 2002, the Trust must prepare and adopt a Performance Report in respect of each financial year, and no other options are available.  The Performance Report is a report to the shareholders and the public on performance, against what was signalled in the Statement of Intent 2015/2016.  A summary of this information is also included in the Southland District Council’s own Annual Report.


In regard to costings and funding the Trustees were informed that the Trust ended with a surplus of $45,753 compared with a budgeted deficit of $12,670.  The reason for the surplus of $58,423 is due to:

  • The Trust had set aside $20,000 to assist with the redevelopment of the Bowen Falls Walkway.  Subsequently the Trustees supported a concession application for a water taxi to transport tourists.  The walkway will be developed in part and it is now planned to make a grant contribution towards this in future years.
  • A further $20,000 has been set aside for development of the Cleddau Village Recreation Reserve.  During the year planning of the concrete slab was undertaken.  It is now anticipated that the project will be completed in October 2016/2017.  Funding will be from the existing funds collected.
  • The Chairman & Trustees have not claimed all of the fees that they were entitled to claim ($11,094 saving).
  • $5,000 was set aside for project development and planning; this has not been required this year.

·        Due to the closure of a business in Milford, an outstanding fee for the year of $676 has been written off for accounting purposes, however Council staff will work with Department of Conservation staff to look at possible recovery.


2             Mrs Labruyère advised that the Trust Statement of Financial Position shows $172,044 held in the bank account.  This is a mixture of a term investment and trading account.


A copy of the full Annual Audit report was circulated to Trustees prior to the meeting.


In conclusion staff advised the Local Government Act 2002 requires that a Council Controlled Organisation must deliver to the shareholders, and make available to the public a report on the organisation’s operations during the year.  The information required to be included are defined in Section 68 and 69 of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Trust’s own Statement of Intent for the financial year.





Moved Cr Kremer, seconded Trustee Johnstone 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Milford Community Trust Performance Report for the year ended 30 June 2016,” dated 11 August 2016.


b)         That the Milford Community Trust adopts the Performance Report for the Year ended 30 June 2016.


c)         Agrees that the Audited Performance Report be delivered to the shareholders and made available to the public by 30 September 2016.


d)        Agrees to the signing of the representation letter by the Chairman for the audit of the Trust for the year ended 30 June 2016.




Planned Activities and Services

Record No:         R/16/8/12313


Details of the Trust’s scheduled planned activities and services for 2016/17 in the 2016-2019 Statement of Intent were presented for review by the Trustees.


It was noted at each meeting the planned activities and services are presented for the Trustees to review.


No significant comments were exchanged in relation to the scheduled planned activities and services.




Moved Trustee Gaudin, seconded Trustee Johnstone 

That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Planned Activities and Services” dated 5 August 2016.



7.8    Milford Community Association Report


Report by Milford Community Trust Association representative Trustee Johnstone was presented; this included;


·        Report on the Association’s public meeting which included a well turned out number of persons who were given the opportunity to put forward suggestions for the Community Centre.

·        Concern expressed at walking from the Lodge and accommodation area to terminal building.  Ms Wangeman (DOC) reported this is in the hands of the Department.   Following the discussion it was agreed that Trustees McConachie and Holland lodge a formal request to the department to progress this project.

·        Site safety issues

·        In regard to the community centre it was agreed that a subcommittee comprising Trustees Steele, Holland, Johnstone along with department representative Abby Wangeman and the Community Engineer to drive the initial stages for the creation of a community centre and in this regard approach a qualified draftsman/architect to present a concept plan for the Trust and community to consider.


Following on from the presentation of the concept plan a business plan is to be prepared and then the necessary funding applications be prepared by Venture Southland’s Community Development Planner.



7.9    Department of Conservation Report


Ms Wangeman (DOC) updated the Trustees on Department activities.  These included;


·        Battle of the Birds project

·        Little Tahiti Flood Protection programme

·        Deepwater Basin concept plans to be revisited to seek further funding

·        Continuation of contract for replanting and weed control extended for another year.







8.0       Urgent Business



Deepwater Basin - Milford Sound Development Authority (MDA)


Communication from Mr T Holland, General Manager (MDA), informing that the Trust will be aware of the situation in regards to the sewerage network in the area.

Mr Holland advised MDA have begun the process to design an extension to the network, that will extend the network from the current connection point to a point in Deepwater Basin and it is anticipated that this design process will take four weeks.



Moved Trustee Holland, seconded Trustee Steele 

That the Milford Community Trust receives the communication from Milford Sound Development Authority relating to the sewerage network extension in Deepwater Basin.





The meeting concluded at 12.00pm              CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Milford Community Trust HELD ON FRIDAY 19 AUGUST 2016.











Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016


Milford Community Trust  Action Sheet- December 2016

Record No:         R/16/11/19623

Author:                 Jenny Labruyere, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Jenny Labruyere, Committee Advisor


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information




Action Sheet

1       The Action sheet from the previous Trust meeting is circulated for Trustees information.





That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Milford Community Trust  Action Sheet- December 2016” dated 30 November 2016.





a         Milford Community Trust - Action Sheet - December 2016    


Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016



Milford Community Trust Action Sheet - Excluding Public Excluded







Open Action Items








Due Date



Anne Robson


Milford Rating:



Trust proposes a boundary change that Milford be excluded from the Te Anau Community Board rating boundary and such change to be proposed in the 2018/28 LTP.


I Marshall


Milford Roading

Group Manager (Services & Assets), to prepare a report for the next Trust meeting on 10 November 2016.


All Trustees

C Dolan


Strategic Workshop

Trustees to submit subject/issues to the Trust Manager for the proposed strategic workshop, also submit suggest facilitator for the workshop.


Trust agreed that concessionaires be invited to attend the first part of the workshop.



Workshop date to be confirmed.

Cr Kremer

M Grant



M Grant (SRFA) to arrange meeting with, Councillor Kremer and S Moran (Community Partnership Leader) to clarify expectations for support roles requirement for next season.

This item to be a subject for discussion at workshop.


Meeting set down for 16 August 2016.



Councillor Kremer to report to Trust November meeting.

Sheree Marrah


Agreement on Trustee Fees and expense claims

Trust confirms that all Trustees meeting fees and associated reimbursement of expenses (such as mileage) claims
must be forwarded to the Trust Accountant on or before the subsequent Trust meeting and the failure to comply will result in the meeting fees and/or expense reimbursement being forfeited.




Chris Dolan


Performance Report for year ended 30 June 2016

Trustees endorse the recommendation to adopt the Performance Report.

Report be delivered to the shareholders and made available by 30 September 2016.



Performance Report distributed to stakeholders on 6 September.

Nick Lewis


Recreational Pad Equipment

It was agreed that the Milford Community Association representative Trustee Johnstone and the Community Engineer liaise insofar as the provision of suitable recreational equipment to be available for users of the recreational pad.



Nick Lewis


Community Centre

Trust agrees to the formation of a subcommittee comprising Trustees Steele, Holland along with DOC Representative and the Community Engineer to drive the initial stages for the erection of a Community Centre, in this regard approach a qualified draftsmen/architect to prepare a concept plan for the Trust and committee to consider.



Memo sent to subcommittee to pursue.







Recently Closed Action Items









Completion Date





Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016


Financial Report to 31 October 2016

Record No:         R/16/11/19689

Author:                 Ben du Mez, Graduate Accountant

Approved by:       Anne Robson, Chief Financial Officer


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information




Financial Commentary

Financial Performance

1       Concessionaires Income reflects the first quarter of the concessionaire’s income for the year ($28,284).  Mistakenly, invoices for the first quarter have not been sent out by Council staff, Invoicing for the first and second quarter will be done in December.  

2       Expenditure for the year to date remains minimal, with accommodation, meals and room hire costs relating to the first meeting of the year.

3       General expenses are currently negative due to actual audit disbursement costs coming in below our $500 estimate accrued at 30 June 2016.

4       Gym equipment valued at $985 has been written off due to the assets being relocated to other premises.  The Equipment is no longer the responsibility of the trust.

5       Trustee fees are currently in credit $600 for the year to date.  At the end of last year an accrual was made for expected trustee claims, actual claims were less than this.

6       Trustee Indemnity Insurance costs are $2,455 for the year, $735 over budget. This cost is the same as the 2015/16 year.  The 2017-2020 Statement of Intent has been updated to

Financial Position

7       Accounts receivable of $32,626 relates to concessionaires fees for the first quarter not yet invoiced as explained above and Trust Capital to be received.  Accounts receivable are GST inclusive.

8       MCT currently have a strong cash position with $86,776 across the call and current accounts and a $70,000 term investment. Trustees may wish to consider investing further funds in a term investment.


Financial Reports





That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Financial Report to 31 October 2016” dated 30 November 2016.





There are no attachments for this report. 


Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016


Milford Community Trust - Draft Statement of Intent 2017-2020

Record No:         R/16/11/19626

Author:                 Jenny Labruyere, Committee Advisor

Approved by:       Rex Capil, Group Manager Community and Futures


  Decision                              Recommendation                         Information





1       The Trust is required by legislation to prepare a Statement of Intent annually covering three years.    

2       The attached draft Statement of Intent for 2017-2020 is presented to the trustees for comment, consideration and approval.



3       Included in the draft statement of intent is the planned activities/services of the Trust for the 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial year for review by Trustees.

4       The forecast financial statements outline the budgeted expenditure for the Trust over the three years.  Consideration needs to be given to the projects and services indicated in the report and if the funding indicated in the forecast financial statements is appropriate for these.




That the Milford Community Trust:

a)         Receives the report titled “Milford Community Trust - Draft Statement of Intent 2017-2020” dated 29 November 2016.


b)         Adopts the Draft Statement of Intent 2017-2020 as presented with any changes as discussed at the meeting.


c)         Requests Council Staff forward the approved Statement of Intent to stakeholders for comment.





a         Milford Community Trust Draft Statement of Intent 2017-2020    


Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016













2017 - 2020

Milford Community Trust

07 December 2016


Milford Community Trust




1.     Introduction


The Milford Community Trust was established in 2007 by the Southland District Council and the Department of Conservation with the assistance of Environment Southland for the purposes of providing leadership and governance for the Milford community.


The Trust Deed defines Milford as the developed area of land and adjacent coastal marine area at the end of State Highway 94 at the head of Milford Sound.  It defines the Milford community as being the residents of Milford, the holders of concessions from the Crown operating at Milford and Iwi.


The purpose of this Statement of Intent (SOI) is to:


§   Set out the proposed activities of the Trust.

§   Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to influence the direction of the organisation.

§   Provide a basis for accountability of the Trustees to their stakeholders for the performance of the organisation.


This Statement of Intent covers the three years from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020.  The statement is updated annually.



2.     Objectives of the Trust


The objectives of the Trust are:


(a)        To manage and carry out services and undertake leadership, planning and advocacy for the general benefit of the Milford community so as to ensure as far as possible that the infrastructure of the community and its sense of identity, viability and wellbeing are maintained and enhanced.


(b)        To liaise with and communicate with all individuals, organisations, groups and other parties with interests in the Milford community for all purposes which are beneficial to the community.


(c)        To represent the interests of the Milford community to ensure that the natural environments and outstanding values of the Milford Sound area are safeguarded and protected for all residents and visitors to the area. 


(d)        To monitor and maintain an overview of all activities and services provided within the Milford community. 


(e)        To consider and report on all matters either referred to and/or delegated to it from time to time by the Department of Conservation and the Southland District Council and on any matter of interest or concern to the Milford community. 



(f)         To access, use or invest funds and enter into arrangements, contracts and other agreements upon such securities or in such manner and upon such terms and conditions that the Trustees deem suitable for the purpose of furthering the objects and purposes of the Trust. 


(g)        To carry out such other lawful activities which are incidental or conducive to attaining the objects and purposes of the Trust. 



3.       Statement on the Trust’s Approach to Governance




The Milford Community Trust was established in 2007 following a process of consultation with residents, agencies and businesses with interests in Milford in accordance with the special consultation process set out in the Local Government Act 2002.  The inaugural meeting of the Trust was held on 18 April 2007.


In terms of the Local Government Act, the Trust is defined as a Council Organisation reporting to the Southland District Council.  The Trust was incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 on 18 May 2007.  The Charities Commission has approved the Trust as being exempt for tax purposes.


Trust Structure


In accordance with Section 9 of the Trust Deed, the Trust is governed by a board of seven Trustees.  Current representatives from stakeholder groups are shown in the table below:




Term Expires

30 June

Independent Chair

Michael Schuck



Mararoa-Waimea Ward Councillor, ex-officio appointment

Ebel Kremer


Oct 2019

Milford Community Association elected representative


Brad Johnstone


Milford Community appointee

Tim Holland



Milford Community appointee

Jason Steele



Milford Community appointee

Mike McConachie



Milford Community appointee

Rosco Gaudin




Trust Operations


The Trust Deed sets out the way in which business of the Trust is to be conducted.  A strong driver is that the local Milford community should determine its own priorities and agree on the funding for these.  The Trust strives to regularly review its performance and to be open and accountable to the community through public meetings.  The Trustees also undertake to meet the regulatory and stakeholder requirements for governance, reporting and planning, particularly the local government reporting requirements and recognition of the National Park and World Heritage Area status of the Milford Sound Piopiotahi area.


Resources Available to the Trust


Standing Orders, a Code of Conduct for Trustees and administrative support is available from Southland District Council.


Significant Policies


The Trust has a comprehensive Communications Policy in relation to its activities.  Where appropriate, other policy guidance is obtained from relevant council and other statutory authority policy.  It is expected that a full set of all relevant policies will be developed within the period covered by this Statement.



4.       The Nature and Scope of the Activities to be Under-taken




The Trust’s vision is: 


The long-term sustainability of Milford Sound Piopiotahi.


Strategic Goals


The primary goals of the Trust are to:

§   Provide leadership and governance for the Milford community in Milford Sound Piopiotahi.

§   Monitor the adequacy of all arrangements to ensure sustainability.

§   Advocate for the general benefit of the Milford community.

§   Coordinate and communicate with all parties having interests in Milford Sound Piopiotahi.


§   Undertake formal consultation on behalf of the Department of Conservation in relation to their services and facilities to be provided for the benefit of the Milford community.


Within the over-arching vision and strategic goals, the more specific focus areas for
2017-2020 are:



§   Planning to address specific issues: highway safety, control of illegal camping, toilet facilities, community facilities, and coordinated emergency response.



§   Communicate the roles of the Trust and other authorities more clearly to the Milford community.

§   Communicate the World Heritage Area status and relevance of this to Milford.

§   Affirm the Trust role as a voice for the Milford community.

§   Maintain closer relationships with Milford infrastructure providers.

§   Provide clear information to concessionaires regarding intentions and implementation of Trust policies.

§   Communicate with concessionaires and enquire of any planned activities they desire for the next three years and to adopt the SOI which is to be sent to all Concessionaires.



§   Advocate on behalf of the Milford community to central government, Environment Southland, Department of Conservation, Southland District Council, Iwi and other authorities.


Planned Activities/Services



§   Advocate and assist with other organisations for improvements in the public facilities at Deepwater Basin through the Concept Plan for this area. Recommend this be deleted.

§   Advocate with other organisations for public toilets and shelter at the airport and completion of the walking track to the Lodge. Recommend retention noting that the Trust is operating in an advocacy role and funding options need to be investigated.

§   Assist the Milford Community Association with the development of the Cleddau Village Recreation area which is to accommodate the village green/community centre. Recommend this be given priority.

§   Provide funding for medical support, services and facilities for Milford ERT station. Recommend this be retained.

§   Funding of the Team Leader Emergency Services Recommend the following be added - ‘together with engaging the role of the Fiordland Medical Services.’

§   Assist with the redevelopment of the Bowen Falls walkway if this project is to proceed Recommend this be deleted.

§   Implement changes to any charging mechanism with all stakeholders in regard to the way fees are apportioned this includes undertaking a Review of the Trust and charging mechanism with stakeholders including concessionaires. Recommend retention.

§   Engage with NZTA for the development of the walking track from the airport to Deepwater Basin Road, car parking at the rock climbing area etc. Recommend retention.

§   Advocate the continuation of maintaining beautification and roading within the village. Recommend retention.



§   Facilitate on-going Development of a future focused plan for the Milford ERT station including medical support and services.  Recommend this concept be reviewed.

§   Provide funding for medical support, services and facilities for Milford ERT station. Recommend this be retained.

§   Purchase of emergency response equipment as required. Recommend retention.

§   Promote progressive development of Deepwater Basin area in conjunction with DOC and commercial operators. Recommend this be deleted.

§   Advocate and monitor camping ground facilities with affected organisations on western Milford side of Homer Tunnel.   Retain - Trust to consider, is this the role of the Trust.

§   Advocate the continuation of maintaining beautification and roading issues within the village. Recommend retention.


§   Review of the requirements and funding of the Team Leader Emergency Services. Recommend this be retain but reviewed.


§   Assist the Milford Community Association with the on-going development of the Cleddau Village Recreation Area to accommodate the village green/ community centre.  Recommend retention.


§   Assist with the development of the Bowen Falls walkway if not completed. Recommend this be deleted.


§   Advocate with other organisations for public toilets and shelter at the airport and completion of the walking track to the Lodge.  Recommend retention noting that the Trust is operating in an advocacy role and funding options need to be investigated.




§   Provide funding for medical support, services and facilities for Milford ERT station. Recommend this be retained.

§   Purchase of emergency response equipment as required. Recommend retention.

§   Advocate maintaining beautification and roading issues within the village. Recommend retention.


§   Funding of the Team Leader Emergency Services. Recommend outcome of review noted in 18/19 for all medical services is relating to this activity.


§   Assist with the redevelopment of the Bowen Falls walkway if not completed. Recommend deletion.


§   Assist the Milford Community Association with the on-going development of the Cleddau Village Recreation Area which is to accommodate the village green/community centre. Recommend its continued retention.


§   Advocate with other organisations for public toilets and shelter at the airport and completion of the walking track to the Lodge. Recommend retention noting that the Trust is operating in an advocacy role and funding options need to be investigated.


5.       Ratio of Total Assets:  Equity


Total assets are defined to include cash, investment and bank balances, accounts receivable, investments, prepayments, fixed assets (net of accumulated depreciation), intangible assets (net of accumulated amortisation), loans (none), etc. 


Total equity is defined to include accumulated funds and retained earnings. 


The ratio of total assets to total equity is planned at 1:1.



6.       Significant Accounting Policies


The following accounting policies have been adopted by the Trust.

Revenue Recognition

Concessionaires Fees

Revenue is recorded when the fee is due to be received.

Donated Assets

Revenue from donated assets is recognised upon receipt of the asset if the asset has a useful life of 12 months or more, and the value of the asset is readily obtainable and significant.


Interest revenue is recorded as it is earned during the year.



Debtors are initially recorded at the amount owed. When it is likely the amount owed (or some portion) will not be collected, a provision for impairment and the loss is recorded as a bad debt expense. Debtors are shown as GST inclusive.


Bank Accounts and Cash

Bank accounts and cash comprise cash on hand, cheque or savings accounts, and deposits held at call with banks.


Creditors and Accrued Expenses

Creditors and accrued expenses are measured at the amount owed.


Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.


Donated assets are recognised upon receipt of the asset if the asset has a useful life of 12 months or more, and the value of the asset is readily obtainable and significant. Significant donated assets for which current values are not readily obtainable are not recognised.


For an asset to be sold, the asset is impaired if the market price for an equivalent asset falls below its carrying amount.


For an asset to be used by the Trust, the asset is impaired if the value to the Trust in using the asset falls below the carrying amount of the asset.


Depreciation is provided on a diminishing value basis that will write off the cost of the assets over their useful lives. This is calculated using the following rates:


Equipment 40% Diminishing Value



Income Tax

The Trust is exempt from income tax as it is a Charitable Trust registered under the Charities Commission.


Budget Figures

The budget figures are derived from the Statement of Intent as approved by the Trustees at the beginning of the financial year.  The budget figures have been prepared in accordance with tier 3 standards, using accounting policies that are consistent with those adopted by the Trustees in preparing these financial statements.


Changes in Accounting Policies

There have been no changes to the accounting policies applied in the financial statements to the prior year.


7.       Key Performance Targets


The Trust has two levels of indicators:


(a)        The first relates to the achievement of objectives set by the Trust and carried through to the Long Term Plan (LTP).  These are agreed through a public consultation process undertaken by the Southland District Council.  These targets can be changed only through a formal review of the LTP.


(b)        The second set of are generic internal performance measures:


Level of service

Key performance indicator









Maintain a structure that facilitates local decision-making.

Hold public forums in Milford each year.





Agenda/minute records on file which note meeting location

Keep the Milford community informed about Trust plans and outcomes.

Community newsletters following MCT meetings.

Not achieved






Copies of Community newsletters

Provide leadership and advocacy on major issues.

Number of Milford Community Trust meetings held annually.





Agenda/minute records on file.

Response to issues raised by the community.

Percentage of issues raised at Milford Community Association meetings responded to prior to next meeting.







Copies of Milford Community Association letters/minutes and MCT correspondence in response

Milford Community Association meetings

To be reported at MCT meetings.

Not achieved




Agenda/minutes records on file.




8.       Information to be Reported to Council


In each year the Trust will comply with all reporting requirements under the Local Government Act 2002 (particularly Sections 66 to 69 of that Act).  In particular, it will provide: 


§   A draft Statement of Intent detailing all matters required under the Local Government Act 2002 by 1 March each year for consideration prior to commencement of the new financial year.


§   A half yearly report by the end of February each year (specific dates as set by Council).


§   An annual report by the end of September each year (specific dates as set by Council).


Copies of the Trust’s reports are forwarded to the other major stakeholder authorities, being the Department of Conservation and Environment Southland.


9.       Activities for which Other Investment is sought


As usual, it is proposed that the annual concession charged will be increased by 10% plus GST.   This will continue to be reviewed annually.  For 2017/18, the total amount being sought from concessionaires is $124,449 excluding GST.  Any surplus funds will be held by the Trust in its bank account for future project funding.


Included within the Forecast Expenditure of the Trust is Management and Administration costs of $29,731.


Allowance for Emergency Response Team (ERT) Plant and Equipment purchase is $2,500.


Additionally grant expenditure has been included for contributions for;


·    The partial walkway to be developed towards Bowen Falls $20,000

·    The Emergency Service provider $46,920


Funding has also been included towards a potential Recreation building.  This still has to go through a planning process including consideration of ownership of the building.  At this stage an allowance of $110,000 has been included.


The operational and project costs are those which the Milford Community Trust considers will provide benefit for all concessionaires at Milford and should be recovered from the Milford concessionaires through the Implied Concession Activity Fee, apportioned as per the Department of Conservation apportionment of cost schedule.  The costs indicated above in the supporting forecasted accounts are funded from the annual implied concession activity fee and monies held.


Future budgeted costs are indicative only and will be reviewed annually by the Trustees.


Other Project Funding:


In addition to the above operational and project costs, there are also costs associated with other significant projects that fall either directly or indirectly under the influence of the Milford Community Trust but have all or a majority of proposed funding through means other than apportioned implied concessionaires fees.  There may also be a portion of public good associated with these projects.


In this Statement of Intent the Trustees are not seeking any funding from Southland District Council or Environment Southland for the activities noted.



10.     Estimate of Value of Stakeholders Investment


The net value of the stakeholders investment in the Trust is estimated to be valued at $100.  This value shall be reassessed by the Trustees on completion of the annual accounts or at any other time determined by the Trustees.  The method of assessment will use the value of stakeholders funds as determined in the annual accounts as a guide.



11.     Other Matters


No distribution is intended within the period of the Statement or succeeding years, noting the Trust’s status as a charitable organisation.


Any subscription for, purchase or otherwise acquiring shares in any company or other organisation requires the prior approval of the Trustees.